I just want to make money

Chapter 137 Troubleshooting

Chapter 137 Troubleshooting
The affairs in Mexico came to a successful conclusion, and Lin Yi had a fruitful trip. He bought a plane ticket and flew back to Johannesburg the next day.

Tommy picked up Lin Yi at the airport, and when he saw Lin Yi, he asked enthusiastically, "Jack, did you do any big business this trip, and how did you get it?"

"The harvest is very good, and there is one more thing to tell you, you, Kent and Marty are all safe now." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Tommy was puzzled.

"Safe, what do you mean?"

After speaking, he suddenly thought of something, and he was a little excited: "Is it Del, did the organization solve Del?"

Lin Yi told Tommy Kent before that the organization would help them solve their problems, and the most direct way to solve this problem is to get rid of Del.

"You can search the Internet for news about the Mexican drug lord Del." Lin Yi said.

"No, no, tell me now." Tommy couldn't bear the excitement anymore, and hurriedly urged.

"Hehe, Del is dead, and many of his subordinates have also died. Del's territory will definitely be divided up by other drug lords soon, and the previous power will also collapse quickly. No one will think about tracing the past anymore. Let's It's all safe." Lin Yi said.

"Yeah yeah~~!"

Tommy yelled excitedly.

Although he had a good time in South Africa these days, he felt uncomfortable when he thought of being hunted down by drug dealers and possibly losing his life at any time.

back to the company,

Tommy stepped in quickly and shouted to Kent and Marty: "I tell you good news, Del is dead, haha, the big drug lord Del is dead."

Kent was surprised.

Marty looked at Lin Yi, Lin Yi nodded, and Marty shed tears excitedly, a man never flicks his tears, long-term depression, fear and hatred, finally relieved at this moment, tears are also normal.

"Can you tell me about Jack?" Marty asked.

Lin Yi pointed to Marty's computer, "Everything is mainly based on official announcements. You can check the specific situation yourself. You don't necessarily need to know anything else. Okay, I'll take a shower."

The three of Tommy, Marty, and Kent immediately gathered around the computer. Marty searched for information about Mexican drug lords, and several news popped up immediately.

"Mexican drug lord Del Carlo was killed in the manor, and more than [-] bodyguards of Del Carlo were killed at the same time. There were gun battles and violent explosions at the scene. The police reported that it should be caused by gang fights. Now It's not clear which gang did it."

"Drug lord Del Carlo was born in Sinaloa, Mexico in October 1953. He is a well-known big drug lord in Mexico. The gang's resident in Juarez is located on the US-Mexico border. He imports dozens of tons of drugs to the United States every year and accumulates huge wealth. This time Del was killed, it is very likely that other gangs coveted Juarez's superior position."

There are also some photos on the news.

The scene was tragic.

Del was shot dozens of times, and his body was covered in bullets. Some of his men were pierced by steel balls, and some were bloody and bloody.

See these pictures,

Marty just felt relieved.

The comments below the news are more interesting, they can say anything.

"The fall of a generation of drug lords may be made into a TV series."

"Whether the price will increase, I am only worried about whether the price will increase."

"What about Del's wealth? It wasn't mentioned in the news. Was the money robbed by gangsters or confiscated by the government?"

The three of them were very excited after watching the news.


It must have been organized.

A drug lord will be wiped out when he says he wants to,
This is the strength of the organization.

Although they don't know what the organization looks like or what's going on inside, they can feel the existence and strength of the organization from time to time, which makes them unconsciously feel a sense of religious worship.

"Then we can go back to Miami." Kent said excitedly.

Tommy patted Kent.

"What to do when you go back to Miami, you won't make more money here than in Miami." Tommy said.

They were just low-level horse boys before, earning hundreds of dollars a day. Since they followed Lin Yi, the two of them have seen a wider world. These days, with Lin Yi, Lin Yi each gave them a commission of 30 to [-] yuan. Now he is rich too.

Life here in Johannesburg is also very comfortable. If you have money, you will not lack girls.

Now Del is dead,

They're completely safe, they haven't committed a crime, they're legal citizens, and they're comfortable living anywhere.

But Marty had some ideas.

After Lin Yi came out of the shower, Marty found Lin Yi and said, "Jack, my wife and child were killed, and the police are still investigating. As soon as I show up, I will definitely be taken away by them. What do you think I should do?"

Lin Yi had really thought about Marty.

Marty has played a great role in him, and he will be used in many businesses in the future.

He must have legal status.

"You need to go back. The matter of your wife and children being killed must be resolved, but now that Del is dead and his subordinates have collapsed, you can push everything on them."

"Don't mention money laundering. You can say that you accidentally saw them selling drugs, and then you were hunted down by drug dealers. Later, you escaped and kept your name incognito. Your wife and children were killed. Now you only dare to come out when you know that Del is dead."

"After you go back, don't turn yourself in. Find a good lawyer and let him teach you how to say that your wife and children were indeed killed by drug dealers. I believe the police can't do anything to you."

Marty nodded.

"I understand."

"Marty, help me prepare two more procedures. I have a batch of diamonds that need legal procedures. This is a little troublesome. You can find a company in South Africa that can issue legal procedures for diamonds. Let's pay them to do it. A certificate of origin."

"There is also a 1.3-ton gold certificate, which can be opened by our own offshore company."

Marty immediately agreed and went to do what Lin Yi ordered.

Lin Yi went downstairs, Tommy and Kent were drinking and chatting excitedly.

Lin Yi sat down,
Tommy quickly poured Lin Yi a glass too.

"What are you talking about?"

"Haha, we are talking about how to live in Johannesburg in the future, whether to get married and have children." Tommy said.

"Don't want to go back to Miami?" Lin Yi looked at the two guys.

"Hey, are you going back to Miami?" Tommy was startled.

To be honest, if he could go back to Miami, he would naturally be willing to go back, where everything is more familiar and life is more comfortable.

Especially after having money.

"Didn't you say you wanted to build a bar in Miami before, and I promised you to invest." Lin Yi said.

Lin Yi did say that when they knew that Lin Yi could win money in racing, Tommy and Kent thought about opening a bar after Lin Yi made money in racing.

Now the money is indeed earned.

It has nothing to do with racing, though.

"Open the bar, okay." Both guys were excited.


Tommy hesitated after the excitement.

"But what about the business here?"

They used to make money by collecting gold. Are they going to throw away this profitable business?

"I've already figured it out. If the house here is sold, the name of the company will be kept, and it can continue to operate in the future. As for the gold business, I have already made an agreement with Commander Keita, and the transaction will be done once every three to six months. I can go directly to Mali to trade, I don’t need here.”

In fact, if the house is sold, money can also be laundered, and the cash can be laundered into legal income from bank cards.

"Great, I support your decision Jack." Tommy jumped up excitedly after hearing this.

"Bars can also launder money. I heard Marty say that he has done this before. Buying and selling alcohol is a cash transaction. There is no way to count this, so it is very suitable for money laundering." Tommy said.

Lin Yi let out a sigh in his heart.

This guy is bewildered.

He didn't even think about it that much.

the next day,
The homeowner that Lin Yi contacted the company, he still owes the homeowner two months of house purchase money, and this time he will pay it off in one lump sum.


Let Marty find a home sales company and sell the house.

The location is fairly prosperous, so he doesn't worry about selling it. That's why Lin Yi didn't buy a bigger factory in the suburbs. The house was sold in three days, for $19, and he lost $[-] inside and out.

But this money,
It was transferred directly to Lin Yi's personal account, and the 22 yuan he spent on buying a house was completely wiped out.

Moreover, he also got a shell of a gold jewelry processing and sales company. With this shell, he can continue to conduct gold transactions in South Africa.

These days,
The legal procedures for diamonds have also been completed. No matter who he belonged to before, but now he is in Lin Yi's hands, and he has a purchase certificate. These diamonds are legal diamonds produced in South Africa and can be freely sold anywhere in the world.

Although it cost a fortune,

But it is nothing compared to the value of these diamonds.

When going through the formalities, Lin Yi also asked professionals to measure and estimate that the total value of these diamonds is about 2100 million US dollars.

this day,

The four packed up and saluted, and boarded the plane from Johannesburg to Miami. In the United States, Lin Yi, Tommy, and Kent were all legal citizens, and they were not involved in any cases.

As for Marty,

As soon as they got off the plane, they went straight to the best law firm in Miami.

After listening to Marty's statement, the lawyer said with certainty: "Don't worry, you are a victim. I will never let the police abuse their power."

In the U.S,
Lawyers play a very important role and can help you accomplish many impossible things. The only disadvantage is that they are expensive.

It is said that the GDP created by US legal fees is as high as more than 1 trillion US dollars, accounting for 6% of the total GDP.

Marty called the police station, because the important criminal case of three people was killed has been handed over to the FBI. The FBI agent responsible for investigating their case was very excited. Marty disappeared for several months and finally appeared.

Accompanied by a lawyer, Marty came to the police station for questioning. Before coming, he had already thought about his speech, and the lawyer also taught him some points to pay attention to. After telling his story, the FBI agent frowned.

of course.

He didn't suspect that Marty's family was killed by Marty, because the situation at the scene showed that there were four people in the other party, and there were more than one gun, and there were surveillance videos around. After calling them, they saw a car parked at Marty's house The door, and then carrying a person to leave, these can be matched.

But he didn't believe that he was hunted down just because he saw the other party selling drugs.

It's probably not that simple.

But now there is a lawyer present, as long as he asks some leading or persuasive words, the lawyer immediately stands up to stop him and warns him.

It annoys him.

But there is no way.

In the end, he could only say: "Mr. Marty, we will investigate the case further and find a way to find out the truth and catch the criminal."

"You'd better not leave Miami during this period, so that we can investigate."

The lawyer spoke again at this time, "Mr. Detective, you have no right to restrict my client's personal freedom. He is a victim, but you investigate him as a suspect. This is unreasonable. You want to restrict my client. Please show the state court restraining order."

The FBI agent spread his hands, "I just ask Marty to assist in the investigation, and there is no restriction. Well, you can do whatever you want."

When Marty and the others left, the FBI officer was still cursing.

Marty went back to see Lin Yi, Lin Yi smiled and said, "Now the trouble is solved."

Marty was not too happy, and said sadly: "I want to go to the cemetery to see my family."

Lin Yi accompanied Marty to the cemetery, and there were three tombstones side by side. Marty wept sadly. Although they had various problems during their lifetime, they were his family after all, and now his family has left him forever.

(End of this chapter)

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