Pirates: The first partner is Tom cat

Chapter 260 chug chug chug

Chapter 260 chug chug chug

"I'm afraid that the shot will be too heavy. If I accidentally knock out one or two of them, it will be bad if I stay where I am."

Zhang Da also kept his voice so that the exploration team couldn't hear it: "In this way, let them kneel for a while and come after us, which can just lead us a little farther away."

"It turned out to be a capable person, you hateful brat, stop!" The leader of the exploration team was the first to recover, turned around and cursed.

"It's rude to say who is a stinky brat! Negative ghost!" Perona, who was running, turned around and made up for the captain again.

The team leader immediately fell to his knees: "A person as rude as me should be trampled on!"

When he woke up again, he saw his companions raising their feet around him, some were eager to try, and some were timid.

"What are you doing!"

"But Captain, you were the one who said you wanted to be trampled on just now..."

"Nonsense, you just said you don't deserve to breathe!" The team leader became furious, and slapped the person who answered the call on the back of the head, "Chasing after me!"

"Yes, Captain!"*n
The one who was beaten also followed up aggrievedly, and secretly swore that when the leader got angry in the future, he would never answer first.

Dozens of people chased the amber group running to the edge of Zhenshou Island, and the team leader ordered: "Shoot!"

boom!boom!Gunshots rang out.

Zhang Da also sideways dodged an anesthetic needle shot at him, Rui Mengmeng turned around and cut off a trap covering Perona.

Ye Yan used the soul gong as a fourth-level head to block a bullet, and the tail of the shark behind Shark Pepper swung and swept away several anesthetic needles.

In fact, Zhang Da also doubted whether shark chili, an anesthetic needle, was necessary to defend against.

Arturia only needed to tilt her head slightly, and the bullets couldn't hurt a single hair of her.

Tom has been sitting on Zhang Daye's shoulders because of his foot injury, but sitting quietly is not his style.

Seeing that none of the enemy's attacks hit, Tom couldn't help turning around, dragging a bandaged foot, sticking out his tongue and making a grimace: "Slightly slightly~"

If it wasn't for the injured foot, the movement of bending over and patting the butt would probably be added.

Pulling hatred, Tom is a professional. The members of the exploration team blushed with anger, and the speed of reloading and shooting directly doubled.

Twenty or so people with shotguns and tranquilizer guns fired a hail of bullets, of course most of them were aimed at Tom.

It's just that in their angry state, they basically use stroke marks, and then suffer from Zhang Daye who is the closest to Tom.

Zhang Daye was running with a folding stool in one hand and a frying pan in the other, turning around from time to time to block the bullets: "Tom, you're cheating on me again!"

Tom spread his hands, then ducked to avoid a bullet, and then repositioned his hands to show that he didn't mean to.

Zhang Da was also a little embarrassed when Tom made such a fuss, but the pressure on the other six people was much less. They only needed to pay attention to the stray bullets.

Everyone ran, and the most unlucky Brook was accidentally shot, but the bullet passed directly through the gap in the bone, from behind to in front of him, leaving only two small holes in his clothes.

Brooke jumped up angrily, and shouted: "It's too much! Although I didn't say anything, I always feel that they are laughing at me for having only bones! Mr. Tatsuya, can I fight back?"

Zhang Da also said: "Well, yes, let's kill all the gunmen first, I also think they are quite annoying."

"Then leave it to me." Brook stopped, turned around and drew out his cane sword, and walked slowly towards the pursuers.

Tom heard that he could fight back, so he took out a half-meter-long thin firecracker, or fireworks.

After aiming for a while, Tom lit the fuse, and with a tumbling sound, colorful fireworks flew out of the fireworks tube.

Zhang Da could even feel that Tom on his shoulder was bearing the recoil like a machine gun.

Fist-sized fireworks hit the faces of everyone with a gun in their hands, causing them to burn black and lie on their backs.

At this time, Brooke had just set up a pose: "Wine Bottle Dance, Lian...Mr. Tom!"

Seeing the men with guns being knocked down one by one, Brook felt a little resentful, so he agreed to leave it to me.

Everyone in the exploration team was stunned: "Fireworks? What happened to that cat?"

The last man with a gun in his hand was terrified, and suddenly hid the gun behind his back, showing an innocent expression.

When Tom aimed the fireworks tube at him, the chug stopped, and the man immediately showed a flattering smile, which was quite similar to Tom's expression when he did something wrong.

But the righteous Tom would not let him go, he shook the firework tube vigorously a few times, and finally squeezed out six firework balls.

The person targeted dropped his gun and ran away, but the six fireworks chased after him as if they had eyes. It was useless whether he ran out of an S shape or a right angle.

Even if he hid in the canopy in the end, the fireworks lined up among the leaves and exploded on his ass.

Seeing this scene, Brook put his sword back into its scabbard. Not only was he not so angry, but he felt a little sympathetic to those people, but he still wanted to laugh more.

"Mr. Tom is really a cat with magical powers, Yo Ho Ho Ho~" Brook turned his cane and followed lightly.

Seeing the miserable situation of their companions, the surviving members of the exploration team all swallowed: "Should we still chase?"

The team leader gritted his teeth: "I want to chase, of course I have to chase, look carefully that it has already thrown away the firework tube, and it has no ammunition!"

This time Zhang Da also praised Tom severely. In the eyes of the other party, this kind of opportunistic way of winning is the best. Exposing his strength too early will only attract the attention of the golden lion too early. It is just right to play like Tom .

At the same time, Indigo, who saw Tom's miraculous performance through a phone bug, issued an order: "The cat must be brought back, it must be the most amazing and research-worthy animal on this island. "

Although they lacked confidence, the explorers who received the death order could only bite the bullet and chase after them. Fortunately, the support was already on their way. How could they catch these people?

Half an hour later, the exploration team members who were chasing at full speed were so tired that they almost rolled their eyes: "They... how can they run so well!"

There are not many flat lands on this island, almost all are mountains and forests. After chasing at full speed for more than half an hour in such terrain, they still can only see the back of each other, which makes them very depressed.

"Slow down, those people are dying, where is their support?" After running for so long, Zhang Da didn't change his face, and the nickname of Da Ye who runs wild is by no means in vain.

Among them, the only one who couldn't run was Perona, who was being hugged by Rui Mengmeng. Her weight might not even compare to the dark alloy sword behind Rui Mengmeng.

Ye Yan still has the strength to withstand it, but he is a little out of breath: "Their support is in Melville, and it is estimated that they will reach us in 10 to [-] minutes."

"Then get rid of this group of people, and then go to the support unit in Melville."

 Sister Vera's "I Invented at Hogwarts" will be on the shelves tomorrow at noon!Interested friends can go to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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