I just want to make money

Chapter 151 Robbery Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb

Chapter 151 Robbery Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb
I have to say that this world is very wonderful. In this world, Lin Yi encountered many overlapping worlds. However, maybe they happened in the same world, the movie world.

The blonde in front of me is beautiful.

Charlize Theron.

Known as "Sai Huang",
No one dared to ignore his beauty and temperament.

In Super Eight, the woman in front of her is called Cypher, a ruthless woman, a real terrorist. Her purpose is to rob the Russian naval base by robbing the electromagnetic pulse bomb, robbing the nuclear button box, and then Start the launch of nuclear submarines, bomb the United States, and trigger a nuclear war between the United States and Russia.


Most of the ultimate moves to destroy the world in American movies are the US-Russia nuclear war.

Lin Yi has been in Brazil for a week. He first found Dominic, and then observed his life. Today, he finally got a harvest. The BOSS Cypher of Super Eight appeared, threatening Dominic to work for him, and going to Berlin to rob pulse bombs.

Originally, Lin Yi could watch from the sidelines. When the time comes, he will go to Berlin at the right time, and take the opportunity to snatch the pulse bomb during the speeding show.

But when he saw Cypher, he changed his mind.

In fact, their goals are in the same direction. Can we seek cooperation? There is a saying that the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

It's just that it's obvious that Lin Yi's sudden insertion surprised Sai Fu, after all, no one likes things out of control.

"By the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Lin."

Lin Yi stretched out his hand as he spoke.

But he didn't get up from his seat.

Cypher shuddered.

She looked at Lin Yi carefully again, and finally remembered that she had read the report about Lin Yi, but she didn't expect to see him here, which surprised her very much.

Cypher hesitated for two seconds,

He stretched out his hand and shook Lin Yi lightly.

"What to drink? How about white coffee? The coffee beans of white coffee are roasted at low temperature without adding caramel, and the time is 2.5 times longer than that of high-temperature charcoal roasting. They are ground into coffee powder, retaining the natural flavor and strong aroma of the original coffee, which is endless aftertaste. !"

Lin Yi introduced with a smile.

He remembered Cypher saying he liked flat white coffee in the movie.

The woman's pupils shrank.

Just now she used these details to pinpoint Dominic, but now the man in front of her has mentioned her favorite coffee.

It made her feel like she was being seen through.

She didn't like the feeling of being manipulated.

The woman finally sat down.

Lin Yi waved his hand to call the waiter and ordered a cup of white coffee for the woman.

"What do you want to do?" the woman asked in a deep voice.

"It's similar to what you do. I think maybe we can cooperate." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Do you know what I'm going to do?" Cypher couldn't believe it. Their plan was very secret. At least she knew that no one knew what they were going to do except the senior members of her organization.

"Is it right to steal the electromagnetic pulse bomb?" Lin Yi said easily.

was said.

This surprised the woman.

But this is just the beginning.

"And I also know that stealing the electromagnetic pulse bomb is not the ultimate goal. You want him to rob the nuclear bomb launch box, and then let Russia launch the nuclear bomb, triggering a nuclear war. Your purpose is to destroy the United States." Lin Yi said.

This really surprised the woman.

This is their ultimate plan, and they didn't expect it to be known clearly now.

There was only one thought in her mind,
how is this possible.

After all, this ultimate plan is only known to the top few in the organization, and the people at the top will never betray the organization.

Now she really wants to kill the man in front of her and hide the secret.

But she knows,
The fact that the other party appeared in front of him with such precision, and the fact that he said these words, shows that the energy behind him is not small, and he may have an organization of the same size as them.

If it is said that what 'Lin' did, she would not believe that there was no organization behind it.

"How do you plan to cooperate?" The woman planned to find out the purpose of the other party first, and then report to the organization for the senior management to make the final decision.

Lin Yi smiled, picked up the coffee and took a sip, "Aren't you going to drink it?"

The woman took a sip of the white coffee, but today she felt that her favorite white coffee was not good.

"I know some intelligence, some intelligence that can cause turmoil in the United States. Once this information is released, it will shake the US financial system and plunge the political arena into chaos."

"It's too general, can you elaborate?" the woman asked.

"For example, the secret transaction data between certain large consortiums, some very illegal or even financial fraud, if these things are released, I believe that many large financial companies will be hit by thunder, and the stock prices in the United States will plummet, and even triggered a financial crisis across the United States."

"Also, I also have evidence regarding the real cause of the death of the former president of the United States. Once these facts are released, the current president will be in great trouble. There are also some private bribery and dirty materials of those senior government officials and congressmen. By then, the entire There will definitely be a magnitude 9 earthquake in American politics.”

"We can take the opportunity to short and make a lot of money. If you operate well, your organization can easily earn tens of billions of dollars."

Sai Fu looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

"You really have so much evidence, aren't you fabricating and deceiving people?!"

Lin Yi spread his hands.

"is this necessary."


These things cannot be faked, because at that time, real evidence must be presented to trigger the earthquake in his mouth.

And using these words to lie to their organization for no reason is not good for 'Lin' at all, and it will add a powerful enemy.

"What do you want?" Cypher asked.

"That electromagnetic pulse bomb is good, I will use it first, and I will give it to you when it is used up." Lin Yi said.


"Also, I will take 20% of the money your organization earns through cooperation." Lin Yi said the final condition.

The matter is over,

The woman got up to leave.

Lin Yi took out a mobile phone and handed it to the woman, "Hold it, I will contact you."

This scene is so familiar.

Just now,

She did the same and handed Dominic a cell phone.

Just now she completely manipulated Dominic, but now she is being manipulated by the man in front of her.

But she still took the phone.

Turn around, get in the car and drive away.

Lin Yi smiled.

Leaving the cafe, he no longer had to monitor Dominic, and it was more useful to contact Cypher than to stare at Dominic.

As for whether Saifo's organization will attack him.

The lure of billions of dollars.

common direction.

Lin Yi believed that the big leaders behind Sai Fu would have new considerations.

After all, opportunities to make trouble are common, but opportunities to make money are rare.

The beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is known as the most youthful beach. The reason is that it is very eye-catching. Just walk around, and you will find many beautiful figures and beautiful faces in beach activities.You will know firsthand what is called "beautiful legs like a forest".


Carnival parties are often held by the beach. People twist their waists to the sound of enthusiastic Brazilian drums. Opposite Lin Yi is a Brazilian brown beauty in a bikini. The two are holding hands and dancing. Extremely fast.

at this time,

A tall, blond beauty walked over. The woman was extremely beautiful, exuding a glamorous and noble appearance. She was 1.7 meters tall, with two straight long legs, and a standard figure like a model, which immediately attracted the attention of many people. .

In the eyes of everyone, Sai Fu walked up to Lin Yi and just looked at the man.

The Brazilian girl next to Lin Yi felt the pressure, curled her lips to get out of the way, Lin Yi stretched out his hand, Cypher put his hand in Lin Yi's palm, and the two twisted along with the music.

Women dance beautifully.

The two stick together from time to time, and Lin Yi can feel the delicate skin.

Lin Yi knows that this woman is a poisonous snake, but Lin Yi may not be a snake charmer, it depends on who is more capable.

"How did the discussion go?" Lin Yi approached the woman's ear and said.

This action looks very ambiguous to outsiders.

The woman glanced at Lin Yi, leaned closer to the man's ear and said, "Our organization is very interested in your proposal."

"Then let's find a place to talk."

"That's what I'm here for."

The reason why Lin Yi went to Saifo, or the organization behind Saifu, was not only to get the electromagnetic pulse bomb, but also for action.

Hussein's organization is a loose team that joins together temporarily to make money, but Theron and the others are the real 'organization', and their ability to act is countless times stronger than Hussein's.

The two took two bottles of beer.

Walk along the beach.

Leave a string of footprints.

The man's body is muscular and muscular, and the woman's figure is perfectly uneven. From a distance, it looks like a perfect couple walking and chatting by the sea.

No one could have imagined.

It was two terrifying demon kings who were discussing how to destroy America.

"The organization wants to know your specific course of action so that we can arrange specific actions?" the woman asked.

Lin Yi took a sip of wine.

"I only have part of the information in my hand now, but I know that there is a place that has more complete information. As long as these information are exposed, the United States will fall into great chaos."

"I know where the materials are, and we will find a way to get that batch of materials. If the two of us work together, I believe things will become easier."

"How can the information obtained let the whole world know that if it is handed over to the normal media, it will definitely be blocked. How powerful is the president + big financial groups? I believe you also know that the American media is under their control."

"So I'm going to have a national and even global TV and Internet broadcast. Of course, there will definitely be people organizing it. At this time, the electromagnetic pulse bomb will work. I will tell them that if anyone dares to stop me from releasing these news , I will detonate an electromagnetic pulse bomb in New York, and let New York enter the Stone Age in an instant."

"New York is the financial center of the United States and the world. I believe that many people can't bear this loss, so they will cast a mouse, so that I can smoothly spread the news to the world."

Cypher looked at Lin Yi and thought that this guy was crazier than him.

The live TV broadcast is indeed in the style of 'Lin'. He has already made two live broadcasts before, which caused a sensation in the United States.

this time,

I'm afraid it will be a sensation all over the world.

Lin Yi continued:
"During this period, the U.S. stock market is bound to fall, and it will plummet, because what I announced involves the secrets of many large financial groups. Shorting the U.S. stock market will definitely make a lot of profits, but it is best to plan ahead. Otherwise it would be too obvious."

"The sharp drop in the U.S. stock market will also affect the global stock market, and you can also short the stock markets of other countries. It depends on your own judgment."

"This operation is not only our organization and your organization, but also other organizations will participate. This is a feast, the more people, the grander it is."

The woman understood completely.

"Then the first step is to grab the electromagnetic pulse bomb, right?"


Lin Yi nodded.

"I see, I'll call you later, let's act together." The woman turned her head and walked back as she said.

"Hello, beauty."

The woman pauses.

I don't know what else Lin Yi has to do.

"You scared my girlfriend away just now, why don't you let me stay alone in the empty room tonight, why don't you stay with me." Lin Yi said with a smile.

The woman didn't smile.

It's been a long time since anyone dared to tease her.

Squinting his eyes, he said: "It's not impossible to accompany you, but it depends on whether you have the ability. Let's talk about it after you complete your feat alive."

"I would like to advise you, save more energy, and you may still have work when you get back to Berlin."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Lin Yi looked at the woman's back and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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