Xiao Zhen's face was incomparably gloomy, the Wang family was so powerful that they not only demanded his fragments of the imperial armament, but also all the treasures he got from Kunlun Mountain.

If it is said that the fragments of the Jin Emperor Ruler originally belonged to the Wang family, he has nothing to say about returning it to the Wang family.

But he risked his life to obtain other treasures from Kunlun Mountain, so he was naturally reluctant to hand them over.

However, with his strength, he can't resist the Wang family at all!
Unless that master can come forward to deter the Wang family for him.

But he couldn't command that master at all, and he didn't dare to offend him in any way.

"Hand them all over. What's left behind in Kunlun Mountains are all supreme objects, not something that people like you are entitled to."

Wang Fu said coldly.

He was basically sure that Kunlun Mountain should have been created by the remnants of the Supreme War thousands of years ago, and the treasures there must be unique.

If it's an ordinary treasure, he doesn't care at all given his royal family background.

But the treasures related to the Supreme are hard to find in the world, and the value of each piece is inestimable.

"Wang Fu, there are special circumstances!"

Suddenly, Yufu received a message from another great sage of the Wang family.

"what's the situation?
Wang Fu was slightly puzzled and asked.

"I controlled a few senior officials of the Yanhuang Group and asked them to lead the way in Kunlun Mountains, but another big thing came out of my interrogation!"

Wang Mai said with a bit of shock on his face at the moment.

It was only by accident that the Wang family found out that there was a fragment of the Jin Emperor Ruler here, and it was revealed by a person who had some grievances with Xiao Zhen.

However, that person was only guessing, and did not confirm that the treasure in Xiao Zhen's hand was the fragment of the emperor's armament.

However, when Yufu came here with the Emperor Jin Ruler, he immediately sensed the aura of the fragments of the emperor's soldiers, which confirmed the man's guess.

And not a piece of it.

Then they also knew the existence of Kunlun Mountain.

Wang Fu went to Xiao Zhen to ask for the fragments, while Wang Mai controlled several senior officials of the Yanhuang Group to obtain information. Among these senior officials was a holy king who knew many secrets!
But one of the secrets shocked him greatly!
"A quasi-emperor came out of Kunlun Mountain decades ago, and he was unfathomable and capable, and he could even refine the flesh and blood of the Supreme Being and even reverse life and death!"

"Wang Fu, I suspect that this quasi-emperor may be... that one!" Wang Mai said.

Wang Fu was shocked when he heard this!
He naturally knew who Wang Mai guessed, who deserved it.

And if that's true, it might very well be that one!
And if that one is still alive, I'm afraid there will be another big commotion in this world!
"Xiao Zhen! Tell me everything that happened to you in Kunlun Mountain!"

Wang Fu immediately held up the Emperor Jin ruler to intimidate Xiao Zhen, and ordered him to tell all the secrets!
Xiao Zhen's eyes flickered slightly, he saw the change in Wang Fu's face, and guessed that he might know something.

After thinking about it, he decided to tell the master some basic information.


Wang Mai returned from Kunlun Mountain and came here to join Wang Fu.

They exchanged each other's information, and continued to learn more secrets from Xiao Zhen and Yanhuang Group.

"So, what you get is actually given to you by that one?"

Wang Fu asked in a deep voice, with a dignified expression. …

If the treasures obtained by Xiao Zhen and the others were all bestowed by that one, then the situation would be somewhat different.

If they take away what the one bestows to others, wouldn’t they be disobeying that one’s will? There is more or less a sense of offending his majesty.


Xiao Zhen replied, at this moment he had calmed down.

Although he dared to call out that master to support him or something.

But now this situation, only the existence of that master
After being found out by the Wang family, it is already enough to make the Wang family fearful.

Wang Fu frowned, he really didn't dare to touch the Yanhuang Group now.

However, there shouldn't be any problem in recovering the fragments of the Jin Emperor Ruler, after all, the fragments belonged to their royal family.

"Is it really that one?"

Wang Mai said with a dignified expression, still with shock on his face.

Was it really impossible for him to imagine that that one was actually still alive?
"How strong is he? Walking through the world like this, can he still cover up cause and effect, so that he can't be sensed by the book of life and death?"

Wang Fu was surprised by another thing at this moment.

Most people in the world may not know.

However, with the methods of their royal family and other supreme orthodoxy, they still quickly figured out what the four peak quasi-emperors in the restricted area rely on to accurately find all quasi-emperors.

It is the supreme secret treasure of the underworld... Book of Life and Death!
Even if some peerless geniuses rely on the means left by the supreme to temporarily cover up the secret of cause and effect, it is estimated that they will still be found out by the book of life and death for decades at most.

However, the one on the blue star must be the quasi-emperor, and may even be the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor.

However, he has been in Blue Star for decades, and lived in a bright and aboveboard manner, so he escaped the induction of the book of life and death? Wasn't he approached by those quasi-emperor peaks in the restricted area?

Wang Mai sighed.

They can't even imagine what state that person has reached now, and how powerful he is now!
If that one is really the one they imagined, he would have been able to fight for the Supreme a thousand years ago, and he is naturally even stronger now!
"Many people in the Yanhuang Group know of its existence. Even if the book of life and death does not detect his existence, the news will probably spread sooner or later."

"Especially when we landed on Blue Star in such a large number of battles, if we attract the attention of those in the restricted area, investigate a little..."

As Wang Fu said, his face sank slightly.

He felt that their royal family came to Blue Star this time, so they might expose that one!
At that time, if the four quasi-emperor pinnacles in the restricted area were attracted, even Luan Tianxiao, the other kind of Taoist, would be attracted.

Can that one resist?
If it was because of them that one was killed.

Then their Wang Family has committed some crimes!
After all, that one has made great contributions to the heavens and the common people!
Think about it.

In the end, Wang Fu decided to meet that person in person and tell him about the book of life and death.

He found that one through Yanhuang Group's satellite.

Those so-called satellites may be known to that person, but he probably doesn't care about this kind of surveillance.

"Senior, hello!"

Wang Fu looked at Fang Quan, who was still a child, and said respectfully. …

Fang Quan glanced at Wang Fu lightly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

He naturally sensed the arrival of the Wang family early in the morning, but he didn't want to pay attention to it.

Today, he has sorted out his own memory for 30 years.He has basically recovered all his memories, and he is basically completely clear about his past.

However, he still has some problems that he has not sorted out.

Moreover, he is currently in a state of cultivation, and both the "Eight Desolation Body" and Taoism are improving rapidly.

He didn't want to break this cultivation state, so he didn't want to take any action for the time being.

According to the information he knows.

His apprentice Qin Xiu had already gone into hiding, but he was not killed by the quasi-emperor peaks in the restricted area.

Now the starry sky is also very quiet, nothing happened.

So he didn't bother to move, and it was quite comfortable to just practice here.

"Senior, about the book of life and death..."

Wang Fu directly told Fang Quan about the life and death books held by the peak Huai emperors in the restricted area.He also said that because of their coming, Kunlun Mountain has

It may be exposed, and it is estimated that someone will soon know that Kunlun Mountain is related to the Supreme War a thousand years ago.

Then it is also very likely that someone will know about Fang Quan's existence, and it may attract the quasi-emperor peak of the restricted area.

"Book of Life and Death?"

Fang Quan frowned slightly upon hearing this.

But this solved one of his little doubts.

He also wondered how the quasi-emperor peaks in the restricted area could quickly find any quasi-emperor.

He guessed that it was the supreme method, so he didn't go into it.

After all, the supreme is omnipotent, and if there is anything difficult to explain, just guess it is the means of the supreme.


Fang Quan replied lightly.

He knew why Wang Fu said this, it was nothing more than saying that the quasi-emperor peaks in the restricted area might come here, and he might be exposed.

However, he doesn't care.

If it wasn't that he didn't want to move, it wouldn't be too difficult for him to kill those quasi-emperor peaks.

After Wang Fu finished speaking, he also respectfully left, and did not dare to ask Fang Quan's identity.

But he can already confirm his identity through the induction of Jindi Ruler.

Because the dilapidated Jindi Ruler feels a bit oppressive on Fang Quan.

At last.

Wang Fu did not ask Xiao Zhen for treasures from Kunlun Mountain any more, and even apologized and reconciled with Xiao Zhen.

He told Xiao Zhen to keep it as secret as possible, and then left Blue Star with Jindi Ruler.but.

He still had a vague feeling that there would be a big battle soon!
Xiao Zhen's secrecy was indeed well done.

The Wang family didn't make any further disturbances, and those people in the restricted area didn't seem to go too far here, they just thought it was the Wang family who came here to retrieve the fragments of the emperor's armament.

After all, they have a book of life and death, and they only need to sense Emperor Zhun through the book of life and death, and they don't pay too much attention to other things.


In this way, two years passed peacefully.

There is still a peak quasi emperor who came to Blue Star.

The pinnacle of this quasi-emperor is Qing Ziyu, an ancient and peerless beauty, and she is also in charge of the book of life and death.

Through the book of life and death, she felt a kind of special quasi-emperor karma.

The cause and effect of the quasi-emperor is very vague and sometimes disappears, which makes her almost wonder if there is something wrong with the book of life and death.

However, the book of life and death is a supreme treasure after all, and as time goes by, the karma of the quasi-emperor has gradually been clearly captured.

This is the power of the book of life and death.

Even if you have the means to cover up the cause and effect, as long as it is not completely covered up, the book of life and death can perceive it, and then gradually deduce the complete cause and effect, and engrave it in the book of life and death.

Whether you are alive or dead, all causes and effects related to life can be reflected in the book of life and death.

From the cause and effect of this special quasi-emperor, Qing Ziyu can't perceive his cultivation level for the time being, but he can basically judge his position.

So she came to Blue Star to check in person.
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