Douluo angel and knight

Chapter 395 Aren't Humans Also Soul Beasts?

Chapter 395 Aren't Humans Also Soul Beasts?
As an overlord who ruled the universe, it would be a bit cheap to care about the hatred in the past. As it should be, the race that first migrated to Douluo Star had everything.

On the contrary, the dragon clan also began to go to the universe, or in other words, when the dragon god fought the universe, they had already gone to the universe.

Of course, this can be left alone for now.

"When the various races on this planet, with the dragon god still watching, it is naturally impossible to fight to the death.

"There may be minor conflicts, but they are generally peaceful, at least interracial marriages are not uncommon.

"Over time, a special group of soul beasts has formed."


"Xiao Yao, you are not Xiao Shuang, you just feel that you are used to it, even us soul beasts or dragons have long been used to it.

"But special people like Xiao Shuang and the others realized the problem when they heard me talk about it.

"Because there are too many strange-shaped creatures in the soul beast group.

"Even some soul beasts, in their words, don't conform to the theory of evolution at all."

Of course, it would be too ridiculous for a fantasy world to require the theory of evolution.

Strange as it is, the three traversers just saw it as a special sight.

"No, different races, how did you give birth?" Tian Yao continued to maintain the posture of a curious baby.

Bad students are always like this. They don't listen when they should listen, and they start to be enthusiastic again when they make up lessons.

"You can give birth as you want." Gu Yuena took it for granted.Is there any other way to give birth?

"No, my sense is, so many races, what is there without that?

"Oh, yes! Reproductive isolation, don't they have reproductive isolation?" After struggling for a few breaths, Tianyao remembered something and clapped his hands suddenly.

She once heard Qian Ningshuang complain about this thing.

"Look at Tang Hao at this point."

Before Tianyao continued to ask questions, Gu Yuena immediately explained.

"Maybe there is reproductive isolation outside, but once you arrive at Douluo Star, as long as you have a certain amount of wisdom, no matter what race you are in, there will be no reproductive isolation.

"The reason is naturally the Dragon God.

"I don't know the purpose of the Dragon God doing this, neither did Di Tian, ​​nor did the Dragon Clan at that time, so I can only explain it by giving a reason why they like to see the harmony of all the clans."

"Okay, what about human beings?" Tianyao accepted this explanation, and then asked the question he cared about.

There is no way to get to the bottom of how the bloodlines are fused. As for how the Dragon God did it, the Dragon Clan can have babies with any race.

How to do it let it go with the wind.

"Human beings are naturally considered a member of the soul beast."


What the hell, humans were originally soul beasts?

"You don't really think that human beings are special, do you? Being special comes later.

"Oh, that's not true, human beings are indeed very special, whether in the universe or on this planet.

"In the universe, the human race is also one of the largest races, and you can find their shadows on any planet.

"They are born with extremely strong intelligence. Perhaps their lifespan and other aspects are weaker than other ethnic groups. Only their intelligence and fertility rate have to be obeyed.

"The human beings who first arrived on this planet were also very special, especially in that they were particularly weak.

"No matter what world's practice system, it's useless to them. Those human beings who were particularly strong on the original planet will gradually become weaker and become like ordinary people when they arrive on this planet.

"It doesn't happen that the whole human race is reduced to blood food, and the Dragon God is still watching from above.

"Not to mention that humans have innate intelligence, and the fertility rate is not small.

"The races are happy to hire humans to serve them.

"Over time, a special and unique country has formed on this planet.

"The dragon race is the main one, the human race is the second, and there are countries of various ethnic groups below.

"The dragons provide the most powerful force to maintain the order of this country, and the human race provides wisdom and manpower to maintain the operation and vitality of this country.

"Other races...

"Well, they're really no different than pendants.

"So, what do you think happened next?"

Perhaps the narration by one person was too boring, so Gu Yuena began to try to ask Tianyao questions.

Guiding students to think is also part of the teacher's task.

"The collapse of the country?" Tianyao tentatively replied, this thing sounds too good, like the original pastoral era.

Moreover, the human beings in charge of a part of the power of this country have no power. It is only natural for this inherently incomplete structure to collapse.

"Answer wrong, there is a dragon god watching, it doesn't matter if it's bad or bad.

"Here's a hint, interracial marriage."

After a moment of silence, Tian Yao could only lower his head in frustration.

"What's wrong with intermarriage?"

"Power, human beings have gained power." Gu Yuena said leisurely.

"What do you mean, Dragon God has made a move?" Tian Yao suddenly raised his head.

"No, Wuhun.

"A special way of cultivation unique to humans on this planet has appeared."

"No, Sister Na, did you mention this thing?" Tian Yao was a little unbelievable, how could she not listen to something related to the origin of Wuhun.

"I didn't say it, but Ditian said, when Shuang'er was eight years old, she asked this question, Ditian told her.

"It was just that you were sleeping."


Gu Yuena didn't care about Tianyao's frustration, and spoke again: "The source of the martial soul is all kinds of strange things now, but the original source of the martial soul is the blood.

"Occurred by humans intermarried with various races."

Of course, there is another point that Gu Yuena didn't say, and it doesn't necessarily mean intermarriage.

It's just that the other method is darker, and the Dragon God can't always stare at every corner of this planet, right?
Maybe even if he saw the dragon god, he might not care too much, after all, it doesn't matter if it's a small fight.

The subsequent growth of human groups with martial souls may not be without this dark factor.

It's just that at that time the leader of the dark behavior was replaced by human beings themselves.

There's no need to care about this kind of human beings who commit suicide by themselves, right?
"This is the source of all kinds of beast spirits today.

"In other words, your bloodlines may generally be a little weirder than those of the same race in the universe.

"Humans with strange bloodlines are naturally classified into the big category of soul beasts."

"No, this?" Tian Yao hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"It just feels a little hard to accept."

How should I put it, suddenly changing from a human to a beast, and theoretically the bloodline is no different from that of a soul beast, this is probably not an immediate shock.

"There's nothing unacceptable."

Gu Yuena saw what Tian Yao was thinking at a glance, and patted her on the head.

"Humans and beasts are just the definitions of their respective races, and soul beasts still think that human beings are weak.

"According to what Xiaoshuang and the others said, human beings were transformed from monkeys. I'm afraid it would be more difficult to accept."

(End of this chapter)

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