I just want to make money

Chapter 108 The trial, live on ABC nationwide

Chapter 108 The trial, live on ABC nationwide
This time in confinement, the prison really didn’t intend to let Lin Yi go back. This guy killed 7 prisoners one after another, and another unlucky black man suffered an indiscriminate disaster. Eight people died in a short period of time. The warden suffered a lot. pressure.

Now this Chinese boy will definitely be sentenced to death, so there is no need for prison to do anything else, just wait for the sentence to be pronounced.

The prosecutor is at it again.

It was the same as last time, but this time he looked at Lin Yi with fear. When he saw Lin Yi, Lin Yi was in handcuffs and ankles, and there were two prison guards standing beside him to attack at any time.

Lin Yi's prisoner rank has now been raised again.

Has become a super felon in prison.

Asking Lin Yi for details, Lin Yi explained the situation at that time clearly, without any embellishment, and there was surveillance in the aisle, and everything that happened at that time was also filmed.

Two days passed.

The lawyer assigned to Lin Yi came.

After communicating with Lin Yi, the lawyer said that Lin Yi is likely to be sentenced to death because of the abominable nature of his crime.

"Isn't it okay to protect myself? Can I just let them kill me?" Lin Yi asked.

The lawyer raised his eyebrows, "In the video, you are far more vicious than those people, especially the last prisoner. He escaped, and you chased him and stabbed him to death from the back."

"This is your attitude, Mr. Lawyer, did you never plan to defend me for commutation?" Lin Yi asked lightly.

The lawyer shrugged. "I will ask for a reduced sentence in court, but your situation is really hopeless."

"I understand."

Go back to the brig.

In addition to eating and sleeping, Lin Yi is exercising, non-stop exercising, in addition to physical exercise, he also rummages through the so-called martial arts cheats in his mind to absorb nutrients.

Training dodging skills, dodging attacks with the upper body, and practicing sliding steps with the lower body, in the small four-square-meter confinement room, Lin Yi jumped up and down, dodged, and moved, which made him play well.

To practice dagger skills, Lin Yi's dining box was rolled into a cylinder, and a human-shaped target was drawn with jam on the surrounding walls. Lin Yi made various movements, and the dagger stabbed the target on the wall from different angles.

When sleeping,
Lying on a hard plank bed,

A dagger suddenly appeared in Lin Yi's hand, and then disappeared.

when assassinated,
Lin Yi deliberately put a dagger in the space for emergencies. The dagger he took away belonged to one of the prisoners. It was sharpened with a hard saw blade, and the handle was wrapped with tape. The blade was about [-] centimeters long. It looked a bit like boning The knife is very sharp.

The reason why he didn't take the dagger in his hand was because he was afraid that he might not be able to explain the whereabouts of the dagger. As for the daggers of the dead guys, who knows where they went, they might have been swallowed by other prisoners.

So a month passed.

During this month,
Lin Yi only went out twice, once to see the prosecutor and once to see the lawyer, the rest of the time he was locked in the dark confinement room.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will really go crazy.

Lin Yi is not crazy.

Instead, he continued to strengthen himself.

After more than a month of intensive training, the muscles on Lin Yi's body have become very obvious, such as chest muscles, abdominal muscles, and mermaid lines, but his muscles are not dead muscles, and he has not deliberately exercised a certain muscle. The muscles are only for physical fitness and moves. accessories.


Small windows open.

Tony, the prison guard with a big face, showed half of his face and shouted at Lin Yi: "Boy, let me inform you that you will go to court for trial tomorrow."

"I have a request." Lin Yi said.

The big-faced prison guard frowned, "Boy, I'm just here to inform you, and I'm not obligated to fulfill your request."

"Since I entered the prison, I have never taken a shower. My body is smelly. I have worn this clothes for a month. The smell can waft 1000 yards. The court will start tomorrow. You don't want me to be in front of the judge and the jury. Now, accuse the prison of ill-treating prisoners." Lin Yi said.

The big-faced prison guard thought for a while, "I want to ask for instructions."

Click to close the bars.

About two hours later, the small gate of Lin Yi's iron gate was opened again, and Prison Chief Berwick appeared outside.

"Boy, I'll take you to take a shower and change your clothes now, but remember, don't talk nonsense in court."

Lin Yi smiled, "Of course, there is no abuse if the requirements are met."

"Then lie on the wall now, and remember not to play tricks." Berwick said.

Lin Yi put his hands on the wall.

The iron gate opened, and two prison guards came in, pressed Lin Yi and put him in handcuffs and shackles. After Lin Yi was pulled out, he saw not only Berwick standing outside, but also two fully armed men with guns behind him. team prison guards.

I really value myself.

In the big bathroom.

Lin Yi took off his clothes.

The big-faced prison guards followed in, and Berwick and the action team were waiting outside. The bathroom was fully enclosed, and they were not worried that Lin Yi would escape.

Lin Yi stripped off,
The big-faced prison guard looked there subconsciously. This seemed to be a common problem of men. After seeing it clearly, the big-faced prison guard frowned, feeling envious in his heart.

Lin Yi took a hot bath and didn't wash for more than a month. Now he feels so comfortable. Lin Yi took shampoo and soap for half an hour.

After going out, Lin Yi saw a new set of prison uniforms on the stool. Lin Yi looked at Berwick, "I'm going to court tomorrow. I hope I can dress decently. I need a suit."

Berwick gritted his teeth and said grimly, "What else do you want?"

"I need a haircut."

Lin Yi enjoyed a haircut service, not the kind of short body size, but medium-length hair, coupled with his 1.8 meters five body shape, handsome and tough face, the whole person looks very handsome.

The next day.

Lin Yi was dressed neatly.

Wearing handcuffs and shackles, and a red vest over the suit, four prison guards escorted him into the car when he went out, and the police car roared out of Fox River Prison.

Seeing the scene outside the window, Lin Yixin said that he finally came out.

There were four prison guards in the prison van escorting him, two sat in the front, separated by bulletproof partitions and iron fences, Lin Yi sat in a solid iron cage, and there were two prison guards inside, staring at Lin Yi without turning his eyes. Yat.

Guys like Lin Yi have to be vigilant.

along the way,

Lin Yi is very honest.

no move,

Just looking out at the street view.

Prison guards can understand, too.

After all, this guy was imprisoned for a month, so he is considered amazing if he doesn't go crazy.

The police car drove to the state court and drove directly to the backyard. Lin Yi got out of the car and was taken to the waiting room under pressure.

The scene of the trial.

The cameraman is sorting out the live broadcast equipment.

The beautiful host clamped the microphone to her chest.

The jurors came in one after another and took their seats, and the trial audience also walked into the court, preparing to watch the trial live.

Lin Yi's trial today is designated as a public trial, and it will be broadcast live across the United States. ABC TV station will be in charge, and it will not only be broadcast on TV, but will also be broadcast live on the Internet simultaneously.

In fact, webcasting appeared very early. As early as 1996, broadcasters started to play livestreaming, and then livestreaming websites came into being. Now it is 2005, and livestreaming websites are in full swing.

"Are you ready David?" the beauty host asked the photographer.

"You can start Serena." The photographer said.

The beautiful host flicked her blond hair, put on a professional smile on her face, the photographer gave an OK gesture, and the red light of the camera turned on.

"To the viewers in front of the TV and the viewers on the Internet, hello, everyone. I am Serena from ABC TV station. Today we will live broadcast a trial. This time, the trial will be a real gangster. Now let me introduce to you the basic situation of this trial.”

"The courtroom is the Illinois State Court. Today's judge is Judge Stephen. He has 20 years of experience as a judge and has tried thousands of criminals."

"Now let's focus on introducing the defendant who is being tried today. As I said just now, this is a real gangster. According to the information I have in hand, in the past month, he has been in the prison continuously. Killed seven inmates and wounded one."

"The identity of this defendant is also very interesting. He is a Chinese, no, it should be said that he is a Chinese. He is from China. He is studying for a master's degree in economics at Northwestern University. Just two months ago, he died because of Sentenced to six years and three months for sexually assaulting a woman at a drinking party."

"And when he arrived in prison, he killed 7 inmates in a row. This is a very cruel guy, heinous. This trial will be broadcast live on TV and the Internet. After a while, everyone will know the details of the whole incident. What happened? Life imprisonment or the death penalty, we can look forward to the outcome together."

the current network,
The barrage has not yet been developed.

However, there is a comment area under the live broadcast room, and many people type to speak.

"Sexual assault and murder, he is really an evil guy."

"He's from China, they're just beep beep beep beep beep." There are prohibited words behind it.

"This kind of person should go to the gallows and the electric chair. I hope there will be a national live broadcast of his execution."

The comment section is full of abuse.

There are many keyboard warriors and racists everywhere.

The live broadcast is still going on,

The camera shoots around the courtroom, the jury has already arrived, the prosecutor and the lawyer have arrived, and the audience sits down, waiting for the judge to come to start the trial.

At this time, the beautiful host looked at the information, smiled and said to the camera: "I found an interesting thing. Judge Stephen, who was in charge of this trial, was the presiding judge who tried this Chinese sexual assault case last time. We met together."

was saying,

The judge entered through the high door.

Judge Stephen, who is in his 50s and wears gold spectacles, put the documents on the table and tapped it with his gavel.

"Everyone, please be quiet, we are now preparing for the trial."

"Bring the prisoner."

The side door of the courtroom opened, and Lin Yi was led into the courtroom by two heavily armed bailiffs. Because he was in handcuffs and shackles, he walked with a lot of noise.

The camera lens is aimed at Lin Yi.

Tens of millions of viewers on ABC TV saw Lin Yi's appearance, and the Internet became lively again, and the comment section began to swipe the screen.

It's nothing more than insulting and insulting and insulting.


A different message pops up.

"I think this Asian is quite handsome, especially his eyes are very charming."

As soon as this comment came out, netizens immediately pointed their guns at this person,

"Did you get your brain eaten by a lizard, and you think he's handsome? He's just an ugly trash."

"Are you also an Asian, only Asians think Asians are handsome, in my eyes he is just a beep beep beep."

"Just now the host said that he is serving his sentence in Fox River Prison. I want to call my cousin in Fox River Prison and kill this guy."

"Your cousin is a prison guard?"

"No, he's in Fox River Prison."

Lin Yi sat down in his seat.

The judge is talking to others.

Lin Yi glanced at the situation in the courtroom and took all the details into his mind. There were two bailiffs beside him, and another two bailiffs were about ten meters away from him. In addition, the jury, prosecutors, lawyers, audience, Cameraman and presenter.

When he saw the chief judge in charge of the trial today, his eyes narrowed.

It was this judge who sentenced him when the evidence was vague, and it was the heaviest sentence.


Lin Yi came to the court,

He is also one of the reasons.

Lin Yi looked at the two bailiffs beside him. They were all wearing full equipment. Seeing Lin Yi looking at them, one of the bailiffs warned in a low voice, "Boy, you'd better be honest."

"What if I don't?"

"Without a trial by a judge, I will blow your head off with a gun on the spot." The bailiff warned.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth curled into a smile,
"Thank you."

Thanks for telling me there are bullets in the gun.

(End of this chapter)

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