nightcrawler in los angeles

Chapter 87 The ultimate 20-second rescue

Chapter 87 The ultimate 20-second rescue

Diane Sawyer looked at the pitch-black broadcast screen for 3 minutes and there was still no movement. She couldn't help but feel a little uncontrollable and asked a broadcaster to go to the sewer to see what happened.

Emily comforted, "Teacher! Don't worry, Tao Xi is definitely not there."

Before Emily could finish her sentence, the broadcast screen lit up with a "click".

The camera first turned around in a mess, and then heard a "shh" sound from the camera.

Diane Sawyer saw two people on the side of the camera standing three meters away from them, shooting guns continuously, and occasionally could see the sound of sonic booms of bullets near the camera.

Diane Sawyer was instantly refreshed.

She first instructed the colleagues in charge of broadcasting at the headquarters to do signal matching, and then took the notepad and said to the microphone: "Okay! Welcome everyone to wait in front of the TV, we are ABC's [Prime Time Live Broadcast] ] channel, what you are watching now is the robbery of the Bank of America in North Hollywood."

"The one who is taking charge of the filming on the screen is the night crawler who just wore a pink scarf."

"He is only 3 meters away from the robbers. As for his shooting location, the Los Angeles Police Department cannot ambush a few robbers. I have checked with him again and again. The one that was hollowed out by sewer dwellers The hole can only allow a minor child to get into it for filming, if it is forcibly broken from the ground, it will definitely cause tension among the robbers and pose a danger to the safety of the hostages."

This sentence was not explained by Tao Xi to Diane Sawyer, but Diane Sawyer invented it himself.

This sentence is just a smoke bomb. As long as Tao Xi can last a few minutes of live broadcast time in that place, ABC will make money. For capital, the casualties of the Los Angeles Police Department are just a set of numbers, and the others are not important.

This is the mentality of American capitalists, but Tao Xi made a hasty decision that did not allow him to think so much.

"Deco! We should retreat! If we continue here, we will all die here."

These three people didn't know that there was a broadcast camera not far from them that was broadcasting all their conversations, and Deco became a little sober after hearing Maeve's words.

Deco shouted to his own brother: "We are going to retreat in 5 minutes. You and Maeve will get in the car first, and I will cover you under the car."

Tausi, who heard this group of conversations, tried to turn his head to the camera to observe what happened to the policeman named Koulos.

But because the black policeman was hiding behind a tree, Tao Xi couldn't see his situation, but he agreed to Bartello's request, and Tao Xi must do it!

Soon the opportunity presented itself, and the three of Maeve entered the bank to get the bags of dollar bills. Seeing the opportunity, Tao Xi first put the camera on the window sill openly, because it was because of the line of sight, they must It won't be discovered immediately.

Tao Xi, who jumped out of the trash can, waved at the policeman who had fallen into a calm state, and rushed towards the tree where the black policeman was hiding.

The group of policemen fell silent for a moment after seeing Tao Xi, the guy wearing a pink silk scarf.

They stopped shooting as if they had received some order. At this time, Tao Xi was not paying attention to the police, but started running in the shape of an "S" in the small square towards the tree.

"20 seconds reloading time + unknown withdrawal time" is Tao Xi's opportunity!

The rookie policeman 549132 standing near the ABC news car had his heart hanging in his throat. Although he could only see the situation through the news car in front of him, he was still nervous.

Diane Sawyer, who had been chattering all the time, also put down the microphone in her hand, and Emily kept muttering, "Come on, come on, come on."

A group of nightcrawlers outside were also telling each other about the origin of the guy wearing the pink silk scarf!
When they saw that Tao Xi had already rushed to the tree, Sergeant Felice kept raising his hand to signal the surrounding colleagues not to hit the little guy by accident, but Sergeant Felice's left hand was shaking all the time.

The instigator of this incident, Batllo Adessa, somehow got into the police encirclement and proudly said to Kulos' female police colleague: "That's my boss! My boss saved him! He gave me a Bible , my boss saved his life!"

Spassoyer Huot, who was in charge of today's operation, listened to the voice on the other side of the intercom with a livid face: "I'm Jeffrey Kyle, Deputy Director Spassoyer worked hard for what you did today. Everything, the colleagues in the Southern Bureau are fighting bravely under your leadership, and the next operation is under my command. I now order you to temporarily form a 6-person team to take over the live broadcast of the ABC and shoot from the back of the Bank of America in North Hollywood. Robbers, we don't have much time, the robbers will retreat after 4 minutes and 35 seconds, we don't have many chances."

Tausi didn't know this, and the situation of the black policeman named Koulos was not optimistic.

Tao Xi could not carry him on his shoulders and retreat, because the nearest police car was 20 meters away, and Tao Xi could not guarantee that an accident within these 20 meters would cause him to bleed profusely.

In order for Kuros to quickly relieve the bleeding, Tao Xi dragged him on the ground with his arm without any wounds.

When moving for the first 15 meters, everything went well. When Tao Xi saw the female policeman who was only 5 meters away, she raised her hand and shot behind him.

Tao Xi threw the Kulos in his hand to the vicinity of the police car like a conditioned reflex, and Tao Xi, who closed his eyes, instantly heard the sound of the sonic boom of the bullets behind him.




The sound of the sonic boom came first, followed by the sound of ak47.

"Da da da"

Tao Xi rolled forward along the ground by inertia, and a white policeman and Batllo Adessa, who had long been impatient, hid him behind the police car by pulling his hands and legs.

"He's my boss! He's my boss! My boss saved you!" Batllo Adessa screamed excitedly at Kulos, who was already pale and unconscious.

A group of nightwalkers not far away shouted at Tao Xi, but the angry Tao Xi just wanted to reach out and snatch the unconscious Kulos with a gun to fight back.

The white policeman held Tao Xi's left hand and said calmly: "I am very grateful that you can save my colleague, but please leave the next action to us!"

Under the cover of the policewoman, Tao Xi first sent Kulos to the ambulance, then Tao Xi kicked Batllo Adessa's ass and pointed at him and said: "Go to the hospital and watch your benefactor! You Told me, his bible saved you and hurt him!"

The female nurse standing near the ambulance looked curiously at Tao Xi's face under the pink silk scarf.

"You were really cool just now, do you want to have dinner together tonight!"

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend!"

Tao Xi, who rejected the female nurse's kindness, waved to the night walker who was isolated by the police at the outermost edge, and then continued to turn his head and walk towards the small square. He always felt uncomfortable if he didn't do something.

Just as Tao Xi turned his head and left, the stalemate situation in the small square changed instantly.

The hole that was hollowed out from the bottom of the sewer suddenly protruded. A pistol was aimed at Deco who was shooting with money in one hand and a gun in the other!

The sharp shooting took away Deco's life in an instant. Deco's younger brother turned his head and shot at the trash can when he saw this scene.

Of course, the camera placed by Taoxi on the windowsill was not spared, scattered camera parts were scattered everywhere, but Deco's brother didn't care about this, instead he grabbed the black hood off his head and rushed to There was a burst of shooting from the trash can.

Maeve saw that Deco's brother didn't listen to his advice and turned back to the Bank of America.

Maeve cursed angrily and continued to retreat.

However, Maeve still has a conscience, and keeps attracting the firepower of the police to him.

Deco's younger brother lost his mind long after he took off his headgear. He stood in the trunk of the car whose tires had been punctured and took out a modified AK47 again.

With two guns in hand, he instantly suppressed the opposite policeman.

It was at this moment that Maeve fled towards the wall behind the Bank of America.

The surrounding wall was not as thick as the police car. Seeing Maeve's escape, Tao Xi moved towards a nearby manhole cover in order to prevent him from being hit by stray bullets and turning his head.

"Fxxk! I must be crazy, I actually handed over my life to those policemen." Tao Xi skillfully pried open the well cover with a crowbar abandoned on the ground and jumped in.

The ak47 in the hands of Deco's brother seems to be because he has been shooting, and an ak has jammed at this time.

Deco's younger brother debugged the ak47 for a long time. When he saw that the ak in his hand was still not finished, he threw him to the ground and took out a pistol from his waist.

Fortunately, the SWAT team that the live news media has been advocating has finally come!
Among them, Diane Sawyer and Emily are the most excited, because the number of viewers of the ABC [Prime Time Live] channel not only surpassed Fox News in one fell swoop, but also created a record of 710 million viewers at the same time record of!
You must know that the most eye-catching Apple Computer commercial in the Super Bowl on February 2 this year was only watched by 2 million people!

ABC reached his fraction, enough to be proud!
A flushed Diane Sawyer raised his microphone to the camera and said excitedly: "Look at our long-awaited SWAT team finally here."

"Wow! It's just that they don't look very good now!"

"Let's see, another member of the SWAT team came in wearing shorts."

These members of the SWAT team obviously had an expression of "I was still on vacation just now". ABC's camera and Fox's camera cooperated very tacitly to attract the audience's attention to the clothes of these SWAT officers.

The special police officers who came to the encirclement immediately reversed the disadvantage of the police officers.

Fully automatic weapons and pistols are really not on the same level. The group of SWAT members raised their hands and shot at Brother Deco who was still fighting back.

"There are hostages! There are hostages! Prevent the other party from entering the bank again, and strengthen the fire coverage!"

A SWAT team and a guy in heavy body armor certainly make for a quick ending.

Deco's brother's leg fell to the ground on one knee under the precise blow of a special police officer.

Deco's brother leaned on the wall with one hand and pointed a pistol at his jaw with the other!
When a SWAT team took the lead and shot him in the head, Deco, who looked a little silly, also pulled the trigger.

(End of this chapter)

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