My Arms Dealer Career

Chapter 83 Free Shipping!

Chapter 83 Free Shipping!

"Yuri, there is news. The buyer of the T55 has been found, but he requested delivery, and the delivery will be tomorrow at the latest." Taylor said anxiously.

"Where is the customer so anxious?" Gao Jun was surprised.


"A local dictator needs weapons to suppress those rebels. His agent contacted me. He is very happy to hear that you have a batch of tanks on hand, but he asks us to send them to the front line as soon as possible. Otherwise, he may have to change them tomorrow. boss."

Gao Jun frowned when he heard the words, just as the breakfast was stuck between his teeth, he picked it with his fingers, "Can he afford the money? Don't we deliver it by then, he will write me an IOU."

"Then I have to join the rebel army!"

Armed for pay!

Taylor hesitated. He couldn't make a promise.

"Let him send the money first. You tell him that as long as the money is in place, he can replace his boss's statue on Liberty Island in New York, even if he is a black man!"

"I'll contact you again."

"There's a satellite phone there, just call and ask, man, it's still young, don't be dead with money, it's disrespectful to them."

Taylor was taught a lesson. He obediently picked up the phone and called the agent. He didn't know what words he used. Arabic was not like Arabic, and English was not like English.

Gao Jun was at a loss.

When he drank the remaining half glass of milk, Taylor said excitedly, "Boss, he agreed to pay the money first, but if the boss fails after delivery, he asks us to refund the money to him."

"Of course, what we pay attention to in business is credit, and the goods and money must be settled. You can rest assured that his boss is dead, and I will also throw the tank on his grave..."

money back...

It is impossible to refund money!

The goods are given to you, and we will settle the matter.

"How to transport 20 tanks?" Taylor asked a very profound question.

Water transportation, air transportation, railway transportation and tank transport vehicle transportation are the main methods.

But he has none of these!
Hahaha, poor!
The more I talk, the more sad I feel.

"How far is it from Yemen?" Gao Jun asked.

"The borders are more than 570 kilometers apart."

According to the T55's 60 km/h, it takes at least 10 hours to run, and it's a desert, just like the track, halfway through, it's more brittle than Kennedy's skull.

(Why did I say him again).

"If there is no large-scale transportation tool, there is nothing we can do." Taylor also felt that he was too happy, and after thinking about it, his expression immediately withered.

Gao Jun was still full of confidence, "If there are no conditions, create conditions. When money is fed to your mouth, what you have to do is like a dog eating shit, stuff it in your mouth, even if you are full, you can't spit it out. "

I would rather hang on to death than starve to death!
"Taylor, you are more familiar with this place than I am. Find a way to contact a large truck rental company that can be contacted and ask them to come here quickly. Also, find someone to complete the formalities and send the money that should be sent comfortably. I don't want to waste time on On the way, we are arms dealers, we have to show the warlords and dictators in the war, our speed."

"Even if he was shot today, I have to take his body and stamp my fingerprint on my order, understand?"

Taylor was in a dilemma, "It needs money. According to the organization's standards, I'll help you get in touch, and it will cost $6000."

Gao Jun was taken aback, forgetting that the other party was not his employee, and nodded, "No problem."

"Leave it to me, and I will do my best!"

Taylor didn't dare to guarantee it, because the time was too tight. Just as he was about to leave, Gao Jun stopped him, faced Taylor's puzzled eyes, and said with a smile, "Originally, you can take this bill alone. $1."

Because he promised that if he joined Gao Jun's company, he would get a 5% commission, Taylor's face was startled, the heartache flashed past, but he still smiled firmly, shook his head, and left.

Gao Jun believed that he would be moved.

At first, we delude ourselves, then we become outraged, then we plead, until we accept reality in despair.But grief is a relentless shackle that you think you've broken free from, but you'll find that you'll never have a chance to break free.

As you come to terms with reality, wait to be smacked on top of your head by an even bigger reality.

Anyway, it's all about making money, so where is working part-time not part-time work?
When Taylor went down the stairs, he walked a little anxiously, his feet suddenly slipped, and a pair of hands stretched out to support him, "Mr. Taylor, be careful."

"Thank you."

When he raised his head, he saw Umbrella and Tonikov, who were all dusty, with dust on their hair and a cigarette dangling from their mouths.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep yesterday, so I went to see the moon, hehe, you go to work first, I'll go to the boss." Umbrella walked up the stairs from his side.

Taylor looked back at the two of them, looking at the moon?
Why don't you say you went to see Batman.

Of course, it is possible to see the Joker asking Batman: What is a hole, rolling in an alley?

Batman would be proud of his intelligence: bowling.

The clown smiled wickedly, "No, it's your parents!"

Tyler shook his head and went downstairs.

Umbrella stood at the door, dusted himself off, took off the unlit cigarette and stuffed it into his pocket, knocked on the door politely, and waited for someone to come in.

He rubbed the soles of his shoes at the door before walking in.

The boss... prefers to be clean.


Gao Jun turned off the TV, and casually threw the remote control on the sofa, "Did it go well?"

"It's going well, but one of Miller's members was bitten by a scorpion on the way and is going to the hospital now."

This is bad luck...

It speaks volumes about how dangerous it can be in the desert.

"Then send them to the hospital. Is their performance okay this time?"

Umbrella won't get stuck here, nodding.

"Then I'll be responsible for the medical expenses. I've read your rating report. Do you think they deserve a grade B?"

"Miller is worth the price."

Talent is such a thing, you can't say what's good about him, especially mercenaries, can it be said that he is proficient in vehicle posture and various weapon operations?Don't make trouble, you have been on the battlefield for two years, and those who haven't died generally have this skill.

It's too broad.

Not to mention the ability to command, it's invisible and intangible.

But those who can survive on the battlefield have their own unique skills.

"I believe you, then according to the B-level standard, you let Miller choose the weapon, let him repair it for a while, and I will find him a better employer."

Umbrella responded, hesitated for a while, and expressed his thoughts, "Boss, why do we have to grab the Rabe tribe's share? I don't think they can eat much at all."

"There has been a conflict in a place, and he may have been peaceful, but he can't shut up forever, just like a powder keg, it may collapse and explode one day." Gao Jun stroked his palm, "What we need is patience, Watch him catch fire."

what place is this?
One of the top ten war zones in the world.

Will there be a lack of fights?
The natural geographical location determines their aggressiveness and ruthlessness.

There is civil unrest right next to it.

Don't look at how long you have just "married", but now you are starting to get divorced.


(End of this chapter)

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