I just want to make money

Chapter 133 Attack

Chapter 133 Attack
How many small mine owners are there in Mali? Lin Yi asked Barcia, but Barcia couldn't tell, "Maybe there should be 2000."

Lin Yi did the math.

Of the few companies he took in, each of them had [-] to [-] kilograms less, and more than a hundred kilograms. Calculated in this way, there are at least hundreds of tons of gold floating outside, and they were produced within a period of time.

of course,

He can't take it all.

But the bigger the market, the more likely his gains will be.

the next day,
Continuing to collect gold, Barcia contacted everywhere, some made phone calls, and some drove over. He had been in the business of buying gold before and had his own business network.

Lin Yi bought more than 400 kilograms that day,
It can reach 1 ton.

On the third day,
The quantity has decreased significantly, only more than 200 kilograms. According to Barcia, the number of people he can contact is almost the same.

The fourth day was less than the third day. Lin Yi knew that Barcia's ability was probably so great. After all, he was just a small gold merchant, and the merchants he could contact were limited.

The gold that Lin Yi bought was exactly 1.5 tons, and he came out to buy 1.5 tons of gold, and the results are already very good.

Lin Yi told Barcia that he was going to end the acquisition, and contact him when they had saved enough, and he would come to collect it.

"How are you going to transport this batch of gold?" Barcia asked.

Lin Yi smiled, "I've already made arrangements, you can just send us to the border of Côte d'Ivoire, and we will go back by ourselves."

The location of the gold mine in Brasilia is 100 kilometers closer to the neighboring country Côte d'Ivoire than to the capital of Mali. Côte d'Ivoire is near the sea, and it is much more convenient to fly back to South Africa in Côte d'Ivoire than in Mali.

"No problem, I'll get ready."

Barcia's driver drove the broken Mitsubishi Jeep, and Lin Yi drove an off-road RV. The two cars were driving on the road to Côte d'Ivoire, with sparse woods and grass on both sides, and the narrow dirt road was full of potholes. ten kilometers.


A fallen tree appeared on the road ahead.

Barcia was startled.

He has been here all year round, knowing that this is definitely not a normal phenomenon, he immediately stretched out his head and shouted to the back, "Go back, go back quickly."

But his words came too late.

"Da da da~~ da da da~~~" Intensive gunshots came from a distance, and one could tell it was the sound of AK47.

Bang bang bang.

Several bullets hit the car.

Lin Yi was also surprised.

Tommy and Kent were so frightened that they quickly took out their pistols and lowered themselves down in the car in a panic, "Jack, have we encountered a robber?"

"I'm afraid it is." Lin Yi said.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer, Lin Yi quickly jumped into the carriage, opened the door of the cabinet next to it, and several assault rifles poured out of it.

M4A1, MK17, HK416,

There are several magazines on the side.

"Take the gun yourself."

After Lin Yi shouted, he picked up a handful of HK416 and jumped out of the car.

When Tommy and Kent saw the rifle, they quickly put the pistol in their backs, crawled over and grabbed the heavy assault rifle. With the big guy in their hands, they immediately felt more at ease.

Jack is awesome.
Really prepared a lot of things.

Two more cars drove up from the opposite side. The people in the car got down and ran into the bushes and trees, and fired at Lin Yi and the others. Barcia led two men and used AK47 to fight back. But obviously the opponent had a large number of people, and they were shot I was so suppressed that I couldn't lift my head up.

And there are raids on both sides.

It feels more ominous than ominous.

At this moment, Lin Yi, Tommy, and Kent came down with their guns and kept shooting at both sides, knocking down the opponent's arrogance all at once.

Tommy was not far from Barcia, and said angrily: "Barcia, you leaked the news, if there is any loss this time, you will be responsible."

"How do I know how the news leaked out? Too many people know that you are here during this time." Barcia defended.

If there is a loss, he can't afford to pay for a ton and a half of gold.

Lin Yixin said that you two guys still have time to quarrel, "Stop arguing about this, let's talk about it after surviving, and find a way to kill the robbers."

But obviously,

The robbers came prepared.

The number of people is obviously much higher than them.

And it was fan-shaped, surrounded from three directions. The situation at the scene was very unfavorable to them. At this time, someone shouted in French: "Leave the car and gun, and I can let you go."

Only a fool would believe his words.

chug chug,
Lin Yi shot a shuttle in the direction he was shouting.


There came a scream,
I didn't expect to be shot by Lin Yimeng, and he shot a guy randomly.

This time,
The shooting from the opposite side became more intensive.

"Jack, you drive back, I will suppress their attack in front, you try to escape." Barcia said through gritted teeth.

have to say,

This buddy is quite loyal at critical moments.

Or business ethics.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. It's probably blocked now." Lin Yi said.

Barcia asked one of his subordinates to crawl over to check, and he came back after a while, "There is also a big tree falling behind, and we are stuck in the middle."

Oh shit,

Now both sides can't run.

The robbers obviously lost their patience, and kept rushing forward to suppress Lin Yi and his space, wanting to deal with them as soon as possible.

Lin Yi took out a small self-made grenade from his waist. He said it was small, much bigger than real grenades. It belonged to C4 explosives wrapped with steel balls and exploded by remote control. It was much more powerful than grenade bombs.

Tommy and Kent saw it from the side, and were surprised how Lin Yi hid such a big guy in his waist.

They haven't watched the TV series about thunder hidden in the crotch.

Lin Yi's arm strength is very strong.

Aim the big grenade in one direction and throw it hard, and it flies about 50 meters away.

Lin Yi pressed the remote control button fiercely.


The explosion was deafening.

The steel balls flew around.

Immediately, countless trunks and branches were shattered, and there were several screams at the same time. It was obvious that several of them had been hit.

This fried.

Blow up the arrogance of the robbers.

Those guys didn't dare to rush forward, they were shooting at Lin Yi and the others, and the two sides entered a stalemate.

But right now.

There was the sound of an engine in the distance, and it was not a car, but a group of cars.


Both Lin Yi and the robbers became nervous. They didn't know which side they came from. The leader of this convoy was a Soviet-style armored vehicle. Although the style was old, it was definitely durable. There was a black heavy machine gun on the roof. .

And behind the armored vehicle, there is another armored vehicle, and behind it are several military trucks.

"Tug, chug, chug chug, chug chug~~!"

As soon as the armored vehicle arrives,
Unreasonably, he used a heavy machine gun to shoot at this side. Huge bullets flew through the woods, and the rocks he hit bounced away.

Whether it's the robbers or Lin Yi, they can only lie down on the ground with their heads down. If they are hit by a huge bullet, their whole body will be shattered.

After a burst of indiscriminate shooting,
A loudspeaker shouted in the distance.

"We are a National Guard patrol. Everyone drops their weapons and surrenders obediently, or they will all be killed on the spot."

There was a commotion in the distance.

Then there were a few more gunshots, and then there was silence.

Presumably someone tried to resist and was killed on the spot.

Barcia looked at Lin Yi, "What shall we do now?"

Lin Yi spread his hands,

"Can you serve in the National Guard?"

Barcia shook his head.

"Just say that we are here to investigate investment, don't say anything else." Lin Yi said.

"What about the gold and money in your car?"

"You don't need to worry about that."

Lin Yi and the others were arrested, and the Mali National Guard came over. They didn't resist, and threw their guns on the ground and raised their hands to surrender.

However, the soldiers did not move them for the time being.

The second armored vehicle in the convoy has obviously been modified inside. It should have been two rows of troop seats, but now it looks like a RV. It has a sofa and a wine cabinet. A middle-aged black man in his 30s is sitting on the sofa.

This man has sharp eyes, short hair, typical African skinned curly hair, wearing a large imitation US military camouflage uniform, and wearing a huge gold ring with a huge baguette ruby ​​inlaid on it .

At this time, on the floor of the armored vehicle, there were several guns, which were the M4A1, MK17, and HK416 that Lin Yi and the others had just used.

The middle-aged man played with each gun for a while, and obviously liked all of them.

"Take them and find a place to ask what's going on." The middle-aged black man stroked MK17 and ordered.

"It's the Commander."

Lin Yi, Tommy, and Barcia were all driven into the RV. Two soldiers with guns pointed at them. Someone drove their car and followed the convoy in front.

The same is true for those robbers. All the survivors were taken away and the car drove away.

After driving for more than ten kilometers, the convoy stopped in an open area. There were mountains in the distance, and the surrounding vegetation was sparse. The convoy stopped, and someone moved a chair down. on the chair.

He was still playing with an HK416 assault rifle in his hand.

The robbers, Lin Yi and the others were taken out of the car and stood in the open space.

When Barcia saw the man sitting there, he whispered nervously to Lin Yi: "I know this man, he is Sedu Keita, the deputy commander of the Mali National Guard Kurikoro District, and he is one of the most powerful warlords in this area. one."

The soldiers in charge of guarding them heard the sound and immediately pointed their guns at Barcia, who shut up in fright.

Sedu Keita first looked at the three of Lin Yi, because they were foreigners, they were particularly conspicuous among a group of black people, and then looked at the group of robbers.

"Who can tell me what happened just now?" Saidu Keita asked.

The robbers hesitated a little.


Sedu Keita raised HK416 and shot a robber at random, which caused a commotion among other robbers.

Lin Yi's heart was also tense.

Oh shit,

These black guys really don't take human life seriously.

Tommy and Kent were even more tense, gritting their teeth hard, wondering if they could survive today.

The robbers were terrified, and someone immediately shouted loudly in French: "We are going to tie them up. I heard that they bought tens of millions of dollars of gold here, and we agreed to intercept and snatch the gold on the way."

Sedu Keita looked at Lin Yi and the others.

Tens of millions of dollars,
This is not a small number, even he is very tempted.

(End of this chapter)

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