I just want to make money

Chapter 221 Kill Liang Shicheng Yang Jian with a Stick

Chapter 221 Kill Liang Shicheng Yang Jian with a Stick
Lin Yi did not move the frontier army. On the one hand, the situation of the frontier army is more complicated, and on the other hand, there are too many involved. Among them, the most famous Zhongjia army, Zhejia army, etc., can be said to be the most powerful army in the Song Dynasty. Lu Zhishen came from the Zhong Family Army.

Without a clear understanding of the situation, the frontier army is absolutely not suitable for tampering.

However, Lin Yi has arrangements for cultivating the teacher's way.

Tong Guan left the palace with blood on his face. Everyone knew that Tong Guan had been reprimanded, and all officials in the entire Privy Council became cautious.

on the second day,
The emperor issued a decree to the Privy Council, summoning Zhong Shidao to serve as the Tongzhi Privy Council, that is, the second in command of the Privy Council, and at the same time ordered Zhong Shizhong to replace his elder brother Zhong Shidao as the new commander of the Western Army.

Tong Guan didn't dare to hesitate after receiving the imperial edict, so he quickly ordered people to go to the Western Army to announce the edict, and informed Zhong Shidao to come to take up the post.

Zhong Shidao is 64 years old this year, but he is still old and well-versed in strategy. He and his younger brother Zhong Shi are called General Zhong and General Xiaozhong. It can be said that it is the most effective army in Song Dynasty now.

Letting Zhong Shidao enter Beijing as the deputy envoy of the Privy Council has multiple meanings. One is to balance Tong Guan, the second is to increase the strength of the Privy Council, the third is to win over the hearts of the generals of the frontier army, and the fourth is to prepare for the rectification of the frontier army. Knowing the situation of the frontier army best, letting him rectify it must be better than Tong Guan's.

the army,

The Privy Council arranged for the teaching of teachers, and the Sanya arranged for Zongze. In the future, the army will definitely be governed slowly.

of course,

Lin Yi still has many means later, but don't worry.

After arranging for the army, Lin Yi returned to the palace, and after meeting Song Huizong, he asked for an imperial decree and led the troops directly to Liang Shicheng's house.

The imperial army rushed into the Liang mansion,

Hold all places, and no one can move without authorization.

Liang Shicheng was lying in the room to enjoy the cool air, but the sudden movement woke him up. When he saw a large number of forbidden soldiers, his heart trembled, and then he forcefully shouted to the leader of the forbidden army: "I am the official of the imperial court. Your Majesty is the secretary next to you. Why did you rush into my house!"

The forbidden army didn't care about this, they went up and tied up Liang Shicheng and brought him to Lin Yi.

Seeing Lin Yi, Liang Shicheng begged immediately, "Lin Sheren, why is this, why is this, I want to see Your Majesty, I want to see Your Majesty."

Lin Yi said lightly: "Your Majesty, you don't need to see me anymore. I have His Majesty's imperial decree here, so you can take a look."

Speaking of unfolding the imperial decree.

"Liang Shicheng, who received much favor from the emperor but did not repay it, committed the five major crimes. He accused the supervisor of building the palace for embezzling and building silver lotuses, accepting bribes from other officials, forging imperial decrees and falsely preaching the holy will, amassing money to sell officials and nobles, placing eyeliner to spy on secrets, and acting as an imperial envoy." Lin Yi arrested and interrogated."

Liang Shicheng trembled violently, he knew he was done.

I thought I was doing it secretly,

But now it is discovered that the emperor knows it all.

Don't say anything else,

Just a forgery of the imperial decree and false preaching of the holy will is enough for Ling Chi to be executed.

Looking at Liang Shicheng's death, he knew that this guy knew he was done for. Lin Yi waved his hand, "Take Liang Shicheng back to the Imperial Army Yamen for strict interrogation."

Looking at the other generals, he ordered: "Search Liang Shicheng's mansion, and all property and personnel are registered in the register, and nothing will be lost."

Forbidden Army Yamen,

After tidying up,
Liang Shicheng asked what to say.

They all falsely preached those imperial decrees, who they accepted as bribes, what officials they sold, how much property they seized, etc., all told them in detail and recorded them as confessions.

Liang Shicheng was arrested. To be honest, many people in Bianjing were terrified. They were naturally involved with Liang Shicheng.

That night.

There were as many as a dozen officials in Bianjing City who were taken away by the forbidden army. These were still important matters, and those who were filial on weekdays were not counted in it.

Even so,

Many officials were too scared to sleep at night.

And in the morning,
A bigger message came.

Yang Jian was arrested.

Yang Jian was also the great eunuch next to Song Huizong, and his status was comparable to that of Liang Shicheng. Liang Shicheng was an official to the inspector Taifu, and Yang Jian was the inspector's young security guard. They were both Song Huizong's favorite ministers.

Lin Yi went to the door, counted Yang Jian's major crimes in detail, and was also arrested in the Imperial Army Yamen. Naturally, he was tortured to extract a confession and suffered a lot of torture.

Those who were involved with Yang Jian also became trembling now, for fear that the forbidden army would knock on the door in the next moment.

However, when Liang Shicheng and Yang Jian were arrested, many people cheered and cheered, especially those honest officials. Seeing the arrest of such a cholera eunuch, they suddenly felt like they were guarding the sky and seeing the moonlight.


Become wiser.

Know who the traitor is.

of course,

all of these,
It seems that it all happened after Lin Yilin's champion came. Many people's views on Lin Yi changed from admiration to reverence.

There is also hope for the future.

In Liang Shicheng's house, a large number of antique jade treasures were found, as well as a large number of land deeds and Bianjing house contracts.

As for the gold and silver, they were all robbed by Lin Yi before.

And at Yang Jian's house.

In the same way, more than tens of millions of gold and silver were found.

There are also a large number of jewelry, antiques, treasures, land properties, and houses, which add up to 2000 million guan.

Lin Yi had all these things transported to the inner warehouse of the palace.

After a few days,
On the square outside the palace hall, Liang Shicheng and Yang Jian had only their underwear left, and were pressed down to the ground by the imperial guards.

"Your Majesty has a decree. Liang Shicheng and Yang Jian, two slaves, will beat you to death with sticks and sticks, regardless of the emperor's cholera policy."

clap clap clap clap.
The thick water and fire stick hit the two of them heavily.

At first, the two screamed.

But after more than a dozen sticks, only humming remained, and after thirty or fifty sticks, there was no sound at all. In the end, countless bones of the two were shattered, and they were completely breathless.

As for the ministers they implicated,
Hand over to the Ministry of Penalties for trial,
It's time to open the case, and the house should be ransacked.

Not one will be spared.

What happened these days,

Cai Jing saw it, but he didn't dare to control it, and he couldn't control it. He didn't even dare to say a word. Someone wanted to see Cai Jing, but Cai Jing completely avoided it.

After Liang Shicheng and Yang Jian were dealt with, the imperial court issued a report to the whole world, and the crimes of the two were clearly written.

This is not over yet,

A few more days.

The Dali Temple of the Song Dynasty, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the Court of Judgment and Criminal Justice acted at the same time, arresting the Shaozai Wang Fu and the director of the Suzhou Yingfeng Bureau Zhu Xi.

Wang Fu was charged with colluding with Liang Shicheng and Yang Jian to sell officials and nobles together, accepting bribes to amass excessive wealth, in addition to oppressing goodness and forcibly robbing women as concubines and maidservants, and wantonly seizing people's wealth in the name of the emperor.

As for Zhu Miao, he is also one of the six thieves. He can be said to be Wang Fu's direct subordinate. At the same time, there are ten farms with a fertile land of 30 mu and three mansions. Among them, Tongyuan is the most famous. It is said that the garden is the largest in the south of the Yangtze River.

Half of Wang Fu's money came from this guy's search and tribute.

Wang Fu was arrested,

Once again shocked the Song court.

This is not an eunuch anymore, but a real prime minister, a vice minister of a country, second only to Cai Jing among the civil servants, and a favorite minister of Song Huizong in the past, but now he is stripped of his hat like a bereaved dog Clothes and hair were tied up and taken away.

And hear the news.

The people in Bianjing all cheered and encouraged.

Many people privately shouted that His Majesty is wise.

Some loyal and upright ministers were also greatly encouraged. They felt that they had seen hope, and His Majesty became wise again. The few things he did recently showed signs of rectifying the chaos.

Many ministers gathered to discuss,
Or go to a restaurant to drink and celebrate.

The people have already seen Wang Fu's evil deeds, they searched for the people's fat and people's anointment, sold officials and nobles to disrupt the court rules, but he was in a high position and was favored by the emperor and no one could move him.

It is not that the Song Dynasty did not have upright ministers,
Not an incompetent minister.

In fact, the basic mainstream is still good, and Wang Anshi has only been dead for 30 years, and the strength of character left by those ministers still depends on it. The biggest problem lies in Song Huizong. The officialdom of the Song Dynasty made such a mess.

Now it's time to reverse.

When Wang Fu was caught, he would naturally pull out the radish and bring out the mud, and a group of officials around Wang Fu would be sacked, and they would end up in prison and ransacking their homes.

In a few days,

The emperor decreed to transfer Zhang Shuye back to Beijing to serve as governor of Bianjing. Zhang Kegong, Zhang Shuye's cousin, impeached the prime minister, Cai Jing. Cai Jing turned his anger on Zhang Shuye, found Zhang Shuye a small fault, and demoted Zhang Shuye to Xi'an Grassland as supervisor for several years.

Zhang Shuye's ability and qualifications are more than enough to be promoted to Yindu of Bianjing Prefecture.

When Cai Jing heard the news that Zhang Shuye was transferred back to be promoted, his heart trembled with fright, thinking that the next step would not be to deal with himself?
In addition,

There were also some minor personnel changes. For example, Li Gang, a supervisory censor, was transferred to the Secretary of the Provincial Department of Yuanwailang, and his job was to be an assistant to Lin Yi, a member of Zhongshushe.

Li Gang is a few years older than Lin Yi. He is 32 this year. It can be seen that he is very respectful when he sees Lin Yi. On the day of the report, he bowed deeply to Lin Yi.

Everybody knows.

A series of recent incidents in the court of the Great Song Dynasty were directly or indirectly related to this champion Lin Yilin. They did not believe that Song Huizong would suddenly undergo such a big change, and someone must have given him advice.

Then who said it?
Now the only one who can suppress Cai Jing, Wang Fu, Tong Guan, Gao Qiu, Liang Shicheng, Yang Jian, and Cai You is the more favored Bachelor Lin Yilin.

This is what they dream of.

Even if they moved to one, they would have made a lifelong contribution, but it took only a few months for Bachelor Lin to move so many traitors.

Li Gang,

In other words, all the knowledgeable and upright people in the Song court now admire Lin Yi in their hearts.

Aspiring is not at a young age.

Although Lin Yi is young, it does not prevent them from admiring and respecting him.

Now Lin Yi has become the leader in some people's hearts.

In fact, Lin Yi's idea is very simple. First, he will sort out the court a little bit, so that those capable officials can see hope, and then cultivate some suitable manpower, so as not to let the mainstay of the future Song Dynasty be interrupted.

In fact, to reverse the situation in the officialdom, it is difficult to say, but also easy to say.

The difficulty is because the opponents are generally very powerful and have a huge network of relationships and interests involved. If you want to move them, you will inevitably be bitten by a counterattack.

It's like the supervisory censor suing Cai Jing.

Cai Jing did not fall, but Cai Jing made things difficult for many censors.

But these are nothing to Lin Yi. Now he can recruit and cultivate officials in the name of the emperor, gradually eliminate Cai Jing and his forces, and completely replace them with his own people. At that time, if he wants to manage Isn't it easy in this country?

Civilian loyalty?

With this worship skill, there is no need to worry at all.

The generals rebelled?

With this worship skill, there is no need to worry at all.

Eunuchs taking power?

With this worship skill, there is no need to worry at all.

Harem meddling in politics?

With this worship skill, there is no need to worry at all.

I'm watery again, hahaha.

Hey~ By the way,

Almost a month has passed, and Song Huizong's poisoning is almost healed. Can I go to the harem to have a look?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi found it interesting.

When he came to Song Huizong's palace, he said he wanted to report the situation to the emperor, and he turned away from the people around him. Lin Yi went over and used a small deformation technique to transform himself into the size of Song Huizong's body, but his face could not be changed. He just took off his mask and put it on for himself Then, the avatar returned to Lin Yi's appearance.

The two exchanged clothes.

If someone came in at this time, they would definitely think, no wonder the relationship between the emperor and Lin Sheren is so good, so it is so.

Change into the royal robe,

Lin Yi asked the avatar to read in the side room next to him, and he called the eunuch in charge, "I haven't been going to the harem for a long time, is there anything going on there?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, these days the Empress and all the concubines have been concerned about your health, Your Majesty, but you have ordered that you will not see them during this time, so the servants stopped them."

Lin Yi nodded.

"I feel much better today, let's go to the harem."

(End of this chapter)

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