I just want to make money

Chapter 157 Stock Market Crash

Chapter 157 Stock Market Crash

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he left the live broadcast camera.

But the outside world is noisy.

What Lin Yi said was related to the vital interests of too many people, someone immediately called Bernard Madoff, hoping that he would talk about it.

At the moment, Bernard Madoff, who is on vacation in a country manor, also saw Lin Yi's live broadcast. After all, such a big event has already affected New York and even the entire United States, so how could he not pay attention.

But when he saw Lin Yi expose himself.

Bernard Madoff turned pale.

There was only one thought in his mind.

It's over,

I'm afraid it's really over now.

He knows what he is doing best. Although he bears the name of the god of investment, his investment ability is really limited, far inferior to his ability to fool people.

So he simply used his greatest strengths, first fooled himself into a celebrity, and then fooled the whole world.

Lin Yi is right, he is now worrying about how to pay the next year's interest rate, and hiding in the countryside is just to think about it.

of course,

He is more confident in dealing with the past.

He targeted a few more banks, planning to find a project for them to finance.

In fact, Madoff really broke the situation because of the financial crisis in 2008. When the financial crisis broke out, customers withdrew money, and many people demanded to spend more than 100 billion. At the same time, Madoff was completely exposed.

And now,
His deception was punctured by Lin Yi, just as suddenly, and just as unsolvable.

"Ring ring ring~!"

His phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the number, Madoff knew that it was the person in charge of a large investment institution, and they had an investment of 6 million in themselves.

Bite the bullet and answer the phone,
"Bernard, did you watch the live broadcast of the kidnapping in New York?"

"Look, very interesting robber, you don't believe his nonsense, do you?" Bernard Madoff pretended not to care and said with a smile.

"Madoff, we trusted you before, but just now I read the information released by Lin and found that there is no trace of your operating funds in the world. This is very abnormal. As an investor, I need you to explain to me exactly where the funds are used. Where, what is the profit, if you can't tell, the decision of our board of directors is to recover that investment." The other end of the phone said.

Madoff was speechless when asked.

Randomly make up a project?

It is possible to operate billions and tens of billions of capital projects, which one is not a super-large project that attracts people's attention, and it is so easy to get rid of the lie.

"Ring Ling Ling~~!"

As soon as I hung up the phone, the second call came again.

"Madoff, we think you should stand up and hold a press conference to repudiate Lin's remarks. By the way, let's announce the investment situation and tell everyone that you are not creating a Ponzi scheme."

Although it seems to be consoling, the meaning behind the words is to let Madoff announce the investment situation.

Lin Yi was only in charge of igniting the fire. He finished broadcasting the news and left. There was still only one electromagnetic bomb left in the live broadcast room, with a weak signal light shining.

Bernard Madoff became the most concerned person in the United States. Countless people called him, but found that his phone was always busy.

Those big institutions that used to participate in the investment can still calm down now, but those individual investors are all nervous.

If, as 'Lin' said, Madoff has no money at all, and just demolishes the east to pay for the west, then their principal will be wiped out. This money is not a small number. Many people don't just make one investment, and most of their net worth is invested in Madoff's securities investment company.

Buffett, the stock god who is as famous as Madoff, also invested more than 3 million US dollars in Madoff's securities company. The old man called Madoff, but he still couldn't get through.

Whether there are too many people calling, or not answering the phone, no one knows now.

Madoff's country estate.

Madoff sat on the bench, staring blankly at the front. The mobile phone was placed on the table, and the SIM card had been pulled out and put aside.

answer the phone now
Has been completely meaningless.

What can be said?
What Lin said is indeed true. He really has no money in his hands now, only a total of more than 2 million US dollars.

More than 2 million US dollars is an astronomical sum for ordinary people, but for him, it is only a fraction of the profit he needs to pay.


He worked hard to build a personality, relying on the names of Wall Street financial tycoon, former chairman of Nasdaq, securities company boss, investment god, many banks and fund companies are willing to ask him to invest, and he can also borrow money from banks.

But now,
Damn 'Lin' exposed him. Before he proves himself, no one will invest in it, and no one will lend him money.

Unless he can conjure up $620 billion himself.

But he can't change,

So he knew he was bound to die.

How to do?
How to do?
What does he want to do now?

I'm afraid I can't extinguish the anger of those people. They will definitely spread the fire on their own family members. He has two sons and several grandchildren.

He knew what those people would do, he knew it perfectly, because he was in this circle, even if it was to warn others, those people would do it.

He took out another mobile phone and called his eldest son. As soon as the call was connected, his son's anxious voice came.

"Dad, now the company has received many calls from investors. The situation is very unstable. You need to stand up and explain to those investors that this is just a lie of those terrorists."

Madoff paused when he heard his son's words,
"No, what 'Lin' said is true. Mark, I really have no money in my hand. Now that it's been exposed, my funds have collapsed, and I can't go on at all," Madoff said.

Madoff's eldest son, Mark, was struck by lightning when he heard his father's words, and immediately froze on the spot.


Turns out the Ponzi scheme was real.

Then their house,

It's over.

"Then, what should our company do?" asked Mark Nene.

"Mark, now it's not about the company, but about how to protect the safety of your family. I have an idea, you and Andrew, report me together, so that you two can be taken out." Madoff said no Lack of the courage of a strong man to break his wrist.

Mark was stunned by his father's words.

Report your father!
Oh my god,

This is crazy.

"Mark, you have to do it, because this may be the only way to save your lives." Madoff said.

Lin Yi's second live broadcast caused another shock, and this time it was Wall Street, because there are hundreds of companies involved with Madoff, dozens of big banks, hundreds of fund companies, and countless securities investment companies. .


They are all proud to invest in Madoff Securities.

right now,

Everyone became anxious.

The stock prices of all the companies that have invested in Madoff Securities are showing a downward trend. Risk aversion is one of the important reasons affecting stock prices, and the stock market is the most sensitive. Although this news has not been 100% confirmed, it has already reacted.

influenced by.

The three major U.S. stock indexes accelerated their decline.

Stock markets in other countries continued to decline.

After all, there are quite a few foreign financial companies investing in Madoff Securities, and they were implicated together.

It was 4:[-] pm in a blink of an eye.

When the stock market plummets, the biggest expectation of many people is to stop the market as soon as possible. Although the disaster cannot be prevented, at least there is no need to watch bloodshed.


The three major U.S. stock indexes all plummeted, and the biggest drop was Nasdaq, which fell by 28.6%.

Six percentage points more than 'Black Monday' 22.3%.

Today is also Monday, and it is estimated that "Black Monday" will be redefined and given new meaning in the future.

Lin Yi made history again.

President Caroline asked to shut down the live broadcast, and the person in charge of the on-site command immediately shut down the power supply of the entire building. However, as a high-tech company, how could it be possible that there is no plan to deal with such a small problem.

CE company has its own independent power supply system, even if the grid stops supplying power, they can persist for a week.

The power outage had no effect on them, not even a power outage restart.

President Caroline also asked people from the national security department to talk to those TV stations and Internet companies on the grounds of national security and ask them to stop the live broadcast, but these TV stations completely ignored it, and none of them agreed.

Now this thing,
It attracts the attention of the whole United States and even the whole world. If they withdraw voluntarily, it will give other competitors a chance.

President demanded.

The president is in jeopardy right now.

They have heard that the House of Representatives, the supervisory department, the court, and even some departments of the FBI are already preparing to investigate Caroline's poisoning of former President Miller.

They also read the materials that Lin Yi posted on the Internet.

to be frank,
Anyone who read the information felt that Caroline might be dying.

So for Caroline’s words, these TV stations chose to ignore it, which has another meaning. Now the whole United States is paying attention. If some TV stations cancel the live broadcast, it’s not just a matter of ratings, but a show of support for President Caroline. When Caroline is investigated and stepped down, the TV station will be condemned by people all over the United States.

This is something that worries them more than the decline in ratings. It may cause a TV station to collapse in an instant.

Whenever someone comes and says, they prevaricate with one sentence, "The American people have a right to know the truth."

After Caroline knew the situation.

More furious.

She found that those people who were around her were all gone now, and something happened, and she immediately became a loner.

Even the assistants around her now have the idea of ​​retreating.

How could she be willing to fail.

Back then, she even dared to poison the president to death for the sake of being in power.

She couldn't accept a robber who was like a fish being pulled down from his horse now.

She also heard
The opposition party is dancing happily now. The House of Representatives and the prosecution are already discussing how to investigate her, which makes Caroline very anxious.

Fortunately, she is still president.

"Order to attack and kill those robbers at all costs."

She must fight to the death.

The robbers have a hostage?
She doesn't care.

CE Chairman General Jonathan Kranz in the hands of the robbers?

She doesn't care either.

The robbers still have the ultimate weapon, an electromagnetic bomb. Once it explodes, New York will lose tens of trillions.

Caroline still didn't care.

She only cares about her future and her future.

Her idea is to kill the robbers first, end the farce, and then find a way to reverse public opinion. As for the so-called evidence, she will completely deny it, and then through private transactions with other people, exchanging rights, to save her own life, maybe she can still save her life. rich.

The Urban Counter-Strike Squadron is out.


Dozens of heavily armed special forces soldiers approached the building, bursting through glass doors and rushing in.


Four military helicopters were circling, two of which carried combat soldiers, ready to cable down the roof of the building at any time and attack downwards, and the two next to it were responsible for fire support, and even possibly fired directly at the chairman's office.

outside the building,

The reporters were nervously filming with their cameras on their shoulders.

Not sure what will happen next.

"Boom~ boom boom!"

Inside the building, there were several explosions.

From the intercom at the headquarters, there were screams and calls for support from the action team members. There were many bombs installed in the corridor, and there were special handles. Attacking from the bottom up would be very unfavorable to them.

And upstairs.

Lin Yi saw the helicopter outside.

Go straight to the small door leading to the roof.

open the door.

Stinger missiles aimed at those planes.

"Whoosh whoosh~~~!"

The four helicopters in the sky were all shot by Stinger missiles, and exploded into big fireballs in the sky.


The police, reporters, and onlookers outside the CE building all exclaimed.

"Retreat, retreat, the operation is declared a failure, and all surviving team members retreat." The commander immediately ordered.

Lin Yi returned to the live broadcast camera, and said with a serious face: "Someone disregarded the safety of the hostages in the building and the safety of New York, and forcibly launched an attack. I understand that some people want to cover up something. OK, as long as you are willing to endure the electromagnetic bomb explosion loss will do.”


The White House phone rang off the hook.

Caroline's personal phone is off the hook.

Wall Street is involved in the interests of countless large consortia, and they don't want to perish with Caroline, the agent they elected. In their eyes, there can be countless presidents, but the loss of money is unbearable.

After several phone calls,
Caroline sat slumped on the presidential chair.

she knows,
The only chance was lost, and even if she ordered to attack again, those troops would not listen to her.

In other words.

She is finished.

President Caroline wasn't the only one who had done it. In order to save his life, Madoff made a decisive decision and asked his two sons to report him. In the evening, the two sons reported to the FBI the fact that their father, Bernard Madoff, was defrauding.

The news was quickly learned by the media.

The news channel immediately broadcast this message, causing an uproar in the United States and the world, because it shows that the information given by 'Lin' is correct.

Those big organizations held meetings overnight.

Fund companies began to connect in series.

Many investors made nervous calls.

this night,
It is bound to be very lively.

Many people just want to freeze time and are afraid of tomorrow, because they know that tomorrow's stock market will still continue today's big crash.

(End of this chapter)

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