Sword of the Red Chamber from Heaven

Chapter 67 Victory in the first battle, 1 riding

Chapter 67 Victory in the first battle

One ride dares to be a thousand, and the blood is stained red.

Jia Gong took the lead with one rider, and the Jurchen cavalry was [-] to [-] feet away from the five thousand riders behind him. At this time, the Jurchen cavalry was already ready, bending their bows and setting arrows, the bows were like a full moon, but no one let go.

A round of riding and shooting is only to deal with one person?Normal people don't do that either.

This scene is a bit funny, the Jurchen battle formation is neat and tidy, tens of thousands of people are waiting for it, the bow has been stringed, and the arrow is in place, but facing a young general who is rushing over, they just watch.

It's not that they won't shoot Jia Gong alone, but in order to gain the most, they have to target the large army behind Jia Gong.

Qi Piangu, who was in the center of the army formation, watched a young general charge into the formation, his eyes narrowed. In ancient times, duels on the battlefield, it is not uncommon to charge into the formation, but no one rushed over.

At least with a team of cavalry, what are you doing alone?Anyway, he didn't understand the opponent's operation, not only him, but even brother Meng Mu'er looked bewildered.

Even the bravest fighters of their tribe dared not do this. They rushed into the army formation alone. Nine deaths and a lifetime is a lie.

But you can't just watch the other party rushing to the battle alone. They don't respond, which is likely to disrupt their morale.

Qi Piangu, who was sitting on horseback, raised his right hand, pointed at Jia Gong in the field, and shouted loudly.

"Who's here?? Get this person for me!! Reward a thousand taels!!"

Although these people knew that the people who rushed to the battle were generally rare fighters in rare armies, but there must be brave men under heavy rewards, and someone responded quickly.

"Kano is here!!"

While talking, there was a strong and huge sweat in front of the battle. He drew out his saber and galloped out. Jia Guan's speed did not slow down. He was only a hundred meters away from the Jurchen battle formation while speaking.

There was no skill in this confrontation, the two men's swords intersected, and two horses crossed one another.

I saw a flash of sword light, a head shot up into the sky, and the long knife in the hand of the strong Jurchen was broken together with it.

Weapons blessed by Rhubarb Ting are not comparable to ordinary weapons in terms of sharpness and toughness.

Seeing this scene, Jurchen's side caused a lot of restlessness. They had never seen such an unreasonable sword.

Seeing that Jia Gong didn't stop, he was still charging towards the battle formation on his royal horse, and two more Jurchen men rushed out.


There were two loud shouts in the battle formation, and two people in white armor and yellow armor rushed out. The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, pinched each other. The long knives were swung high in the hands of the two of them. I just saw a ball of white light burst, and the momentum was swift and violent.

But the situation is still the same, it is still a sword, and two heads fall to the ground.

Looking at Jia Gong's sword in front of him, the mood of the five thousand cavalrymen behind him also fluctuated sharply.

A general is the courage of a hundred armies, and Jia Ju is so powerful that the soldiers behind him who have fought against Jurchen also become brave.

It seems that these people in front of them are not so invincible.

"The general is mighty~"

The Daxue Dragon Riders shouted loudly one after another, as if their morale had been lifted by Jia Gong's attack.

The tension in his eyes had disappeared unconsciously, leaving only excitement, and the long knife in his hand seemed to be gripped even tighter.

On the Jurchen side, three warriors died in a row, the morale of the soldiers was a little low, and Qi Piangu's face became ugly.

He pointed to Jia Ju and asked: "Who is this person?? Who can take it down? A reward of ten thousand taels!!"

While speaking, Jia Guan had already approached the distance of [-] meters from the Jurchen battle formation.

Seeing the cavalrymen drawing their bows into the full moon, Jia Guan smiled coldly, he guessed that the other party would not attack him, but locked his target on the group of cavalrymen behind him, if ordinary people, even if they rushed over, they would not be able to influence the situation of the battle at all , but unfortunately, he is not an ordinary person.

There are no fancy moves, just a simple one-hit sweep.

The war horse roared and the hooves of the horse were thundering like thunder. A sound of swords tore through the noise in an extremely arrogant manner, and spread into everyone's ears.

A gust of wind followed, setting off billows of smoke and dust on the withered grass, like the tide of the Qiantang River hitting the sky.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a black sandstorm, opening its bloody mouth, trying to swallow everything in front of it.

The soldiers standing guard on the city wall saw this scene, and they didn't realize that the long spears in their hands fell to the ground.

What did they see just now?What happened just now, on the horizon, a thousand-meter huge wave appeared here in this world.

"Isn't that Jia Jun a god?"


"Damn, is that an exaggeration?"

"With him here, aren't we invincible~"



The Liaodong city guards who slowly came to their senses suddenly became overwhelmed. They have been suppressed and beaten by the Jurchen tribe all these years, and they are not without resentment.

They were not optimistic about going out to fight in the city today. They didn't expect this little general to give them a big surprise at the beginning.

But the Jurchen side, on the other hand, was dumbfounded.

This sweeping blow was nothing but the sword energy of Li Chungang, the sword god in the snow, rolling the dragon wall.

A thousand-meter-long sword energy shot out across the line, making the Jurchen cavalry dumbfounded. Is this a trick performed by one person? ?

Shouldn't it be blood on the knife, punching to the flesh?Let's exaggerate and throw a few thunderbolts~ But what's going on here? ?
The Jurchen cavalry in the front row didn't react at all, they were engulfed by billowing smoke and dust, and the Jurchen battle formation was in chaos for a while.

"Hold on! Hold on!!"

Seeing this situation, Qi Piangu in the rear suddenly sank, and while his heart was trembling, he hurriedly gave an order.

In fact, when he saw this trick, he had already guessed who Jia Jun was. It was impossible for ordinary people to do those things in Jianzhou without anyone noticing.

Only such a person can accomplish the seemingly impossible things.

Before leaving, Qiu Qingxian analyzed the opponent's situation with him. Although the opponent is powerful, he is determined not to reach that invincible state. Otherwise, he would not choose to sneak attack at night, and he would not deliberately kill the family members of the tribal leaders to threaten them. They, what's more, those people before did not dare to fight them.

If the opponent was really invincible in this world, he would have fought over in a fair manner.

He felt that what Qiu Qing said was right. Although he didn't know what was going on with the other party, he expected that there must be a limit to such moves, otherwise it would be enough for the other party to come out alone, and still need to bring these five thousand troops?

But he forgot one thing, this is on the battlefield, not everyone knows about it, facing a blow that looks like a god and demon, those soldiers who don't know why, will easily have problems with their mentality.

His words didn't have much effect. Once the army's morale was scattered, it was natural that the army would be defeated like a mountain.

Then the [-] people behind Jia Gong rushed into the Jurchen battle formation like a rainbow, and followed behind Jia Jun, like a steel pillar, piercing through the general formation without a stick of incense.

The gate of the city burst open again, and Guo Yingjing led an army of [-] troops out of the city.


(End of this chapter)

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