Konoha: Start by unraveling the caged bird!

Chapter 146 Make Konoha great again!

Chapter 146 Make Konoha great again!
Yuzuru Hyuga smiled helplessly, and looked at the acquaintances in the distance, but saw that even Kakashi Hatake raised his hands to him at this moment, and the corners of his mouth under the mask curled up. He also yelled loudly like joining in the fun.

"Today, on this special day, July [-]th, I am deeply honored to be able to personally serve as the Fifth Hokage under the witness of all of you."

As soon as Yuzuru Hinata finished speaking, he stretched out his hand in advance and pressed down, and the crowd suppressed their emotions in good time, quietly waiting for his speech.

"Before I became Hokage, I had imagined countless times that if one day I could become Hokage, I could change the world by myself.

At that time, what will I do, what should I do, and what can I do.

I thought about it a lot, but in the end, I realized that there were not many things I expected and wanted to change.

I just want a peaceful world without wars, where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, and as long as they are willing to work hard, everyone will have food to eat, everyone to have clothes to wear, support for life, and support for old age.

Children have books to read, adults have jobs, they can go to the doctor when they are sick, they can get justice when they encounter injustice, and they can be judged by trustworthy counselors.
All this is cumbersome to say, but in fact, is such a requirement really too much? "

When Hito Yuzuru's voice fell, the crowd below remained surprisingly silent. In the huge square where a needle could be heard, everyone's eyes, with the brilliance of hope and longing, stared straight at the man standing on the high platform. Yuzuru Hinata from above.

"I have heard it in literature and other people's dictation.

Konoha led by Ichime Senju Hashirama.

Didn't the people of Konoha at that time live the kind of life I'm talking about?

So, why has such a vision become out of reach now? "

Yuzuru Hyuga's rhetorical question caused many people to fall into silence involuntarily, especially some old people who were already very old. They even looked reminiscent, but they also had unconcealable grief.

"Why are there always enemies who provoke disputes and start wars?"

"Why are there always people who have suffered a lot in the war, but turn their heads and criticize Konoha, harbor resentment, and take the opportunity to take revenge?"

"Why does Konoha frequently become a thorn in the side of other ninja villages, suffering and suffering?"

"The original intention of establishing the village in the first generation was to keep children away from the battlefield, but why do people like me still take up arms and go to the battlefield at an age when they should be happy at the knees of their parents, with death as a companion? "

"Why do people in the village accuse, spread rumors, slander, and even harm colleagues who should have shared honor and disgrace!?"

When the questions were raised one by one, the third generation who was originally serious off the court looked a little embarrassed. He unconsciously glanced at Hatake Kakashi not far away, but saw the other party's eyes at the moment.

It was an extremely serious and serious expression - at this moment, he was staring intently at Yuzuru Hyuga on the stage.

"I think it's Konoha from the past who lost his way."

Yuzuru Hinata's words were a criticism of Konoha in the past, but at this moment, the audience stared at him with more sincerity and focus.

"Konoha was exhausted in the war, lingering in the grief again and again, and in the process, countless hatred and confusion were bred, the village became fragmented, and hope became out of reach.

We always talk about hope, about the future, about the future, about the future, about the future
but!From the moment I became Hokage!I made up my mind - never leave the responsibility to the next generation! "

"Maybe not today! Maybe not tomorrow! Not even next year but I swear, I'll let you all witness the real and coming moment!!"

Like a landslide.

Like a tsunami.

The uncontrollable shouts made Hokage Rock seem to be trembling slightly, and Yuzuru Hinata stepped on the high platform, and he could feel the tremor of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking.

Looking at the desperately stretched hands of the people below, and the loudly shouted names, Hyuga Yuzuru just raised his left hand high, pointing to the sky, and placed his right hand at the position of his heart.

"If such a thing can be done by an excellent ninja, I must become an excellent ninja!
If such a thing can be done by an excellent Hokage, then I must become an excellent Hokage!
If it is said that such a thing can only be done by a god, then I will become a god!
Konoha has been in decline for too long, and the world has suffered!

It's not just me, not just our group of people, but everyone in this world, all the suffering people, are sincerely yearning for peace!

Desire is strength!And this force will make Konoha
Great again! "

The noisy cheers gradually coalesced into one voice.

"Make Konoha Great Again!"

While Yuzuru Hinata waved his arms vigorously towards the sky, even Anbu, who was behind him as a guard and observer, couldn't help but speak softly, echoing in a low voice with difficulty restraining his excitement.

Which Konoha person doesn't look forward to the good life in those days?
Under the commander-in-chief of the first generation of Senshou Zhujian, no one in the world dares to refuse to accept, and no one dares to commit crimes!
They longed for Konoha to return to the peak. They had longed for peace for too long. Until this moment, they finally saw the very clear dawn of victory in Yuzuru Hyuga.

The restless atmosphere in the arena had reached its peak, but Yuzuru Hyuga stretched out his hand and pressed it down. The conversation changed, and his voice calmed down again.

"During the period of becoming an agent of Hokage,

I expanded the ninja school, opened a factory, refurbished the old houses for the villagers for free, and enriched your life to the fullest.

Konoha's products began to sell well overseas, and Konoha's economy became more prosperous than ever.

I make Konoha more open and inclusive, and provide everyone who yearns for peace with the opportunity to join Konoha.

I opened Konoha Bank, medical insurance, and Konoha Court.
But even so, I still often wonder whether I have done enough and whether I have done enough. "

After Hinata Yuzuru finished speaking, someone shouted excitedly: "Long live the Fifth Hokage!"

His abrupt yell seemed a bit abrupt, Yuzuru Hinata smiled, looked at it thoughtfully, and smiled in a low voice: "I remember you, you are Mr. Ryugu who immigrated from the Land of Fire, right? Not long after I joined Konoha, I wanted to raise pigs in Konoha, hoping to open a pig farm. The ninja in charge of the review was not sure whether to grant you a loan or land. In the end, I personally stamped you .”

There was a burst of low-pitched laughter, but Hyuga Yuzuru said seriously: "But in just one year, you have made achievements. Not only have you taken care of the improved piglets so that they can thrive on our table, but so far , Every loan is repaid on time, and I also sorted out the sow care manual and handed it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.

I personally read your manual it's very well written! "

No one thought that Yuzuru Hinata would praise an 'unreasonable' pig farmer on such a solemn occasion.

What's more, this is still an immigrant, an 'outsider' who just joined Konoha not long ago!
The man called Mr. Ryugu is a rough man in his 40s, dressed a bit sloppily, the brown sleeveless short shirt made of unknown fabric and the new sports trousers look a bit weird, he has a shaggy beard, but he is not Looking sloppy, his face was flushed at the moment, his mouth was wide open, and he didn't know how to reply.

"Your manual helped the ninjas of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry to better understand the skills of raising pigs, and played an important role in raising a new generation of improved piglets in our laboratory. Interest on your loan, and additional rewards, I don’t know, have the rewards been implemented?”

It wasn't until the person next to him stunned Longgu that he shouted loudly as if he had just woken up from a dream: "It's done! It's said that I will also raise a new batch of improved piglets! It's free!"

He spoke with a slight accent, but now no one jokes anymore, but envious eyes - who wouldn't want to be praised by Hinata Yuzuru!
Yuzuru Hyuga smiled: "Of course, your manual also has some shortcomings, so you need to practice more in writing."

He smiled friendly and made a joke, and the villagers laughed in cooperation. Longgu scratched his head and laughed, but his face still only had excitement and an incredible sense of dream.

Yuzuru Hyuga paused for a moment before becoming serious again.

He looked at the people below him seriously, and the words were clear: "360 lines, every line will be the champion. I hope that in the future, in Muye Village, there will be people like Mr. Longgu in every industry and every field. Only when you work together with me can Konoha become better, and keep getting better!"

"I hope that Konoha in the future will not only be better at the level of ninjas, but also be better than his Ninja Village, but also dig out more new fields, run ahead on multiple tracks, and run far ahead. Hu Shengfeng!"

"Here, I also want to tell you some surprises."

Yuzuru Hyuga paused until everyone was focused, before solemnly saying: "With the efforts of all the ninjas in Konoha, I can finally proudly say to you that now, Konoha will truly cross the border. Enter a new era, and, starting from Konoha, change the world!
As for this era, if I were to sum it up, it would probably be a few key words.

Modernization, mechanization and informatization!

So, what is mechanization? "

When his voice fell, the LCD screen that was broadcasting his images in real time suddenly changed, and a promotional video of Konoha Heavy Industries appeared.

Car engines are roaring and galloping on the road, locomotives have replaced the original bicycles passing through the streets and alleys, excavators, planters, and harvesters are rumbling on the farmland construction site, and speedboats are galloping on the ocean. go.

In the factory, while the machines are making sounds, workers are working with large equipment to assemble cars and manufacture parts.

The logo of Konoha Heavy Industries, which flashed away at the end, still bears the Konoha logo.

"This is mechanization!"

He paused, and amidst the uproar and shock of the crowd, he dropped another blockbuster.

"What is informatization!?"

On the LCD screen, the Konoha Communication logo appeared again, and under the Konoha Communication logo, the family emblems of Konoha, Nara, and Yamanaka flashed past.

The screen flashed, and the brand-new thin LCD TV explained the functions of the TV station and TV to the audience with the explanation of text and sound, and told everyone that from now on, TV is no longer just a video tape to watch movies. It is a rare gadget, but an existence that can enter thousands of households and make information dissemination more rapid and transparent.

Then, there was a picture of pressing the button on the mobile phone. The ninja in the picture was fiddling with the mobile phone, demonstrating for everyone how to make a call and how to edit a text message.

Finally, at the end, it is an introduction of a concept.


The current network technology still has certain limitations, the price of use is high, and it is difficult to promote it to ordinary people. The key is that the current Konoha technology tree is purely fantasy style, and even Yuzuru Hinata is not good at giving guidance direction.

But Hinata Yuzuru can see from Konoha's research speed in recent years that the emergence of the Internet and the popularization of the Internet will take a few years at most, and will never be slower than before he traveled.

Today's Konoha, or in other words, today's ninja world, is in the era of a technological explosion. Almost every time, the level of technology can make a leap because of a new discovery.

Yuzuru Hyuga optimistically estimates that maybe in just five years, everyone will be able to use smartphones and surf the Internet.

The first-generation computer has also been successfully developed, but it is only suitable for scientific calculations, coding programs and other software advancements. It will take a certain amount of time, but he estimates that it will take about five years, and it may be realized. His initial idea of ​​the computer began to gradually enter thousands of households.

"This is informatization!"

When the shocking promotional video gradually came to an end, Yuzuru Hyuga waved his hand, and a short film shot by Yuzuru Hyuga was played on the screen one after another.

The shooting of this short film is very interesting. Because the CG technology is immature, or not at all, when shooting some concept films, the ninjas even embarked on the road of shooting "special film". Fortunately, Hyuga Yuzuru had a whim , developed a peculiar illusion 'heart transfer shadow art'.

This illusion, or the unique ninjutsu that I don’t know if it is an illusion, is not difficult to learn, but it requires a lot of mental power to use. Its function is to directly project the picture in the mind like a projection, like AR images are generally presented in the real world.

The concept film this time was shot with the camera pointed at his simulated fantasy, but after simple editing, it looks no less than the CG image rendered by the computer in the future.

In the picture, is Hinata Yuzuru's vision of Konoha in the future.

Far more developed science fiction than the background in the original Bo Renzhuan.

High-rise buildings one after another.

The streets are full of traffic.

People are using extremely modern mobile phones, wearing trendy clothes that can be described as 'avant-garde', all kinds of neon signs are flashing, and laughter is everywhere.

What is even more shocking to people is that even people wearing other Ninja village forehead protectors can walk on the streets of Konoha in an upright manner, and enjoy daily life with the people of Konoha with peaceful expressions.

The plane in the sky broke through the clouds, and it only took a day for ordinary people to reach Wuyin Village from Konoha.

At home, you can use your mobile phone to chat with friends, play games, take various public transportation, and work leisurely in a clean and bright place with a beautiful machine that they don't know.

After returning home, the warm family reunion, go out to the mountains and water together, play happily in the playground, and even visit the tail beast
Yes, in the promotional video, Yuzuru Hyuga even let Ichio Morizuru appear on the screen, using it as the background picture of the "Sand Playground", adding a weird sense of "black humor" to the picture.

This short video is not too long, only 30 minutes and [-] seconds, but, how many game "painting promotions" have you seen before Yuzuru Hinata traveled?
After learning and using this wave of green out of blue is better than blue, the pictures he shot are extremely shocking.

Yuzuru Hyuga didn't open his mouth until the end of the picture, under the trance-sighted eyes of the people below.

"This is modernization!"

He looked at the people below and smiled.

"I want it all, all in 20 years!"

What a crazy daydream is it to make such a fantasy?
Some tourists outside Muye Village looked at him in disbelief.

But the people in Konoha have already started cheering.


No, believe it first!
Facing the crowd, Hinata Yuzuru smiled slightly: "What I want to say, is almost, that's it.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming, including the presence of the fire country daimyo. I hope that what I have seen and heard today can give you a more intuitive feeling about Konoha.

Secondly, I have to thank all the ninjas who have done their best for Konoha in the past few years.

Nara Kaku-senpai of the Nara Clan
The mountain family."

Under the surprised eyes of many people, Yuzuru Hyuga took the trouble to express his gratitude to many people by name, and at the end, he spoke solemnly with a serious expression.

"Finally, what I must thank is the Uchiha clan."

The atmosphere in the field suddenly stagnated.

Uchiha Itachi in the distance originally just stood in the corner with a calm expression, but at this moment, his expression became complicated.

Uchiha Shisui, who was standing under the stage with a mask on as a guard, raised his head, and the expression under the mask was a little surprised.

And to say who was most touched by this sentence, the most obvious change in expression.
"Hey Sasuke, are you okay?"

Uzumaki Naruto, who was full of excitement, turned his head and looked at his partner suspiciously.

Uchiha Sasuke with his hands in his pockets had a very complicated expression at the moment, his lips were tightly pursed, his eyes were fixed on Yuzuru Hyuga on the stage, without saying a word, he just shook his head.

He clenched his hands unconsciously.

What kind of person are you!
Yuzuru Hyuga
PS: I dare not modify the mistakes in the previous chapter, for fear of being locked again. I hope there is nothing wrong with this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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