Chapter 299 The Grand Master of Runes
Before the Relic Prohibition
Countless magic power intertwined behind Zhang Jian, turning into a miniature samsara white hole, which circulated continuously, like circles of halos circulating, and if it exploded, it seemed to have the ability to swallow the sky and the earth.

Taoist Yellow Crane, Xing Yaozi had returned one after another at this time, and his eyes were almost stunned when he saw this scene.

It seems that Zhang Jian not only comprehended the method of breaking it, but also completely copied this ancient prohibition.

"Great master of runes?"

The real Huang He and Xing Yaozi all had this thought in their minds.

I'm afraid that using a rune master is no longer enough to describe the other party's attainments in this area.

At this time, the white hole of reincarnation that shot up into the sky behind Zhang Jian's head slowly merged into the depths of his Yangshen, and finally turned into a spell model imprint.

This magic model and the map of mountains, rivers and communities are generally matrix-style matching magic groups, which incorporate the life and death imprints, reincarnation imprints, and cycle conservation imprints that he has learned.

Zhang Jian opened his eyes.

At this moment, Daoist Huang He and Taoist Jingming couldn't help looking over.

"Xueshi Zhang, how are you?"

Taoist Jingming couldn't help but look hopeful.

Zhang Jian got up, pondered for a moment, and said for a moment: "It shouldn't be difficult to pass this method of access control!"

There was a ripple in his eyes.

This little reincarnation law of the heavens is forbidden and mysterious. If it is fully comprehended successfully, it should be an immortal law of the primordial spirit level.

And it's not just pure yang, the golden body, it may be the good fortune level primordial god immortal method.

Its power is extremely terrifying.

It's just that the extent to which you can do it with pure Yangshen consciousness is already the limit.

"It seems that I have to find a way to get a pupil technique, or a method of identification, or a magic weapon..."

Zhang Jian felt itchy in his heart.

Baoshan is right in front of you, but it can't be developed, which really makes people scratch their heads.

At this moment, seeing Daoist Huanghe, Taoist Jingming, Taoist Xingyaozi, and Taoist Dongjue looking over, Zhang Jian raised his hand, and a mana condensed into a milky white hole ring in a spiral shape. Within the prohibition of reincarnation in the heavens, a white door opened from it.

"It's done?"

Seeing this scene, Master Huang He couldn't help but take a deep look at Zhang Jian, and he couldn't help asking.

"Xueshi Zhang, have you fully mastered this forbidden law?"

Zhang Jian shook his head slightly and said, "It's less than half!"

He felt a little regretful, the lack of pupil skills dragged down his comprehension!
In fact, the way to open this little law of reincarnation in the heavens is very unique. He doesn't have any secret key, and the only way is to cultivate this magic technique.

Use magic to fight magic, use white hole to white hole, and open a channel.


He took the lead, turning into a streamer and submerging into it first.

Daoist Huang He followed closely behind, and Taoist Jingming and Taoist Dongjue also stepped into it.

The cold female cultivator Xing Yaozi stood at the end, her eyes hesitated a little, she stomped her feet slightly for a moment, and her figure turned into a stream of light and sank into it.

A moment later, everyone's figures appeared on the city pavilion in a flash.

Under the feet is a thick, solid star gold.

Xing Yaozi looked at the stars and gold flowing with a strong silver light under his feet, and his eyes had changed. Zhang Jian seemed to see that the eyes of this cold female cultivator were shining.

A city of gods made of stars and gold is of great value.

As for Master Huang He, Taoist Jingming, and Taoist Dongjue, their gazes fell on the only unopened city pavilion behind them.

"There is still a ban!"

At this time, Master Huang He spoke first.

Zhang Jian glanced at it, his expression unchanged, and said with a smile: "It's just an ordinary access control, no hindrance!"

Master Huang He thought for a while and said, "Let Xueshi Zhang do it!"

Taoist Jingming, Taoist Dongjue, and Xing Yaozi all nodded.

Zhang Jian has just proved his "professionalism" with his actual actions!
A few people are still worried about being 'fooled' and stepping into a trap.

Zhang Jian nodded lightly and stepped forward, a stream of mana flowed in his hand, instantly enveloping the entire city pavilion like a long river.

At this time, there seemed to be countless arcs of lightning jumping out of his hand, and the city pavilion was covered with layers of jumping lightning, and after a while, countless "crackling" sounds sounded.

Seeing such magnificent omens, everyone's faces were strange.

This is the common prohibition law that Zhang Jian said.

This prohibition law does not look ordinary at all!
Seeing everyone looking at him with strange expressions, Zhang Jian's eyes swept over, his expression a little dumb.

This city pavilion is indeed just a relatively common ancient prohibition method, the nine-ring cloud and thunder prohibition.

This prohibition law is also called ancient access control.

Many immortals like to use this as a gate control, which is similar to a 'door lock'.

With the attic open.

Zhang Jian took the lead in stepping into it, and Daoist Huang He, Taoist Jingming, Taoist Dongjue, and Xing Yaozi stepped in one after another.

This is an antique city pavilion.

All the layout of the pavilion is still well preserved.

The two rows of ancient cases almost exude the brilliance of stars. There are many golden coiled dragon patterns embroidered on the courtyard pillars, and the reliefs on both sides are lifelike. If you look carefully, you can hear the roars of countless beasts, gods and demons from outside the world.

But when they stepped into the city pavilion, all five of them were attracted by the table in the center of the hall.

There is a gold-plated lotus palace lantern on the table at this time, and there is a bright flame at the wick of the palace lantern, emitting a very bright light.

Looking carefully, the wick is suddenly a precious pearl.

"Bei Chenzhu?"

Daoist Huang He, Taoist Jingming, Taoist Dongjue, and Xing Yaozi all had bright eyes.

Zhang Jian glanced briefly, but his eyes fell on the side of the desk, on a mirror frame.

A shiny bronze mirror hangs above this frame.

He recognized it at a glance, it was a magic weapon, and it was an extremely powerful magic weapon.

His figure appeared in front of the frame in an instant.

Before entering this relic of the Eastern Emperor, everyone had agreed that except for the 'Beichenzhu', the magic weapon in the secret pavilion, whoever finds it will return it.

Forget about "North Star Pearl".

Zhang Jian immediately fell in love with this mirror.

Master Huang He and Xing Yaozi obviously saw Zhang Jian's movements, and their eyes flickered slightly.

There is no doubt that the treasure mirror can be erected here, obviously it is an extremely powerful treasure.

The two wanted to stop it, but when the words came to their lips, they still held back.

Not because of any affection.

In front of such treasures, no kind of affection is weak.

What can make the two of them fearful is just the various methods that Zhang Jian showed before.

Master Huang He thought of himself, even if he broke face with Zhang Jian and fought, it might not be beneficial.

Taoist Jingming and Taoist Dongjue had a very different relationship with Zhang Jian. The two of them just glanced at each other, then withdrew their thoughts and began to inspect the front of the hall.

Taoist Dongjue turned his gaze, and in a moment he noticed that there were a few ancient lamps that were always burning before the table.

She and Taoist Jingming looked at each other, and they walked to these ancient lamps within a few steps.

Bei Chenzhu couldn't escape anyway.

If the good things in this city pavilion are not collected, they will probably become other people's pockets.

Zhang Jian also saw those ancient lamps.

The lamp oil in those ancient lamps seems to be boiled from dragon baleen whale oil, which can be regarded as a rare thing!
(End of this chapter)

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