I just want to make money

Chapter 226 Truth is only within the range of the cannon and dignity is only above the edge of the s

Chapter 226 Truth is only within the range of the cannon and dignity is only above the edge of the sword
Leave the Ministry of Industry.

Lin Yi came to the research center in the industrial zone.

Anyway, that's what he called himself.

Came to the Institute of Artillery and Explosives, where the top firearms craftsmen, smelting craftsmen and gunpowder production masters of the Ministry of Industry were transferred.

In fact, the Northern Song Dynasty already had firearms.

Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt, Rocket, Fireball, Fire Caltrop, etc.

The Thunderbolt Cannon is not a real artillery, but a bomb-like thing thrown out by a trebuchet. The Thunderbolt is more like a tin can of explosives. It is recorded in historical books that "the iron pot contains medicine, and when it is lit with fire, its sound is like thunder, and it is heard a hundred times." Inside and outside, the surrounding area is more than half an acre, and when the fire ignites, armor and iron will penetrate."

Lin Yi gathered these people together and asked them to study several things, one was artillery + shells, the other was grenades + mines.

The artillery ranges from small cannons like mortars to red cannons weighing more than a thousand catties. The small ones are placed on chariots, and the large ones are installed on wheels and pulled by mules and horses.

They are too advanced and they can't make them now, so Lin Yi took out firearms that were improved in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. Lin Yi drew them all the blueprints and accessories.

As for the bomb, it is naturally a flowering bomb. Gunpowder Lin Yi made the best black powder ratio and made it into granules.

As for the more advanced yellow gunpowder, in fact, Lin Yi can also make it, but it is not needed now, and the black gunpowder is enough now.

Song Dynasty has abundant raw materials for making black powder. Think about how many fireworks will be set off every year during the New Year and festivals. If these are put on the battlefield, how many times can the enemy be blown back and forth.

As for grenades and mines.

This Lin Yi is the best at it. With a militia manual, countless people can become bomb experts and make bombs out of various things. Besides, with the national team, it is not difficult to make grenades and landmines.

The biggest problem is that this thing needs a relatively large amount to cause damage. Lin Yi thinks it's okay, the big deal is spending money.

Money earned is not spent.

In the cannon workshop, craftsmen are building the components on Lin Yi's drawings one by one, and on the wooden frame next to them, there are many cannons of different sizes, the largest one is installed on the wheel.

"Finally done?" Lin Yi asked the supervisor following behind.

The supervisor replied with a happy face: "Mr. Hui, the general cannon was finally finished last night. The captain's cannon, the general cannon, and the general cannon are all here."

Lin Yi nodded,

"The cannonball team had already done it the day before yesterday, and the grenade and mine team had done it earlier. Today I just have time to call everyone to the proving ground to test the power of these guys." Lin Yi said.


Suburban proving grounds.

Surrounded by a piece of saline-alkali land, with a radius of more than ten miles, it is enough for them to toss.

Lin Yi transferred Lu Junyi and Lin Chong, the imperial guards, to guard the area ten miles around, and no one was allowed to approach, avoiding danger while being careful of spies.

In addition to all the managers of the firearms factory, the people who came this time included all the craftsmen of the firearms factory. Lin Yi wanted them to see with their own eyes what the products were manufactured.

During production, Lin Yi requires each component to be engraved with a serial number or printed with a serial number. Each serial number represents a person. As long as the number of service life is not reached, you will be punished, no matter when, so everyone builds Every time, I pay special attention to it, for fear that there may be a little mistake or omission.

There were hundreds of people at the scene.

"Sir, do you want to start the experiment?" The steward came over and asked.

"Let's start." Lin Yi said.

As the prime minister, it is impossible for Lin Yi to end in person.

Who knows if there is any danger.

Naturally, the craftsmen are in charge of the experiment, and he can just see the effect later.

"Lieutenant Pao, start experimenting!"

Lin Yi named the current three cannons as Xiaowei Cannon, General Cannon and General Cannon, which are used in different scenarios.

Someone asked, "General Pao is now, how to name it in the future, Lin Yi smiled, it can be called Hou Ye Pao, Wang Ye Pao, Prince Da Pao."

The captain’s cannon weighs about 150 kilograms and is fixed with a wooden frame. The frame can adjust the elevation angle to control the shooting distance. A carriage can pull about ten guns, or it can be tied to a horse for transportation, which is very convenient.

A better copper-iron alloy was used in the casting, the thickness was appropriately increased, and a copper hoop was added in the middle to further protect the barrel. The shells released are about the size of grenades in later generations, and can fly 600 meters. In addition to the iron shell of the shell, there are 30 steel balls in the shell , can cover a range of 30 meters around, and the armor-piercing effect is very good.


The captain's cannon only needs two soldiers to serve. One of the two soldiers took out a paper bag and stuffed it into the barrel, and the other stabbed it in with a wooden stick. How could Lin Yi let go of such a simple and practical skill of fixing the medicine bag.


The soldier loaded a round flower shell.

The steward looked at Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi nodded.

The steward raised the red flag.


The fire zip sticks on the medicine twister, sparks are scattered all over the place.



A burst of white smoke spewed from the muzzle.

Next second,
A second explosion occurred in a distant position, and a larger puff of white smoke rose. Some targets could be seen flying, and some were staggering.

It seems to work well.

The so-called position is a target set in advance. Hundreds of wooden stakes are inserted, and various armors are tied to them, including Song armor and Xixia armor of Liao and Jin. There are soldier armor and general armor, so that the effect can be fully tested.

Several fast horses galloped past.

After a while, he came back with a dozen targets on his back.

Before reaching Lin Yi, those craftsmen gathered around to check, and then the craftsmen cheered, "It's amazing, it can penetrate such a thick armor."

"One explosion can injure so many!"

"Don't surround yourself, show it to Mr. Xiang." Someone shouted.

The crowd quickly separated, and a dozen targets were brought to Lin Yi. Lin Yi went over to look carefully, some were blown to pieces, and most of them were armor pierced by fragments.

Lin Yi was very satisfied with the effect.

"Try firing a few more rounds, and use a few cannon tubes to shoot together to see the effect." Lin Yi said.

Immediately someone went down to continue the experiment.


"Boom boom boom boom boom boom~~!"

The explosion continued.

Looking at the hundreds of targets, they were crumbling, and another group of people passed by. This time, they did not bring back the targets, but the officer in charge of the military academy came back to report: "Reporting to Xiangguo, almost all the targets have shrapnel and bullet holes."

Lin Yi was very satisfied.

If dozens of shells can be exchanged for hundreds of enemy soldiers, especially cavalry, then this deal is worth it.

"Continue the experiment, change the general cannon to see the effect." Lin Yi waved happily.

Introduced a larger general cannon, the general cannon weighs 450 catties, similar in size to the Franco cannon, also called a short-barreled cannon, which belongs to the rear loading method. Later Franco cannons were replaced by red cannons because of poor air tightness, but in some On the one hand, Lin Yi thinks there are still advantages, for example, it is more convenient to load on the boat.

So he also got out of the Fran cannon.

Even if it is not advanced, it is hundreds of years more advanced than other countries today.

The wheel carts pushed the general guns out, and now only three of them have been built, and four soldiers are required to cooperate to launch them.




The sound of the general's cannon was much louder than that of the captain's cannon, and of course, it was much more powerful.

The general cannon can hit about 1000 meters. There are three types of shells, solid shells, blooming shells and incendiary shells.

Solid bullets are used to break through the city.

Blossom ammunition is used to kill the enemy. In addition to shrapnel, there are 60-80 steel balls in the shell, which can cover a range of 60 meters around.

Incendiary bombs are used to set fire, and it is very effective to siege the city, disturb the enemy and burn food and grass.

The only disadvantage is that the shells are more expensive, and a shell is always around the price.

The last one to appear was of course the General Cannon, with a long barrel, thick wall, and large caliber, definitely more powerful than Kong Yunlong's Italian cannon.

The General’s Cannon weighs 1800 jin. It is made of copper-iron composite metal, which is stronger. It is equipped with large wheels and is pulled and hauled by two rough horses. If it is a field march on muddy ground, it may take four horses.

The General Cannon also has three types of shells, with a range of up to 2500 meters.

"Boom boom boom~!"

A few shells went out.

A huge explosion sounded like thunder,


The fire blazed into the sky.

Power is not covered.

The craftsmen and the forbidden army all cheered, such a powerful weapon will definitely increase the combat power of the army.

Lin Yi is very satisfied with the results of today's experiment.

He has always agreed with a saying, 'Truth is only within the range of the cannon, and dignity is only above the edge of the sword. '

Only when you have strong force, others will respect you.

I won't bully you at will,

Only then will you be treated as a human being.

You have the right to say 'no' and 'fuck off'.

The next day.

At the meeting,
Lin Yi reported to Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty that he had developed several new firearms, which are extremely powerful. Please show your majesty that if you can prepare to equip the army, it will increase the combat power of the army.

Song Huizong immediately decreed,
Lead all the officers to the drill ground to see the effect of the new firearms.

Experiment of the day.

Shocked all ministers.

After the drill, the ministers gathered around the cannons and kept looking around, asking about the characteristics of these cannons.

after that,

Lin Yi had someone demonstrate how to use grenades and landmines.

Landmines are suitable for ambushes in advance, can seriously injure cavalry, and have miraculous effects in many places, and grenades are especially suitable for charging and siege.

The officials were very rejoiced, while Tong Guan, Gao Qiu, Zhong Shidao, Zong Ze and other military leaders had already begun to wonder where these big killers were equipped.

of course,

Someone cares in a different direction.

The Hubu and the Third Division envoys were more concerned about the price. The Hubu Minister came to Lin Yi, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Lin, how much do these artillery pieces cost, how much does a shell cost, and how much budget do you need to equip the army?"

Lin Yi smiled and said: "The cost of a captain's cannon is 100 guan, a cannonball is about 500 renminbi, a general cannon is 300 guan, the cost of the three kinds of cannonballs is different, the solid ammunition is the cheapest, one is consistent, and the flowering ammunition is one 5 guns, 3 guns for one incendiary bomb, the most expensive general gun, 1000 guns for a gun, 2 guns for solid bullets, 8 guns for flowering bombs, and 5 guns for incendiary bombs.”

This price was increased by Lin Yi, basically two to three times.

After hearing this, the officials of the household department sucked their teeth.

It feels so expensive.

I don't think so much about one, but if we equip the army in large quantities, it will require a lot of money.

"Can this be made by the Ministry of Industry?" the official of the Ministry of Households asked.

Lin Yi lowered his face slightly.

"You also want to make up your mind about your Majesty's business, Cui Shangshu, Your Majesty has already reduced the tax revenue from [-]% to [-]%, what else do you want?"

Cui Shangshu quickly squeezed out a smile.

"Don't dare, I'm also thinking about the national treasury, right?"

Among the world's major high-income industries, the sale of arms and weapons is definitely at the forefront. How could Lin Yi give up this part of his interests.


What is not his is the country's, and what is not the country is his.

When the officials returned to Bianjing, Song Huizong called Cai Jing, Lin Yi, Tong Guan, Gao Qiu, Hubu Shangshu, and the three envoys to discuss matters related to artillery.

One is how much to purchase.

The second is which troops to equip.

The forbidden army must be equipped, but the frontier army needs it even more.

Finally, Lin Yi suggested,
The imperial army set up a firearms battalion with brand-new equipment and new tactics, and cooperated with cavalry, spearmen, archers, artillery, etc. to create a new-style army.

Song Huizong agreed,
Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Gao Qiu and others did not dare to object.

In the end, Lin Yi was in full charge of this army. After all, he was still the commander of the Deputy Commander of the Dianqian Division, and he also invented the artillery. No one could say anything about the formation of the new army by him.

As for the soldiers,

Lin Yi chooses at will from among the Forbidden Army.

This time,

All the low-level military officers trained by Lin Yi have their uses.

Lin Yi's idea is very simple,
He didn't need many people either, he got 5 people from the forbidden army to build a truly capable army equipped with artillery. With just 5 people, he would not be afraid to face the army of the Kingdom of Jin.


The remaining forbidden troops and frontier troops will also be equipped with some firearms at that time, and their combat effectiveness will also be improved.

A large knife with a bunch of kitchen knives.

He believed that the golden dog would be hacked to death by then.

As for the purchase of firearms, the result of the discussion was to ask the Ministry of Households to pay for the purchase of [-] school captain cannons, [-] general cannons, and [-] general general cannons.

Some are equipped with the new army, and some are equipped with the frontier army.

This is just the first batch.

On the side of the frontier army, Lin Yi would send someone to teach it how to use it, and even directly send someone to control the artillery, which is equivalent to breaking into the frontier army system and controlling the most powerful artillery.

As for the shells,

The school lieutenant gun is equipped with three bases of 180 rounds, the general gun and the general gun are each equipped with a base number of shells, and the three types of shells are also 180 rounds, which is 160 million rounds.

Coupled with various supporting facilities, such as vehicles, horses, etc., this is not a small amount of money, and there are also firearms such as grenades and landmines used in conjunction with it, the total amount reaches tens of millions.

But Lin Yi felt that the money was worth spending.

Everyone knows that with the army built by Lin Yi himself, Prime Minister Lin has even more power.

In the next few days,
Lin Yi was busy forming a new army.

Lin Chong, Lu Junyi, Guan Sheng, and Yang Zhi were all conferred official positions, but they were all low-level military officers, like Captain Peirong, Deputy Captain Renyong, Captain Xuanjie, and Captain Zhiguo, the lowest rank was only ninth grade. The highest is only seven ranks, but this has already made them very excited.

Finally have a birth.

Li Gang, the secretary, was also drawn into the army by Lin Yi, and he was given a military position as a recorder to join the army. He was a general clerk, in charge of recording all the documents of Cao, and he played good and evil. It was a very training position.

According to the geographic location, the imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty can be divided into the central imperial army, the Hebei imperial army and the northwest imperial army. The central imperial army is mainly stationed around Bianjing.

According to Song Huizong's request, Tong Guan and Gao Qiu sorted out the problem of empty pay and the actual number of forbidden troops in various places, and found that the problem was far more serious than they imagined.

It is claimed to be 80, but it is actually only half of it.

The Central Forbidden Army has about half of them. The Western Army is the best and the most combative force at present, seven or eight out of ten, while the Hebei Frontier Army is only three or four out of ten.

Hear the report.

Both Tong Guan and Gao Qiu broke into a cold sweat.

Lin Yi was not that surprised when he heard the report. He had read the history of the Song Dynasty and knew the reason for the shortage of troops in the Northern Song Dynasty.

An important reason is the chaotic management of military registration, and the chaotic management of military registration is caused by the separation of the power to deploy troops and the power to command troops.

Another reason is military and political corruption. Since the number of soldiers is "unrecognizable", it is convenient for the generals to conceal false appropriation. Since the generals can benefit from the shortage, the shortage of the army will not be improved.

The military and political corruption in the Song Dynasty was also reflected in the private soldiers and mean soldiers. The generals commanded the private soldiers and asked them to build houses, grow vegetables, weave satin, embroider, play music...everything, which made the army a mess. Like the army, it greatly damaged the combat effectiveness of the army.

Some historians have commented, "The Northern Song Dynasty was not beaten because of backwardness, but was actually subjugated because of extreme corruption." Lin Yi felt that what he said was very true.

What Lin Yi has to do now is to reverse this phenomenon.

Officialdom is like this,

So is the army.

So he wants to form a new army.

The new army camp outside Bianjing City was originally a large camp of the Ma Army, twenty miles away from Bianjing, and now it belongs to the New Army.

conference room.

There are about 120 generals sitting there.

Basically, they were all newly recruited by Lin Yi, completely loyal to him, and all of them used the 'this worship' skill.

Lin Yi is in class.

From the knowledge in his mind, he pieced together a few textbooks, including marching and fighting, logistics supplies, joint operations with mines and artillery in the field, field physicians' manuals, and so on.

He wants to build a Huangpu Military Academy similar to later generations.

These 120 students are the first batch of trainees, all carefully selected by him, don't worry about loyalty, their abilities are above average, they will become the seeds of the Xin Song army, and will support the backbone of the Xin Song army in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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