Sword of the Red Chamber from Heaven

Chapter 266 Ancestor! !help! !

Chapter 266 Ancestor! !help! !
Thousands of miles away, there is nowhere to say desolate solitary tombs, seeing a solitary tomb again, the little girl still shed tears uncontrollably.

If his mother was still alive, he would definitely not be like this.


Humming two words from her nose, Daiyu's eye circles instantly turned red.

Jia Guan stood on one side without speaking, he knew very well what the most important thing to do at this time was.

Most of the time, what people need is quiet companionship, the blending of souls is worth a thousand words, and this time is also such a moment.

I don't know when, this ancestral land of the Lin family, faintly echoed a whine, which was the echo of the wind blowing through the long and narrow corridor.

It seems to be silently mourning for the people in this lonely grave.

Capital, Fan Mansion.

Fan Yuanhe, the cabinet minister, handed in a complaint to the palace.

It was a complaint filed by a man named Ma Yuan who borrowed usury from Lian's second grandmother in Rongguo Mansion, but was unable to repay it, and was forced by the slaves to sell his only half acre of fertile land to pay off the debt.

Later, Jia Lian's secret contact with the remnants of the White Lotus Sect was also handed over.

When the Zhen family came to Jia's mansion to deposit money, one of the two people who came to talk to each other was from the White Lotus Sect, but for some reason, Fan Yuan and them now found out about it.

There was a wave of ups and downs, and then Zeng Shutang handed in another memorial to the palace. The content of the book was to impeach Jia Zhenjiarong and his son in the Ningguo government, saying that the other party had made friends with Bailian's traitor and intended to rebel.

It turned out that the flower building that Jia Zhen and Jia Rong frequented a while ago was actually a den of the White Lotus Sect.

And the character that the father and son had their eyes on was the leader of the White Lotus Sect, known as the White Lady.

All of a sudden, rumors of lace in the capital flew wildly. Jia Gong had just left Beijing in the morning, and this happened in the afternoon. It is estimated that no one in the court knew why.

Even Emperor Mingkang sensed that something was wrong. The goal of Fan Yuanhe and Zeng Shutang was not the two people in Jia's mansion, but Jia Gong who had already left Beijing.

After receiving the news, Rongguo and Ningguo's mansions were in chaos for a while, especially Sister Feng, who was even more frightened when she heard this. Is this something that happened to me? ?

She let go of loan sharks before, but when Jia Amnesty warned her that time, she had restrained herself and was not so rampant, especially during the time before the new year, she had already stopped.

As for Ma Yuan, she hadn't even heard of him at all, so why did the other party insist that it was the interest paid by herself.

The Second Master Lian of the Rongguo Duke's Mansion was also in a panic at this time. How could he have anything to do with the White Lotus Sect? Even if he was thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out. Even if you think about it with your cerebellum, you know it's impossible.

The Bailian Sect is anti-religious. Others don't know what kind of person Jia Lian is, and those dandy young masters in the capital don't know. Huanghua girls don't like them, they prefer young women in boudoirs, like Cao Gong. Such shameless, Bailian Sect will see on him? ?It is impossible for the sun to come out from the west, unless the sun does not come out.

"Old lady save me!! Old lady save me!!"

Rongqingtang, Jia Baoyu's illness has just improved today, there is a saying that there is nothing more sad than heartbreak, after Jia Baoyu's condition improved, there is a trace of Buddha nature in her body, just like in the original book when Jia Baoyu was rejected by a senior official A section of Buddhist verses written later.

"You prove my proof, your heart proves your mind. There is no proof, Si Keyun proves. There is nothing to prove, it is based on the ground."

Then came and went naked.

This time is the same, but this time the Buddha nature is deeper.

It is said that "the clever man works, the wise man worries, and the incompetent has nothing to ask for!"

He also said, "Form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form; form is emptiness, and emptiness is form!!"

All the abnormal behaviors, almost nothing, right? Mother Jia was frightened, and even Mrs. Wang was dumbfounded. She disliked those beautifully dressed people walking around in front of her son, but she didn't want his son to become a monk in the future. , Jia Baoyu's two words almost caused Mrs. Wang to smash the little golden Buddha on her side.

Even Jia Mu took away everything related to Buddha from the house.

It's better to be a monk than to be a monk.

But Jia Baoyu's matter had not stopped, and then came the bad news that the two governments were miserable, and it was a note handed down by the cabinet.

At first, the two mansions first thought of Jia Ju, but when they sent people to the Champion Hou’s Mansion to look for Jia Ju, they were told that they had taken Miss Lin back to Suzhou. Those who sent people to monitor the movement of the champion Hou knew it, but the Jia family didn't send people here, so they didn't know that Jia Gong had left Beijing today.

"Brother Feng!! Tell me what's going on??"

Looking at the weeping pear blossoms and the rainy Wang Xifeng, Jia Mu said with a look of resentment.

Mother Jia admired Sister Feng's tact and vision. Whenever she was around, she would smile more and be happier than usual.

How could Sister Feng, who looks well-behaved and honest on weekdays, sit down for such a thing? ?
Of course, this is the impression left by Sister Feng at Jiamu's place. Wang Xifeng's ability to watch people order dishes is not easy. With Jiamu's place, how dare she play it big? It's not just a well-behaved one.

But in other places, this is not the case. The servant who saw it respectfully called Second Mistress.

Seeing Mother Jia's serious face and losing the amiability she used to, Sister Feng felt a little uncomfortable, but now there are not many people she can rely on. On weekdays, she coaxes the old lady, although it is not much to talk about. Very sincere, but after so many years, there is no real love there!

"Old lady!! Some crazy rumors are spreading outside, saying that I put some usury, and I did some shady business, but since the last time, Brother Gong warned me, I have quit it a long time ago! I also scattered all the money together, and those who planed food in the fields, it can be regarded as accumulating virtue!"

"This time, I heard that someone sued me for this and even played the imperial court. My granddaughter-in-law is really wronged!! I dare to swear on this matter, I really stopped it a long time ago!! This is a great injustice! !!"

When Jia's mother heard what Sister Feng said, she couldn't help narrowing her eyes. First of all, Wang Xifeng was not the kind who didn't know the priority of things, nor was she the kind who made trouble for no reason. She is also filial to herself. If there is nothing wrong with her, she naturally does not want this granddaughter-in-law to be sent to jail.

But before Jia Mu could speak, another handsome man rushed in from outside.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Jia Lian who was so beautiful during this time?
As soon as he met Jia Lian, he knelt on the ground, "Old Ancestor!! Help!!"

(End of this chapter)

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