Ceuta is located at the western estuary of the Mediterranean Sea and is an important port controlling the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.

In 1415 AD, King João I of Portugal sent troops to surround and conquer it, and it became the first colony of Portugal.

This important place of Ceuta, until the future, has been in the hands of the Portuguese country.

Afterwards, the grape country, which was eating sweets, saw that the inland area could not break through, so it directly aimed at the stars and the sea.

This move by the Portuguese country suddenly opened the minds of Western countries, and the age of great exploration officially began from this step.

Ceuta has such a good terrain and such a good place to choke the neck, Zhu Zhangui will naturally not ignore it.

As long as Ming controls this place, the north can attack Europe, the south can go straight to Africa, and the countries around the Mediterranean Sea will be blocked in the middle. In addition to the future Suez Canal, the Mediterranean Sea will be Daming's back garden bathhouse.

You can wash as you want, and you can wave as you want.

As far as these countries in the West are concerned, those tiny places have lost their maritime trade, and the development of economy, commerce, technology and technology will not only stagnate, but the progress will be very slow.

Controlling the western ocean trade, Ming's plan to conquer the world was completely laid down.

Although you can get money by killing people, people are not dead things, they won't stand there for you to kill, they will run away.

After thinking about it for a long time, under the order of Hai Zi, the team leader, everyone closed the box again, hugged it happily and returned.

In addition, this guy's brain is not very bright, he only remembers that one head can be exchanged for some food, and he kills men, women, and children.

Soon a team of more than a dozen people gathered, and under Haizi's command, Guzi led the charge and ran towards the alley where they were found.

As long as it is valuable, everything must be taken away.

In a few minutes, the assault boat led the soldiers to the pier steps.

Good guy, the box is full of gold coins and silver coins. This is the first time I saw a team member with so much money, and my saliva drools.

As mentioned above, any items robbed will be settled as money in the end, and the team and guards will settle the settlement uniformly.

Yes, they don't know, but those Yanhuang ancestors who suffered so much, they don't know either.

Now that there is an opportunity for the team to contribute, the guys who have been at sea for nearly a year are instantly excited.

Haizi's eyes lit up, he pulled out the revolver that was rewarded by his superior at his waist, and yelled at Guzi, who was crazily chasing the white pig with a mace, "Guzi, there is a roasted whole lamb over there, follow me!"

While wielding a mace, he crazily beat the grain of a port guard in Portugal, when he heard a roasted whole lamb, he roared excitedly, and the strength of the mace in his hand increased sharply.

The people on the pier, not to mention standing airtight, are also extremely crowded.

The young and strong pushed their way through the crowd and ran wildly, while the old and weak fell to the ground, trampled to death by countless feet.

In addition to Zhu Zhangui's own efforts, there is also the full support of the old man and the old man.

After scraping one corpse, Haizi, who was just about to check the next one, accidentally caught a glimpse of a few guards in a nearby alley, protecting a person who was fleeing for his life.

Pulling down a silver pendant from a dead body, team leader Haizi couldn't help grinning as he watched the big back wielding a mace in front of him crazily charging.

"Don't smash the millet too hard. It's a pity that you broke such a beautiful golden chain. Be careful, this thing can be exchanged for a big basket of buns!"

I thought I was welcoming a big shot, but suddenly turned into a pirate, and the people on the shore were dumbfounded.

But now it seems that this stripped-down civilian assault boat is not useless.

If you are lucky and find a treasure trove of a wealthy businessman, then the whole team can retire early and go home to enjoy the good life.

Looking at the pier shrouded in flames getting farther and farther away, Zhu Zhangui's expression remained unchanged.

What's worse, he was startled and opened his mouth wide because he saw the pirates.

The blazing flames illuminated the dark night sky, and the bustling and prosperous Ceuta Wharf turned into a hell on earth at this moment.

According to historical records, the old man will pass away next year.

Hearing a heavy muffled sound, the Portuguese soldier holding the shield against the millet mace, the hand holding the shield broke on the spot, the oak shield hit his face heavily, and fell to the ground with a scream, convulsing After a few moments, there was no more sound.

All kinds of internal organs, heads and limbs flew all over the sky, drenching the heads and faces of the stunned audience around.

Haizi, the team leader who followed behind, did not take part in the battle this time, but carried a backpack and followed Guzi to pick up the corpses.

While Gu Zi was rushing over, Hai Zi greeted the other members of the team who were also collecting the spoils.

Ten minutes later, under the protection of Gu Zi, the team happily ran back with a big box in their arms.

Fragmented corpses were strewn all over the pier, with desperate and terrified faces lying on the ground, looking at the sky and making silent complaints.

Today's harvest is full, and all kinds of valuable items including gold coins and silver coins are worth more than 500 million taels according to the approximate statistics of the scribes.

Thinking of this time, Zhu Zhangui's expression gradually darkened.

"In addition, all soldiers and officials in the Portuguese country here will be executed. I don't want prisoners. I will chop off the heads and pile them on the pier. Remember to put our logo and say hello to these white pigs, so as not to save us Next time they come, they don’t know each other.”

"Although it's not what I want, it's also a good thing. Apart from anything else, soldiers don't need to row boats with their feet when it comes to naval landings."

According to the reward mechanism of the imperial court, one can get two taels of silver for killing an enemy, and only a hundred taels of silver for fifty or sixty people. When the team is divided on average, each person can only get a few taels of silver.

"Hold on, let's go!"

As a robber, if you don't set fire to someone after killing someone, is that still called a robber?

"Hey, you idiots, with your bad luck, you still want to take the lead, and you don't even look at who I'm with."

The 2nd floor of the supermarket can be drawn once every two years. He got Sanbengzi for the first time. When he got the second time last year, what he got was still not the truck and other items he wanted, but what was dispensable to him. Assault boat, and it is still the simple version.

They look down on ordinary women of different races, and the price of those with good faces and figures is too high for them to afford.

When they were about to set off, they all shouted that they must get this first prize.

After the order was conveyed, the assault boats were released from the boat. The soldiers who had been prepared for a long time quickly climbed down the rope ladder. After landing on the boat, they watched the pier vigilantly with their weapons in their hands.

One of the guys was slammed in the face with a piece of booty intestines and was shaking.

The big man who caused the commotion looked back at the soldier and smiled naively, raised the big mace in his hand, and ran towards the bank humming.


How easy it is to rob, and valuable things are everywhere.

Zhu Zhangui felt uncomfortable when he thought that the cute and angry little old man was about to leave him.

Robbery... Oh no, the battle started at dusk and ended at the end of Haishi.

After successfully launching the boat, Chief Wei let out a loud shout, and raised the handle in his hand, the fan blades submerged in the water and a large splash was made, and the assault boat slowly accelerated, heading towards the pier.

The reward method is 10 points to 1, that is to say, if they hand in something worth ten taels, the team can get a reward of one tael.

After catching up with those people just now, they found a building similar to a tavern. The team rushed in and saw several people dressed as businessmen under the guard of the guards, holding boxes one by one and about to leave.


Stunned, he even forgot to dodge the first round of artillery bombardment.

Although the old man often cheated him, he was really kind to him.

When he got this thing, Zhu Zhangui was depressed for a long time.


Turning around and looking at the pier that has become a spot of light, Zhu Zhangui closed his eyes slightly, and began to think about the next step.

None of them took the money for themselves.

In the past, when the Marine Corps wanted to land, the soldiers who needed to board the boats took the paddles and rowed the boats themselves.

Not only is the speed extremely slow, but it also greatly consumes the soldiers' physical strength, which greatly affects the soldiers' later battles.

This density is even more exaggerated than the army array.

Knowing that there are still brothers alive, Zhu Zhangui will naturally not waste any more time and let them continue to suffer.

What gold and silver hairpins, gold and silver bracelets, gold and silver necklaces, gold and silver earrings and even gold and silver teeth.

The Portuguese Minister of State does not know the exact number of people, but according to his conservative estimate, there are still about 60 people.

Before the ship stopped, the soldiers on board quickly turned over under the yelling of the captain.

In order to be more lucky for this lottery, he didn't touch women for 10 days, didn't eat meat for 5 days, and took a shower and shampoo every day for three days, but his hands still stink.

This is the law of survival of animals, and it is also the law of human survival.Weakness is the original sin.

A tall man slammed heavily on the steps. The impact brought by his large body made the steps tremble. Several soldiers who climbed up the steps almost fell into the sea.

"As ordered!"

The results are predictable!

Now with the net worth of the team members, there is no need to worry about eating and drinking, and the rest of the pursuit is naturally beauty.

This is still the solid shell fired, those artillery shells loaded with explosive shells, the shells hit the crowd, the tragedy is impossible to look directly at.

The mace that ordinary soldiers can't even lift has become a fly swatter in his hands, and the corpses of every person he targets are not complete at all.

The riot screamed and trampled, and the crowd ran around like bees exploding their nests.

"Sorry brother, my buddy's brain is not very bright."

Among other things, it is still very useful to allocate the Navy to the Marine Corps as a landing craft.

In an instant, golden light and silver light shone, almost blinding the team members' eyes.

I will spend a long time on the ship in the future. Where can I hide so much money? If it is discovered by the higher authorities, it will be easy to cut off my head.

During the interrogation of the prisoners today, Zhu Zhangui got an important piece of information.

It is now June of the third year of Hongxi. According to the original historical process, it is the 6st year of Yongle.

So this time the squad leader changed the way of fighting and divided the entire squad into teams of two, so that half of the entire squad went to chase and kill the enemy, and the other half followed behind to collect valuables.

Zhu Zhangui withdrew his gaze and said calmly: "Go to Lisbon, kill people, rob people!"

"Damn, you can't be gentle when you're big, we're going to swim if it collapses."

What is a man's life for, isn't it just to eat and drink women?

They don't know what they did wrong and why it happened to them.

Although the money is already a lot, who doesn't want more.

Leaving aside the fact that there are so many people around and the constraints of military discipline, even if they want to embezzle the money privately, they have no place to hide it.

At that time, the team leader's eyes lit up when he heard the reward method notified above.

"Hurry up…"

When attacking the cottage back then, Zhu Zhangui took a fancy to this team at a glance, and then, regardless of Zhang Xian's resentful gaze, he assigned the team to his guard camp.

In addition to fighting and killing people, their mission this time also has the important mission of looting.

During the several battles at sea, this team has always been at the forefront, and Guzi, who is the lucky one, will always be the first in the army.

Having walked out of the command room, Zhu Zhangui, who was standing beside the side of the ship, nodded in satisfaction as he watched the landing craft roaring towards the pier.

That is to say, the number of ships is not enough to take away the goods piled up in the dock warehouse, otherwise Zhu Zhangui will make more money.

The scene of a person crawling forward with hands and feet, and spraying liquid from his mouth can be imagined how shocking it is.

Counting the history of each dynasty in detail, which prince or grandson has such rights and status as him.


The team rushed forward quickly, and Gu Zi, who was the first to charge, was astonishingly ferocious.

There was a chug-chug sound, and a fan behind the stern spun rapidly.

Now with this simple version of civilian assault boats, it is difficult to say in terms of defense, but the speed of attack is indeed much faster.

Qi Yuan raised his hand to salute, turned around and returned to the command cabin, and ordered the fleet to follow the route and head towards Lisbon, the capital of the Portuguese country.

"With guards, it's a big fish!"

The soldiers who gave the order to rob and kill everyone raised their torches and began to burn the pier.

Finally, the charge captain who climbed onto the boat apologized to the Marine Corps soldier just now, and then greeted the team, and quickly followed up with Guzi in front.

As for the injury, well, Guzi never shows mercy every time he takes a shot, so no lucky one has been born so far.

This time which group grabbed the most, when they return to Daming, the team will spend part of the funds to buy a top-notch beauty for each of the two in this group, so that the two can enjoy the happy life of a man.

In order to encourage the enthusiasm of his subordinates and grab more things to come back, the team leader released a generous reward.

The weak eat the strong, the fittest survive.

This assault team is exactly the team where the super lucky Guzi is.

He fell into the fish nest all of a sudden, Haizi was so excited at the time, he raised his gun and killed without saying a word, and then opened the boxes carried by the businessmen under the unwilling eyes of a pile of corpses.

Coupled with the close-range shooting, the power of the artillery was maximized. A shell penetrated into the crowd and penetrated more than a dozen people on the spot.

When a ship was full, the junior officer and guard in charge of driving the ship came to the stern position, held a handle behind the tail of the ship with one hand, and took out a rope end with the other hand and pulled it hard.

"Order the gunner to extend the shooting, the marines are ready to land, the target is to rob all valuable items, and anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"

Their team battles were indeed fierce, but after a big battle, the number of enemies killed, except for the attack on the cottage, was only 60 or [-] people.

From ancient times to the present, apart from his great-grandfather, there were several emperors who were able to delegate power to younger generations.

"Run, it's a pirate!"

If he couldn't take these goods away, Zhu Zhangui would naturally not leave them to the white pigs.

Not all the soldiers of Zheng He's fleet who were captured back then died. Some of them were demoted to slaves by the king of Portugal after suffering inhumane torture and humiliation, and they did all kinds of heavy work at the docks.

They are not members of the Marine Corps, and they are in other teams now, so try not to cause trouble if they can, otherwise there will be no help if they are beaten.

Qi Yuan, who commanded the battle throughout the whole process, walked to Zhu Zhangui's side and asked about the next battle plan.

In the command room on the ship, Zhu Zhangui watched the tragic situation on the pier expressionlessly, and gave one cruel order after another.

A soldier who almost stepped into the water with one foot climbed up cursing.

As long as it is not from his side, anyone who appears in front of him, no matter who resists or not, cannot escape the fate of being fragmented.

The unlucky man bent down fiercely, and ran towards the inside of the pier while vomiting and crawling.

"Your Highness, shall we go to Lisbon next?"

Thinking of the old man at home who left this world suddenly one day, Zhu Zhangui felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

"After rescuing someone, just go back, accompany the old man well, and let him leave happily."

After being silent for a long time, Zhu Zhangui finally made a decision. After saving people from Lisbon, he will directly return to Daming, spend the rest of his life with his old man well, and let him leave without regret.

Of course, the main thing can't be forgotten, Daming's telegraph network is still waiting to be laid, and all the money needs to be raised by these enthusiastic Western white-skinned pigs.

If someone paid so much money, Zhu Zhangui would feel bad if he didn't go to the other party's rich land to thank him in person.

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