Mixed with salted fish in Hongwudang

Chapter 125 Top Level Reading Comprehension

Chapter 125 Top Level Reading Comprehension
Tai Hospital has never been as busy as it is today since its inception.

No matter whether it is the hospital principal, the hospital envoy, or the ordinary imperial physician, they are all too busy to touch the ground.

Serving tea for a while, handing water for a while, even the hard pastries that can kill people in the Taiyuan Hospital suddenly became the sweet pastry that the nobles scrambled for.

If one were to talk about why it came here, it was because a certain grandson who did not want to be named was beaten, which attracted a group of vassal kings, princes, and several high-ranking concubines in the harem to visit.

This was an honor never seen before in Taiyuan Hospital. Hospital official Hao Wenjie even brought out the treasure of the town hospital, rock sugar pears, to entertain distinguished guests.

It's just that there are too many noble people here today, even the five imperial physicians sent to cut pears can't supply them.

Seeing that Zhu Yunxi had such a good relationship, Concubine Guo Hui felt happy for him from the bottom of her heart, and even seeing the injury on the child's buttock felt much more pleasing to the eye.

Needless to say, Zhu Yan never closed his mouth since he entered the imperial hospital.

For a while to tease the eldest nephew, for a while to hug Xiao Mingpeng for a few kisses, talking and laughing with everyone.

The two brothers Zhu Gui and Zhu Zhi were worried about Zhu Yunxie, but they couldn't squeeze in at all.

Not to mention the Concubine Guo Hui and others who are surrounded by the innermost, but the emperor brothers standing on the outer layer watching the excitement, this is the mountain they cannot overcome.

Only some atmosphere groups that were hindered by face, or hindered by the power of Zhu Zhi and others seemed relatively quiet.

They each find a place to sit, and instruct the imperial physician to bring them food for a while, and instruct the imperial physician to bring them something to drink for a while.

This is also the source of chaos in the imperial hospital, otherwise, if it were an ordinary person, who would dare to send the imperial physician around?
Everyone in the hospital seemed to be very happy, but Zhu Yunxi was so depressed that he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself.

Didn't I just treat my ass, why did I attract so many idlers to watch the fun, how could I look good in the future!
"Grandma Guo, I'm really fine, you don't have to stay here anymore, I can walk back by myself after taking the medicine in a while!"

Concubine Guo Hui was joking with several princes, when she heard this, she immediately turned cold.

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid, can Grandma Guo let you go back by yourself?"

"You can go back in your queen's grandma's sedan chair with peace of mind, and see which old man dares to gossip!"

The surrounding concubines and princes were shocked when they heard this. The whole palace is just an old man surnamed Zhu, right?
However, even if His Majesty the Emperor rushed over and saw the shoulders of the founding empress of the Ming Dynasty, he could only retreat in despair.

After all, the sedan chair was specially reserved for Concubine Guo Hui by the empress, and when anyone saw it, they would treat her like a queen.

Concubine Guo Hui didn't use this sedan chair at ordinary times, but today she heard that Xiao Xunxie was beaten up by old Zhutou, so she carried the sedan chair left by her eldest sister to support the scene.

"Dasun rests in peace of mind, let's see how your grandma Guo will deal with that bad old man to vent your anger on you!"

Zhu Yunxi immediately became interested when he heard this, and hurriedly turned around to ask questions.

"Grandma Guo, how are you going to avenge me?"

"Of course not let him..."

Guo Huigang was halfway through speaking, and suddenly realized something was wrong, and hurriedly patted Zhu Yunxi in embarrassment.

"Children should seldom inquire about the affairs of adults!"


"Don't worry about what Grandma Guo did, I promise to clean up that bad old man for you!"

When the princes nearby heard this, they quickly walked away in embarrassment.The imperial doctors of the imperial hospital had some unsuitable images in their minds, and secretly speculated whether Guo Huifei's venting of anger was on a specific occasion and at a specific time?

Concubine Guo Hui waited until Zhu Yunxi finished taking the medicine and put him on the shoulder to send him back to the Prince's Mansion, and then led a few scumbags back to the palace.

Just walking, complaining that Lao Zhu was cruel, beat the child like this and didn't even look at it.

When I went back to the harem and told about Zhu Yunxi being beaten up by the emperor because he earned dowry money for his younger sisters, the concubines in the harem broke their defenses collectively, and they all burst into tears.

Although they didn't dare to say the word "Zhu Yuanzhang" like Concubine Guo Hui, everyone complained to Zhu Yuanzhang in their hearts, thinking that His Majesty the Emperor was too unkind.

What a great grandson, how could he be able to get rid of that hand.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang also wanted to go to the imperial hospital to see his grandson, but he was embarrassed to go there because of his face, and there were two important ministers to see him, which made him unable to get away.

Song Guogong Feng Sheng and Ying Guogong Fu Youde presented a set of exquisite books to Zhu Yuanzhang after seeing the ceremony.

"Your Majesty, you have wronged the grandson of the Three Emperors this time. The veterans really have the heart to help that child. For nothing else, but for the sake of King Kaiping back then, we can't bear to see the child's shop lose money, right?" ?”

"Furthermore, the grandson of the third emperor just opened a bookstore, and it's not a shameful business. We just helped to buy one or two thousand books, and that's what elders should get."

"However, His Royal Highness San Huangsun insisted that he returned all the money from the old officials and others, and finally gave us a set of books written by himself for free."

After the two princes finished speaking, they immediately pushed the books in the wooden box forward and said in unison again.

"This is the book that His Royal Highness the Third Emperor Sun gave us. Please read it, Your Majesty."

Lao Zhu looked at the two of them suspiciously, and then looked at the two boxes of books, feeling a little embarrassed to read them, for fear that the two of them would become suspicious and think that he didn't trust them.

Seeing this, Fu Youde quickly persuaded him.

"Weichen recommends that Your Majesty read it. Although the book of the Three Emperors is based on weird stories, the admiration for you in it is that outsiders like Weichen can't help crying several times after reading it!"

Feng Sheng was not as good at eloquence as Fu Youde, so he choked out three words after a long time.

"So do we!"

Zhu Yuanzhang picked up a book suspiciously, and when he was about to open it, he was stopped by Fu Youde.

"Your Majesty, you took the wrong book. You have to read the book from the beginning."


Zhu Yuanzhang looked at a box full of books in surprise, and asked in confusion.

"Aren't these books the same? Fight Break Sphere is written on the cover?"

"Return to Your Majesty, this is a set of books, with a total of more than ten volumes. It is said that less than one-tenth of this book has been written, and it has not even finished the beginning!"

Zhu Yuanzhang took a breath when he heard the words, and thought to himself how many words are there in total if the four books and five classics are added together, what does his grandson want to write?
Fu Youde dug out the first volume and handed it to His Majesty the Emperor, and then while the Emperor was reading, he hurriedly sorted out the books with random numbers for His Majesty's convenience.

Lao Zhu is used to reading memorials, and he reads books extremely fast, but he finished the first volume in just a cup of tea.

Fu Youde asked expectantly after reading it.

"Your Majesty, what do you think of His Royal Highness's writing?"

Old Zhu said depressedly when he heard the words.

"Let's do some work, but my fingers are a little tired, and I can't write a few words on a piece of paper. I'm too tired to turn the pages..."

Fu Youde chuckled when he heard the words, the book of His Highness the Third Emperor's Sun is indeed a bit of a finger-twisting book, and it is especially unfriendly to people who read quickly, hahaha...

"Your Majesty, can you see the difference in this book?"


Lao Zhu frowned and thought about it, only to feel that there was nothing wrong with the slobbery words.

However, for a ten-year-old child, being able to write so many characters is already very rare. Who would dare to ask him to really write any classics handed down from generation to generation.

"It's a bit long-winded, and a bit childish..."

In fact, Lao Zhu's words were already merciful. If he didn't feel guilty about his grandson, he would have thrown the book on the ground and stomped on it.

Seeing this, Fu Youde said in a heartbroken manner.

"Your Majesty, how can you only look at the surface and look at the inner feelings!"

"Recall, did the child named Xiao Yan in this book lose his mother since he was a child?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his heart skipped a beat. If Fu Youde didn't remind him, he really didn't realize it.

"Xiao Yan has been smart since he was a child, but due to an unknown accident, he has suddenly turned from a genius to a waste material, and he has been pushed aside by his peers since he was a child, even ridiculed..."

"It wasn't until he met Yao Lao in the ring that he found himself again, and wanted to do something to prove it to everyone..."

When Lao Zhu heard this, he felt as if a large ball of cotton had been stuffed into his chest, which made him unable to even breathe properly.

He hurriedly picked up the book that had just been thrown aside, and read it again from beginning to end.

When I read it again, Lao Zhu suddenly had a different feeling. Instead of feeling that there was something wrong with the slobbery words, he felt that this just reflected Dasun's innocence and simplicity, and the unpretentiousness of the words.

When he saw the child in the book yelling "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi", "Don't bully the young and poor", he didn't think it was naive and ridiculous, he just felt that young people should have such indomitable spirit , This is worthy of the name of a young man.

When he saw an old man suddenly appearing from the ring, he didn't think it was weird and nonsense like before. He only felt his nose sore, and his eyes seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of mist.

Could the old man in this ring be us?
It turns out that this child has always known that we have high hopes for him, and has always wanted to prove his achievements to us!

I hate that I misunderstood him, thought that he opened the bookstore just to make money, and beat him up for it...

"Your Majesty, the old minister has sent someone to inquire. His Royal Highness the Third Emperor's Son pawned the emerald cabbage just to print this book, which caused the bookstore to lose money and close down."

"And he went to redeem the pawn as soon as he earned the money, but he was notified by the pawnshop that it was stolen, and he could only pay him five times the money according to the rules."

"As for the money piled up in the treasury, the old minister has also personally inquired about it. It is the payment for books ordered by other bookstores, and it is only temporarily stored in the shop of His Highness the Third Emperor's Sun. Most of it is going to be given to the book printing workshop. Those who buy paper and ink to print books may not even earn half of it..."

"Your Majesty, you really wronged His Royal Highness the Third Emperor, the old ministers feel worthless for the Third Emperor, woooooo..."

"So do we!"

Feng Sheng followed up again, and then followed closely behind and cried loudly...

Lao Zhu looked at the two important ministers and wept bitterly over the matter of his royal grandson, so he no longer suppressed his emotions and cried with them.

"We are ashamed, we blamed this child wrongly, woo woo woo..."

 This is the reason why I didn't want to explain Dou Po at the beginning, because as long as I explain it, it will inevitably spoil the story.When you think I typed out a book title at random, you don't know how many stories are hidden behind the title. This is the real usage of Doupa.

  Thank you Xiafengjian Liuli, Brother Mengzhongtianzi and others for their great rewards, long live my emperor
(End of this chapter)

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