Douluo angel and knight

Chapter 239 When the Golden Soul Coin Landed

Chapter 239 When the Golden Soul Coin Landed
"The seven treasures are famous, and one is called: strength.

"The seven treasures are famous, and the second is: speed."

Feeling the lightness and growing spirit power, Tang San took a deep breath, then stepped back in front of Ning Rongrong.

Fighting souls also requires tactics. After all, the opponent is also seven soul masters, so you can't force it down without thinking.

At the same time Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing started running towards each other, as planned, they were going to use the martial soul fusion technique to quickly resolve the battle.

And Yu Tianheng, Ma Hongjun, and Xiao Wu who had already been blessed by Ning Rongrong charged towards the Fenghua team, in order to hold each other back, so that Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing could successfully use the spirit fusion technique.

Tang San held the trident in his hand, fixedly staring at the opponent, once the Nether White Tiger appeared, he immediately used Unfixed Storm to control the opponent's seven people.

The Fenghua team's behavior was very strange. At this point, they still hadn't activated their martial soul, but the captain Zhan Fenghua took something out of his pocket and threw it into the sky viciously.

Tang San saw clearly, it was the Golden Soul Coin, seven Golden Soul Coins were thrown into the sky by Fenghua team members.

Suddenly, anger surged in Tang San's heart, he understood what the other party meant!
Anyone who sees the opponent doing such a contemptuous behavior can't help but get angry, not to mention that in Tang San's view, the opponent is just a group of trash from the Spirit Hall whose names he has never heard of in his previous life!
And his team won the Soul Master Competition in the previous life, and finally became a legendary team that has been passed down through the ages!

'A bunch of trash, what qualifications do you have to despise the seven most talented people on this continent! '

But in the next scene, Tang San's thoughts and anger instantly disappeared, and now he only has one emotion of horror!
Because the other party moved!
Tang San suddenly remembered a trivial matter in his previous life, a trivial matter that he never cared about.

At that time, not long after they destroyed the Wuhun Temple, he was leading the Seven Shrek Monsters to establish a civilian academy.

At that time, all the people who came to watch the inauguration ceremony of the small college were praising the greatness, kindness, wisdom, and handsomeness of Sea God...

God showed his closeness and benevolence to the people, and the common people sang the greatness and mercy of God.

Everything should be like this, but there is such a person who makes this harmonious scene not so harmonious.

A soul emperor, a soul emperor whom he didn't even bother to remember his appearance, brazenly launched an assassination attempt on him.

How could a soul emperor cause harm to a god? Of course it failed.

The reason for the assassination was not unexpected, it was just a remnant of the Wuhun Palace.

Out of God's kindness, Tang San didn't execute the soul emperor immediately, but asked him instead: "Spirit Hall disregards human life, runs rampant, and launches war in disregard of mainland people's hope for peace.

"We Shrek Seven Devils rose up in response to public opinion and wiped out the Spirit Hall on behalf of the common people. Why are you so foolish and loyal?"

It should have been the same as in the past, the other party denounced him for all kinds of mistakes, and then he admitted some mistakes, and then rebutted with reason, the other party came to his senses and cried bitterly, thus leaving a record in the annals of Sea God's tolerance and unparalleled charm .

But the other party didn't, the soul emperor just bit off the poison sac in his mouth, left a word and died.

"There is no such thing as foolish loyalty, it's just that I feel aggrieved that seven monkeys who can't even fight have won everything."

At that time Tang San didn't take this sentence seriously, losers always have various reasons to justify their failures, it's a joke that the Shrek Seven Devils don't know how to fight.

They defeated all their peers and won the championship of the soul master competition, and their talent made all the gods look sideways.

Among them, Tang San has defeated countless enemies, won a hundred victories in the killing field, walked through the road to hell, and seriously injured the gods with the attitude of just entering the title, so that the god kings would fight for him as the heir.

Such a group of people can't fight?Tell the dog to listen, the dog will not believe it.

But now he suddenly doubted whether what the Soul Emperor said was correct.

He seemed to really not understand what was fighting.

The Fenghua team was like a tiger rushing down the mountain to eat its prey, and like a thunderbolt across the sky, the opponent moved extremely fast, as fast as lightning.

How can others see it at such a fast speed?

How can the audience see clearly? !

Three figures flew out, they were the three Yu Tianheng who had just rushed towards the Fenghua team, and the temperament of the opponent who made the move had changed, from being simple and honest at the beginning to wild.

Tang San couldn't care less about looking at the opponent's image after activating his martial spirit, because the other black shadows were already rushing towards him!

Coming with a bloody smell and a speed that Tang San can't understand!

Obviously did not use soul skills, why is there such a fast speed? !
The main blade of the trident in Tang San's hand has already begun to emit golden light, as it should be, now is not the time to wait for Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai's martial soul fusion skills, the opponent's strength is far beyond imagination, what should be done now is to stop the situation immediately crash.

The idea of ​​quickly defeating the opponent has failed, so we just want to delay the situation first!

He didn't use the skill that even the god king couldn't break free as expected, and the opponent has arrived!


It wasn't just weapons clashing, Tang San was already kneeling on the ground, his upper body leaning back, and the trident barely lifted the front half of the mask.

But Tang San could no longer care about his burning and painful knees, and he couldn't care less about the anger of kneeling in front of others.

'What's the matter with this strength and speed? ! '

He just looked in horror at the strange sword supported by the trident, and the face of the black-haired boy with a single ponytail full of fighting spirit.

Not to mention the indeterminate turmoil that had been terminated by him, he didn't even have time to step out of the ghostly shadow under his feet. In the blink of an eye, he could only use the trident to block the opponent's attack.

But the opponent's strength also made him unable to compete at all. If the tentacles were not tightly wrapped around the trident, he would have been chopped into two pieces by the opponent!

Just kneeling down was the result of his hard work!
As for the other party, even soul skills might be useless, relying on his body to suppress him to this point!
'Fortunately, I am not without countermeasures! '

"Zhi, Ai, Zhi, Si, Wu..." Under heavy pressure, Tang San couldn't even name his skills smoothly.

While the long hair at the back of his head quickly entwined towards the opponent, Tang San's pupils began to turn purple, his body was no match for the opponent, and he still had a mental attack!

As a human being in the third life, although he is subject to rebirth and age, his spiritual power has already entered the so-called spiritual sea state in later generations, and his purple magic pupil has reached the mustard state.

The Purple Demon Eyes in the Mustard Seed Realm cannot be blocked by a soul master, even if this soul master is a bit ridiculously strong!
But this Daqin Temple's next move made all his attacking moves come to nothing.

Daqin Temple just made a change, changed the sword from a vertical chopping posture to a horizontal one, and then slashed across the side of the trident fiercely!

At the same time as the trident landed, there were a few wriggling tentacles on the ground.

"I'll let you today, it's out of print!" Without giving Tang San time to adapt to the pain, after Daqin Temple yelled Team Fenghua's first words in this match, the strange short sword slashed at Tang San in a straight line!
Then, he seemed to remember something, with a regretful expression on his face, the short sword stopped in mid-air, and then he raised his right foot high, stepping towards Tang San's face.

This kick was still very ruthless, although it didn't directly crush Tang San's head, it crushed his mask, and trampled Tang San's face severely under his feet.

After a crisp sound, a puddle of blood began to appear on the back of Tang San's head. With the physical quality of a soul master, he would not die, but a concussion was inevitable.

"Ding Dang~" Tang San heard a pleasant voice, but he was in a dizzy state right now, and couldn't care what it was.

"I suggest you wash your hair well, it smells too bad." Daqin Temple held his nose and commented with the margin of a winner.

Because the irritating smell on Tang San's hair, which is often used to drive away poisonous insects, is really unpleasant.

Not caring whether Tang San heard it, Daqin Temple looked around, watching the results of his teammates.

Yu Tianheng was lying on the ground like Tang San, with a gorgeously shaped long stick standing beside his head, and the captain Zhan Fenghua was stepping on Yu Tianheng's chest with one foot.

One of Dai Mubai's legs was being held by Zhu Dashan, judging from the bloodstains on Zhu Dashan's left and right sides, and the unstoppable blood on Dai Mubai's head, this evil-eyed white tiger must have suffered badly.

Essinger put one hand on the back of Xiao Wu's head, and pressed her hard to the ground. The ground was covered with broken masks and bloodstains.It can be seen that Essinger is also a guy who doesn't know how to be sympathetic.

Xiao Wu's face really won't make people feel any pity.

Cang Lan held an iron chain in her hand, the top of the chain was an anchor, and the anchor was still stained with blood. As for the opponent Ma Hongjun assigned to her before the match, there was no one in sight, so she should have been kicked out of the ring.

Ning Rongrong was unconscious on the ground, there were still a few wisps of purple lines on her face, Wan Lingfeng was standing beside her, it was obvious that the assistant soul master of the Lan Ba ​​team had been poisoned.

The only member of the Lan Ba ​​team who is still standing is Zhu Zhuqing, but she is raising her hands to signal her surrender, because she has a knife on her neck, a slightly curved and single-edged knife similar to a sword.

"Referee, can you decide the outcome?" Zhan Fenghua withdrew his martial soul and the foot that was on Yu Tianheng's chest, and looked at the referee in the air.

 I want to say something, but I forgot.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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