Chapter 54 The Ancient One
"Wow, that's amazing."

Tony stood in front of the electron microscope, observing the cells surrounded by qi.

"They seem to be fully activated. As long as the true energy can be supplied continuously, these cells will not die from lack of nutrients."

Then, he fiddled with some buttons, and saw that the cells placed under the electron microscope suddenly lit up with white light, and with a bang, the glass slide on which the cells were placed suddenly shattered.

"Haha, there are two more forms. The mild form in the cells, and the high-energy form after being excited. The power of the zhenqi contained in these cells is at least no less than 17 joules after being excited into the high-energy form. It's just the true energy contained in a drop of my blood, I really don't know how high the energy level of true energy in your body will be."

Tony is like a child who has discovered a new toy. He recorded one research result after another on the stereoscopic projection next to him, and these contents were also silently remembered by Chen Guang who was beside him.

High energy state?

Indeed, the form of true qi circulating in the body is different from the form after being stimulated outside the body. After all, what circulates in the meridians in the human body is not sword qi.

Chen Guangxin said that he is indeed a genius. He has been immersed in martial arts for decades, but his thinking has been faintly solidified. Of course he is aware of this transformation, but he has never paid attention to it. Today, he was awakened by Tony's words.

He bowed his head and pondered: Then, do you have other solidified thoughts?
Now that the zhenqi I cultivated can't hurt me, should I continue to cultivate according to the scriptures and according to the circulation of the meridians?

Thinking of this, Chen Guang suddenly transformed all the zhenqi in the meridians into the excited state when it was released.

The infuriating energy, which already flowed at an extraordinary speed, exploded with unparalleled light and heat in Chen Guang's body in an instant.

Tony felt an abnormal movement behind him, and when he turned around, his expression changed drastically.

I saw that Chen Guang's whole body lit up, and white lines shone in his body. The combination of these lines was exactly the human body meridian map that Jarvis showed not long ago.

At this moment, if there is a martial artist who is proficient in the circulation of zhenqi and the skillful acupoints around the body, he can directly comprehend the sequence of meridian lines shining from Chen Guang's body.

The current state of true qi in Chen Guang's body is the sword qi he used to break steel, split lakes, and smash mechs!

Normally, no one would do this, because it is almost equivalent to suicide, and the so-called self-cutting of the meridians in the martial arts is nothing more than the same.

But Chen Guang got the reward of "Absolute Martial Body" in the world of Swordsman. Although he didn't study it well in the world of Lord of the Rings, he just felt that he would not go crazy and strengthen himself in general.But after being reminded by Tony Stark, he finally realized what kind of things he could do with this unscientific physique.

The light on his body became more and more dazzling, and correspondingly, his body temperature rose sharply.

True Qi cannot be released in the excited state, and can only continue to be trapped in the meridians, almost compressed to the extreme.And the extreme high energy and high pressure also brought the extreme temperature.

Steam gradually rose from his body surface, and his clothes also burned under the high temperature.

Tony backed back again and again, and the walls behind him were all reversed, revealing several mechas hidden inside, namely Mark-2, Mark-3 and two Mark-4s.

The Mark-4 in the middle opened the full-body hatch from the front, and Tony retreated in, and the full-body armor immediately merged.

The visor was buttoned down, his eyes lit up, and Tony said in a metallic voice: "I don't know what experiment you are doing, but it's better not to explode, there are still people living upstairs!"

Hearing this, Chen Guang's figure flickered and disappeared instantly... This time, it was not the magic ring used, but the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it.

Fortunately, Tony's visor is not the naked eye, but a high-speed camera, which immediately reproduced the trajectory of Chen Guang's departure before his eyes.

Tony immediately flew out to follow, he was afraid that this guy was going berserk because he lost control of his qi energy, just like the dark side of the force in Star Wars.

In order not to hurt the innocent, he must stop the other party.

Fortunately, although Chen Guang has already left the range of the camera, he does not need high technology. Far away, Tony found a white figure on the dark sea that could compete with the moonlight.


Chen Guang was walking on the sea, and waves as high as several feet surged behind him.

Every time he lifts his feet, a barb-like liquid will slowly emerge from the water to chase his soles, and when he finds that he can't catch up, he jumps high and turns into a new wave.

Chen Guang didn't use any lightness kung fu, nor was he running. Subjectively, he was just walking.

The knowledge learned during this period came to mind, and he had already figured out what was going on with him.

The essence of heat is molecular motion, the faster the molecular motion, the higher the heat.

However, the Absolute Martial Body is indeed 'absolute' enough. Even the heat condensed under the high-energy and high-pressure state of true energy is counted as part of its 'strength', so it cannot hurt Chen Guang.

So the question is, what will happen to an object whose temperature is getting higher and higher, but the molecules in it are not affected by the temperature at all, and there is no change or damage?
The answer is: this is a paradox, because it completely violates the laws of thermodynamics, which is equivalent to absorbing heat energy while keeping the entropy constant, which is a complete anti-entropy behavior.

At least in the field of physics studied by human beings, it is absolutely impossible for such freaks to appear in the universe.

But Chen Guang has become such an anti-science existence.

As the movement speed of the molecules in his body is getting faster and faster, in his field of vision, the time of the outside world is also getting slower and slower.

In Chen Guang's senses, time has passed for a long time.Before, he found that walking slowly would cause the ground to burn. In order to avoid causing a fire, he chose to go in the direction of the sea.

But when he walked to the surface of the sea, he found that he felt as if he was stepping on solidified glue. He had to stand in place for a while before his body gradually sank.

If you ignore the wall of waves behind you and only look forward, the entire sea is calm and waveless, as if the artist faked it with gel, that is, there is no wind and no waves.

Everything in the world seemed to be quiet.

Chen Guang finally couldn't help but said with emotion: "System, the Absolute Martial Body has such a physique that violates the laws of physics, how did you convince Xiaoaojianghu Universe to give it to me?"

The system is very honest: [I have been fighting with him for 60 years, and finally told that cosmic consciousness that you will never return to this universe, so he agreed. 】

Chen Guang was shocked.

No wonder you seldom show up, so you've been chatting with others all the time... Wait, when I first entered Swordsman, you said that the world awareness of low martial arts is so foolish, is this what you're talking about?

This is not fooling around, I always feel that people are harassed by you, and I feel that I will not harm my family anyway, so I can do whatever I like elsewhere...

This system is really spiritual.

As expected, it was conceived spontaneously in order to protect the universe. In order to strengthen the host, it will do everything possible.

Just as Chen Guang was thinking wildly, a golden spot of light appeared in front of his eyes.

Chen Guang was taken aback for a moment, and walked around the golden light spot twice before it slowly drew an arc downward.

a little familiar...

After going around ten more times, it finally connected end to end to form a circle, and suddenly a green light shot out from it.

Under the shroud of this green light, this golden circle of light no longer seemed to be played in slow motion, and became normal in Chen Guang's eyes.

A bald woman walked out of the aperture and stood in front of Chen Guang.

The green light was coming out of the necklace hanging on her chest.

"Gu Yi Mage..."

(End of this chapter)

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