Luan Tianxiao descended here, holding a divine axe in his hand, and was extremely powerful, as if the emperor had come personally.

He looked at Fang Quan, without any thought of talking to him, he raised his hand and struck out with an axe!
The starry sky shook violently, the heavens shook, the void was crushed, and the heavens and earth were cut open!
Yuan Curse and Jian Poxian also shot at the same time! Both of them mastered extreme weapons. After fully activating the weapons, they were extremely powerful and terrifying, and they were equally powerful.boom!
Yuan curse held up a big tripod and smashed it down towards Fangquan. The blazing brilliance bloomed, and the horror was boundless, as if it wanted to melt everything!
Jian Poxian holds a silver-white imperial sword, which is unparalleled in the world and unparalleled in sharpness.

He slashed out with a sword, bursting out like a supreme power, the light of the sword pierced the starry sky, like the sword of the first opening of heaven and earth, there is nothing that cannot be cut!

As for Zhao Hun, even though he doesn't have an emperor soldier, he can still pose a strong threat to any existence with a very strong offensive!
Three pinnacle quasi-emperors, an alternative enlightened person, and three sword emperors.

With such a lineup, Fang Quan launched an offensive.The gorgeous, blazing, and extremely bright brilliance instantly drowned Fang Quan.

The heavenly eye formations of all the heavens and major dao lines can no longer see anything clearly.

But all creatures are only shocked at this moment!
"Is Emperor Fangquan still alive?"

Someone exclaimed, with shock on his face.

And this movement.

It also alarmed those peerless geniuses who were hiding.

These peerless geniuses, in order not to be easily sensed by the book of life and death, hid in some secret places of the highest level.

They also dare not communicate with the outside world wantonly, so the news is relatively closed.

Their battle back then was also terrifying, and the threat of an alternative enlightened person was too great.

If they hadn't relied on the imperial soldiers to blast open the space channel and escape, they would have died long ago.

But in that battle, many peerless arrogances also fell, and not many were able to escape smoothly.

"This kind of movement, who is fighting? Someone has been found?"

A certain peerless arrogance was startled.

But soon, they secretly communicated with the outside world, and soon learned some information.

"Fang Quan is not dead? Is he fighting those people in the restricted area?"

These peerless arrogances were shocked when they heard the news!

They didn't expect that Fang Quan was still alive.At this time, they are also very concerned about this battle.They don't know how strong Fang Quan is today, how many people can deal with those in the restricted area?

There are also some peerless geniuses who are hesitating whether to come out to help in the battle.


The heavens trembled, the universe shook violently in all directions, and the world-shattering waves shook out, almost emptying a star field!
The combination of the four peerless figures is too powerful and terrifying, I am afraid that the real supreme can also contend for a little bit.


In this terrifying fluctuation.

But there was a sword light that broke through everything, and fell on Yuan Cur with an eternally sharp edge!

A bunch of blood splashed, Yuan Cur's chest was pierced by a sword, and his heart was broken!
Yuan Cur's face darkened, feeling extremely shocked!

Because the sword was so fast that he couldn't react in time, and couldn't respond in time.

However, the other party was enduring the attack of the four of them, but still found time to attack him, and it would be even more difficult to block their attack.

When all the brilliance is gone.

Fang Quan's figure also reappeared. At this time, he was indeed covered in bruises and blood everywhere.

The hair, arms, face, and body were bleeding, and it seemed that they were seriously injured.

But his eyes were bright and bright, with a blazing and powerful light shooting out, and an unrivaled aura filled the air, and his power did not decline in the slightest.


Fang Quan shouted coldly, and directly took the initiative to kill Xiangyuan Curse.He raised his hand and slapped Yuan Cur's cauldron with his palm.

Shake the imperial soldiers.

With a bang, the cauldron was shaken away!
Yuan curse was shocked!

He felt a monstrous force and shook the emperor's soldiers with his bare hands. He felt unbelievable how strong the opponent's physical body was!

But he couldn't think too much, because he immediately felt a sword cutting towards him!
This time, Yuan Cur's right shoulder and even his arm were chopped off by a sword.

Blood gushes out in an instant, spilling in all directions, and the blood light stains the starry sky red!

Yuan curse roared, trying desperately to use the secret method to fight back his right arm, and at the same time manipulated the imperial soldiers to block Fang Quan.


Luan Tianxiao, Jian Poxian and Zhao Hun didn't just stand by, they were all crazy and attacked Fangquan!

Fang Quan used extreme speed to move and dodge, resisted with his body, and cut through everything with his supreme sword!
He fought against the four of them with all his might, and he unleashed an incomparable combat power!
A body of divine power is shocking, shocking the world!
At last.

Fang Quan still slashed out with a sword, directly decapitating Yuan Curse Xiao!
The extremely sharp edge raged, making it difficult for Yuan Cur to recover his body, and finally completely defeated his soul and wiped out his vitality!

Yuan curse, fall!
Fang Quan stands in the starry sky, cuts the curse with his sword, and is soaked in blood. Even though his body is covered with bruises, he is still powerful!
"So strong!"

All beings in the heavens were shocked when they saw this scene!
And many of them were worried about Fang Quan just now.

Seeing this scene now, they also suddenly remembered a fact!
"That's right, Emperor Fang Quan Zhun is a fierce man who once fought with the two supreme beings!"

"Who can kill him but the Supreme One?"

They had a faint sense of sudden enlightenment.


In the starry sky, the war continues.

After Fang Quan beheaded Yuan Cur, the great cauldron returned to Zhao Hun's control.

At this time, he also recognized which extreme weapon this great tripod was, it turned out to be the Wanyuan Ding!
This magical weapon was the weapon of the former Wanyuan Tianzun.

Although Fang Quan could forcibly challenge the Emperor's soldiers, it was impossible for him to suppress the Emperor's soldiers. He didn't have that kind of power yet.


Among the remaining three, only Luan Tianxiao could give him a fatal threat.

The other two, even if they have emperor soldiers, they are not to be feared!
Fang Quan continued to attack, beheading Jian Poxian and Zhao Hun one after another in a short while!
Even if the two pinnacle quasi-emperors were in charge of the emperor's soldiers, they couldn't stop Fang Quan's offensive, and they were killed one by one in the end!
Fang Quan's injuries were also more serious.However, his Eight Desolation Physique has almost reached the peak of mortal physique, and he is only a hair away from breaking the shackles completely.

He turned his own invincible Taoism into the essence of the flesh, which is almost equivalent to letting the Taoism perform a demonstration in the flesh universe first.

Perhaps, this is also a kind of alternative enlightenment.Throughout the ancient books, similar characters appeared in the past.

Even if he is not enlightened, but relying on his unparalleled physique, he can also challenge the Great Emperor.

However, those characters rely on innate invincible physique.

And Fang Quan's physique was completely created by himself.

The origin of his physique is the evolution of his invincible Taoism, not congenital.

Although Fang Quan was seriously injured, it was also a kind of tempering for Ba Huang Ti, which brought him closer to that boundary!

Luan Tianxiao looked at Fang Quan with an unprecedented solemn expression, and he was also injured at this time.

He was also shocked, shocked by Fang Quan's strength and tenacious vitality.

The other party is worthy of being a peerless figure who suppressed the dark turmoil.

Moreover, he can also feel that the other party seems to have walked out of a different path of proof, and already possesses the flawless aura of the Supreme.

He also knew.

He will not be Fang Quan's opponent. If he continues to fight like this, he will most likely die.

Unless... a supreme being is born to save him!
But, is there any Supreme willing to be born at this time?

Fang Quan slashed out with a sword, the light of the sword soared to the nine heavens, sprinkled with boundless sharpness, across the world, shaking all souls!
When this sword collided with Luan Tianxiao's Black Tortoise Axe, there was a monstrous vibration, shaking in all directions, and the heavens were shocked!
But the sharpness of this sword suppressed the might of the Xuangui Shenaxe, and left a deep wound on Luan Tianxiao's body.

Even though the Eight Desolation Sword is not yet an imperial weapon, but at this moment, combining the power of Fang Quan's Eight Desolation Body, it is almost a combination of human and sword, and can burst out with unparalleled divine power!
"The sky is about to change! Fang Quan Zhundi is too strong, even Luan Tianxiao is no match for Zai Zhun at his peak!"

"The quasi-emperor killings launched by several forbidden areas will also be suppressed by Fang Quan!"

A saint on the Lost Emperor star this time.

The three life forbidden areas of Ten Thousand Immortals Tianyuan, Nirvana Ruins, and Daoming Mountain had a change almost at the same time!
In Wanxian Tianyuan, there are ten thousand zhang celestial clouds soaring into the sky, sprinkled with endless auspicious colors, and the visions are shocking, shocking the world.

Daoming Mountain came out with the sound of the Great Dao, and aroused the heavens and the earth, and all kinds of orderly lights emerged, which was also shocking!
In the Nirvana Ruins, there are dilapidated gray pillars of qi soaring into the sky, devouring the brilliance and essence, and plunging the world into darkness.

Everyone in the world felt the changes in these three restricted areas, and all of them were horrified!
"This... is it true that there is an ancient supreme being born?"

People were horrified.

Especially those who have experienced the dark turmoil thousands of years ago, trembling all over, very worried!
If the ancient supreme is really born, who can stop it?
"The Emperor Zhun's killing and robbery must be one of the plans of those supreme beings in the restricted area. Now Fang Quan will break it. Are they going to be unable to sit still?"

Someone felt the movement coming from the restricted area, trembling all over.

The four life restricted areas of the Lost Emperor Star.Only Immortal Galaxy did not report any changes.

Terrifying battle fluctuations continued to be heard from the depths of the starry sky.Fang Quan was still fighting fiercely with Luan Tianxiao, but he had completely suppressed Luan Tianxiao, and it was only a matter of time before he could kill him.

At this moment.

Myriad Immortals Abyss.

The abyss that hangs upside down from the sky is a place of creation somewhere inside.

A pair of indifferent eyes that have been through the vicissitudes of the ages are watching this battle.

"My son, who is going to kill him?"

Afterwards, a cold word came out, and the supreme energy diffused, boundless terror, time and space seemed to be frozen.


He said this, but no one responded, and all existence was silent.


They couldn't see the depth of Fang Quan, and they didn't know how strong the life essence Fang Quan could burst out.

If they were born, they would have to sublimate to the best of their ability to win Xia Quan, then the gain would definitely not be worth the loss.

Especially, big changes are coming!
They did not allow a great emperor to appear in this world, just to allow them to cope with the great change more smoothly.

But this does not mean that they will be willing to use their lives to prevent the Great Emperor from appearing.

Even if the Great Emperor really appeared.

It may not really make them lose their chances, it's just that the current emperor may be more competitive.

At last.

Still no one was born, and everyone was silent.Now Fangquan has the climate and is extremely powerful.In the eyes of these supreme beings, Fang Quan has a high probability of proving the Tao and becoming an emperor.

If Fang Quan wasn't strong enough, they wouldn't mind killing him.

But now, none of them is willing to go shopping with such a powerful Fang Quan.

Their Quasi-Emperor Killing Tribulation was considered a failure.As for the deaths of Zhao Hun, Luan Tianxiao and others, they didn't care.

Fang Quan slashed out with a sword, shook the Xuangui God Ax away, raised his hand and punched out, directly imprinted on Luan Tianxiao's chest.

Peng! Luan Tianxiao's chest exploded in an instant, blood spattered everywhere, he spurted blood wildly, and fell straight down.

At last.

Fang Quan added two more pieces, and then completely wiped out all vitality of Luan Tianxiao.

Luan Tianxiao, die!
So far, all quasi-emperor peaks who have walked out of the restricted area have died.

As for those few imperial soldiers, they have all fled away.The power of the book of life and death is no less than that of the emperor's soldiers. Fang Quan was also unable to suppress this secret treasure and was fled by it.
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