Chapter 147 Victory in the Tianjiao War

Three years later.

Yi Xinshen gave birth to a girl, a girl, exquisite and small, pink and jade-carved, her skin is tender and crystal clear, her big eyes are as bright as jewels, she is very aura, she does not cry or make trouble.

The whole body of this girl has a very strong aura of Dao, and there is a faint outline of the ancient fairy beast Bai Ze, revealing a very powerful blood aura.

In addition, the girl also inherited some of the power of the Ten Thousand Laws Body, and a unique Ten Thousand Laws faintly radiated from the crystal clear skin.

"The blood is strong, surrounded by the avenue, and the posture of the sky!"

The Great Sage Zhu Shuangqian looked at the girl and couldn't help sighing.

After he learned that Qin Xiu made Goddess Yixin pregnant, he was both surprised and happy, feeling that he had found a unique joy.

After Yi Xin's god girl was born, he also came to see it curiously.

"It's hard to come by! If you want to breed powerful offspring, you must pay attention to chance and coincidence. It's very secret."

"Except for the great emperor, it is not easy for even a person at the quasi-emperor level to breed powerful offspring."

"And sometimes even mortals may give birth to a son against the sky if the heavenly secret arrives."

Emperor Zhu Zheng said lightly.

Their Yongle Dynasty also attached great importance to the continuation of the family blood, so they also did a little research on breeding powerful offspring.

Even with such a powerful bloodline of his Zhu family, not every descendant will be very strong.

It is only by chance that the Zhu family will have a son of a powerful bloodline, who can be called the pride of a generation.


Goddess Yixin and Qin Xiu did have a 'secret', so they hit it off, and the offspring they bred are also possessed of the talent of heaven.

And this 'secret' may have been calculated by some arrangement left by the humane ancient emperor in the secret place.

Although this kind of thing still feels a bit outrageous, if it is placed on that supreme being, it can be understood no matter how outrageous it is.

Those supreme beings, all of them are powerful and peerless, there are not many things they can't do.

"Oh, I became a father out of nowhere."

Qin Xiu picked up the child and looked at the girl full of aura. He liked it very much, but he still didn't fully enter the role of father in his heart, and he might even enter the role of husband in the near future.

"Okay, you have to take responsibility for what you do. Next, let the two of you talk slowly."

Fang Quan sighed slightly to Qin Xiu, he was still a little speechless.

But the matter has come to this point, and we can only deal with the aftermath properly.

"Yes, Qin Wanfa, Goddess Yixin is about to be unsealed, so no matter how you tell her, you can only come, and I will avoid it for a while."

After Zhu Zheng finished speaking, he also left temporarily like Fang Quan.

Soon, only Qin Xiu and Goddess Yixin who was about to wake up were left in this hidden space.

Fang Quan, Zhu Zheng and others waited outside to see if Qin Xiu could deal with Goddess Yixin.


After a while, there was a faint sound of fighting in the hidden space.

But Fang Quan and the others could also feel that the fight was not intense, and they were not in a hurry to get in.

Then another half day passed.

The movement in the hidden space gradually calmed down.

At last.

Qin Xiu and Goddess Yixin walked out like a family of three holding the child in their arms.

When Fang Quan and the others saw it, they knew that Qin Xiu had a high probability of persuading Goddess Yixin, at least so that Goddess Yixin stopped making noise.

Qin Xiu had guilt and helplessness on his face.

Goddess Yixin still had cold anger on her brows, but she restrained herself when she looked at the child in her arms.

in fact.

In this whole matter, the most wronged person is naturally Goddess Yixin.

However, the instigator was actually the humane ancient emperor that no one dared to mention.

The development of this matter to the present situation is mostly helpless for Qin Xiu and others.

Fang Quan and Qin Xiu could only do their best to compensate Goddess Yixin.


The fact that Qin Xiu and Goddess Yixin had a child was known to the Baize royal family.

The Baize royal family has been looking for Goddess Yixin all these years, and they did suspect Qin Xiu, but there is no real evidence, so they didn't do it casually.

Now it's finally clear.

Naturally, the Bai Ze royal family was furious. Even with the imperial soldiers of the extreme way, a group of strong men came to the door to question their crimes.


The children were all born, and the Bai Ze royal family saw that the child's blood talent was no less than Yi Xin, and their anger gradually subsided.

Fang Quan was even more hemorrhaging, and almost wiped out the family property of the Bahuang Sect. With a little support from the Yongle Dynasty, he cobbled together an incomparably heavy betrothal gift and sent it to the Baize Royal Family.

He even offered the seal of life that he had mastered.

It is a supreme method that can interpret the mysteries of life.

When this supreme method was delivered to the Bai Ze royal family, they were finally willing to temporarily put down their weapons and sit down to have a good talk.

Qin Xiu also felt deeply guilty when he saw that Master had paid so much.

But Fang Quan didn't care too much.

The seal of life he handed over is only the content he has mastered so far, and it is only a very shallow part of the essence of the seal of life on the ancient treasure.

He is still far from comprehending the seal of life.

Up to now, he has some doubts whether this ancient treasure of Yuanpan was left by an existence above the supreme, who reached the level of an immortal.

Because the level of Taoism is too profound and profound, it is not like something that the ancient supreme can leave behind.

After some negotiations.

At last.

The royal family of Bai Ze recognized this marriage, but the final condition was to take the girl away.

Qin Xiu couldn't refuse, and his last condition was that the girl's name should be chosen by him.

In this regard, the Bai Ze royal family also agreed, it's just a name, the relationship is not too big.

Qin Xiu named the girl 'Ren Dao', because the girl was actually created by the ancient Emperor Human Dao.

The Baize royal family was not particularly satisfied with the name 'Qin Human Way', but they finally agreed to the name after thinking about it.

Because the name vaguely has some relationship with the Human Dao Ancient Emperor.

Even the Bai Ze royal family felt incomparably in awe of the humane ancient emperor, who was so powerful in ancient and modern times and overwhelmed the ancient times.

There is a bit of karma with that existence, and it is actually this girl who has climbed up.

At last.

The Bai Ze Royal Family and the Bahuang Sect still held a grand wedding ceremony, disclosing the relationship between Qin Xiu and Goddess Yixin.

The Lost Emperor Star has caused a sensation for a long time because of this, and it has been a hot topic of discussion for a long time.

Everyone also gradually became aware of the existence of the baby girl 'Qin Human Way', and also knew that this baby girl was created by the successor left by the ancient emperor Human Dao in this world.



Then, in the blink of an eye, 50 years passed.

The Golden World has reached its first climax.

Many peerless geniuses are not very far away from becoming a saint, and they have already begun to accumulate and accumulate foundations to prepare for becoming a saint.

During this period.

There are peerless Tianjiao who are defeated or even died, and among them there are even existences at the level of ancient princes and emperors.

But this is the cruelty of the Golden World, the competition is too fierce, even the ancient prince and emperor may fall.

at this time.

Both the ancient and human races know that it is time to open the ancient road to the starry sky!


There are also some powers that need to be distributed on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Neither the ancient ten thousand race nor the human race gave in, and they even argued so much that they wanted to start a war.

But it will only delay things if you keep arguing like this.

At last.

The Primordial Ten Thousand Clans and the Human Race decided to hold a match, including the Tianjiao Battle, the Holy Realm Battle, the Holy King Battle, and the Great Holy War.

Whoever wins to the end will get more ancient road power.

Ancient God Mountain!
It was a heaven-reaching divine mountain, reaching straight into the sky, majestic and majestic, unattainable.

With this mountain as the center, a huge mountain range with a length of a million miles spread out on both sides. It is magnificent, boundless, majestic and intimidating, straddling the Lost Emperor Star, like the backbone of heaven and earth!

The ancient ten thousand races and the human race will decide the outcome here!

The mysterious tortoise ax appeared on the ancient mountain, and it was held by the great sage of the Xuangui royal family. The giant ax was full of divine light, and the power of the extreme way was extremely terrifying, surpassing everything, and making all living beings tremble.

Afterwards, the Qilin Divine Scepter and the Divine Phoenix Heavenly Knife also appeared, and they also unleashed their world-shattering power, pressing across the world, revealing the power of an ancient emperor, extremely terrifying!

On the human side, the Yongle Seal, the Ruyi Sword, and the Wanmingchi are also hanging from the sky. The radiant divine light shines all over the world.
Extreme weapons are used to suppress the formation. This time the competition between the ancient ten thousand races and the human race is almost no less than an all-out war, which shows its importance.

Peerless Tianjiao, ancient sages, saints, and great sage kings also came to the scene one after another, exuding their respective powers, overwhelming one side, and facing each other from a distance.

In the void, there are terrifying air machines colliding, shaking out terrifying waves.

Fang Quan has also arrived, he is a holy king, and his strength is not bad, he will play in the battle of the holy king.

He has a tall and slender body, a handsome face, and a calm and calm expression. Walking among the ancient sacred mountains has also attracted a lot of attention.

In particular, it attracted the attention of many holy kings of the Taikoo clan.

Because they all know Fang Quan's strength is strong, he has not lost to Hanqi Shengwang when he was a saint, and now he breaks through the saint king, his strength must be stronger.

In the Holy King War, he must be a formidable opponent.

However, the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans also have a saint king who can be called a peerless arrogance, they are not too worried, someone will take a special shot to deal with Fang Quan.

"Fang Quan, it's a pity for you. If you don't break through to the Holy King, you will be able to show your power in the holy battle, and there is a high probability that you can win the next round for us."

"Now you can only participate in the Holy King Battle. Although your strength is also very top-notch, there are also some very terrifying Holy Kings in the ancient tribes. It is said that you will not lose to the Great Sage."

A certain human saint king couldn't help sighing when he saw Fang Quan.

"Do your best, if you really lose, there is nothing you can do."

Fang Quan was still indifferent, and calmly replied.

He has been a saint king for 50 years, and he hasn't done much in these years.

Today is the golden age, so it is naturally the stage for the young Tianjiao.

Existence above the Holy Realm rarely makes a move.

At this time.

There were three figures coming together, and all three of them exuded a strong power. Their eyes were sharp and full of determination, revealing an invincible spirit.

These three people are peerless geniuses, but they came hand in hand, and they went straight to Fangquan.

"Meet Master."

"I have seen Senior Quansheng."

"Hello, Grandpa Quan!"

All three saluted Fang Quan, which also attracted the attention of many people.

The main reason is that these three people are so special, even if you look at the ancient and modern eras, it is difficult to find such three people.

The three of them are Qin Xiu, Goddess Yixin and Qin Rendao, a family of three.

And the family of three are peerless geniuses.

Although Qin Rendao was only about 50 years old, but his talent was outstanding, and he soon caught up with the arrogance of the golden age.

Although Qin Rendao is still slightly inferior to the Tianjiao of the Golden World in terms of cultivation level, but in terms of combat power, he is already comparable to the peerless Tianjiao of the first echelon.

"Okay." Fang Quan glanced at the three of them, nodded slightly, and said: "Prepare well, you all have to participate in the Tianjiao battle later, you don't need to think too much about other things, just fight as hard as you can."

Qin Xiu naturally wanted to represent the human race, and Goddess Yixin and Qin Rendao also represented the ancient race.

But it doesn't matter, the position may be different, but it won't affect anything.

For the Tianjiao battle, the human race is very confident, even if they lose, there is a high probability that they will not lose.

The strong men of the ancient ten thousand races and human races, as well as Tianjiao also came one after another.

Those unparalleled, confident and invincible figures of Tianjiao are also particularly eye-catching.

Such as True Dragon Son, Divine Phoenix Girl, etc.

Another example is Jingning, Taiyangzi, Hengzi, Li Ziwei and so on.

These few peerless arrogances are powerful and powerful, and they all have the invincible demeanor of the leader of the arrogance, powerful and unparalleled!


The Tianjiao battle started directly.

The Wuchen body of the Wang family was the first to appear on the stage, and fought fiercely with Jin Pengzi!
All of a sudden, the brilliance overflowed, and the powerful Taoism collided, creating huge waves.

After three hundred rounds, the two were evenly divided, and it was finally counted as a draw!

Afterwards, the Ice and Snow Son of Misty Holy Land fought against the Qilin Girl, neither winning nor losing.

In the battle between Jinzi and Xuanguizi, the outcome is also partial.

This was the case for several consecutive games.

Until Jingning confronted Qilinzi!

Jing Ning, known as the sword god, is a mortal, but has a peerless talent in the way of the sword.

He fought Qilinzi, and after two hundred rounds, he seized the Qilinzi's flaw, burst out suddenly, and slashed across the sky, like a sword born from heaven, with a sharp edge that dominates the world!
Qilinzi was severely injured with one blow!
Although Qilinzi recovered quickly later, there was no danger of his life.

However, Jing Ning basically began to suppress Qi Linzi a little bit, and in the end, Jing Ning was slightly victorious in this battle.

This battle also shocked the world!

Qilinzi was very angry and wanted to fight again, but was stopped by the royal family.

"Kirinzi actually lost because of his character, not his strength."

A great sage commented: "Jing Ning obviously has richer combat experience, it can almost be said that he has come out of killing, his state of mind is flawless, and his fighting is meticulous, without any flaws."

"He only needs to catch Qilinzi's one or two flaws, and he will be able to slowly suppress Qilinzi."

Jingning slightly beat Qilinzi.

Although the real dragon son and the divine phoenix girl also won a human arrogance each.

But there are also Hengzi, Sunzi and Li Ziwei on the human side.

At last.

This round of Tianjiao's battle can be regarded as a victory for the human race.


The Primordial Ten Thousand Clans could hold their breath.

The number of Tianjiao in the human race is actually more, because the base of the human race is too large, it is normal to have a few more Tianjiao.

They had actually expected Tianjiao to lose this round.

However, a large number is nothing, and the one who really wins to the end is the winner.

Next is the holy war.

This round, without much suspense, the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans won.

Because the ancient sages of the ancient ten thousand races are more numerous and stronger than the saints.

If Fang Quan was still a saint, he might still have a chance to win this round.

Because Fang Quan can ask for a wheel battle and fight all the Old Sages alone.

But now that he is the Holy King, the human race did not have much competitiveness in this round, and finally lost.

(End of this chapter)

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