Anti-invasion of the heavens: water drops in the beginning

Chapter 97 The second instant kill Thanos

Chapter 97 The second instant kill Thanos
In the original timeline, Thanos won six infinite gems through war, and snapped his fingers to kill half the population of the entire universe.

And when the superheroes found Thanos again, they found that he had snapped his fingers again and destroyed the Infinity Stones, just to prevent them from being taken away.

Since then, the entire world has lost the ability to resurrect the dead.

This incident is called the flickering event.

Five years have passed since the flickering went off.

In the past five years, science and technology have not progressed, humanities have not developed, society has fallen into a dead silence, and everyone has lost half of the past, present, and future.

Until Tony Stark developed the time shuttle device, started the time-space hijacking plan, and decided to save everything.

The content of the plan is: everyone goes back to the past—takes the Infinity Stones—goes back to the future, makes a wish and snaps fingers to resurrect everyone—goes back to the past again, returns the Infinity Stones, and prevents history from having a butterfly effect because of them .

It's a pity... the plan obviously deviated.

When the time travelers returned to the present moment, the entire Avengers base was surrounded by green light, and everything stopped.

Only Chen Guang walked leisurely among the heroes, observing them one by one to see who was wearing the gem.

Iron Man Tony, Ant-Man Scott, Hulk Banner, Chen Guang didn't watch these three people, after all, they came here with him.

As for Captain America Steve, he was left in Chen Guang's time and space.

And his equipment was naturally rented by Chen Guang who came here.

Chen Guang turned his head to look at Barton and Natasha. Don't look at the downcast expressions of these two people. Just seeing that the black widow Natasha came back alive, it is obvious that they did not get the soul gem.

Then he came to Thor, the bearded man who had become a fat man, and took away the red gem of reality from his hand.

So far, Chen Guang has officially obtained six infinite gems.

Just looking at the Reality Gem in his hand, Chen Guang frowned slightly.

Being able to get the reality gem means that the other party has returned to the world line of "Thor 2", which is definitely not his own time and space, because the entire Asgard is over.

He came to War Machine again, and found that the other party was actually holding a cosmic spirit ball in his hand.

Chen Guang opened the spirit ball with a strange expression, and found that there was another power gem lying quietly inside.

It seems that War Machine has also returned to the world line of "Guardians of the Galaxy 1". In Chen Guang's time and space, the Cosmic Spirit Orb was taken away by him by hiring Star Lord several years ago.

So what the hell is going on with you people?

Chen Guang looked at the subway, the old man, and the mobile phone.

Why do some come to my universe, while others go back to the past of your own universe?

This is too messy!

Chen Guang frowned and lowered his head to think for a moment, gradually trying to understand the essence of the matter.

In order to clarify his thoughts, he said aloud to himself: "It seems that what you call going back to the past is just going to a parallel world similar to your own timeline."

"Even if you go in batches, it may not be the same time and space."

"Well, four waves of people, it's reasonable to go to three parallel worlds."

"After all, in the original book, because of the butterfly effect, there was a Loki who escaped with the space gem, which is obviously not the original history."

After figuring this out, Chen Guang suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Sure enough, using parallel worlds to explain time travel is the most trouble-free solution.

It's just that the bug is still stuck.

At this time, in this universe, if you count the power gem in your body, there are actually seven infinite gems!

Among them, there are actually two power gems... how to count?
Chen Guang thought for a while, and began to try to mobilize the gem energy in his body.

But nothing happened.

Chen Guang was taken aback, he didn't pay attention when he first came here, anyway, the power gem in his body seemed to be violent, but in fact it never caused a burden to his body.

At this time, under the subtle feeling, I found that the power that had been wandering between the gaps in the cells had all disappeared.

Instead, it was rejuvenated, with a hint of purple innocence faintly showing.

Chen Guang couldn't help complaining: "What the hell? Really Zixia magic?"

Of course this is just a joke, this purple energy has nothing to do with Zixia's magical skills.

It's just that he never expected that in the world of Xiaoao Jianghu, who had practiced the Nine Yin Manual all his life, he would turn his true energy into purple.

Although this purple infuriating energy does not have the lukewarmness of Huashan Zixia's magical power, it carries a violent and destructive aura, as if it wants to tear everything it touches into atoms before giving up.


Chen Guang blinked, good guy, is this the energy that can generate power gems?
He was quite pleasantly surprised, and even had a premonition that his zhenqi would not leave this universe like an infinite gem, and become a desktop icon with a lost file path. After clicking, he would only be asked whether to delete it.

After all, it was cultivated by one's own body. In theory, as long as one's own body is allowed to exist in the universe, it can be compatible with its power.

At the same time, Chen Guang discovered that a stone seemed to appear in his dantian during the internal viewing...

Well, ignore it.

Chen Guang looked at the cosmic spirit ball containing the power gem in his hand, and lowered his head in thought.

The disappearance of the power of the gemstone in his body should be a matter of authority.Two identical gemstones appeared at the same time, and the one that was a complete gem had a higher priority than the one in his body.

Do you need to absorb it again?

Chen Guang felt a trace of resistance from the depths of his heart.

For one thing, the state of my true qi at this time is very precious, and it may not be able to change into this form after being eliminated again.

Secondly, the last few battles have been crushed with infinite gems. To be honest, Chen Guang is a little bored.

It's like playing a stand-alone game with a modder in the previous life. It was really fun at first, but when you pass the level soon, you feel a little regretful.

After all, infinite gems, like modifiers, cannot accompany you for a lifetime.

When we return to 'reality', we still have to face everything by ourselves.

"You still have to rely on yourself."

After thinking this through, Chen Guang felt much more at ease. He held up the six infinity gems with his purple qi, and lined them up in front of him.

As expected of the purple infuriating energy that was born out of the power gem, it was completely unafraid of the energy erosion of the six gems, allowing them to float in midair peacefully without any disturbance.

Afterwards, Chen Guang took out the spoils he had just seized from Thanos from his system backpack—the Infinity Gloves.


Chen Guang snapped his fingers, and the red Reality Gem slid on the Infinity Gauntlet like a fluid. In an instant, it changed from a size that only giants could wear to a size that ordinary humans could use.

He put on his gloves and clenched his fists.


The impatient space gem was first inlaid on the fist bone of the middle finger.

Afterwards, apart from the soul gem, the other gems seemed to be drawn, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" they were suddenly clasped on their respective fist bones.

Chen Guang separated his fingers and stretched them forward, and then the soul gem slowly lowered and landed in the largest groove on the back of his hand.

In an instant, the strong power of the six gems spread upwards from Chen Guang's arms!
The unexpected pain spread to his mind, and even Chen Guang, who had cultivated his mind for decades, couldn't help clenching his teeth.

This is the pain of being deconstructed and torn apart from the atomic level!

As a concrete product that holds all the authority in the universe, bringing them together, just the mutual influence is enough to break the chemical bonds of any unstable material, and completely disintegrate like ashes!

Fortunately, the purple qi in the body immediately took effect.

Under the rules of Absolute Martial Arts, the violent purple qi turned into an indomitable force gentler than water, resisting the power of the infinite gemstones that spread upward.

Although the purple qi was annihilated by the continuous strangulation, Chen Guang also secreted the purple qi from the endless refinement in his body to make up for it.

As long as the purple energy is not exhausted, the cells will always be in a stable rear, and will never be hurt by the aftermath of the battlefield.

After a while, Chen Guang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the six infinity gems gleaming on the back of his hand, he couldn't help chuckling.

"Finally, I have reached the highest state shown on the bright side of this universe!"

It's just that Chen Guang wasn't as ecstatic as he was when he absorbed the power gem for the first time. He just felt relieved that he would pass the level immediately.

Gently clenching his fists, the green light of the Time Gem faded.

All the heroes saw the scene in front of them, and their faces changed drastically.

"Who are you?!"

Thor let out a roar, and he, who had been traumatized by Thanos long ago, slashed at Chen Guang's neck with an ax without hesitation!
It's a pity that when the ax approached Chen Guang, it was firmly restrained in place by the power of the space gem.

Thor pulled his Storm Ax hard, his face flushed, and he was a little terrified, because at this moment, he had the feeling that he couldn't lift Thor's Hammer in the past.

Chen Guang looked at the Storm Ax locked in mid-air, and shook his head with a smile.

It seems that the utilization rate of the space gem was too low before, and it was not just used to open the portal.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Someone roared again, but Chen Guang was too lazy to talk to them, and directly blocked their actions and mouths with his space ability.

Then he walked to the window and looked at the sky quietly.

The superheroes who couldn't speak began to exchange glances with each other. Their eyes were full of despair at first, but as time went by, they gradually turned into doubts.

Where did this young man wearing the Infinity Gauntlet come from?
What is he waiting for?
It stands to reason that having the Infinity Gauntlet that collects all the gems is like having a universal wishing machine. No matter what he wants to do, he can start directly without waiting for any opportunity.

Feeling the mood of the people behind him gradually calming down, Chen Guang turned his back to them and said lightly, "Have you calmed down yet?"

Raising his hand slightly, the blue light disappeared from everyone, except Sol who was still trapped in place.

His eyes were extremely ferocious, obviously thinking of his past failures, he couldn't calm down and think at all, once he regained his freedom, he would definitely aim at Chen Guang's head and chop off.

"team leader……"

As soon as Natasha let go of the restraint, she immediately yelled anxiously, obviously noticing Captain America who hadn't returned.

Tony waved his hand and comforted him: "The captain is fine, but he was left at that time. When we revive Dr. Pym, we can go back and pick him up."

Natasha and others who cared about the captain breathed a sigh of relief.

After appeasing the others, Tony Stark took a step forward and asked doubtfully, "You are the hero of your parallel world, why did you come here to prevent us from saving the world?"

Chen Guang laughed: "Save the world? That's right, you did save the world, but unfortunately, some of you paid the price with your lives for a little bit of ignorance."

Hearing this, Tony frowned uncomfortably, "What do you mean?"

Chen Guang shook his head: "Didn't you realize that one of you is not the original one?"

Everyone suddenly fell into confusion and confusion.

What the hell?Does he mean that someone here has been replaced by his 'past' self?

How is that possible, Banner wasn't the big guy at all in the past, Ant-Man was just a thief before it all started, all of them have changed dramatically over the years, they've been replaced, you can tell at a glance.

Apart from……

Almost all of them shifted their gazes to a blue female body.

Except for this sister who only jumped from under Thanos five years ago and is the adopted daughter of Thanos with Camorra, Nebula!

The conflict arises almost instantly and disappears in an instant.

After Nebula found out that he was exposed, he wanted to violently hurt others. Unfortunately, almost all the key members of the Avengers were present. Only Banner, Hawkeye, and Black Widow took action, and they were easily subdued.

"You are all going to die! Father will come soon, you are absolutely no match for him!" Xing Yun roared, but Chen Guang raised his hand and sealed his mouth.

Everyone's faces were ugly, and it was really hit by this person. The other party turned out to be a spy sent by the past Thanos to the future!
But Ant-Man still smiled and said: "It's okay? We came back and almost used up all the Pym particles. Without Pym particles, how could Thanos follow us to the future?"

As soon as the words fell, a gigantic giant space battleship suddenly appeared in the sky.

Sol's complexion changed, his forehead was almost bulging with veins, and he struggled more violently.

Ant-Man looked at the battleship that covered the sky and the sun, and he was dumbfounded.

Chen Guang laughed and said: "It is said that Ebony Throat developed it by itself based on Pym particles. It seems that Thanos still has talents."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

In an instant, all the molecular bonds of the spaceship that just appeared were broken.

It is like a piece of paper that has been completely burned, turning into ashes and disappearing between heaven and earth.

Fluttering, silent.

Everyone's eyes widened, shocked by this terrifying scene.

And in the disintegrated spaceship, four figures fell down and landed heavily!
They are Thanos with an ugly face holding a double-headed war blade.Then came Ebony Maw with a blank face, Camorra with a blank face, and Nebula with a blank face.

The light of the space gem in Chen Guang's hand flashed, and Gamora and Xingyun were instantly swallowed up by the blue space rift and spit out behind him.

The two of them who were at a loss before were even more confused at this moment.

Until the future Xingyun, seeing the past Xingyun bound to the ground by everyone, Furui Wubo's face rarely showed a trace of surprise.

"You actually see the difference between us? I underestimated you."

Everyone was terrified in their hearts, but they didn't expect that what the stranger said was true.

If they are successfully attacked by Thanos, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

Chen Guang looked at the two people in the grass in the distance, and suddenly used the power of the Soul Gem to control the Ebony Throat beside Thanos.

The other party's original nervous expression disappeared immediately, and he stood respectfully aside, without saying anything.

Chen Guang kept him mainly because he thought that he was a scientific research talent and might be able to serve as his assistant in the days to come.

The reason why Ebony Throat was chosen was purely because he was a villain, and he didn't have any psychological pressure to control the opponent, Chen Guang, and he could squeeze his labor force at will.

At this time, the glass in front of Chen Guang suddenly opened a circle softly, and he automatically floated out of it without wind, and landed in front of Thanos.

Thanos looked at the infinite glove in Chen Guang's hand, frowned, took off his helmet, sat on a stone beside him, and remained silent.

He lost.

Although he didn't know who this person was, he didn't care about the names of these mortals anyway.

He just needs to know that this person has perfectly withstood the power of the Infinity Gem, that's enough.

This shows that the other party at this time is the god of this world, who can change everything, create everything, and destroy everything.

Just as he wants to be.

It's a pity that all the Infinity Stones were taken first, and it was too late.

At this time, Chen Guang said slowly, "Thanos, you are an ambitious man, an environmentalist, a leader, a tyrant, a scientist, and a warlord."

Thanos raised his eyebrows. He didn't know what the other party meant by saying this. Do you want to criticize yourself?

He sneered, although the opponent had obtained the Infinity Gauntlet, but he wanted to bow his head unless he used the Mind Gem.

It's just that Thanos has always believed that after using the mind gem to change his will, the previous person will be considered dead, so what the other party can control in the end is nothing more than a corpse with wisdom.

Chen Guang raised his arm wearing the infinite glove, and said softly: "Among your identity labels, 'warrior' can be said to be the most inconspicuous and least cared about by you, right?"

As he spoke, the Infinity Gauntlet on his forearm slowly sank under his skin as if it had fallen into water.

He looked at Thanos with empty hands, and said with a smile: "Thanos, I have been using the power of gems to protect myself and bully others, I am really tired, how about, let's have a good fight Bar."

Thanos raised his eyebrows, and said calmly, "What benefits can I gain? If I win, will I bet on your Infinity Gauntlet?"

The heroes standing on the second floor of the Avengers base felt tense when they heard this.

Fuck, don't be some so-called martial idiot who puts the lives of the whole world under his desire to fight!
Chen Guang smiled: "How is it possible! Don't be stupid, the greatest benefit you can get is to declare to the world that you are a dignified death on the battlefield at the last moment of your life, rather than just waiting to die!"

sit still...

Thanos laughed lightly, and patted his thigh: "I seem to be sitting still right now."

After laughing, he said lightly: "You see, I'm really accurate. I really don't care about 'warrior's glory'. I don't care if I die in battle. So what if everyone in the universe looks down on me? I only care about my own. Destiny."

The others looked at Chen Guang nervously, for fear that he would really bet on the Infinity Gauntlet.

When Chen Guang heard the words, he just nodded and waved his hand calmly: "Oh, then go to hell."

A feeling of heart palpitations came.

Thanos slowly lowered his head, looking at his gradually withered hands, his whole body turned into ashes and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

Only a faint sigh remained.

All the heroes who saw this scene suddenly let out deafening cheers!

Barton and Natasha hugged each other, so excited that tears welled up in their eyes.

everything is over!
The nightmare that I dreamed about countless times at midnight did not come from the nightmares of the past!

Next, as long as those who were killed by Thanos are resurrected, then, the most perfect ending will be ushered in!

It's just that everyone looked at Chen Guang's silent back, and their excitement gradually subsided.

Wait, this person will resurrect others, right?
 There is too much information in this chapter. I feel that readers who have never read Marvel should not be able to understand it. Sorry, there are not many chapters of Marvel.

(End of this chapter)

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