Chapter 156 Borrowing the Imperial Army

The Jin Emperor Ruler suddenly exploded with boundless brilliance, pressing across the sky and the earth. At this moment, the extreme emperor soldier fully recovered, emitting a terrifying emperor's aura, and threatened the stars in the sky!
In a flash of brilliance, the Jin Emperor Ruler broke through the void and came out, and the supreme aura filled the air, shaking the world with a loud bang!
At last.

The Jin Emperor Ruler fell into the blazing figure of the sun, and the combination of the two burst out an even stronger brilliance, like a round of eternal and peerless scorching sun, shining all over the sky, surpassing the past and the present!

That kind of supreme aura is too terrifying, making people lose their minds, unable to think, and their souls are trembling, and it is only slightly better to kneel down.

"That's... Emperor Jin?"

A great sage couldn't help saying in surprise when he saw the glowing figure holding the Jindi ruler.

However, he didn't feel much of the unique aura of Dao that belonged to Emperor Jin.

Although this figure of Xiaguang is mighty and mighty like a great emperor, it gives people a very strange feeling.

"Emperor Jin has reappeared and has come to save us!"

Some people were pleasantly surprised, they didn't quite understand what was going on, they just thought that Emperor Jin's reappearance must come to save them.

After Xiaguang's figure held the Jindi Ruler, he turned his head to look into the depths of the starry sky, and then stepped out!
Suddenly, the heavens shook, the void melted, and the order of the myriad ways turned into boundless auspicious colors and fell down, as if opening up a golden road.

Xiaguang's figure stepped out of a great avenue to reach the sky step by step, using it with supreme speed, he could reach the other end of the starry sky in the blink of an eye, that is the supreme power, peerless, almost omnipotent!

As for the starry sky where Xia Guang's figure arrived, the Emperor Cang was sweeping across the star field, harvesting countless lives.

"Huh? Is that you?"

Canghuang turned his head and looked at the figure of the glow.

From the moment this figure was born, he sensed it and had a guess.

Observing closely now, he also immediately judged the existence of this figure.

But I didn't expect this figure to come to him directly instead of looking for Emperor Tianyue. Do you think he is better to bully?

The figure of Xiaguang came here, and the brilliance burst out, shining through the endless starry sky!

A layer of Dao Bo burst out, releasing an idea of ​​the word 'kill', containing endless murderous intent, crushing the void in an instant, obliterating the Dao, and the power is terrifying, as if Emperor Jin has reappeared!

Canghuang frowned, his face turned cold, and anger surfaced.

He raised his hand, and the starry sky shook, as if it had risen by half with his movement.

Then, he slammed down with a palm, and the sky shook violently in an instant, and countless decayed stars were shattered on the spot!
This is the majesty of the supreme, every move can shake the heavens, destroying the world is not a problem.

Xiaguang's figure was holding the Jindi ruler to fight, but was shaken back by the palm, some blackened flesh and blood fell down, and the brilliance of his body seemed to be dimmed a bit.

"It's not you at all! It's just an imprint of a thought, what can I do with a patchwork shell?"

Cang Huang shook Xia Guang's figure away with a palm, and said with disdain.

If Emperor Jin or the Ancient Emperor Human Dao were really resurrected, then in his state, it is really possible to explain here.

But this Xiaguang figure is not Emperor Jin at all, let alone the ancient emperor.

In his opinion, this is just a method formed by Emperor Jin using some things left by the humane ancient emperor and adding some of his own arrangements.

It is also impossible for Emperor Jin to count that there will be a supreme being born from the restricted area in this life.

It is estimated that this method is just accidentally discovering something about the humane ancient emperor, and then doing it on a whim.

Because of the existence of the underworld, no supreme being will leave the emperor's body after the fall.

Otherwise, it is likely to encourage the power of the underworld.

This Xiaguang figure is nothing more than a patchwork of the humane ancient emperor and some of the flesh and blood of the ancient emperor Tianyuan.

At first, it should have been written by the humane ancient emperor, but Emperor Jin added his own handwriting, and left a brand of thought, which can gather the power of the Supreme and burst out the power of the Great Emperor.

But such an existence is far from being able to compare with the real Supreme, even if he is not in good condition now, and has not yet fully sublimated and forcibly recovered the state.

The Emperor Cang slammed his palm on Xia Guang's body again, tearing off part of his blackened flesh and blood again, dimming his brilliance, and his power declined again!
But this is also a waste for him.

Because no matter how inferior this Xiaguang figure is to Supreme Being, it still possesses the power of Supreme Being.

He had to use his real supreme power to defeat it.

"This...Emperor Jin is no match for Emperor Cang?"

Witnessing this battle, all the stars in the sky suddenly made them feel a little hopeless.

They thought that Emperor Jin had been resurrected, but in the end he was completely suppressed by Emperor Cang, his brilliance dimmed step by step, and he was not far from being destroyed.

"It's not the real Emperor Jin. If Emperor Jin is resurrected, can he make Emperor Cang arrogant?"

Someone explained that he didn't want people to misunderstand and lose the prestige of Emperor Jin.

"Ah! Without the current emperor, it would be difficult to stop the darkness no matter what!"

Someone sighed in despair again!

Since it is the Supreme, only the Supreme can be the enemy.

Because no matter what state the supreme being is in, he is invincible!
Those supreme figures represent the ultimate in Taoism, the ultimate in combat power, and the ultimate in the world, and they are unsurpassable existences!
And right now.

Suddenly, two beams of light erupted from the depths of the starry sky, extremely bright, shining in the sky, emitting two incomparable transcendent auras, as if they had already surpassed the world and looked down on the world!

The appearance of these two beams of light made both Emperor Cang and Emperor Tianyue change their expressions in an instant, and they turned their heads to look!
Then they discovered that the two streamers were just two swords!

"Could it be the two fairy swords in the legend?"

Canghuang's face was also quite moved, he had never seen these two swords, but he had heard of their legends.

"Emperor Heaven Sword! Houtu Sword!"

Emperor Tianyue frowned. As the Supreme Being, he actually felt a bit threatened by these two beams of light!
It's just two swords, but they can both threaten the Supreme?
Could it be that, as in the legend, are the two immortal artifacts that came out along with the creation of the world?
The two beams of light went straight towards Tianyue Great Emperor, extremely resplendent, peerlessly sharp, aloof and peerless, with the kind of supreme power to look down on the world!
The two swords pierced through the endless starry sky and pierced Tianyue Great Emperor. The two rays of wisdom that were drawn out could be seen by all the heavens. The transcendent power shocked everyone!


Emperor Tianyue snorted coldly, two bolts of lightning shot out from his eyes, and a terrifying aura permeated all living beings!
As soon as he raised his hand, a divine spear appeared in his hand.

He swept across the sky, and there was a loud bang, the starry sky collapsed, the void melted, the order of myriad ways was shattered, and the scene of great destruction appeared, which was extremely terrifying.

In the end, the two fairy swords were still retreated by Emperor Tianyue.

However, Emperor Tianyue's body was also slightly shaken, and he was hit by the impact, which made his face suddenly gloomy!
He is a majestic emperor, invincible and supreme, arrogant to the eternity, powerful in the past, the present and the future, but he can still be blocked by mere two swords?
The two fairy swords attacked Tianyue Great Emperor again, their power was fierce, their edge was boundless, and they were extremely powerful!

Emperor Tianyue had to take another shot, otherwise he would be injured too.

However, this time, he finally saw through some of the mysteries of these two fairy swords.

"Hmph! It's just two dilapidated formations maintaining their strength, how long can they stop me?"

Emperor Tianyue said coldly.

These two swords are indeed very extraordinary, but they are dead objects after all, and they are not truly flawless fairy weapons.

Even if it can erupt with impressive power, it still needs strength support.

"Hey! Sure enough, it still doesn't work. If it is a complete fairy weapon, it may really be able to block Emperor Tianyue, or even fight it off."

In Beidou Cult, a certain great sage shook his head and sighed.

They are a great hermit Taoist lineage, with mysterious origins and profound heritage.

These two imitation fairy swords, Huangtian and Houtu swords, were just released by them. They are one of their foundations and can protect their Taoist treasures.

However, when the darkness of the world falls, they don't want to stand by and watch, so they use a lot of background.

It's a pity that Supreme is indeed too extraordinary, too invincible, even if he slashes himself, he is still mighty and powerful enough to crush everything!
"All the legendary artifacts have appeared, but still can't stop the Dark Lord?"

Everyone in the heavens lamented again when they saw that Tianyue Emperor gradually began to suppress the two immortal swords.

"What is a legend? Which one of those supreme beings is not a legend? Which one is not an invincible figure who looks down on the past and present? How can you be afraid of the so-called legend?"

someone sighed.

In the peaceful age, when it comes to the invincibility of the Supreme, everyone yearns for it. It is powerful in the past, the present and the future, overwhelming the heavens, looking down on the eternity, and looking down on the world of mortals.

But now, they hope that Supreme is not so invincible, at least let them have something to restrain them!

The Emperor Cang was fighting with Xia Guang's figure, the waves shook the world and shook the endless starry sky, it was already a battle of supremacy.

But Xiaguang's figure retreated steadily, and the brilliance gradually dimmed. The Jindichi, the godless weapon, had cracks and was destroyed, because it was facing an ancient supreme.

No matter how strong the Emperor Soldier is, it is impossible to beat the Supreme by itself!

Emperor Tianyue kept bombarding the Emperor Heaven and Houtu swords, obliterating the dilapidated formations on them, and gradually weakening the power of the two immortal swords.

And right now.

There was another movement in the depths of the starry sky!

A surge of overwhelming, peerless and terrifying murderous aura suddenly erupted, filling the sky in an instant, filling the starry sky, extremely intense, as if it had been deposited for eternity, and it was horrifying!

There was even a saint nearby who lost his soul under such murderous aura and immediately passed out.

This is true for saints, but weak creatures are even more unbearable.

After this murderous aura appeared, a large number of souls would be shattered and died!

" there still a supreme being born?"

Someone trembled all over and said tremblingly.

If this is the case, the heavens are hopeless!
All the golden world must become bleak!


Finally, a supreme formation disk flew out from the depths of the starry sky, and the eternal and intense murderous aura emanated from the formation disk.

And on the array plate, there is a pool of bright red blood, very bright, exuding supreme aura, overwhelming and overwhelming, making all living beings tremble!
After the array flew out, it directly rushed towards the Emperor Cang!

The blood and murderous aura converged into a spear, and in an instant, a monstrous killing momentum erupted, boundless and terrifying, shattering all paths and shattering the void!

"Kill the emperor! He failed to defeat the second emperor, but he died without stopping, and he still wants to fight?"

Feeling this killing momentum, Canghuang frowned, showing a dignified expression for the first time!
With his power, he naturally understood some of the truth about this murderous array at a glance.

Killing the Great Emperor, a certain great emperor who was immersed in war in the past, spent his whole life fighting in the restricted area, and defeated more than one ancient supreme.

He didn't leave any orthodox traditions behind himself, and finally condensed his killing spirit, and set up a supreme formation, hoping to use the killing spirit to reshape the essence of life and revive the second generation.

Unfortunately, he failed and turned into a pool of blood in the end!


Now it seems to be touched by the aura of Emperor Cang and Emperor Tianyue, this killing array was born again, with the remnants of killing the emperor, do you want to continue fighting?
A spear shot out from the killing array, combined with Xia Guang's figure, pierced through the body of Emperor Cang in one fell swoop, causing him to be wounded at last, the supreme blood flowed out, and the blood light dyed the starry sky red!
"Kill the Emperor!"

The Canghuang roared, feeling extremely unwilling, why did this great emperor who fought all his life still have something left behind?

In the past, when the Emperor of Slaying ruled the world, all the Supreme Beings in the restricted area were extremely afraid, and they did not relax a little until after his death.

In the end, it was all turned into a puddle of blood now, how could they still fight again?

But why is it him?Instead of Emperor Tianyue?
"Kill the Emperor!"

Individual sentimental people in the heavens couldn't help calling out at this moment!
In fact, killing the Great Emperor is not very popular, although the Great Emperor slaughtered more than one ancient Supreme.

But he also slaughtered a large number of cultivators from the Lost Heavens, almost killing them at the slightest disagreement, no matter who you are!
Some people speculated that the reason why the Emperor Slaying conquered the restricted area was probably because only there could he find his opponent.

But now, with only a puddle of blood left, the Great Killer was still able to fight again. He wounded the Cang Huang with the first blow, almost recreating the invincibility and strength of the Great Killer in the past!
Canghuang was temporarily entangled by the killing array.

However, Emperor Tianyue still easily dealt with the two immortal swords controlled by no master, and he will soon be able to deal with these two swords. When the time comes to continue harvesting all living beings, who can stop them?
On the Lost Emperor Star.

Fang Quan was finally ready, and he began to fully accept the wishes of all beings!
In fact, he didn't hesitate at all, after discovering that the seal of wish power on Yuanpan Ancient Treasure could provide him with boundless power.

He has already decided to make a move.

He doesn't think he's great, he doesn't think he's a savior or anything.

He just felt this power and wanted to let it explode!
At this moment, Fang Quan suddenly erupted with a power that reached the sky, and he swallowed a large number of sentient beings' wish power with the help of Yuanpan Ancient Treasure's seal of wish power.

His cultivation level continued to rise until he reached the pinnacle of Zhundi!
A faint aura of supreme aura that could already be compared to the Supreme Emanated from him, covered the Lost Emperor Star, filled the starry sky in all directions, and overwhelmed the common people in the world of mortals!

"Fang Quan, you!"

Qin Xiu and Zhu Shuangqian next to him were stunned. It was impossible to imagine that Fang Quan could break through to the peak of Emperor Zhun in an instant. That kind of strong extreme aura, boundless terror, reached the supreme power!

"Great Sage Shuangqian, can I borrow the Yongle Seal!"

Fang Quan looked at Zhu Shuangqian and said.

 A new book will be released tomorrow. If you are interested, you can read it. This book will not be a eunuch. The outline is very complete and can be finished normally.The new book counts as the third part.

(End of this chapter)

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