I just want to make money

Chapter 104 Confinement is equivalent to closed-door cultivation

Chapter 104 Confinement is equivalent to closed-door cultivation

The screams are gone,
The noise of the prisoners was gone.

The originally noisy prison suddenly became extremely quiet, revealing a strange atmosphere.

Lin Yi looked at the dead bodies and bloodstains on the ground, and his heart didn't fluctuate at all. To him, this guy in front of him was an NPC who gained experience at the beginning of the game.

Thanks for the 25 experience points he sent.

A few days of confinement made Lin Yi think clearly about one thing.

In the independent world of the prison, your cowardice means humiliation or death. He accepts death, and at worst, he goes back and hugs Xiaoqing to make money, but he will never accept humiliation.

Then there is only one way left.

Work hard!
Kill all the guys who provoke me!

The big deal is death.

And for murder,
Lin Yi has his own ideas, this Johnny has already decided that he is here to kill him, but he doesn't want to kill himself in the first place, but to torture himself, I don't know if this is the request of that bastard Brock Turner .

How could Lin Yi give him a chance.

Killing Johnny, on the one hand, he can protect himself and on the other hand, he can also create an opportunity for himself, an opportunity to escape from prison.

in prison,

All kinds of protective measures are very strict.

Lin Yi has very few means now, and it is very difficult to break through the prison wall alone. In the confinement room, he thought of an easier way to get out.

court trial.

Committing a crime in prison also has to be tried. In the normal legal process, the suspect will be brought to the local court for trial and sentencing. At this time, Lin Yi's chance of escaping will be much greater.

But now,

I'm afraid there are many people in the prison who want his life. Lin Yi will have to wait until the day of the trial, and he will persist for a while.

Looking away from Johnny's body, he glanced at the small prison. The prison is only about ten square meters in total, with three walls and an iron fence, like a cage for pigeons. The bed is embedded in the wall, with bunk beds. The lower berth is empty.

On the opposite side was a table, which was also fixed in the wall, and beside it was a plastic chair with a backrest. Lin Yi found a good thing on the table.

an apple.

There are fruits for lunch and dinner in the prison, and you can take them back to eat. This is the only food that can be taken back to the cell.

This apple is beautiful, big and red.

Lin Yi picked up the apple and wiped it on his body, just a bite.

He hadn't eaten for two days, so he was really hungry.

On Johnny's bed, Lin Yi found a book, which was flipped on the bed, and Lin Yi turned it over.

The Count of Monte Cristo.

Lin Yi felt it was funny. Could it be that Johnny still thought that he could escape from prison and live a rich life like the Count of Monte Cristo?

He definitely has no chance.

But I may not have no.

Under the book, Lin Yi also found some good things, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He only smoked two cigarettes, and there is still more than half of the pack left.

The most valuable thing in the prison is cigarettes. Many prisoners secretly hide a few. Johnny has a box here, which shows that his energy in prison is indeed not small.


Lin Yi put the cigarettes and lighters in the space.


at this time,

The prison alarm sounded.

There was the sound of leather shoes running on the iron plate in the distance, the gate opened, and a team of prison guards in explosion-proof suits ran in, holding shields, batons and anti-riot guns in their hands. Someone yelled at the other prisoners standing by the fence, calling them Get back on the bed, and the others quickly ran towards Lin Yi.

Prison guards ran up close.

Through the fence, the situation in the cell can be clearly seen.

Johnny fell to the ground without any movement, the ground was covered with blood, while Lin Yi sat on the bed, spread his legs and looked at the prison guards outside, and put an apple into his mouth.



The chew is very clear.

This scene is very weird. Some people even thought of the devil chewing bones when they saw this scene.

The prison guard pointed his gun at Lin Yi through the fence and shouted loudly: "Stand by the wall, put your hands on the wall, if you dare to resist, immediately blow your head off."

Throwing the apple core in his hand on the ground, Lin Yi stood up obediently, obediently put his hands on the wall, the prison guard opened the cell door after seeing that Lin Yi had stood up, several heavily armed prison guards rushed in together, and beat Lin Yi to death. Pressing against the wall, for fear that he would move slightly.

Lin Yi was held down by several prison guards,

Handcuffed and fettered.

The handcuffs and ankle shackles are connected together with iron chains to prevent him from bursting out and hurting others. Now he can't even stand upright when he walks.

Several people pushed and dragged him to the confinement room.

It was the same room as before.

Lin Yi only left for less than an hour before revisiting the old place again. This time, the big-faced prison guard received him, but the way this guy looked at Lin Yi was no longer the same as before.

He looked at Lin Yi before, with disdain in his contempt, thinking that Lin Yi is a piece of garbage, who will definitely be bullied in prison, and will become the plaything of those black guys in a few days, but just now he heard that this guy Killed Johnny in a matter of minutes in the past.

Who is Johnny.

The whole of Fox River Prison knew it.

American prisons are also an independent society. Prisoners live in the form of gangs, white gangs, black gangs, Indian gangs, and Mexican gangs. These guys are divided into many small gangs based on race and outside forces.

Johnny was number two in one of the white gangs.

Johnny's fists are very powerful. The most important thing is that this guy is extremely cruel. In prison, he has already recorded five serious injuries and three times disabled people. He was sentenced to an additional 25 years, but his crimes were more serious before. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out for the rest of my life.

And this thin Asian man in front of him actually killed Johnny with his bare hands. The person who just sent him has already said that Johnny's two legs were discounted, and the fatal injury was the neck bone, which was caused by the guy in front of him. It was stepped on abruptly.

Lin Yi was pushed into the confinement room.


The iron door slammed shut.

The world is quiet again,

Lin Yi doesn't need to worry about the rest.

Johnny's body will naturally be handled by someone, and his murder case is also very simple, someone will investigate it thoroughly and hand it over to the judge, waiting for a sentencing date.

Lin Yi's level has also risen,
Upgrade from the original ordinary criminals to serious criminals.

Daguai upgrade is not fast.

The status of the prisoner was promoted very quickly.

After a while, a guy wearing a police cap came to the door of the confinement room, opened the small iron window to look at Lin Yi, and said in a vicious tone: "Boy, you will be confined for a week, and you will stay here honestly from now on. .”

Lin Yi knew the guy at the door, he was the chief of the prison guard. When Lin Yi was sent to Fox River Prison on the first day, the chief of the prison guard appeared, and he warned Lin Yi to be honest with a fierce face. He also arranged for Lin Yi to be confined. room.

Sitting on the bed, Lin Yi looked at the head of the prison guard whose cheek was cut into pieces by the fence, and said calmly, "I want to guarantee food and water."

Bellick narrowed his eyes, and finally shouted to the big-faced prison guard in charge of Lin Yi, "Tony, give him the same food as the other prisoners."


The small iron gate was closed.

Lin Yi lay on the bed with his body turned inward. He touched the iron chain on his hand, wondering if his golden space could take away the shackles and handcuffs on his hands.

Give it a try.

Holding the iron chain in his hand, he ordered "receive" in his heart.


The handcuffs on Lin Yi's hands and the shackles on his feet disappeared instantly.

Lin Yi felt ecstasy in his heart.


With this ability, his chances of escaping increased countless times.

As a felon, when he is sent to the court for trial, he will definitely wear handcuffs and shackles to prevent him from escaping and other dangerous behaviors. Now that the handcuffs and shackles can be taken away, he can move freely and do whatever he wants.

Lin Yi secretly released the handcuffs and shackles again.

But when you come out,
Not wearing them anymore, Lin Yi handcuffed them by himself.

at dinner,
Lin Yi's food has been greatly improved. It is no longer a piece of black bread. An iron plate is inserted through the small iron door below. There are boiled corn, chicken legs, bread, and a banana as fruit. There is also a bottle of mineral water.

Lin Yi sat up, put the dinner plate on the table and started to eat. To be honest, the taste of these things is really not good. They are all ready-to-eat foods coming off the assembly line, but they are much better than the previous black bread.

At least he can fill his stomach.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Yi took a rest and started exercising. Although his body has been systematically strengthened, his foundation is not very good.

System enhancement is an addition to the original basis, so the better Lin Yi's basic body is, the higher his bonus will be.

Lin Yi planned to use this period of retreat to improve his body, and he was looking forward to the effect after the exercise.

No equipment?

It doesn't matter.

Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, abdominal pulls and leg lifts, side pulls, knee lifts. Although these movements are bare-handed, the number of sets can still kill people.

He was wearing handcuffs and shackles on his hands. Lin Yi secretly opened the handcuffs, leaving only the shackles, and wrapped the chains of the handcuffs around his waist, so that if there was a prison guard checking, Lin Yi turned his back to the door and put his hands in front. He was found without handcuffs.

Start exercising.

A group of [-], several groups for each kind first.

Soon Lin Yi broke out in sweat.

But he didn't stop, and continued to practice the next project, Yi Jin Jing. In the book Lin Yi read, the explanation of Yi Jin Jing is to stretch the muscles and bones. Similar to Indian yoga, the movements are very simple at the beginning, and the more difficult the movements become. .

After practicing the Yi Jin Jing and just warming up, Lin Yi first played the Black Dragon Eighteen Hands a few times, and then based on the boxing, Sanda, Muay Thai, kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Israeli Krav Maga moves he simulated in his mind a few days ago, he summed up A set of fighting moves to practice.

In fact, there is nothing special about Lin Yi's set of boxing. It is still just a combination of strength and skill. It's just that he finds out the most suitable thing for him according to his own situation, and turns the technique into instinct, so that he can use it like an arm. finger out.

It doesn't matter how you hit someone.

Fists, moves, bricks, folding stools,
As long as you can defeat your opponent.


The small iron gate was opened from the outside.

The big-faced prison guard stared at Lin Yi with treacherous eyes. Lin Yi was facing away from him at the moment, and the iron chain in his hand was rattling, and he was sitting and squatting.

The big-faced prison guards didn't notice any abnormalities, and closed the small iron gate again.

Lin Yi continued to exercise.

(End of this chapter)

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