Sword of the Red Chamber from Heaven

Chapter 353 This little friend, how about giving the next one some face?

Chapter 353 This little friend, how can I save face next time

Jiangnan, the Yamen of the prefect of Suzhou.

Sitting opposite a middle-aged man, Yu Anguo looked a little embarrassed.

The man opposite him is none other than the survivor of the assassination, the cabinet minister—Lin Ruhai.

"Prefect Yu doesn't have to be so cautious. It's not what we want when things get into this kind of situation! Since the imperial court sent us to investigate, the matter is beyond the control of your own family! I will definitely report the truth to the Ming court!"

Hearing Lin Ruhai's words, Yu Enguo showed gratitude.

"Thank you Master Lin for your righteous words, but after all, something happened in the place under the jurisdiction of the lower officials, and the lower officials also have an unshirkable responsibility! I just wish that the murderer could be brought to justice! Avenge the father-in-law!!"

Lin Ruhai felt a sense of sympathy when he heard Yu Anguo's words. Fan Xingzhao was a shield he specially pulled over to prevent Fan Yuan and that old fellow from secretly plotting tricks.

As a colleague who was an official in the same dynasty, his sense of Fan Xingzhao is not bad, especially in the area of ​​finance, this servant still has real skills. This trip to the south of the Yangtze River was able to gain insight into the truth of the matter so quickly. Fan Xingzhao contributed Not small.

He didn't expect that among the officials in Yanke, there were actually people from the Zhen family.

The centipede is dead but not stiff. This time he underestimated the huge power of the Zhen family in the south of the Yangtze River.

And the thunderbolt that appeared at the end caused such a destructive power that it could be said to destroy the world, and now imagining it also makes him feel a little scared.

If it is really affected by that kind of thing, they will not die or be disabled. Many people in the Imperial Forest Army who accompanied this trip were affected, but they survived. Looking at those who are either missing an arm or a leg, they are in the hospital. Lin Ruhai couldn't help clenching his fists tightly against the howling sergeant.

However, his exertion involved his own wounds, and immediately made his forehead covered with cold sweat.

"Master Lin, what should we do now?"

Lin Ruhai narrowed his eyes, "Wait~~"

Hearing this, Yu Anguo couldn't help clenching his fists. Even if Lin Ruhai explained this incident clearly, it would still be a heavy blow to his political career, unless he could make up for his mistakes before the imperial court sent someone. There is room for a loopback in this matter.

Although waiting is a good way for now, after all, no one knows whether those people still have Thunderbolt bombs in their hands. If there is such a thing, it is estimated that even if all the soldiers in Suzhou are involved, they will only end up with one The end of the annihilation of the army.

But for him, it is really not a good choice. If he still wants to develop his official career, then this choice
Thinking of this, Yu Enguo's eyes began to flicker.

Lin Ruhai saw that Yu Enguo hadn't moved for a long time, so he turned his head to look at him. Seeing the cloudy expression on his face, Lin Ruhai sighed softly.

He has been an official for many years, how could he not guess what the other party is thinking!But they really shouldn't delve into this matter, not to mention the serious shortage of troops on their side right now, coupled with the fact that the other party has that terrible weapon in their hands, if they enter without authorization, they can only be wiped out by the entire army end.

"Master Yu"

Just as Lin Ruhai was about to say a few words of persuasion, a figure suddenly walked in from the outside.

"Master Lin, the court has already responded!!"

This person is none other than Xu Yuantu, the leader of the dark guards sent by Mingkang Emperor.

This time the assassination also discredited the head of the secret guard. Xu Yuantu's face has been gloomy and frightening during the past few days of recuperation at the Suzhou Yamen.

His responsibilities are different from those of Lin Ruhai and Yu Enguo. He came to Jiangnan to protect these important court officials. Now that the head of the state has died, Emperor Mingkang probably won't let him off lightly when he returns.

Hearing Xu Yuantu's words, Lin Ruhai and Yu Enguo couldn't help but look at each other at the same time.

Yu Anguo looked a little nervous, Lin Ruhai remained calm on the surface, but there were ripples in his heart. After all, he was also the party involved in this assassination, and he had personally experienced such a thing. Unable to suppress the fluctuations in my heart.

"Champion Hou Nan is coming!!"

Following Xu Yuantu's words, the entire lobby fell silent.

"Lead a thousand snow dragon riders, arrive tomorrow at the latest, maybe Lord Hou will come sooner!!"

Hearing this name again, Yu Anguo smiled wryly in his heart. He didn't expect to see Jia Gong again after only a few days, and he also guessed the court's attitude from Jia Gong's arrival.

"I haven't congratulated Mr. Lin yet, but I'm happy to have a son-in-law!!"

After a moment of silence, Yu Enguo spoke again, but this time his face was full of smiles.

There was also a sense of relief on Lin Ruhai's face. Jia Gong's strength was obvious to all at the court. He was really afraid that Emperor Mingkang's brain would get hot and send some idiots over. He would not be able to clean up the mess, and the loss would be the court's face .

"Master Yu, what Lin wants is to wait first!"

This time Yu Anguo didn't hesitate any longer, and nodded lightly, who made Lin Ruhai have such a son-in-law!

Those who Jia Gong worked in the capital these days have been spread throughout Dakang with an official document. They killed the envoy of Fusang in the street, as well as Si Zheng, the host and guest, and the subsequent cabinet minister Zeng Shutang completely collapsed.

The Zeng family was condemned by the ten clans of the barbarians, and there was a lot of scolding from the Jiangnan side. Jiangnan has been the focus of scientific research since ancient times, and naturally more scholars became Zeng Shutang's disciples. Maybe they didn't expect that the first torture of the ten clans in Dakang would fall into place. As for them, most of those who were able to receive the news in advance had already fled into the mountains and kept their names incognito, while those with weaker forces became lambs waiting to be slaughtered in the vegetable market.

Yangzhou, in a temple.

The leaders of the White Lotus Sect, Guan Shan and Zhen Tu, were sitting on the ground, while people from the White Lotus Sect were patrolling outside.

"Guan Jiaozhu, what's the matter, this time you let out a bad breath??"

When Zhen Tu talked about their action this time, his face was full of cheers, and he didn't notice that Guan Shan's face on the opposite side was almost gloomy like an iron pot.

"It's just a pity that Lin Ruhai let that thief run away!!"

Guan Shan smiled coldly and almost squeezed two words out between his teeth.


When Zhen Tu heard Guan Shan's words, the cheering look on his face stopped, and he said in a somewhat eccentric way: "Why, isn't Master Guan happy?? Didn't we fight well this time?"

Guan Shan clenched his fists, and there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

"A beautiful kill?? Is this different from what we said at the beginning?? Or are you really planning to drag us to the end?? If I knew you were acting like this from the beginning, I would not agree to cooperate with you!! "

"Your Zhen family is a bunch of trash, Zhen Shihai is, his son is too, even you are no exception, are you a fucking pig brain, assassinated imperial envoys, and killed Fan Xingzhao, do you fucking know, he How much disaster will death bring us!!"

"You still want to kill Lin Ruhai?? Do you know who his son-in-law is?? Are you afraid that we won't die fast enough!!"

Zhentu smiled coldly when he heard this.

"What are you afraid of? I know who Lin Ruhai's son-in-law is, and he was the one who killed him. He wiped out our Zhen family. This feud is irreconcilable. If possible, I will let him experience the end of the entire family!!"

Hearing this, Guan Shan narrowed his eyes. Zhen Tu didn't know the details of Jia Gong, but he knew that if he really recruited that guy, let alone defeat, it would be good if he could escape.

"Couldn't you be scared out of your wits by Jia Ju?! We have a thunderbolt bomb in our hands. No matter how powerful Jia Jun is, he can still defeat us. If one bomb can't kill him, then ten will kill him." , Ten won’t work, then a hundred!!”

"If he dares to come, this time I will smash him to pieces!!!"

Hearing Zhen Tu's sweet and confident words, Guan Shan showed a sarcastic smile.

A frog in a well does not know how big the sky is.

He has never seen Jia Gong cut the river with a sword, and he may never believe that there is such an existence in the world. In the face of that existence, if thunderbolts work, then he writes the word "Guan Shan" in reverse.

"If you want to go crazy, go crazy yourself!! I won't accompany you anymore!!"

Hearing this, Zhen Tu smiled coldly.

"Guan Jiaozhu, you have such a heart, but you still want to strengthen the White Lotus Sect and do righteous things. If Zhen says something bad, you will never be able to achieve it!!"

"Now that we have such a sharp weapon in our hands, you don't dare to fight it. What do you expect in the future?? Continue to be a mouse in the stinky gutter?? Hiding underground in the dark?"

Guan Shan's footsteps paused, and then his figure flashed, and his figure moved only for an instant. His somewhat skinny hands pinched Zhentu's throat.

"Zhen Tu, don't think that you can talk like this in front of me just because you got the Thunderbolt. Even Zhen Shihai, the patriarch of your Zhen family, is just a peer in front of me. You are not worthy!!"

"Thunderbolt is okay against those who are unsuspecting, but in my eyes, it's not a fart. Only those who hit that kind of thing count. It's okay against those soldiers, but against us people in the world, do you think we will be honest? Stay where you are??"

"As for you ants, I can easily crush you to death. Don't take yourself too seriously. Between us, you are relying on us, not us rushing to beg you!"

"Do you know why Lin Ruhai didn't die?? Do you know what state those people around him are in? To tell you the truth, if those people hadn't protected Lin Ruhai and had no plans to take action, these people in your Zhen family would have died long ago. !!"

The strength in Guan Shan's hands gradually increased, and the hostility in his eyes became more and more serious. They discovered this problem when they came into contact with Lin Ruhai's group before. Those people were not ordinary people in the Jianghu.

It was a group of top masters in the rivers and lakes, and the last time they had the strength of their deputy leader of the White Lotus Sect, which shocked him at the time.

When did such a group of people appear in the rivers and lakes, it would be easy for these people to dominate the martial arts in the south of the Yangtze River, and he even guessed that those people were sent by Jia Jun to protect Lin Ruhai, after all, Lin Ruhai is Jia Jun's nominal father-in-law .

Thinking of this, he became even more annoyed at the bastard in front of him who failed to accomplish anything but failed.

If it really attracted Jia Gong's hand, then the probability of their survival is one in ten.

Originally, I planned to make some private salt secretly, and gradually develop and grow, but I didn't want to be completely disrupted by this idiot in front of me.

But it is a pity that they who are far away in Yangzhou have not received the information, and the person sent by the capital this time is Jia Guan.

And that big snow dragon ride has set off again.

At this moment, a slightly vicissitudes of voice came into Guan Shan's ears, "Little friend, it's good to give me some face~~"

(End of this chapter)

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