I just want to make money

Chapter 106 Amelika Steps On The Sewing Machine Too

Chapter 106 Amelika Steps On The Sewing Machine Too

Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, side pulls...

Boxing, Sanda, Muay Thai, Krav Maga, unlimited combos of close combat.

"Bang bang bang bang."

"Clap clap clap~!"

The small window clicked open, and the big-faced prison guard took a look inside, and found that the Chinese-American was standing on both sides of the wall with his legs crossed, just like the iconic action of Jean-Claude Van Damme in the movie.


Close the small window again.

Three days passed in a flash, and Lin Yi said that it would be over if he didn't enjoy the stay. This time, the prison guard Berwick came to pick Lin Yi up personally, and warned Lin Yi with a gloomy face: "Tell you boy, don't make trouble again, otherwise Next time it won’t be as simple as confinement.”

Lin Yi gave him a cold look.

Nothing was said.

Lin Yi was sent back to the prison area again. When two prison guards pressed Lin Yi through the middle corridor, the prisoners in the cell all lay down on the railing and looked at Lin Yi.

This time no one shouted.

Just watch quietly.

Tea Bao also stood by the railing and watched Lin Yi pass by, with dark eyes, and was punched by Lin Yi. This guy's face is still swollen, and his eyes are big and small at one side.

It's more temperamental.

Lin Yi returned to the separate cell, lay on the bed, and turned off the lights at nine o'clock in the evening, leaving only the lights in the corridor, and occasionally prison guards patrolled past.

Lin Yi closed his eyes and fell asleep.

This was his first sleep in the cell when he came to Fox River Prison, which was really rare.

bell bell,
At seven o'clock in the morning, the prison bell rang, and everyone had to get up, wash and brush their teeth. Lin Yi squeezed the toothpaste, which was brand new, and squeezed the handle of the toothbrush, which was made of hard plastic. very smooth.

After washing, you can move around in the cell, and you will have meals at eight o’clock. You will not go to the cafeteria for breakfast, and you will be given a box of milk and two slices of black bread directly, with a piece of sausage as thin as a cicada’s wing sandwiched between the bread.

After breakfast,

You can move freely.

of course,

The space for you to move freely is only 10 square meters in the cell.

If you have roommates, you can chat. If you have more roommates, you can play poker. Even if you gamble, the prison guards don’t care. The bet is usually cigarettes, and there are also snacks or other things, such as marijuana. Marijuana is a luxury here. It sells for $5 a bag outside. , sell for at least $50 here, and it's not easy to buy.

As for how to get in.

Ha ha,

Do you really think that relatives brought in food and clothes? No, the prison guards are very strict on those inspections. Even if you have powder in your clothes, you will not pass. How could marijuana be brought in.

The things here, including cigarettes and marijuana, as well as other contraband, were brought in by prison guards in all likelihood.

That's right,

Prison guards are in business.

Moreover, this is especially common in American prisons, and a set of industrial chains has been formed. There was a news report that a gang boss slept with five female prison guards in prison, and asked them to bear children for him, and usually let them bring goods for him. , Both parties made a lot of money, and the prison guards drove luxury cars to and from get off work.

Do you think the warden doesn’t know? No, no, no, he knows better than anyone else, and he must be the one who takes the most.


Lunch time is the most anticipated time of the day.

Because after lunch, you can enjoy 2 hours of wind time, go to the playground to breathe fresh air, play basketball and table tennis, and find sellers to trade some cigarettes and marijuana you need.

Lin Yi came to the cafeteria again, this is the second time he came to the cafeteria, when he came in, all the prisoners looked at him, not because of how great he was, but because this Chinese boy offended Johnny's gang at the same time With the teabag gang, in people's eyes, this guy must not live long.

The tea bag uses a spoon to deliver the rice to the mouth, and chews slowly with one side. Every time I chew, my cheeks will prick and hurt.

All this is thanks to that Chinese boy.

He stared fixedly at Lin Yi, wishing to tear him apart with his teeth.

The prison guards also felt the oppressive atmosphere in the cafeteria. The captain made a gesture, and the prison guard who was standing by the wall quickly came to the middle of the cafeteria, fixed his eyes on the prisoners, and told them to be more honest.

Lin Yi had lunch,

Just find a place to sit down.

Although the taste of the food was not very good, he still ate it with relish. The fruit was two oranges, and Lin Yi broke them open one by one and put them into his mouth.

This time,
No one came to make trouble.

Lin Yi finally ate his lunch with peace of mind.

After lunch, everyone went to the playground, but Lin Yi was called out alone. The chief of prison guard Berwick pointed at Lin Yi, "Come out and go to that passage."

A prison guard took Lin Yi to another passage.

open the door,
Lin Yi found that this place is indeed outdoors, but the area here is very small, like a small courtyard in the countryside, only a few tens of square meters in total, surrounded by fences, and you can see the big playground in the distance, where the prisoners are all active. .


The prison guard closed the door.

Lin Yi walked into the yard.

It's simple here,
There is only one bench, nothing else, the only thing to do is to bask in the sun and breathe fresh air.

Oh shit.

Even Fangfeng was detained independently.

Lin Yi was thinking about how to spend these two hours. It would be a good idea to sleep in the sun on the bench, but before he could act, the gate was opened again, and Lin Yi was delighted that there were others.

A man walked in with melancholy eyes, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Lin Yi, because he used to be the only one in this area.

This is the execution area for the death row inmates.

I recognized the tea bag and Berwick before, but this time Lin Yi recognized the man in front of me at a glance. Lincoln Bruce in Prison Break, the brother of the actor Michael. Michael took the initiative to rob because he wanted to save him. into prison.

The gate was closed again.

Lincoln looked at the bench. Usually it was his exclusive area, but now it was occupied by Lin Yi. He walked to the fence and looked at the big playground in the distance while holding the fence.

"Ahem." Lin Yi coughed lightly twice.

Lincoln looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi took out two cigarettes and gestured to Lincoln. This pack of cigarettes was obtained from Johnny a few days ago.

It's an item dropped by Daguai.

Lincoln was a little surprised.

He tapped himself with his hand, meaning you asked me to smoke?

Lin Yi nodded.

Lincoln hadn't smoked for a long time, and his cell was separated from ordinary prisoners. In the death row prisoner's detention area, it was much more difficult to obtain contraband than ordinary prisoners.

Lincoln came over,
Lin Yi handed him a cigarette, lit it himself, and handed him the lighter.

Lincoln lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled~~~, this feeling is so good, he hasn't enjoyed it for a long time.

Lin Yi moved aside.

Lincoln knew he was being asked to sit down, so he made it to the other side of the bench.

"How come you are in the death penalty area, and you have also been sentenced to death?" Lincoln asked.

Lin Yi shook his head, "I just killed a cellmate, and then got into a fight. They might think I'm dangerous, so they threw me here. What about you, why are you here?"

In fact, Lin Yi knew why Lincoln was here, but the person involved must have a different feeling when he said it.

Lincoln may have been suffocated, usually he didn't even have anyone to talk to, so he began to tell Lin Yi about his experience.

He was wronged.

He went to someone to ask for the bill, but when he saw the other person, the person had already been beaten to death. The video evidence showed that he took out a gun, and it was unclear whether he fired it. He was convicted of first-degree murder and was about to execute the death penalty.

If the other party was an ordinary person, it would be impossible for him to be sentenced to death under suspicious circumstances, but the other party was the president's younger brother, and he, a street gangster, had entered the police station more times than he could count on two hands.

Lin Yi knew the plot of the TV series. Lincoln was indeed wronged, but it was not as simple as Lincoln thought. It involved a huge political and family struggle. He was just a victim of the high-level struggle, a scapegoat that no one cared about.

"What about you, why?" Lincoln asked Lin Yi after telling his story.

"Sexual assault."

Then Lin Yi talked about his own experience, which was not as tortuous as Lincoln's case, but it was just as dark. Simply put, he was suppressed by a powerful financier.

"You should not kill in prison, you should write to the state court to appeal, I believe there will be a day of justice, now you kill someone, even if the sexual assault case is false, but your murder case will Let you stay in prison for 20 years." Lincoln said with regret.

Lin Yi shrugged.

"They won't give me a chance. That Johnny is here to kill me. I'm afraid the prison warden and prison guards are also involved. Otherwise, the prison guards will rush into the prison area so late?!"

Lincoln was silent.

The two lit another cigarette and smoked silently.

The two chatted about other things,


loved ones,

Not knowing if that Michael had come to Fox River Prison, Lin Yi looked over to the big playground, but because of the distance, there were so many people that he couldn't see clearly.

Two hours of wind time passed quickly.

Lin Yi was taken back to the cell.

Some people will be taken to work, such as stepping on the sewing machine, yes, Amerika prison also steps on the sewing machine.

Some will be called to clean the prison area, or wash dishes in the kitchen.

As for Lin Yi, because of his previous misdeeds of killing and fighting, he could only stay in the cell and was not allowed to move freely.

Lin Yi didn't want to do those things, he was happy to be free, so he kept exercising in the cell, and the dinner was still delivered, a very simple boxed food, Lin Yi continued to exercise after eating, until nine o'clock in the evening, the prison area After turning off the lights, Lin Yi just finished exercising and sat on the bed breathing.

the next day,
It's still a repetitive life.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Yi's crime would have allowed him to repeat his life like this for 20 years.

After lunch at noon, it was time to let out the wind again. When Lin Yi was brought to the small courtyard, Lincoln had already arrived here one step earlier. The two sat together, and Lin Yi took out his cigarette and they chatted again.

This time the conversation was more extensive.

Talk about what comes to mind.

Lin Yi suddenly asked, "Lincoln, have you accepted your fate and accepted the execution in a few months?"

Lincoln lowered his head, "I didn't accept my fate, but what can I change now? A friend of mine who is a lawyer is helping me. My younger brother Michael called a few days ago and said that he would find a way to save me."

Having said that, he shook his head.

"But I feel it's too difficult, too difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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