Chapter 94 Loans
The phone call lasted for nearly an hour. This was an international long-distance call, and the phone bill was estimated to be less than two to three thousand Hong Kong dollars, which made Lin Yi feel distressed.

"Xiao Lin, I will inform the leader of the research right away, you are waiting for news from me in Hong Kong at any time." District Chief Yang said excitedly holding the list.

Lin Yi remembered one more thing,

Asked: "One more thing, the leader, I have already given the other side the list of our products, which is the product catalog we set before, but the other side asked me whether we can provide tobacco and alcohol, because tobacco and alcohol are monopoly, I am not good I agree, so I ask if you want to ask for instructions from above?"

"Understood, I will ask for instructions." District Chief Yang said.

It was almost time to get off work, but District Chief Yang still called the leader. This kind of matter cannot be delayed. After hearing the report from District Chief Yang, the leader immediately said: "You come to the province immediately, and I will notify the relevant units to come and negotiate together. "

meeting room.

Light up the night battle,

A group of leaders looked at the list to study what they wanted.

sedan wants,

Vans want it too,
Fertilizer wants,
Plastic is also wanted,

How can I not have a refrigerator and TV,
When the final list came out, it reached more than 300 million, which was too much.

How to do.

Find a way to shrink it down.

As for Lin Yi's question about alcohol and tobacco, the leader immediately made a decision that it can be sold, why not, as long as we have what we have, we can sell it.

The local leaders at this time were far more powerful than later generations.

Cut it down and cut it down again, and finally there was still 245 million US dollars. I felt like I didn't want to give up anything. Finally, the leader said to District Chief Yang:

"Xiao Yang, talk to that little Lin, see if you can increase it a bit?"

"I'll contact Lin Yi immediately."

At 11 o'clock in the evening, District Chief Yang called Lin Yi's hotel room and told Lin Yi about the situation.

"Leader Xing, I'll try with Roman tomorrow."

"Xiao Lin, the leader said that the business has been negotiated. Come back and make meritorious service for you." District Chief Yang said.

Lin Yixin said that I am not a member of the government, and I cannot be promoted for meritorious service, but there may be a chance to make a fortune.

In fact, the better he does,
Equivalent to the stronger its own amulet.

Lin Yi also heard about some things. At the meeting, some leaders mentioned that some merchants in Hanzheng Street had become bigger and bigger, which had affected the business of supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores. They proposed to rectify them.

Later, the leader found out that it was Lin Yi who was talking about, and the matter was finally settled. There must be a protective umbrella of foreign exchange orders at work.

The next day,

Lin Yi found Roman again.

Roman asked his secretary to make a cup of coffee for Lin Yi. Roman's female secretary was very beautiful, she was from Belarus, she was tall and blond, with blue eyes and protruding eyes, and she looked sweet, but Lin Yi always wondered if this woman was a swallow.

At first he was embarrassed to say,

Later, they traded with Luo Man, and the two became partners. Lin Yi asked vaguely, and Roman smiled and said, "You guessed it, she is Swallow, but don't worry, she is mine, and she is completely obedient."

"I might as well tell you, I actually belong to."

After hearing this, Lin Yi scolded you in his heart, it turns out that there are really no simple things in this world.

"Roman, have you received a letter from there? How is the research on the order?" Lin Yi asked.

Roman smiled, "I have already sent a telegram, as long as it is a light industrial product, I will make my own decision on subdividing the product."

"In the past two days, I'm working on a product catalogue, including ready-to-wear, leather shoes, down jackets, high-heeled shoes, and so on."

"By the way, did you ask about alcohol and tobacco? It involves my order accounting."

"I asked, we agreed to export tobacco and alcohol, of course, mainly tobacco and alcohol produced in our place."

Jiangcheng is a big province that produces tobacco and alcohol, but on the export list, the tobacco and alcohol produced in Jiangcheng are obviously inferior to several famous brands such as Moutai and Zhonghua. Since there is such an opportunity to barter, they naturally use their own products.

"That's okay, as long as it's not too bad." The things provided to the people don't need to be too good. This is a tradition left over from the Soviet leaders.

Comrade Dalin said many times in public speeches, "The Soviet people do not need high-end daily necessities."

It was also from his time that the Soviet Union focused entirely on heavy industry. According to reports there, their investment in heavy industry accounted for 84% of the total investment, while light industry accounted for only 16%.

of course.

The Soviet Union is not without light industry,

During this period,

The output of wool textiles in the Soviet Union is the largest in the world, the output of cotton cloth is the largest in the world, the output of sugar is the largest in the world, the output of beer is the second in the world, and the output of wine and candy is also huge.

The problem is that it is too single and the variety is extremely limited. Importing goods from China is mainly to enrich the domestic product structure.

"Roman, we hope that we can increase the order quantity, for example, add another 60." Lin Yi wanted to say 50 at first, but thinking that 250 is not good, he simply added 60.

Roman didn't hesitate too much, and said with a smile: "Lin, the quota given to me by our side also fluctuates. I agree with the amount of 260 million, and I will add the extra money to tobacco and alcohol."

Tobacco and alcohol in the Soviet Union,
is an item that is always snapped up.

In the current Soviet Union, the quota system for tobacco and alcohol is still implemented. Once it is released, it will definitely be snapped up by the masses in a short time.

Contact District Chief Yang again,
"Leader, after sincere negotiations with the other party, the other party agreed to increase the transaction amount to US$260 million."

"Okay, Kobayashi, you did a great job!"

Director Yang was overjoyed, Lin Yi not only completed the task, but also improved a little.

Just keep in touch and negotiate.

After all, it is an order of 260 million US dollars, which is not a small number.

It took 20 full days of work to finally get this order done, and Lin Yi worked through the trading company many times, and he and Roman could each share 12 US dollars.

As for Lin Yi himself, he can still get more than 30 US dollars in profit. Although it is not as much as last time, it is still extremely impressive.

In the middle of this,

Lin Yi went to Shenzhen again,
Withdrawing 100 million RMB from the bank, the reason written in the application is still to purchase factory equipment.

The system wallet has also increased to 300 million.

time flies,

Into August.

Lin Yi had just woken up that day, when the system panel suddenly popped up, and there was an extra prompt on it:
"There are still 30 days until the comeback!"

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment,
It's been almost a year since I came to this world, it's really fast.

Sitting on the bed, Lin Yi lit a cigarette,

There are many thoughts in my mind at once.

At the beginning of September last year, he suddenly came to this game world. During this period of time, Lin Yi experienced many things, which were more exciting than all the things he experienced in his previous life.

smuggling electronic watches,
sell sunglasses,
Hanzheng Street Lane store,

selling calendars, selling clothes,

Later, he came to Hong Kong, set up a trading company, set up a factory in the special zone, and did business with Roman, earning millions of dollars back and forth.

Meet Zuo Xiaoqing,
with girls,

The days when the two live together can be said to be the life Lin Yi dreams of. In the real world, he will never have it, but here he has it.

In the past, my parents also nagged me about finding a wife to get married, but in the real world, I had no place to go up and down.

What to marry.

it's here,
He found a woman who made him feel happy.




Still so beautiful.

If my parents know that I have found a wife like Zuo Xiaoqing, they will definitely be happy.

It is very difficult to find a wife in the modern world.

A good wife is even harder to find.

In fact, he once thought about what it would be like to spend his whole life in the game world. In fact, the so-called happiness is just the feeling in his heart,
What is real and unreal,
Just being happy is enough.

And he feels more and more that this world is not illusory, but also real. He believes that this is just one of many parallel worlds, and it really exists.

The people you love and the people you know are real.

Lin Yi decided to return to Jiangcheng.

But before he goes back, he has one more thing to do.

Lin Yi came to the company, found He Qiming, and asked, "Qiming, you said that our company can handle loans with orders?"

"I think it should be possible, after all, this is a foreseeable benefit." He Qiming said.

"Boss, we are not short of money in our account, why do you want a loan?" Lin Yi's company is indeed not short of money, and his operations are actually all formal, and the difference in price through trade is just hidden from the Soviet and Chinese parties. .

The 20 US dollars invested in the construction of factories in the special zone industrial zone before is the account of the trading company. During this period, the trading company and the country have also completed nearly one million orders, and the profit is still considerable. Now the company’s account is still lying on its back a sum of money.

This time, the transaction with the Soviet Union still follows the formal process, and the benefits can be calculated from the transaction slip, but outsiders have no way to know.

Lin Yi just wanted to use this interest as a guarantee to lend a sum of money. His purpose was simple, to get as much money as possible before leaving this world.

As for the future,

He believed that he could earn more money from other worlds, and then he could use it to subsidize this world.

"Want to make some investments elsewhere."

Lin Yi made up a reason.

"Ask a few banks to see which bank has the fastest loan rate, the interest rate, and how much it can loan." Lin Yi confessed.

"Okay boss, I'll call right away."

He Qiming acted quickly and contacted CITIC, Wing Lung, Dah Sing, Hong Kong Commercial and other banks in the morning.

Why not find HSBC and Standard Chartered, because the bigger the bank, the more stable the business is, the slower it is, and it is not as happy as the small banks.

"Boss, I asked clearly. The other party said that according to our situation, we can borrow about 30 US dollars. Several banks are similar. As for the interest rate, Wing Lung Bank is the lowest, and the processing speed is also the shortest that Wing Lung promised. They can do it in about three days. Good." He Qiming said.

"Take the information and go to Yonglong." Lin Yi made a decisive decision.

A Yonglong business manager received Lin Yi. What Lin Yi offered was fine, with previous performance and foreseeable revenue orders, this loan is definitely a high-quality loan business, and the other party promised to complete it within three days at most.

The next day,

The other party sent a salesman to the company to check the accounts.

On the third day,
Lin Yi went to the bank to sign.

On the fourth day,
The loan was transferred to the account of Yishida Trading Company.

Lin Yi didn't hesitate,
Immediately withdrew $30 in cash from the bank. Instead of taking large bills, he took out $5, $10, $20, and $50. When he first contacted Brother Shui, he said that he preferred to ask for these small denomination bills. It is also convenient for those who change to spend in the United States. It is said that Americans rarely use hundred-dollar bills.

turn on the system,

There are still 25 days left in the countdown.

After talking to He Qiming, Lin Yi left the customs and returned to Shenzhen that day.

(End of this chapter)

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