Chapter 173
Lin Yi was in New York City, so he called He Qiming overseas and asked him if there was anything going on in Hong Kong.

"Don't worry, boss, everything is fine." He Qiming said.

"What about the trade with Roman?"

"Five batches of goods have already gone, and they are all going well."

"Is anyone looking for me in the country?"

"Yes, Manager Yang of your provincial foreign trade company called you twice, and I told you that you weren't out to discuss business."

The Director Yang that Lao He mentioned was the former District Chief Yang. Before Lin Yi came, District Chief Yang was officially transferred to the provincial foreign trade company as the general manager, and his rank was also raised.

"Director Yang said there is something wrong?"

"I just asked about the trade with Roman. You were not here. I told him the situation directly. Later, District Chief Yang didn't call again."

It doesn't seem like a big deal.

"Okay, then you have to keep an eye on it. I still have some things to do here, and I won't be able to go back until a few days later." Lin Yi said.

"Also, send a telegram to my family in my tone, to my wife Zuo Xiaoqing, who is now a student of Jiang University School of Medicine, saying that I am busy with work here and will not be able to go back until some time. She can study at ease." Then he told He Qiming the detailed address.

"Boss, don't worry, it will be done."

The family is fine, which makes Lin Yi feel at ease and can continue his career.

When Lin Yi went to work that day, people in the company whispered that there were inspectors stationed in the company to conduct detailed inspections of all aspects of the company. It seemed that they felt that there was a difference in the weight of the paper scraps and suspected that something was missing.

Inspections like this have often occurred before. This is one of the most important departments of the Federal Reserve, so naturally the management is strict.

Hearing the news, Lin Yixin said that he was careful enough, but he was still noticed.

But can this scare him away? Of course not. After a few days, the inspection team did not find any violations, and classified the lost weight as natural consumption, which may have been turned into dust and sucked away by the smoke exhaust system.

Through observation during this period of time, Lin Yi concluded the rule that every other day, a truckload of old coins would be delivered, and the trucks were heavy trucks, transporting about [-] to [-] million yuan at a time.

The cash transport vehicle was in transit, and people from the transportation company were in charge of escorting it. The force on the road was very strong. There were more than a dozen people in three vehicles, and it was said that they were all from the special forces.

When it comes time to unload the goods at the destruction factory, the escort will wait outside and become the company's internal security personnel.

Lin Yi has observed many times, because this is the company's interior and very safe, so the company's security is very relaxed when unloading, just a few people standing aside laughing and chatting, watching a few loaders unload stacks of banknotes with a trolley car.


Continue to collect money while crushing, still earning more than one million dollars a day.

And during this time,
He prepared a lot of things.

Lin Yi bought tools at a tool store, bought chemicals at a chemical store, and made a batch of super-powerful smoke bombs at home.

This kind of smoke bomb is an explosive smoke bomb. It explodes with a bang and emits smoke extremely quickly. It can form a huge smoke in two or three seconds.

Lin Yi made a total of fifty or sixty pieces.

When making these, Lin Yi thought to himself, if he had the ability of crows in the doomsday world of Japan, he could instantly cast a dark barrier, and he wouldn't have to work hard to get these smoke bombs.

If it is 6 tons of banknotes, the volume must be at least eight or nine cubic meters. His current space is only 6 cubic meters in total, and there are a lot of sundries in it, guns, explosives, and a corpse.

Almost all piled up.

"Buy space."

Don't be stingy about this.

Lin Yi opened the system panel and directly purchased 14 cubic meters, making the volume in the space reach 20 cubic meters.

Spend 1400 million.

But the money was definitely worth it, and it could help him earn it back in geometric multiples.

this day,

Lin Yi went to work, calculated that today was the day when the cash transport truck would arrive, and he had already made all the preparations.

A heavy truck drove into the banknote destruction factory, surrounded by several cars guarding the front and back. The truck backed into the warehouse door, and its tail was directly connected to the warehouse door. The workers began to unload the goods. For them, these banknotes are wealth outside, and they are here Waste paper, doing this job every day, has long lost its allure.

The escorts either waited outside, or went to another room to chat, and the security personnel who destroyed the factory stood in the warehouse, chatting relaxedly. This kind of scene was seen a lot, and no one cared about them, and they would not always Moment nervous attention.

And at this moment,
Lin Yi got up from his work station and went to the bathroom. He took off his mask and put on a combat camouflage similar to that of a security guard, with a mask and hood on his head.

The crushing workshop and the storage warehouse are adjacent to each other, and they are connected by an anti-theft door in the middle to facilitate transportation from the warehouse to the crushing workshop.

monitoring room,

On the surveillance screen, a guy wearing camouflage was seen standing in front of the anti-theft door. Someone reported to the supervisor, "Director Jonathan, what do you think about this man?"

Jonathan looked over, then frowned slightly, "Is it our security personnel, ordinarily he shouldn't be there, and why is he wearing a mask."

While the monitoring room was still researching,

Lin Yi has already opened the anti-theft door.

An ordinary anti-theft door, how could it block Lin Yi's unlocking skills, put two wires in, and turn the anti-theft door a few times to open it easily.

As soon as I entered,

Lin Yi came up with the trick of Tiannv Sanhua, and threw out twenty or thirty smoke bombs, without waiting for the security personnel to react.

"Puff puff puff puff puff ~~!"

Smoke bombs exploded one after another. The explosion power was not great, but the amount of smoke produced was large, and the entire warehouse was filled with smoke in an instant.

"Ahem, cough, what's the matter?"

"Be alert, it may be a robber."

"Get down, get down, don't move."

There was chaos in the warehouse.

There was nothing to see, and no one dared to shoot at will.

Lin Yi quickly rushed to the banknote mountain, absorbing and absorbing again.

It only took tens of seconds before and after.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the smoke bombs into the aisle, into the crushing workshop, and other places. Suddenly, the entire factory was shrouded in smoke, and the cameras in the monitoring room were almost completely blank.

"Cough cough cough cough."

"Cough cough cough cough."

There was a lot of coughing in the crushing workshop.


The alarm bell rang loudly in the factory, and all the security personnel were dispatched, but there was too much smoke in the factory, and finally opened the door to let everyone out, and all gathered in the inspection room.

Lin Yi quickly changed his clothes and entered the space, and ran out covering his mouth, standing with the workers and waiting for the review.

Everyone was very disturbed, not knowing what happened, they whispered to each other, Lin Yi also whispered with a few familiar colleagues.

After half an hour,
The workers heard the news that all the old banknotes delivered today had disappeared. Everyone was shocked.

The FBI also came,
Review every suspicious person.

In the surveillance video,
The robber was strong and wearing a mask, so he couldn't recognize who it was. At that time, Lin Yi deliberately wore thick clothes. As for going to the bathroom on the way, it was not a big problem. There were too many people going to the bathroom on the way.

censored late into the night,

These workers had to be sent home.

On the way home, Jason's car rear-ended a large truck. The police came to check and found that he had been smashed to pieces, and he couldn't die anymore.

The FBI also came,
Get in touch with the banknote factory.

In the end, nothing was found.

Previously, when Lin Yi prepared the smoke bombs, he always made up in other ways.

The incident was finally classified as an ordinary traffic accident.

The banknote factory lost hundreds of millions of old banknotes. Although it was a big deal and even reported to the president, it did not appear in the newspapers, because this is the destruction factory of the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Reserve does not want negative news.

Do not doubt the power of the Fed to control public opinion.

Moreover, the matter itself was strange and weird, the smoke bombs blocked the view, but the factory can be sure that the money was not taken away. After all, it was hundreds of millions of dollars, and the volume and weight were all there.

Now the direction of the FBI's investigation is not the theft and robbery by insiders, but the suspicion that the escort company has tampered with it, because only in this way can it be clarified.

The escort company felt that it had been wronged, and immediately approached the destruction factory to make an argument. In the end, the two parties got very unhappy, and the two companies terminated the escort cooperation after that.

Things are over here.

Lin Yi chose to leave New York directly, first flew to Los Angeles, and then went to some countries in South America.

Venezuela, Paraguay, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina.

Every time I go to a city, I deposit money in the bank here, and deposit five to six thousand dollars in each account. The financial supervision of South American countries is far inferior to that of the United States. Banks here are very willing to harvest US dollars.

In South America in the 80s, the living conditions in many places were very good, even better than those of later generations. It was known as the Garden Country of America, and many of its later declines were caused by the United States.

Afterwards, Lin Yi went to another African country.

Every time Lin Yi goes to a country, his funds will increase by several million dollars. After dozens of countries, the legal funds of Lin Yi's overseas accounts have reached 6000 million US dollars.

Then Lin Yi returned to Hong Kong.

When He Qiming saw Lin Yi, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Boss, you have been away for four or five months. If you hadn't contacted me occasionally, I would have thought something happened to you."

"There is a big business to discuss, and it has indeed delayed some time." Lin Yi said.

"Is the business done?"

He Qiming didn't like to ask what kind of business it was, but only asked whether it was successful or not.

"It's done, the harvest is not small." Lin Yi said with a smile.

This time it was indeed a big gain in the past, making 6 million U.S. dollars. How many people in this world dare to say that they can earn 6 million U.S. dollars in four or five months.

The amount of dollars in his hands now is more than the country's foreign exchange reserves.

"How is the company's situation, and how is the construction of the factory going? I haven't contacted Lao Chen, so I don't know the situation?" Lin Yi asked after taking a sip of tea.

"Everything is going well with the company. I'll show you the accounts later. We keep in touch with Lao Chen often. The main body is finished. It is currently being renovated. He said it will be officially completed in a month at most."

"Almost all the factory machines have arrived and are placed in the warehouse provided by the industrial zone. The industrial zone is helping to recruit workers during this period. The first batch of 200 people, I heard from Lao Chen that the requirements are very strict. It really feels like one in a hundred."

"By the way, there is one more thing. The original salary standard we set was not agreed by the industrial zone, because it was a lot higher than the salary of other foreign companies. They were afraid of problems, so they reduced it by 30% for us."

Lin Yi nodded.

"Let's listen to the unified arrangement of the industrial zone. We can improve the level of the cafeteria a bit, which can be regarded as increasing the welfare of the workers. I will go back to the mainland tomorrow and talk to Lao Chen about the details."

(End of this chapter)

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