Chapter 191
When the matter of collecting money was mentioned, Yang Xinlu was also depressed.

What a great opportunity this is, and it can buy people's hearts and build a good impression in front of the old emperor, but it was ruined by so few pennies.

However, Yang Xinlu complained and complained. Seeing that Lao Zhu had a bad face, he hurried to make up for his students.

"Don't blame your majesty, in fact, your majesty did this out of kindness."


Old Zhu squinted at Yang Xinlu, thinking disdainfully, let's see what other nonsense you can come up with.

What virtues does our turtle grandson have? How can we, as grandpas, not count them?

If we didn't keep an eye on it, all the papers in the palace would be sold for money by that Ni Sun!
"Let's hear it, if it doesn't sound good, we have to beat that bitch grandson to vent our anger!"

Lao Zhu felt like a lump in his throat right now, and his heart was so depressed that he was dying.

It was originally a great good thing, it could not only show the grandson's bearing, but also show the royal pattern, but it was completely destroyed by the greedy money that went against the grandson.

As soon as Yang Xinlu heard the "make up", he knew that His Majesty the Emperor was really angry.

At this moment, he didn't even want to explain anymore, he felt that it would be good to let the third grandson be beaten up, so as to save him from always running wild and whimsical.

"His Majesty, in fact, the money collected at the door, the three grandsons don't want a cent, it's all used to accommodate the widows and lonely people."


Lao Zhu was slightly moved when he heard this, he didn't expect Dasun to have such benevolence.

"Let's listen to the details!"

"During the construction of the Wu Palace, many nearby villagers came to pick up sundries, and some people fished for food from the swill."

"The grandson of the three emperors burst into tears when he saw this, and then built a nursing home next to the palace to take in those old, frail and homeless people."

"But the grandson of the third emperor is afraid that this move will not last long. Once he goes to fiefdom in the future, the source of income for the nursing home will be cut off."

When Yang Xinlu said this, he secretly glanced at Lao Zhu's face, and seeing a flash of anger on Lao Zhu's face, he quickly lowered his head and continued making up.

"So the third grandson asked Liu San to be responsible for collecting money at the gate, and all the money received will go to the nursing home."

Old Zhu sighed secretly when he heard this.

"I didn't expect our good grandson to have such a kind heart. We underestimated him."

"We did this when we were in Hongwu for six years, but it's hard to describe..."

After Lao Zhu ascended the throne, he implemented many measures to benefit the people, such as the nursing home for the widows and the lonely, and the Louze Garden for the bones.

But in the specific implementation process, many unpleasant things happened.The local government's blame, the rogues making trouble, and some unfilial sons throwing their parents to the government, etc.

Therefore, it was abolished after several years of implementation.

Only some prefectures and counties have a nursing home to take in some homeless people and give them a few liters of rice every day to make ends meet.

"I'm just afraid of raising a bunch of idlers!"

Yang Xinlu smiled confidently upon hearing this.

"Your Majesty is really discerning, and can see the pros and cons of this method at a glance. However, His Royal Highness the Third Emperor also thought of this. At the beginning of the establishment of the Nursing Home, it was clearly stipulated that the Nursing Home does not support idlers. No matter who they are, they must do it." Do what you can, otherwise you will be kicked out. Only those who are over [-], or who are really incapable of working, can receive support for free."

"Now in the nursing home, anyone who has hands and feet and can still move their body is arranged to be responsible for sweeping, pruning flowers, fruit trees, etc. in the palace."

"For example, Liu San, whom His Majesty saw when he first entered the door, because his mind was not clear and he only believed in death, was used by the grandsons of the Three Emperors and arranged to collect money at the door."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard the words, excitement appeared on his face, and his eyes also shone with excitement.

"it is good!"

“Good people make the best use of them!”

Seeing that His Majesty was happy, Yang Xinlu hastily added another sentence.

"The grandson of the third emperor said that there are no useless people in the world, only people who have been misplaced."

"No matter what kind of person they are, there is a place for them."

Old Zhu was even happier when he heard the words, this is how the emperor employs people, I didn't expect that he hadn't taught it yet, and the Ni Sun learned it by himself without a teacher...

As soon as Lao Zhu thought of this, he saw Yang Xinlu who was talking non-stop, with a bewildered smile on his face.

It can't be said that he learned without a teacher. Isn't the great Confucian in the south of the Yangtze River in front of us lobbying our emperor for the Ni Sun, and wants us to make the Ni Sun the emperor's grandson, hahaha!
"Yang Aiqing doesn't need to make up for our rebellious grandson, let's show us the beauty of this place first."


Yang Xinlu pointed to a mound in front of him.

"Your Majesty, this place is called the Clothes of the Jin Dynasty. The pavilion is surrounded by engraved patterns of the clothes and crowns of the past dynasties, so that future generations can appreciate the changes in the thousand years since the Qin and Han Dynasties."

Old Zhu's expression became serious when he heard this, and he walked to a stone tablet to admire it.

"Is this the clothes of the Song Dynasty?"

"Your Majesty's eyes are as bright as a torch, and what is portrayed here is the clothes of the Song Dynasty."

"This is from the Qin Dynasty..."

"This is the costume of the Tang Dynasty..."

Lao Zhu is like a child who has just discovered a new toy. He has to touch each stone tablet a few times, and then guess the dynasty on it like a guessing game.

"His Royal Highness the Three Emperors once said that the rise and fall of a dynasty can be seen through the evolution of clothing."

"The clothes of the Qin and Han Dynasties are simple and practical. Therefore, there is the unity of Qin and the dominance of Han."

"The clothes of the Jin Dynasty are comfortable, with broad and wide sleeves, which is not conducive to farming, but also not conducive to marching and fighting. Therefore, the Jin Dynasty is the weakest."

When Lao Zhu heard this, he asked impatiently.

"We are Daming!"

Yang Xinlu hurriedly explained.

"According to the three emperors' grandsons, our Daming is formally retro, but actually seeks simplicity."

"Returning to the past means overcorrecting and overcorrecting, and seeking simplicity is to maintain the enterprising spirit of Ming Dynasty, so as not to fall into the hedonic atmosphere of the Wei and Jin Dynasties prematurely..."

Lao Zhu was elated when he heard that.

"My good grandson understands us, hahaha!"

The two walked a further distance and saw a garden of flowers and plants, Lao Zhu said with great interest.

"What is the name of this place?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this place is called Wu Palace Flowers and Plants. It is not only a scene in the park, but also proves that this place is the Wu Palace, and it also coincides with the ancient poem. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone."

Old Zhu nodded secretly when he heard the words.

"Master Yang is paying attention!"

Old Zhu didn't even need to ask, his son-in-law definitely didn't do this kind of naming work, even if he named it, he couldn't think of so many ways.

Lao Zhu followed Yang Xinlu to see a few more scenic spots, and suddenly asked.

"By the way, where is our King Wu's palace?"

"We have traveled so far, and we haven't even seen the shadow of the palace!"

Yang Xinlu smiled and pointed to the front.

"It's still far away. You have to go around the forest in front and cross a rope bridge to see it."

"If your majesty is tired, you can go to the front and take a rest. There happens to be a tea house and wine shop there, where visitors can rest temporarily."

"All right!"

Lao Zhu was really tired from walking, he rarely went out these few years, and when he did, he either took a car or a sedan chair.

After walking so far today for the first time, he was exhausted.

As soon as Yang Xinlu led Lao Zhu to the edge of the woods, he saw a cover with the word "tea" swaying in the wind.

Lao Zhu walked forward quickly, and just as he was about to enter the house to rest, he saw a dark wooden sign hanging on the door, with two lines of large white characters written on it.

"A bowl of tea and water!"

"A bowl of sweet water for ten cents!"

Seeing this scene, Lao Zhu was unhappy on the spot, pointing at the sign and scolding.


"He dares to sell a bowl of tea for three pennies, and the most stuffed steamed buns on the street are only one penny each. How dare he sell a bowl of tea for three pennies?"

The clerk in the store heard this and hurried out to check. When he saw a lot of soldiers gathered outside, the clerk was obviously frightened and took two steps back.But when he saw the familiar Jin Yiwei, he immediately became more courageous.

I thought to myself that this is a place guarded by His Highness King Wu, who would dare to come here to act wildly?

"Old gentleman, you are wrong in saying that!"

"The things here are expensive, but they are expensive for a reason!"

"You have a good look!"

As the store clerk said, he turned the sign over and asked Lao Zhu to read the words on the other side of the sign.

Lao Zhu looked at the sign again, only to see a few more lines on the sign.

"An ancient prescription from the imperial imperial hospital, rock sugar Sydney, clears the lungs and moistens the throat, the emperor said it is good to drink it!"

The store clerk smiled triumphantly.

"Mister, do you still think it is expensive this time?"

"You can drink a bowl of palace medicinal food for ten pennies. Where can you find such a good thing!"

Zhu Yuanzhang pointed to the sign and asked angrily.

"There is no secret this time, right?"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

After Yang Xinlu said this, he lowered his head in shame, unable to utter a word of excuse.

I think you can beat it up as you like, anyway, I can't make it up.

The grandson of the third emperor is also true, thinking about making money everywhere, it is really embarrassing...

Hao Wenjie, who was in charge of the imperial hospital, heard the arrival of the guests, and rushed out to receive them with a towel around his neck.But when he saw Lao Zhu standing at the door, he immediately knelt down in fright.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, when did you come..."


Old Zhu snorted coldly.

"We're thirsty, give us a whole cup of tea!"


Hao Wenjie immediately ordered someone to bring up all the drinks in the store. After a while, the table was filled with iced sour plum soup, rock sugar Sydney water, Longjing tea and other drinks.

Erhu hurriedly picked up a bowl to test the poison for Lao Zhu, but Lao Zhu pushed him aside with a look of disgust.

"There's no need to try, this kid Hao Wenjie can still be trusted!"

When Hao Wenjie heard this, he was so moved, he knelt at Lao Zhu's feet and cried bitterly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust, woo woo woo..."

Old Zhu took a sip of some rock sugar pears, and found that it did taste the same as the one in the palace, so he asked.

"Tell us, is it because our imperial hospital can't support you, or what is the situation, you are a majestic imperial hospital, why are you running here to open a tea stall?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I was also invited by the third grandson, saying that this place can make money, so I came here to partner with the third grandson..."

"How to divide the account?"

"The emperor's grandson will come out of the field, the imperial hospital will give out prescriptions, and people will come out, and then the two families will split [-]-[-]..."

"However, Weichen didn't take a single cent of this money. It was intended to give rent subsidies to the young imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital..."

Lao Zhu pointed to the nearby restaurant and asked again.

"If my guess is correct, the restaurant next door to you is jointly opened by the Imperial Dining Room and that grandson, right?"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

As soon as the two finished speaking, they saw a fat little old man running out of the restaurant next door. This person was none other than Xu Xingzu from the imperial dining room!
"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

"Old Xu, get the hell out of here!"


Wearing an apron and a thin towel around his neck, Xu Xingzu ran over bumpily to salute Lao Zhu.

"The old slave pays homage to the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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