this moment.

The Lost Emperor Star was shaken, because the supreme power of the four quasi-emperor peaks covered it, and it filled the starry sky, spread the sky, pressed all directions, and shocked all living beings!
"What is... what's going on?"

"Could it be that someone is going to testify?"

Someone trembled all over and said, because the extreme power of the Zhundi peak is too terrifying, it already has a bit of supremacy-like suppression, making them tremble and their souls tremble!
"Who is it? This level of power is comparable to the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor! Now is there a genius who has reached this level?"

Someone asked, shocked, but also incomprehensible.

However, someone soon discovered the real key problem.

"They seem to have come out of the restricted area!"

One said in shock.

The four forbidden areas of the Lost Emperor Star, Ten Thousand Immortals Abyss, Nirvana Ruins, Daoming Mountain, and Immortal Galaxy!
These four places are full of horror and weird life forbidden areas, and they are the ultimate dangerous places where any existence will turn pale.

After experiencing the dark turmoil thousands of years ago, people in this world basically have a basic understanding of these restricted areas.

They all know that there may be more than one ancient supreme sleeping in these four restricted areas!
It can be said that these four forbidden areas of life are the root of darkness and turmoil.

Now, there are four peak quasi-emperors coming out of the restricted area, which cannot but make people horrified, feared, and even worried that the dark turmoil will break out again!
If the dark turmoil breaks out again, there is still no great emperor in the world today, and it will still fall into darkness and be slaughtered.

"They are all ancients! They are peerless figures who were famous in a certain era!"

Someone looked at the four figures and vaguely guessed their identities.

Because there are not many people like Zhundi Peak, looking at the past and present, each of them has shocked the heavens, and they have left their own traces in history.

"Why are these ancient people at the peak of quasi-emperor born at this moment?"

People are surprised, very afraid, and very worried!
And not how long.

Then they knew why the four peak quasi-emperors were born!
in the starry sky.

Yuan Curse, Qing Ziyu, Jian Poxian and Zhao Hun stood in the starry sky, looking down at the heavens and the world.

Each of the four of them is powerful and powerful, like a round of eternal scorching sun, illuminating the starry sky in all directions, arrogance is overwhelming, and terror is boundless!
That is the power of the quasi-emperor peak, the strongest existence under the great emperor, and can already touch the threshold of the great emperor's realm!
They failed to break through the realm of the great emperor, more because they were not talented enough, but because they were restricted by the current emperor or the universe was not suitable for proving the Tao at that time.

They all have regrets, so they live in the restricted area, hoping to get a chance to set foot in the land of longevity.

"Go to the underworld to get the book of life and death!"

Yuan curse said lightly, and then rushed directly towards a certain direction in the starry sky, using extreme speed, crossing the starry sky, so close to the end of the sky, comparable to the emperor's extreme speed!
The other three people didn't say anything, but they were dispatched at the same time, crossing the starry sky at an extremely fast speed, which was also too fast to change.

They were born this time to suppress the current world for 2000 years for the ancient supreme, and to make no one in this world dare to break through the quasi-emperor!
For this reason, the ancient supremes also made a deal with the underworld to borrow a great secret treasure of the underworld... the book of life and death!
Legend has it that the book of life and death can perceive the cause and effect of all living beings!
As long as any creature is an intelligent life with a soul, it cannot escape the causal induction of the book of life and death.

Moreover, the more powerful the creature, the greater the cause and effect, the more it will be sensed by the book of life and death.

and so.

They have to borrow the book of life and death, so that they can slaughter all the quasi-emperors without any omission!

The heavens of the universe are too vast, too boundless.

If there is a quasi-emperor hiding and relying on some means to cover up the secret, unless the ancient
Otherwise, it may not be possible to find all the quasi-emperors.

But with the book of life and death, it is different, no matter how you cover up the secret, as long as you are still alive, and there are karma in the world, it is difficult to escape the induction of the book of life and death!
The terrifying figures at the pinnacle of the four quasi-emperors walked hand in hand, across the starry sky, their mighty power was overwhelming and mighty, making all the living beings in the heavens tremble.

"Huh? There is a quasi-imperial air machine!"


Zhao Hun stopped, turned his head to look at a certain place, two purple lights suddenly burst out from his eyes, bright and blazing, sharp and boundless, filled with monstrous and terrifying aura, covering this vast star field!
And the direction of his eyes pierced the void, illuminated the dark starry sky, and then landed on a young man.

And this young man, wearing a light blue shirt, has the most handsome face, slender figure, dark blue pupils, clear and bright, and his demeanor can be called peerless.

Moreover, he is a quasi-emperor, and his realm is not low. He is one of the strongest quasi-emperors in the world.

His existence caused the time and space around him to fall into a state of icy silence, the cold air overflowed, and the sky was full of frost and snow.

That kind of energy mechanism is also extremely terrifying, making Zhao Hun frown slightly.

"Ethereal Holy Land, the flute is like a wind!"

Yuan Cur also stopped, looked at the cold and lonely figure, and said lightly.

Although they are ancients and have just been born, they have also obtained a piece of information, and they still have some understanding of those extremely outstanding peerless geniuses in the current world.

Di Fengru, known as the Son of Bingxue, was said to have been abandoned by his parents when he was a baby, and was found sleeping in the ice and snow for many years.

As soon as he was born, he showed a peerless workmanship that surpassed the current Tianjiao. Compared with the ancient princes and emperors, he was not inferior at all, and he was also one of the most powerful competitors on the road to certification.


Zhao Hun didn't hesitate for a moment, and when he raised his hand, a bright black spear full of cold light appeared in his hand.

He took a step forward and used the world-leading speed, and rushed directly to the flute Fengru, exuding the mighty aura of the quasi-emperor peak, like a vast sea, overwhelming with divine power!
Di Fengru's spiritual sense was astonishing, and of course he immediately sensed that Zhao Hun and the others were staring at him.

This made him have to be shocked!
Because, these four people's extreme aura is surging and shocking, they are existences at the peak level of quasi emperors, and they are supreme figures who can touch the realm of emperors!
In today's world, the sudden appearance of such four characters is already astonishing enough.

As a result, the four of them uttered a murderous intent on him!
If Difeng didn't have much time to react, Zhao Hun's long spear had already pierced the starry sky, bursting out with brilliant divine light and even extremely powerful supernatural power to overwhelm him!
That kind of shocking power, approaching Supreme, gave him an extremely strong sense of crisis.

"seal up!
The flute wind made a soft drink, cold light bloomed all over his body, the extreme cold burst out from his body, and the surrounding time and space seemed to freeze instantly.

He slapped it with one palm, the brilliance was condensed, it was extremely bright, and the torrential power poured down, sweeping the wind and snow in all directions, forming a snow field, just like the emperor of ice!
Zhao Hun shot into the wind and snow, and frost condensed on the body of the gun immediately, even he felt a strong resistance instantly.

His face changed slightly, and he had to re-examine the peerless genius in front of him.

The other party is the peerless arrogance of the Golden World, and he must not be taken lightly.

And he still underestimated the other party just now.

He is the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor, and he was also a peerless figure who shocked the heavens in the past!
Zhao Hun's power suddenly rose, the spear radiated light, and a terrifying aura filled the air, immediately shattering all the frost.

The gun came out like a dragon, straight into the ice and snow field, raging in all directions, breaking through all the cold air, and suppressing the world.

Di Fengru had no choice but to fight Zhaohun, the wind and snow raged, the void exploded, the whole world collapsed, and both of them fell into the starry sky!
wind flute
The spear hit, and flew out immediately, followed by a mouthful of blood.

But when he cast the secret technique, he quickly recovered from his injuries. His extreme power was still surging, and he still had the invincible spirit of a peerless genius.

It's just that the opponent he faces is much higher than him, and he is a peerless figure at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor!
And! More than one person!

Qing Ziyu also made a move, her dress was fluttering, her style was peerless, she raised her hand and slapped it with a palm, her slender fingers seemed weak and boneless, but she burst out with shocking power, shocking the starry sky in all directions!
Di Fengru reacted swiftly and responded with a backhand.

But he was still no match for Qing Ziyu, the pinnacle quasi-emperor.

Di Fengru was blown away again, blood spilled from his body, and he was injured again.

"Why did you kill me?"

Di Fengru's expression was icy cold, with anger condensed in his eyes, he questioned loudly!
He didn't understand, he had never provoked such a person, why would he attack him for no reason?
Zhao Hun and Qing Ziyu didn't answer, but continued to attack with all their strength, killing Di Fengru!
Yuan Curse and Jian Poxian also stopped watching the show at this time, and also exploded their strength, launching a fierce offensive against Di Fengru!
They were too lazy to talk nonsense with this peerless arrogance, and finished the job as soon as possible.

They still have to negotiate with the underworld and borrow the book of life and death!
The war broke out.

The peak of the four quasi-emperors beat a peerless arrogance! Such a fight naturally attracted the attention of all the Daoists in the heavens.

"That's Di Fengru. Could it be that these four ancient quasi-emperors were born to kill Di Fengru?"

"How did Di Fengru get into the restricted area?"

Some people are also puzzled.

They are still wondering about the purpose of the birth of these four quasi-emperor peaks, and why they came here.

As a result, he and Di Fengru got into a fight after a while.

But if it's just to kill Di Fengru outside the battle, isn't it a bit of a fuss?

The wind of the flute roared like a roar, and within a short while, he was already covered in cuts and bruises, dripping blood all over his body, and suffered severe injuries!
But his physical power still hasn't declined, his energy and blood are surging, and his extreme power is at its peak!
Although the Misty Holy Land did not have the emperor's soilless orthodox lineage, it also has a profound background, and his image is not bad.

His life-saving means are naturally many.

But at this moment, being besieged by the peak of the four quasi-emperors, no matter how much life-saving means are, it is extremely dangerous and may fall at any time!
"Save the Holy Son!"

After the people of Misty Holy Land discovered this--the situation, they were very anxious!
But the problem is that they don't even have emperor soldiers, only a few quasi-emperors have appeared in their ancestors, so they have a good background and an ancient orthodoxy on the powerful side.

Di Fengru is already the strongest in Misty Holy Land.

How could they save Di Fengru?
They can only use their contacts to ask for help from all quarters, especially to those supreme orthodoxy, ask other peerless arrogance to take action, and even borrow the emperor's soldiers.

However, those Supreme Daoists were very hesitant when they received the plea for help from the Misty Holy Land!
Because they didn't want to offend the four peak quasi-emperors just because they rescued Di Fengru.

Those four quasi-emperor peaks came out of the restricted area, how could they not have emperor soldiers?
A quasi-emperor peak in charge of the emperor's army is enough to threaten their supreme orthodoxy.

They only thought that it was their grievances between Misty Holy Land or Di Fengru who provoked the restricted area, so no one dared to help Misty Holy Land easily.

Just for a while.

Di Fengru's injuries were already extremely serious and he was on the verge of death.

However, at this time, he finally echoed to a certain secret place!
Ever since he was besieged by the peak of the four quasi-emperors, he has already cast his secret
There is no way to echo a certain secret place, and I am ready to escape!
Because he knew he couldn't fight, and it was very difficult for anyone to save him.

The flute wind shouted loudly, and cold light erupted all over his body, very bright, releasing boundless cold air, icy cold to the bone, which shocked even the highest emperor Zhun.

Suddenly there was a strange wave in the starry sky, and it arrived here almost instantly, forming some kind of connection with Di Fengru.

Then, a space channel opened in front of Di Fengru!
"Not good! There is a mysterious power to meet him!"

Seeing this, Yuan Cur's expression changed immediately, and at the same time, he exploded with a loud punch. He punched out with overwhelming power, reaching the pinnacle of the supreme quasi-emperor, and it was extremely terrifying!
Qing Ziyu, Jian Poxian and Zhao Hun also attacked quickly at the same time, trying to prevent Di Fengru from leaving.


Di Fengru still had his trump card, so he threw a round shield like a tortoise shell, releasing a green light curtain, blocking most of the power for him.

In the end, the round tortoise shell shattered and exploded, but with this, Di Fengru successfully entered the space channel and disappeared completely!
Zhao Hun and the others stayed in place, carefully sensing the fluctuations in the space passages.

But they found it difficult to track them down with their strength.

"It seems that you really can't underestimate the golden world's peerless arrogance!"

Yuan curse said lightly.

Vaguely, for the first time, they felt a little pressure on the task of exterminating the current Emperor Zhun.

Because this is the golden world, Tianjiao walks everywhere, and the peerless Tianjiao is even more extraordinary, definitely not someone who can be easily killed!
"Next time, call out the imperial soldiers directly and blast them with all your strength, don't hold back any more!"

Zhao Hun said indifferently, his tone was slightly cold, and there was a sense of reproach and commanding everyone.

This made the three of them unhappy, but no one lost among them, and there was no such thing as a leader.

However, they were too lazy to argue too much with Zhao Hun.

And what Zhao Hun said is also true, indeed, one should not underestimate any peerless genius, one should directly sacrifice the imperial soldiers and bombard them with all their strength!
"After getting the book of life and death from the underworld, there will be no escape for Pi Fengru!"

Qing Ziyu said.


They continued to cross the starry sky, but they met another quasi-emperor on the way.

Although this quasi-emperor is also a very strong Tianjiao, he has not reached the level of Di Fengru.

Zhao Hun shot at will, took a little effort, and finally killed the quasi-emperor.

At last.

They finally came to the place where they could contact the underworld.

They also have to be more cautious when dealing with the most mysterious force in history, the underworld.

Because even those supreme beings are quite afraid of the underworld!
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