Mixed with salted fish in Hongwudang

Chapter 205 After working for a long time, there is only one sign left for us?

Chapter 205 After working for a long time, there is only one sign left for us? (monthly ticket)

Chen Zongli and others didn't need to kneel when they saw King Jin, but they had to hurry up to salute Concubine Guo Hui when they saw King Jin.

"I will pay my respects to Concubine Hui!"

"Free gift!"

"Are you here to rob the workshop?"

As soon as Chen Zongli and others got up from the ground, they heard Concubine Guo Hui characterize their behavior.

The word "grab" is full of contempt!

Although they were indeed here to pick peaches, Concubine Guo Hui's words were a bit unkind.

In other words, the world of Daming belongs to Lao Zhu's family after all, and we are just wage earners!

"Concubine Hui, I don't dare to be a humble official with the word 'grab'."

"Weichen and others came here on the orders of the emperor to take back the jurisdiction of the Weapons Bureau. If you have any objections, you can go to His Majesty to discuss it. There is no need to embarrass me..."

When Concubine Guo Hui heard what they said, a cold smile appeared on her pretty face.


"Use the emperor to suppress this palace!"

"Didn't you say to close the weapon bureau, then you can close it, I will not stop it!"

When the three of Chen Zongli heard this, they immediately looked in disbelief.

Originally, the three of them were all ready to bleed, but according to Concubine Guo Hui, they were actually let go?
"Concubine Hui's words are serious?"

Concubine Guo Hui rolled her eyes at them and snorted coldly.

"Of course what I said is true, you can move anything that belongs to your weapon department!"

When the three of them heard this, they were all so happy that they almost danced for Concubine Guo Hui on the spot.

"Concubine Hui Gao Yi!"

Concubine Guo Hui stopped talking to the three silly birds, but looked around.I saw that the new workshop was indeed very clean, but I was worried that there was no place to sit.

Although there is a workshop not far away, a group of craftsmen are eating inside, and it is not convenient for her to go in and sit there.

Seeing this, Qin Deshun hurriedly took out a chair from the room, carefully wiped it clean with his sleeve, and put it in front of Concubine Guo Hui.

"Concubine Hui, please sit down, and this servant will get you some tea!"

"Don't bother, let's sit for a while and leave!"

After Concubine Guo Hui finished speaking, she sat leisurely on a chair, quietly waiting for someone to arrive.

Not long after, a handsome young man walked in with a cloth bag under his arm.

As soon as this person came in, he nodded and bowed to the big guys.

"The two princes came quite early, and the late student is here to greet the two of you!"

"The three lords are here too. It just so happens that the three lords have signed the shareholding confirmation letter, so that Wansheng won't have to pay a visit."

"Hey, Concubine Hui, you are the major shareholder of our Minggang Chamber of Commerce!"

"What's the matter with you people, don't you say show tea to Concubine Hui?"

As soon as this person came in, he sent all the people in the workshop around. Even half-disabled people like Li Sanzhi went to the cafeteria to boil water with a tin kettle.

"Liu Mouse, stop talking nonsense, let's get down to business."

"Concubine Hui, my late birth name is not Liu Mouse, but my late birth name is Liu Haohong, which comes from the noble spirit..."

Most of the people present knew Liu Haohong. The reason why he said this was actually for the three people who came to pick peaches.

Chen Zongli and others really listened to it. From the time Guo Huifei was joking with this person, the three of them knew that this person's background was not simple, at least he was acquainted with several princes and princes.

Liu Haohong greeted several nobles in the workshop, and then bowed to the three ministers.

"Liu Haohong, a late-born student inspector of the Imperial College, is now a student of the Third Emperor's Sun. Today, he was ordered by the Third Emperor's Sun to cooperate with the three adults in taking back the weapon bureau."

The three saw that this person was a member of the Imperial College, and they had a lot of affection for him.

Generally speaking, to be able to enter the Guozijian, basically one foot has already stepped into the threshold of officialdom.

As for how high you can climb, it depends on your personal fortune.

"But does His Highness King Wu have any conditions?"

"Don't worry, this student, we all admire His Highness Wu's high righteousness very much, and there is absolutely no reason to make His Highness Wu feel cold. No matter what conditions His Highness puts forward, we will try our best to meet them."

Liu Haohong smiled slightly when he heard the words, but he really didn't take it seriously in his heart.

Because he heard the problem from the names of the three people. Anyone who is sincere to his teacher will try to weaken the title "Wu Wang" and call his teacher "Three Emperors" as much as possible.

These three people kept saying "Wu Wang", and it was obvious that they were not their own.

"The three adults are worrying too much. My benefactor, His Highness the Third Emperor Sun, has no conditions. He only said that the three of you can take away everything that belongs to the Weapons Bureau."

"However, before taking it, there are some things that need to be explained to the three adults."

"If the three adults don't dislike it, you can sit down and talk slowly."

Liu Haohong made a gesture of invitation while talking, and invited the three of them to enter the shed of the cafeteria to chat.

At this time, the canteen had been cleaned up, and the table was wiped clean by Li Sanzhi's apprentices.

Seeing this, Chen Zongli and others went into the thatched shed and took a seat.After the three of them took their seats, the two dukes and the three princes followed closely behind.

They are all here to suppress the formation, that is, His Majesty can take back the workshop, but Zhu Yunxi must give an explanation!
Seeing this, Concubine Guo Hui also walked in, but deliberately kept a distance from the few people and sat directly at the other end of the table.

Qin Deshun waited on the side carefully, closely watching the negotiations on the other side.

He also has 1000 taels of shares in the Minggang Chamber of Commerce. According to his godson, as long as it operates properly, the 1000 taels of silver can become 3000 taels within a year, and all the pension money in his life will come out. .

Therefore, when he heard that the emperor wanted to take back the workshop, he couldn't sit still immediately, and hurried to the harem to inform Concubine Guo Hui.In the end, she encouraged Concubine Guo Hui to leave the palace to keep the pension money she had worked so hard to save for herself!

Seeing that everyone was seated, Liu Haohong opened the cloth bag on the spot, took out a stack of paperwork and handed it over.

"If the three adults want to take over the workshop, this land cannot be taken away. You must know that this land does not belong to the Weapons Bureau, but belongs to the Minggang Chamber of Commerce."

"If the three adults want to continue to use it, they need to pay Minggang Chamber of Commerce a rent of 6 taels of silver every year!"

Chen Zongli and the others frowned when they heard this, and they could buy at least ten pieces of land like this for 6 taels of silver in front of this piece of land where no food can be grown!
This guy is good, the annual rent is 6 taels, why doesn't he grab it!
After Liu Haohong finished speaking, he took out a stack of documents from the cloth bag and handed them over.

"The machinery and equipment cannot be taken away either. These machinery and equipment are also leased by the Weapons Bureau from the Minggang Chamber of Commerce. The monthly rent for each piece of equipment is 50 taels. There are a total of 6 pieces of equipment here, and the annual rent is [-] taels of silver."

The three of them frowned again when they heard this, but compared to the rent of the venue, they didn't think it was too expensive, but thought the price was reasonable.

However, this was not over yet, Liu Haohong took out another stack of paperwork and handed it over.

"This is the list of senior craftsmen. In the entire new workshop, only these can skillfully use various machines. If you want to make the machines work, you have to recruit them, and pay a rental fee of 100 taels of silver per person per month. They The salary is calculated separately."

When Qin Kui, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, heard this, he slapped the table and roared.

"These craftsmen are all from our Ministry of Industry, why should I give you money!"

Liu Haohong smiled lightly.

"Because they are no longer affiliated with the craftsmen, they are already the disciples of my mentor, His Highness the Third Emperor's Sun. If you want to continue to send them, you must obtain the consent of my mentor!"

Qin Kui was at a loss for words when he heard this, and he asked depressedly after a long while.

"Then what belongs to our Ministry of Industry?"

Liu Haohong pointed to the "Weapon Bureau" plaque hanging on the gate.

"This belongs to the Ministry of Industry, you can take this back!"

Now not only Qin Kui couldn't sit still, even Chen Zongli from the Ministry of Household Affairs and Ru Chang from the Ministry of War couldn't sit still anymore.

The three stood up from the bench at the same time and looked at Liu Haohong angrily.

"What the hell!"

"After working for a long time, there is only one sign left for us?"

Liu Haohong scratched his head in embarrassment, and said embarrassedly.

"Although it's a bit hard to accept, it's true in fact. The whole new workshop, except the sign of the Weapons Bureau, belongs to your Ministry of Industry, and everything else has nothing to do with you. It's all from my mentor, the Weapons Bureau. In name, pay rent every month, leased from Minggang Chamber of Commerce."

The three of them were speechless when they heard this. They knew it would be difficult to take back the workshop, but they never thought it would be so difficult.

And what frustrates the three of them the most is that they have no reason to force them to take it back.

Because according to the law of the Ming Dynasty, even if King Wu's house was confiscated, the things he rented from other people's houses could not be confiscated, they had to be returned to the original owner.

As for the Ming Steel Chamber of Commerce, they don't have to worry about it.

Just look at the big bosses sitting here. This so-called Minggang Chamber of Commerce must have their shares.

Otherwise, how strong the evil wind can bring them here, and also bring a favorite concubine who dominates the harem...

Therefore, there are only two ways in front of them now, either to buy out at a high price at one time, or to spend a year's rent for one year.

It's just that the rent is too expensive. The rent of the venue and machinery costs 12 taels a year. Even if the labor is at least at least, it requires at least 12 skilled hands, which is [-] taels a year.

Adding the two together, it costs at least 24 taels of silver a year!

The three struggled for a while, and finally left Liu Haohong behind, and turned to Concubine Guo Hui who was sitting at the other end of the long table.

"Concubine Hui, give us a sweet word, how much money do you need to buy it out!"

Concubine Guo Hui was holding the freshly brewed tea and blowing the foam from the teacup, when she heard this, she stretched out two slender fingers lightly, and then ignored them.

Seeing this, the three people collectively exclaimed.


"Just such a broken workshop costs 200 million taels of silver?"

"We can't get out even if we emptied the court's treasury!"

It's not that the three of them are crying about being poor. In fact, the tax policy formulated by Lao Zhu is really quite pitiful.

The cash that the imperial court can receive every year is only three to five million taels, and the rest is all taxes in kind, and limited by the current road traffic conditions of the Ming Dynasty, these taxes in kind are all scattered in the jurisdiction of the thirteen chief ministers of the Ming Dynasty .

Therefore, whenever the imperial court needed money urgently, the treasury of the household department was tight, and there was no way to get much cash.

The only cash available is enough to support the normal operation of the court, and it is still difficult to maintain the salaries of officials. Where can I get spare money to buy workshops?
"Concubine Hui, can it be cheaper?"

Concubine Guo Hui raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, her face was full of displeasure and she spoke authentically.

"If the normal annual rent is used, it will cost 240 million taels in ten years."

"Now I have given you 40 taels cheaper, and you are still not satisfied?"

"That's the number, if it's less than this, it's out of the question!"

The three of them stumbled against Concubine Guo Hui, and immediately left in despair.

Sitting in the carriage, the three of them turned on the Tucao mode.

"Too deceiving!"

"How can there be such a business that rents out..."

Chen Zongli listened to the complaints of his two colleagues, but his evaluation of Zhu Yunxie increased a lot in his heart.

How old is this son, and he can walk ten steps at a time. He predicted that the new workshop would be taken back by the court more than a month in advance.

Therefore, bury this idle chess in advance.

Everything in the workshop is rented from outside, and no one can do anything to him.

If the imperial court wanted to take back the workshop, apart from taking back a plaque, Mao would not even want to move it back from him!
This strategy is really high!

If what I expected is correct, this strategy should come from Yang Xinlu, a famous scholar in the south of the Yangtze River.

If it weren't for the aristocratic family, I would never have thought of such a way to hide property!
In fact, Chen Zongli really thinks highly of Yang Xinlu.

After Yang Xinlu learned that Zhu Yunxi had established a Minggang Chamber of Commerce outside of the Weapons Bureau, he put all the key items in the Minggang Chamber of Commerce, and then rented them from the Minggang Chamber of Commerce in the name of the Weapons Bureau. Shocked to heaven.

The three studied it all the way in the car, and finally decided to start a new one, build a similar workshop, and then shut down the workshop under Zhu Yunxi's name!
However, as soon as they returned to the capital, they heard something that shocked several people's jaws. The craftsmen at the Bingzhan Bureau went on strike!

The confidence that they dare to start anew comes from the craftsmen at the Bingzhan Bureau.

Now the artisans over there are collectively on strike. Even if they want to start a new stove, no one will make utensils for them!

When the three of them heard the news, they hurried to the military battle bureau while secretly cursing Zhu Yunqi for his bad deeds.

When the three of them arrived, not only was there an uproar at the Bingzheng Bureau, but also thick smoke rose from inside the workshop.

"Go to the water!"

"Come and put out the fire!"

Qin Kui, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, heard the voice of shouting, and recognized that this person was a Yuanwailang from the Ministry of Industry, who was responsible for supervising the warehouse of the Military War Bureau.

Qin Kui couldn't sit still when he heard this voice, the storeroom was full of flammable things such as cowhide and tendon.

Once the fire spreads, it will be a huge loss for the Ministry of Industry, and he, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, might lose his head!

Qin Kui jumped out of the carriage and rushed into the crowd. The crowd saw that it was the high official who broke in, but no one dared to stop him, allowing him to rush to the warehouse.

Qin Kui rushed into the battle station and saw that the fire was coming from the warehouse, so anxious that he jumped up and scolded.

"You should hurry up and put out the fire!"

"If the fire spreads to the palace, you will all be executed!"

  Minister Zhu Yunxi thanked "Deer Only's reward of 500 taels of silver, long live my emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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