I just want to make money

Chapter 102 The Black World

Chapter 102 The Black World
After reading the system instructions, Lin Yi lay down on the bed, not knowing what kind of world he was about to experience. At this moment, he was both apprehensive and excited.

"Enter a new game!"

I just felt a trance in front of my eyes.

Lin Yi closed his eyes unconsciously, and when he opened them again, the scene in front of him had completely changed. He looked around, and saw that the four white walls were empty, only four or five square meters in size, and he could reach both sides with his open hands.

There is a bed under him, the whole body is hard and plastic, there is no bed sheet, there is a toilet next to it, nothing else.

The incandescent lamps on the roof were on, and the outside was covered with a layer of iron mesh.

At this moment, a memory flooded into Lin Yi's mind.

Game world
2005 years.

Fox River Prison, Illinois.

His current identity is,

In this world, his name is still Lin Yi, his height and appearance are exactly the same as himself, and his identity is an overseas student in the United States, studying for a master's degree at the Business School of Northwestern University.

As for the family,


He relied on his own efforts to get to today step by step.

As for why he went to jail, this is an infuriating dog-blood story. One of his classmates and friends took him to a party. People are all elite students from many prestigious schools.

During this period, Lin Yi went to the bathroom, but the bathroom on the first floor was occupied by someone. There was a woman's cry from inside, and she didn't shy away from it at all. She went to other rooms, but the room was also occupied by someone. Lin Yi had to go to the second floor, walked to the end of the corridor, and suddenly heard There was a woman screaming in the room.

"No, no, let go of me you bastard."

Lin Yi himself was a little dizzy from drinking, went up to open the door and found that the door was locked from the inside, a rush of blood surged up, Lin Yi kicked the door open.


The door opened, and Lin Yi saw in the room, a Caucasian youth forcefully pressed a woman to the floor, and the woman was trying to break free.

His first reaction was that the other party was violating the woman. He went up and kicked the man, and kicked the man hard in the face. The man screamed and rolled to the side, covering the corners of his eyes. His face was covered in blood, and there was a deep gash in the corner of his eye.

The woman struggled to get up, and ran out clutching her torn suspender dress,
The white man also went mad when he saw the blood, "Fake, how dare you hit me and wound me, I'm going to kill you."

It can be seen that the other party also drank too much.

After roaring, he rushed towards Lin Yi.

This white man was taller and stronger than Lin Yi, and he was injured by Lin Yi just now, mainly because he was caught off guard, and now he went crazy, Lin Yi was a little bit overwhelmed, but Lin Yi also became ruthless, and punched the opponent several times, In the end, the two hugged and rolled to the ground.

The woman ran down, and after a while a group of people came up and separated the two who were still fighting. Someone called the police, and several people were taken to the police station for questioning that night.

Lin Yi thought that the matter would be over soon, and he would be able to go back to school after the questioning, but he never expected that at the beginning, he could still sit and drink coffee, chat with the police officer and ask the transcript. After about two hours, someone came in to give He was handcuffed and taken to another room for interrogation mode.

"How did you get Ms. Monica into the room?"

"What kind of violence did you use to the victim? Did you tear her clothes, slap her cheeks, or press her hands?"

"Did you touch the victim's private parts?"

Lin Yi was going crazy at the time, and loudly defended himself, he just went to the toilet, and encountered a rape, so he went to save that woman, he was not a criminal, but that white young man was a criminal.

But these policemen didn't listen to Lin Yi's explanation at all.

being interrogated,
Lin Yi was tortured for half a month.

Finally this day,

The friend Wright who brought him to the reception at the beginning came with the lawyer. In the meeting room, Wright told Lin Yi what happened these days.

That night, the man Lin Yi beat up was Brock Turner, a student of the University of Chicago School of Finance, his father was the famous financier John Turner, and the woman was Monica, a beautiful woman from a certain university. schoolgirl.

"That night, the police did arrest Brock Turner at the beginning, but Brock's father, John Turner, was very energetic. He asked the lawyer to teach Brock that it was you who raped the girl, and then he found out and turned into a hero to save her. The girl fought with you and was wounded by you in the end."

Lin Yi's eyes widened.

"Can't a girl tell you, she knows who the rapist is?"

Wright spread his hands, "She said that you raped her, and Bullock came to rescue him. I guess, the girl was either threatened or got a lot of hush money. By the way, the Turner family is also one of the sponsors of the University of Chicago. one."

Lin Yi felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

He was a saver, but the other party turned him into a criminal with some tricks. He had never felt that the world was so dark.

at the trial stage.

Lin Yi kept crying out for himself.

but no one listened,

The woman's testimony completely nailed him to the rack of shame. During the trial, that Brock Turner also came, leaving a deep scar at the corner of his eye. Lin Yi's kick disfigured him. Lin Yi, who was in the interrogation area, still had vicious eyes.

In court,
Brock Turner swore to the Bible loudly, but what he said was all lies. His identity and Lin Yi had a big change. He was the one who heard the woman struggling, and he was the one who kicked the door open. The woman belonged to him, and the wound on his face was also from the fight with Lin Yi.

Everything is so logical.

The woman who was violated did not come, saying that she was afraid of seeing the suspect, that is, she was afraid of seeing Lin Yi. In order to protect the woman, the judge asked the attorney to appear in court and read the woman's testimony.

in the testimony,
She went to the second floor to find the bathroom, Lin Yi came out of the room, saw her and forcibly dragged her into the room, then tore her clothes, intending to rape her.

During the period, the woman resisted and was slapped several times by Lin Yi. While speaking, she took out the woman's medical report and photos, and the woman's face was indeed bruised.

As for the other witnesses.

Really do not have,

Because after the woman ran down, other people came up to check, that is to say, there were only three people at the scene.

Perhaps only Lin Yi's friend Wright believed Lin Yi's words, because when Lin Yi went upstairs to the bathroom, he told him that he didn't believe that Lin Yi would run to rape a woman in such a short time.

Finally, the judge asked Lin Yi if he pleaded guilty.

How could Lin Yi plead guilty, saying that he was wronged.

the judge pronounced,

Lin Yi was suspected of attempted rape, which is a third-degree felony of sexual assault. Because Lin Yi refused to plead guilty, it was a bad confession, so he was sentenced to six years and three months in prison.

that's it,
Lin Yi was sent to Fox River Prison.

Originally, according to the normal procedure, the prisoner would be sent directly to the cell after the inspection was ok, but Lin Yi was directly locked in a separate confinement room after the inspection was ok.

The confinement room is used to punish prisoners. Lin Yi did not make a mistake, but he was locked in it for two days. In these two days, he only had a piece of bread and a glass of water every day, which could not even guarantee the most basic physical fitness.

Now Lin Yi is very hungry,

The body is also relatively weak.

Lin Yi suspected that that Brock Turner, or that the Turner family didn't intend to let him go, maybe they just wanted him to die in prison.

After the Turner family made some achievements in finance, they are also seeking political development. The old Turner is now a city councilor, and he is likely to win the state councilor in the later period, and Bullock is the family's key training target. Only Lin Lin has such a dark history. If Yi completely disappears, there will be no trouble. If Lin Yi jumps out and insists on this matter when Brock is running for parliament in the future, other competitors will use this to attack him, and maybe the good thing will be taken away. Spoiler.

As a qualified financier and politician, the Turner family absolutely does not want such hidden dangers to exist.

After thinking about this, Lin Yi let out a breath.

The system said at the time that the difficulty would soar at the beginning, and now he finally experienced the soaring difficulty.

Sentenced to six years and three months.

Let him how to make money.

This difficulty is not ordinary. His skills now include physical enhancement, photographic memory, golden space, and language.

The only thing that is useful for jailbreaking here is the golden space, but now the space is empty, not even a hair.

The system stipulates that items cannot be brought into other worlds, including items in the space. The only things that can be brought over are system skills and the knowledge in your own mind.


And money.

But in prison, and in a situation where someone may kill him at any time, money may not be useful for a while.

However, Lin Yi still turned on the system to see if there were any changes in the system.

Player: Lin Yi.

Wallets: 6320 million (USD).

Skills: Level 1 Physical Enhancement, Golden Space [-] cubic meter, Cantonese, English, American English, Photographic Memory, Arabic.

System Mall: Golden Space, Physical Enhancement, Language Pack.

Lin Yi was surprised to find that,
The money in the wallet has now been denominated in U.S. dollars. He calculated in his mind that the purchasing power of the currency in his own world is almost the same. After all, it is 2005, which is about the same time as the real world.

So what is the exchange of money now?With a thought, he silently took out five 5-dollar bills.

Lin Yi had a few extra $20 bills in his palm.

"Exchange 10 $100 bills."

In an instant, a small stack of hundred-yuan bills appeared in Lin Yi's palm.


The banknotes disappear.

Lin Yixin said that if he could take out US dollar bills from the system in the 80s, then he would have nothing to do but exchange money on the black market every day, and he would be able to earn untold wealth.


Then can I still take out RMB?
"System, exchange 10 100 RMB."

The system is unresponsive.

Now Lin Yi understood.

After arriving in a certain world, the system will match the currency according to your identity, but there is only one main currency.

However, it only affects

Does not affect entry.

That is to say, if you have dollars, francs, pounds, euros, renminbi, rubles, etc. in front of you, the system can absorb them and calculate the value according to the exchange rate, but if you take them in, you can't spit them out, you can only spit out dollars.

After reading the wallet, Lin Yi looked at the skill item again.

He found that the price of skill items has also changed.

"Buy world time for $2000 million."

"Purchase a cubic meter of gold space for $2000 million."

"Purchase three-level physical enhancement for 2000 million US dollars."

"Purchase the language pack for the main language for $200 million, and buy the dialect below the main language for $20."

Regarding the current situation, Lin Yi did not feel any depression. He clenched his arms and his strength returned. Now that he came to this world, he would find a way to earn dollars.

But at this moment,
The system suddenly popped up a message prompt.

(End of this chapter)

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