I just want to make money

Chapter 8 The second item in the mall

Chapter 8 The second item in the mall

Sleep until you wake up naturally.

Lin Yi felt comfortable all over.

In modern society, I work overtime every day to deliver food. Although I am busy, I always feel flustered and have nowhere to rest.

As if he does not belong to that world.

There is overwhelming information every day, and I thought I knew a lot, but in the end I found out that it has nothing to do with me, and it just adds to my troubles.

Life in the 80s.

Compared with the modern world, it is infinitely monotonous.

But this kind of simple life makes it easier for people to immerse themselves in it and feel the taste of life carefully.

After washing up, I went out to have breakfast, and ordered wonton fried buns. Even though most people in the 80s were not rich, things in this era are very rich, and the taste of fried wontons is amazing.

As soon as they returned home after breakfast, Jiang Wu and Li Xiangqian came. When they saw the door was open, their faces were filled with joy.

"Brother Yi is back, I guess today will be about the same."

"Brother Yi, brother Yi, here we come."

Jiang Wu came in with a loud voice, and as soon as he entered the room, this guy saw the things on the cabinet, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over.

"Damn it, dual-card recorder, four-speaker, and TV, Brother Yi, you got it all!"

Lin Yi hid everything else, leaving only a TV and a dual-card recorder. After fighting for a lifetime, he enjoyed himself first.

Since I use it myself, I must use the best one. The tape recorder is a dual-card four-speaker, and the TV is the largest 21-inch Sony color TV.

"How about it, do you like it?" Lin Yi smiled at Jiang Wudao.

"Of course I like it. A friend of mine got a dual-card recorder. It's amazing. If you have nothing to do, you can ask girls to go to his house to listen to music. If you have this, it will be much more convenient to find a girlfriend, but his one is better than Brother Yi. Yours is far behind, fully twice as small."

This guy,
The first reaction is to find a woman.

"Brother Yi, the inspection on the road is so strict, how did you get this big guy back?" Jiang Wu asked curiously.

"I have a friend who is on the railway, and I dragged him to smuggle it here." Lin Yi told a fib.

"Brother Yi has a solution." Jiang Wu stretched out his thumb.

Li Xiangqian was more interested in the TV, and when he saw it clearly, he was surprised: "Brother Yi, is this a color TV?"

"Yes, color TV, but there is no antenna, so I can't watch it for the time being. I'm going to build a big pole to get an antenna today, so we can watch TV at night." Lin Yi said.

"Great, I can watch big color TV at night." Jiang Wu said excitedly.

Pressing the recorder button, Teresa Teng's singing sounded, Jiang Wu hugged the recorder, listening to it was intoxicated.

"Brother Yi, how much is this tape recorder?"

"Five hundred and eight."

"It's expensive enough, but I have to buy one when I save enough money." Jiang Wu touched the tape recorder, and it was obvious that he liked it very much.

After studying the TV recorder, they started to talk about business. In the past two days, the two of them contacted many customers. The person-to-person sales method was very effective. Many people automatically became their salesmen because of the two yuan commission.

For example, Jiang Wu's former workshop director helped Jiang Wu sell five electronic watches. After getting 10 yuan, his enthusiasm became more and more enthusiastic, and he even mobilized his relatives and friends to promote it.

By the way, why is the former workshop director, Jiang Wu resigned, and the salary of 19 yuan and 8 yuan a month, this guy has been despised, but he didn't tell his family, because he was afraid that his parents would be angry, and he planned to wait later Make more money, and talk about it when you have confidence.

Isn't he going to work to make money? When he sees that he gets the money back, his parents will naturally not say anything.

Making money is business.

The two took the electronic watch and went out to deliver the goods.

Lin Yi was not idle either, and was preparing to make a TV antenna.

There are very few households with TV sets now, and there are no ready-made antennas on the market, but this does not bother him.

Going to the department store, Lin Yi bought two of the largest cast aluminum grates, the kind used on large iron pots, with a diameter of 70 centimeters, and then bought tens of meters of wires. There were no professional antenna wires to make up.

Put the things at home, then turned around and went to the farmer's market.

Instead of buying chickens or ducks, he bought a big moso bamboo, more than ten meters high, and asked someone to help him transport it home.

Dig a hole near the corner of the house, find an iron pipe slightly thicker than moso bamboo in the utility room at home, bury it in the hole and compact it.

In this way, the penny antenna can be inserted and turned to find a signal.

Two cast aluminum grates were fixed on the thin end of the moso bamboo, and the wires were wrapped, and the antenna was basically ready. The penny was too heavy. Although Lin Yi was strong and healthy, he couldn't handle it by himself. Waiting for Xiao Wu or Xiang Come back and talk about it.

"Brother Yi, I'm back."

Li Xiangqian carried his bicycle into the house.

"Just right, come and help me put up the antenna." Lin Yi said.

Li looked forward at the antenna and said with a smile, "Why does it feel similar to the one made by the communication company in the army?"

"The principle is the same."

Together, the two of them erected the antenna and inserted it into the iron pipe. The wires went into the house, connected with the buckle and inserted into the signal receiving port.

Press the TV switch.

Brush brush ~!

Snowflakes flashed on the TV.

Lin Yi began to tune the channel patiently, and after a while, the screen flashed, it was the animal world, a leopard was running hard to catch an antelope, for Lin Yi, the picture quality was far worse than that of later generations, but Li Xiangqian was instantly attracted .

"How's the sale?" Lin Yi asked.

Li Xiangqian rummaged through his satchel and took out a wad of money, "There are more than a dozen orders in the past two days, and the total here is five hundred and sixty."

After handing the money to Lin Yi, his eyes turned to the TV again.

Lin Yi counted the money, put his hand in his pocket, and put it into the system wallet.

"Are you still going in the afternoon?"

"Go, I'll take two or three watches and continue." Li Xiangqian said.

No matter how good the TV looks, it is not as important as making money.

in the afternoon,

Jiang Wu also came back, saw a TV show, and refused to leave while hugging the TV, Lin Yi kicked him away, "Let me watch enough tonight."

"Hey, okay."

When he came back in the evening, Lin Yi had already prepared a sumptuous dinner, including wine, meat and vegetables. The three of them watched TV programs while drinking.

"Drinking wine and eating meat, watching a big color TV, this is a life only in dreams." Jiang Wu tutted.

"At least you still dare to dream, I don't even dare to dream." Li Xiangqian said.

After the last program was played, a piece of music was played, and then a dubbed film, "The Man From the Bottom of the Atlantic", titled as an American science fiction feature film, was played.

Jiang Wu and Li Xiangqian were completely attracted by the story, put down their wine glasses and stared at the TV, unable to move.

Lin Yi had heard of this TV series before, and it was said that this was the first TV series introduced after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

Jiang Wu and the two were attracted by the plot, and at the same time were attracted by the customs of the United States, "Brother Yi, do you think America is really like this, so many high-rise buildings, living in villas and bungalows?"

As the boss of capitalism, the United States is indeed the strongest today. The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 79 opened the door to the world, allowing people in this era to see a kaleidoscope-like world at once. The country has been built like this, and some people want to go to such a place to enjoy life, which has also caused a crazy wave of going abroad in the next few years.

"I've never been to the United States, how would I know that I let you watch TV, not just to watch the excitement, have you seen any business opportunities from the TV series?" Lin Yi asked the two of them.


Both of them were dumbfounded.

Watching a TV show can also see business opportunities?

"Do you think the protagonist is very chic?" Lin Yi guided the two of them.

"Indeed, this guy's moves around the Toad Mirror are really cool." Jiang Wudao.

Lin Yi smiled softly, "When this TV series is released, do you think there will be many people imitating the actor wearing sunglasses, and sunglasses will definitely sell well for a while in the future."

The two were stunned after hearing this.

"Yeah, just now I was thinking about where to get sunglasses and go out to dress up. Why didn't I think that this is a business, and Brother Yi is very good." Jiang Wu immediately flattered him.

The TV show is over,
turned into a concert,
The three elders were not interested in this, but Jiang Wu was still reluctant to close it, so the three of them just listened to the concert, drank and chatted.

today day,
They sent out the reservations left in the past few days, and sold a total of more than 30 electronic watches and four quartz watches.

Lin Yi earned more than 1500.

And the money is worthless.

In this era, it is definitely a daily fortune.

"Brother Yi, shall we also sell tape recorders and TVs in the future?" Jiang Wu asked.

"Sell, but these things are troublesome to transport. For the time being, we can only test the water. We still mainly focus on watches. This time I bought not only electronic watches and quartz watches, but also some Japanese original mechanical watches. Shanghai Meihua costs 120 pieces. These mechanical watches sell for 110, and tickets are not required.”

The two nodded together.

the next day.

Jiang Wu and Li Xiangqian went out early with a few watches. They had earned a few hundred yuan before, and felt that they were already very rich. Seeing the tape recorder and TV set brought back by Lin Yi, the two knew that this little money was nothing at all. The enthusiasm for making money is high again.

The two of them leave early and return late every day, and sometimes they are even busy until ten o'clock in the evening. The money from selling goods every day is handed over to Lin Yi when they come back, and they never keep it for themselves.

These two days,
Lin Yi bought a new bicycle.

Ask Jiang Wu to exchange a bicycle ticket on the black market, and buy a brand new Phoenix [-] in the store.

The two paid the money again on this day, and Lin Yi habitually put the money into the system wallet, when a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"The recharge amount exceeds 10000 yuan, and new products appear in the system mall."

(End of this chapter)

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