Chapter 158 Fall of the Supreme
Fang Quan faced Canghuang's shocking blow head-on after his ultimate sublimation, and even at this moment he felt terrified, as if he was facing an irresistible behemoth!
Because no matter how powerful he is at the moment, he is still not the Supreme after all, and it is not an exaggeration to say that those below the Supreme are ants.

Under such pressure and crisis in Fang Quan, the seven seals of Yuanpan Ancient Treasure in his body burst out with a brighter and more blazing light.

The Seal of Wishing Power swelled up a bit again, transforming the wishing power of all living beings crazily, and pressing out surges of pure energy.


Fang Quan roared angrily, since he chose to take action, he had already made up his mind to die, and fought to the death, as long as he was worthy of his heart!

Infused with boundless Taoism and power, the Yongle Seal immediately erupted with a peerless golden light that seemed to penetrate the past and the present!

The golden light shines brightly, piercing through eternity, and there are boundless and fierce sharp edges falling down, the divine power is so powerful that the heavens are shocked, as if they are about to be cut open by this sword!

A huge roar came out, the sky trembled violently, the universe trembled, all the order of the universe was shattered, fragments of laws and order fell from the void, and the scene was extremely terrifying!
This is the fluctuation of the supreme battle. Every ray of energy that comes out makes all spirits tremble and all living beings are terrified!
Fang Quan flew upside down with a bang, his whole body was torn apart, his bones were misplaced, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere. A long rainbow of blood was sprinkled along the way, which shocked all beings in the sky when they saw it!
He fought head-on with a flawless supreme being, and it was difficult to match him no matter what.

In just one blow, he was swat away like a fly and suffered serious injuries!
"Emperor Quan Zhun!"

When someone saw this scene, his heart tightened immediately, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is this the real supreme? Is this the real mighty power of the great emperor? He is so invincible!"

Feeling the supreme aura of Canghuang at this moment, everyone felt their souls trembling and their whole body chilling, as if they couldn't help but want to kneel down.

This is the real majesty of the great emperor, surpassing the world, powerful in the past, present and future, and anyone below the Supreme is far incomparable, it is truly absolutely invincible!

suddenly!A peerless killing spear with strong murderous aura and full of eternity broke through the void, and immediately penetrated the left shoulder of Cang Huang, causing his supreme blood to flow out, and was injured again!
That's the array left by the Great Killing Emperor bursting out with shocking power, as if touched by the emperor's sublimated aura, the killing array has also surged in power again!
The pool of blood on the formation plate suddenly condensed into a small group of strange and bright godless blood, and even burst out a surge of vitality, as if it was a living thing!

"Kill the Emperor!"

Canghuang roared, his expression was cold, and his anger was overwhelming!

He has sublimated to the utmost, yet he was injured by a dead object?

Although the killing array came while he was facing Fang Quan head-on.

Moreover, the power of this killing array is even more powerful than just now, so it can hurt him at this time.

But no matter what, this is unacceptable to him, because he is invincible!
But in fact, he still felt a little shocked in his heart!
Killing the Great Emperor left a formation disk that could even rival the Supreme Being. How powerful would it be in its heyday?

I'm afraid that the original killing emperor was really only a little short of being able to live out his second life.

The Xiaguang figure left by Emperor Jin also took the opportunity to bombard Canghuang with the Jindi Ruler. The Xiaguang suddenly became more than ten times blazing, and began to burn the last power, bursting out a mighty power that was closer to the flawless Supreme.

This blow also left a wound on Canghuang's body, causing his blood to flow and damage the emperor's body.


The Emperor Cang was furious, he slapped his palm backwards, the starry sky trembled, rumbled, and the supreme aura burst out, the heavens, earth and myriad ways echoed him, and the starry sky in all directions resonated with him.

At this moment, he is the lord of the universe, dominating the heavens!

Xia Guang's figure flew out immediately, splitting into two parts!

Part of it is a pair of skeletons, crystal clear and white, like glass, like divine jade, revealing a layer of supreme luster, with an unrivaled coercion that presses across the blue sky for eternity!

The other part consisted of a few large pieces of broken flesh, with blood still remaining on it, extremely bright, with red light shining through, dyeing the starry sky red, emitting a terrifying aura that frightened all living beings!
The Jin Emperor Ruler was also broken in two halves on the spot, and could no longer sustain the power of the Supreme Being.


An invisible wave emanated from the bones and flesh and blood, and the two approached quickly, and finally regrouped again, bursting into a blazing glow again, illuminating endless time and space, with supreme power pervading!

Xia Guang's figure also attacked Canghuang again.

The killing array reunited with the supreme power, and also attacked the Cang Huang again!
The same is true for Fang Quan. The life seal of Yuanpan Ancient Treasure in his body is surging, pressing out his life essence, overdrawing everything in him, and instantly allowing him to recover from all injuries.

He didn't hesitate for a moment, and came back again, a golden light hit, still sharp and boundless, with a monstrous power that could threaten the Supreme!

"Kill the Great Emperor, Jin Emperor, Human Dao Ancient Emperor, and Quan Zhun Emperor, fight for the ancient supreme, none of them backs down!"

Seeing this kind of battle scene, the old man with supreme orthodoxy only felt his heart surge, and he wished he could go up and fight with the Supreme in the same way!
Darkness descends, trying to destroy the world.

If there were no such supreme figures who would go shopping without avoiding life and death, how many souls would die?

It can be said that they have saved countless lives. This is a great merit, and everyone should be grateful and remember it!
After killing the emperor, only a puddle of blood is left, and they are still fighting, and they still want to suppress and kill the Supreme!

Emperor Jin and the ancient emperor of human way also have their backs left behind, burning their last remaining light to protect the peace of the universe!
Emperor Quan Zhun is almost a battle to the death, fighting for the Supreme with the realm of Emperor Zhun, and he will not retreat at all!

Qin Xiu was already in tears at this time, and he wished he had the same power to step into the starry sky and fight to the end with this Dark Supreme!
Zhu Shuangqian and other people from the Yongle Dynasty were also shocked when they watched, and Fang Quan admired him immensely!
"Emperor Quan Zhun!"

Someone shouted loudly, his heart was surging, and it seemed that the blood in his body was aroused.

It is an act of death, but Emperor Quan Zhun still made a move, wanting to suppress the darkness and restore the peace of the universe!
At this moment.

Fang Quan only felt that there were endless wishes of sentient beings coming from all directions, allowing him to obtain a steady stream of power.

However, he also began to feel a sense of 'death', a sense of 'death'.

In this kind of battle, the essence of his life was destroyed, and everything about him was overdrawn!

Although he is still at the peak and his strength is flowing, his life has been irreversibly damaged.

It's just that the power provided by Yuanpan Ancient Treasure can instantly make up for and replenish it, making him always at the peak.

However, there is always a limit to everything.

There will always be times when he can't hold on to this peak.

Once the peak is over, everything about him will collapse and turn into nothing!

The war continued, terrifying fluctuations spread throughout the sky, the universe trembled violently, and all souls trembled!

Fang Quan was also blown away several times, and his body was almost broken several times, but he still recovered quickly and bombarded Cang Huang with peak power all the time.

The ball of blood that killed the array had also shrunk by half, and it was also bursting out with all its might to kill Canghuang.

Jindi's Xiaguang figure has long been shattered, and the Jindi ruler has been cracked, turning into dozens of fragments and falling into the starry sky.


Canghuang finally couldn't hold it anymore, his realm began to drop, his body overflowed with dead energy, and a decaying energy leaked from his body.


Canghuang roared unwillingly, he could have survived, if Emperor Jin and Emperor Shafa hadn't left these things behind, and the ants at the peak of the quasi-emperor hadn't shot, he might not have died!

The Emperor Cang suddenly erupted with a flawless power, which pierced the heavens and the earth, overwhelming the heavens of the universe, making the heavens roar!
He slapped out with a sudden palm, burning the last wisp of emperor's blood, bursting out his last strength!

The universe was violently shaken, and the boundless and terrifying power of the supreme god, the surge of breath, dimmed the starry sky in all directions, melted the void, and turned everything into dust!
And it was Fang Quan who took the blow head-on!
There was almost no suspense. Fang Quan was blown away. Even though he resisted with all his strength, he still felt like his whole body was about to collapse.

But he still held on in the end, with the Yongle Seal and Yuanpan Ancient Treasure, he was able to obliterate Canghuang's imperial order, the Dao of life was running, and his body recovered quickly.

And Cang Huang was finally pierced by a killing spear, and the last trace of life was also wiped out!

Emperor Cang, fall!
The heavens roared, all mourned, and orderly blood flowers sprinkled from the void, all over the sky and stars, the sky turned into blood, the earth trembled, and the dragon energy of the earth veins boiled violently!
Boundless visions appear from the universe, remembering this supreme figure who once dominated the heavens!
"Emperor Cang, dead?"

All beings in the heavens saw this vision and understood this shocking fact!
The Emperor Cang is really dead!
Besieged and killed by the remnants of the slaughtered emperor, Jindi, humane ancient emperor, and Quanzhun emperor!

A supreme being just died like this.

Although it is the supreme being who has devoid of humanity, it is still embarrassing.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Fang Quan coughed up blood crazily, his aura at this time was already very messy, although he was still powerful, his arrogance was overwhelming, and he was as powerful as the Supreme.

But his body didn't seem to be his anymore, and his soul felt a bit fragmented.

But it still depends on him to control and control this power.

the other side.

When Emperor Tianyue saw the fall of Emperor Cang, he was also shocked!
He hasn't completely solved the two pseudo-celestial swords of Huangtian and Houtu.

But the Great Emperor Killer and the quasi-emperor had already dealt with Emperor Cang.

This has something to do with Canghuang's incomparable weakness, even if he was sublimated to the utmost, he didn't make many peak strikes.

But the formation board of the Great Emperor Killer is quite powerful like the quasi-emperor, and it can pose a great threat to them!


After seeing the fall of Emperor Cang, Fang Quan turned around and killed Emperor Tianyue without a moment's hesitation!
The killing array also set off at the same time, killing him almost at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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