Huge thunder came from the depths of the starry sky.

The boundless sea of ​​thunder crushes the starry sky, and all beings in the heavens and the universe can see the bright sea of ​​thunder that destroys the world as long as they look up!
That kind of aura is so terrifying that it makes everyone feel frightened.

The heavens vibrated, and the heavens roared.

This is the ultimate catastrophe!
It is the strongest catastrophe that only appears when someone tries to take the last step and prove himself emperor

"Is the Eight Desolate Emperor finally going to prove the truth?"

You Tianjiao looked up at Lei Hai over there and said in a deep voice.

Eight Huangdi is Fang Quan, because he is too powerful, although he himself did not call himself emperor, but the world has begun to call him emperor.

In today's world, the person who is most likely to prove the Tao and become the emperor is naturally Fang Quan.but.

People looked at the radiant and resplendent figure in the center of Leihai, and felt a sense of grace and grace.

It seems to be a woman, not Fang Quan.

"It's not the Eight Desolation Emperor!"

The real dragon said in a deep voice, his eyes were blazing, like two eternally bright copper lamps, shining through the dark starry sky.

He didn't feel the Dao Xing Qi of Emperor Ba Huang on the figure of Dao Du Jie.

However, he had already guessed who the person who crossed the catastrophe was at this time.This surprised him.

But it doesn't seem too surprising.

Although this person is usually very low-key, he has also made shots, and he is also extremely powerful, not losing to any Tianjiao.

And the orthodoxy of this person's origin is also mysterious and powerful!

He didn't expect that this person could practice so fast, even surpassing them peerless arrogance!
"It turned out to be her!"

Heng Zi of the Daheng Dynasty also recognized the man who crossed the catastrophe, and was also surprised.

I also didn't expect this person's cultivation speed to surpass them.It must be known that none of these peerless arrogances have bad luck.

The cultivation speed of any of them is almost equal to that of the ancient emperor, reaching the extreme.

But under such circumstances, there are still people who are faster than them.

This is extraordinary!
"Master, you are here! I really thought you were going to cross the catastrophe!"

Qin Xiu came to look for Fang Quan immediately after seeing Ji Dao Tian Jie.

As a result, Fang Quan was also looking up at the starry sky, observing the sea of ​​thunder and the people who crossed the catastrophe.

Most people in the world guessed that the person who crossed the catastrophe was the master, but it turned out to be someone else!
"It's that mysterious orthodoxy, the successor of the Big Dipper Sect, who is crossing the catastrophe."

"If I remember correctly, her name seems to be Li Ziwei."

"Have you ever dealt with her?"

Fang Quan's eyes were shining brightly, looking up at the starry sky, an unparalleled terrifying aura permeated his whole body.

Every inch of his body exudes a flawless aura at this moment, and a flawless and peerless aura exudes.

The path of special proof that he took has actually reached the extreme, and he can take that final step at any time.

But he feels that it can be settled and polished, and strive to be more perfect.

So there is no rush to take that step.

Moreover, he took this path to transform the invincible Taoism into the source and integrate it into his physique, so as to prove the Tao with his physical body and step into the extreme state!
There is no need to engrave the way of heaven, so it will not prevent others from witnessing the way.

In the same way, when others prove the way, they cannot block his way.

Qin Xiu looked at the night sky, his pupils glowed with the light of ten thousand magics, and he probably saw the person who crossed the catastrophe clearly.

"It turned out to be her! I didn't expect her to practice so fast, surpassing us!"

Qin Xiu said in surprise.

"I have communicated with her, but I haven't fought against her."

"However, she is extremely powerful, giving people a sense of unfathomable."

"Although she has an invincible physique like the Immortal Physique on the surface, I always feel that her physique has other origins that make my

Myriad dharma bodies are all touched. "

"Perhaps, she relied on another kind of physique besides the immortal body to cultivate so quickly!"

Qin Xiu guessed.Fang Quan nodded slightly when he heard the words.He had never observed Li Ziwei seriously.

However, Qin Xiu is a Wanfa body, and his induction and judgment are relatively accurate.

"It has been said since ancient times that there is a kind of physique called 'Human Emperor Physique', and it seems that the later the cultivation speed is, the faster it is."

"Once this kind of physique appears, then no matter how uncommon Heaven's Chosen appears in this world, they will all have to become the foil of the Human Sovereign Physique."

"However, this kind of physique seems to only exist in ancient books, and there is no exact historical record that this kind of physique has appeared in our universe."

"Also, Li Ziwei's cultivation speed is not as fast as that of the Human Sovereign Physique, it's just a little faster than you."

Fang Quan said lightly.

After he became a great sage in the past, he began to go to all the supreme orthodoxy to read all kinds of books.

I want to increase my knowledge and broaden my horizons so that I can embark on a broader road of invincibility.

He once saw a record about the "Human Emperor Body" in an ancient book.

The starry sky rumbled, the thunder of the gods flashed, and bright light burst out. The terrifying aura of annihilation filled the sky, shaking all living beings and spirits.

Li Ziwei rushed into the thunder sea alone, with the Huangtian sword in her left hand and the Houtu sword in her right hand.

The two swords burst out with sharp and boundless sharpness, cutting off one after another divine thunder.

At this moment, she is invincible, unparalleled in style, and has the invincible potential to overwhelm the world.

But even so.

The ultimate catastrophe is still the most terrifying catastrophe in the world.

Those divine thunders crashed down, causing her to suffer severe injuries again and again, and she almost fell from the sea of ​​thunder many times.

But she was extremely well prepared, accumulated profoundly, recovered from her injuries time and time again, and continued to attack the ultimate catastrophe with an invincible posture.

The heavens vibrated, the ten thousand dao roared, and the heavenly dao also sent out fluctuations.

Such movement and vision shocked the world!
It seems that Li Ziwei is really going to survive this catastrophe and is about to become an emperor!
"Emperor Bahuang didn't prove the way, and killed another Ziwei on the way."

"However, Li Ziwei can be regarded as the peerless arrogance of the golden world, surpassing all others, and taking the lead in trying to prove the Tao."

A certain Tianjiao shook his head and sighed.

He felt unwilling and felt pity for some peerless arrogance.

There are still many extremely powerful peerless talents, but once Li Ziwei succeeds in proving the Dao, they can only become a foil, and it is impossible to take that step.

"What is Emperor Bahuang doing? Why didn't he stop this Li Ziwei?"

"If Li Ziwei succeeds in proving the Dao, no matter how powerful he is, he will be overshadowed by the current emperor!"

Someone also felt sorry for Fang Quan.

He even wanted him to interfere with Li Ziwei's crossing the catastrophe and destroy Li Ziwei's path to enlightenment.

"That's right! Emperor Bahuang has made great achievements in the world. He suppressed the darkness and turmoil, and also destroyed the quasi-emperor killing robbery of the forbidden zone."

"Without him, Li Ziwei would not have had the chance to prove the Tao!"

"The one who is qualified to prove the Dao and become an emperor should only be the Emperor Bahuang!"

Others agreed.

I think Fang Quan should take action to stop Li Ziwei and take back the opportunity to prove the Tao, which is related to the Tao!
The road of invincibility is also the road of ruthlessness, you have to do it when you have to do it!
What's more, this is what the Eight Desolate Emperors deserved!
After this statement spread.

Many Tianjiao also hope that Fang Quan can stop Li Ziwei.In this case, they may still have a chance.

"Get ready to guard!"

A quasi-emperor of the Beidou Sect said in a deep voice, guarding against the starry sky in all directions.

In the starry sky at this time, except for the sea of ​​thunder, everything seemed extraordinarily quiet.

But the quieter it is, the more it makes the Beidou Sect feel

to uneasiness.Proving the Tao and becoming an emperor is extremely difficult and dangerous, and if there is a slight mistake, the success may fall short, or even die!
If there are peerless figures interfering, it will be extremely dangerous!
"Will the Eight Desolate Emperor make a move?"

A great sage of Beidou Sect said solemnly.

That's what they're most worried about!
With the power of Emperor Bahuang, if he interferes with Daozi Ziwei, even their Big Dipper Sect may not be able to stop him.

That person was so powerful that Emperor Weicheng even dared to challenge the Supreme Being of the restricted area, and he was so fierce that he was in a complete mess.

Although Emperor Ba Huang is not like that kind of person.

But it was related to the road of proving the way, and they couldn't guarantee that Emperor Bahuang would not make a move.

"Be prepared and resign yourself to fate!"

The quasi-dipper of Beidou Realm said in a deep voice.

They deduced that now is the best time to preach.If you don't testify at this time, it will be more difficult later!
at this time!
The heavens and the universe trembled suddenly!
A peerless kendo pierces through the endless starry sky and presses across the eternal blue sky

The horrific aura permeated the air, making any existence feel terrified!
That is a sword!
A peerless divine sword, unparalleled in sharpness, overwhelms everything!
This divine sword pierced through the starry sky with its peerless sharpness, wiping out a dazzling light, and directly slashed at Li Ziwei who was crossing the catastrophe!

The members of the Big Dipper Sect were always on guard, and immediately discovered this peerless sword.

This sword is extremely terrifying, sharp and sharp, making people tremble!
The level of terror is almost that of the Great Emperor's Strike!
Slashing Li Ziwei with such a sword would make her situation extremely dangerous.

In the past, there was an extreme catastrophe, and every thunderbolt was enough to destroy the world. In the future, there was such a sword, and a single carelessness might kill her.

"Emperor Eight Desolation actually made a move?"

A certain saint of Beidou Sect had an extremely ugly face.

Such a shocking sword, except for Emperor Bahuang, who in the world can strike it?

He didn't expect Emperor Ba Huang to be so unbearable that he wanted to block other people's path to enlightenment!
"Alas! Emperor Bahuang really made a move."

"However, there is no right or wrong in the path of invincible enlightenment. It's always just you and me!"

A passerby on a certain planet shook his head and sighed.

All the beings in the heavens saw the sword slashing towards Li Ziwei.

That kind of peerless sharp edge, surging divine power is like a great emperor coming to the world, overriding everything and overwhelming the world.

They all immediately thought of Emperor Bahuang.

Because apart from that person, there is really no one in this world who has such power.

"I despise the Eight Desolate Emperors, and actually take actions to block people from witnessing the way!"

Someone also reprimanded.

I think this kind of behavior is still too immoral and shameless.

"Master, how did you do it?"

"It's so powerful! You can make such a terrifying sword without even raising your hand!"

Qin Xiu glanced at Fang Quan beside him with admiration, and said very seriously.

"What does it matter to me?"

Fang Quan hit Qin Xiu's forehead with his backhand.

At this time, I still made fun of him.

Qin Xiu is also a peerless genius, how can he fail to see that the sword was not done by him? -
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