Chapter 163
Jianbi Network Technology Co., Ltd.

After Bi Jian was arrested for bribing Shengda's executives and Kang Jia left quietly, the entire Jianbi network has come to a standstill.

All the employees gathered in the office lobby, arguing endlessly with the two actual holding managers.
"What should we do? Now that Bi Jian has been arrested, the boss of Kang Jia is gone, and the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, where should we go?"

"Yes! Last month's salary hasn't been paid yet!"

"Manager Tang, Manager Zhou, let's see how to solve it!"

"Not to mention overtime pay and performance, you must give us the basic salary of [-]!"

When the operation of Jianbi Network Company was relatively stable, everyone would still endure Bi Jian's exploitation in a peaceful manner.

But now that Jianbi Network is about to go bankrupt, everyone only cares about whether they can get their last bit of interest.

2000 yuan, not too much, not too little, but the living expenses of most of them for more than a month.

"Everyone, don't worry! Don't worry! Isn't our company's salary paid on NO.15 every month? Today is only the fifth day, so be patient and wait!"

Manager Tang was a short, fat man with a big belly, panting when he spoke, and the buttons on his collar seemed to be about to burst at any moment.

While speaking, he reached out and tugged at the yellow tie, and secretly glanced at Manager Zhou beside him.

Facing so many people by himself, and they were all bombarded by young guys, he really couldn't stand it.

The tall and thin man next to him, wearing half-rimmed glasses, looked gentle and polite, and he immediately understood the look in Fatty Tang's eyes.

This is to let him unite together to delay time!

After all, the company will be forced to move out of the Pioneer Park in two days. When the time comes, they will take everything away. Where can these employees go to ask for their wages?
Isn't it a joke to ask for money once the company moves out without even signing the labor contract?

The two of them are familiar with the practice of turning faces and denying others.

"Ahem, well, let me tell you, the company has supported you for so long, and now the company is facing a crisis of operation, and they are all falling into trouble, right?"

"At this time, as long as you have a conscience, shouldn't you be in the same boat with me and Manager Tang?"

"Don't talk about spending some money to support the company, at least you have to work in peace, right? The profit of the simulated Shenhao has not yet been settled? How can we have the money to settle wages for you?"

"You are so eager to ask for it, so go to the Public Security Bureau to find the general manager, Bi Jian? Why are you arguing here?"

Manager Zhou coughed sternly twice, and immediately started yelling at everyone.

He also pretended to show a look of hatred for iron and steel, as if it was not he who owed the employees money, but the employees owed him money.

Fatty Tang had already sung the red face first, so he naturally wanted to sing the bad face at this time.

One heat and one cold will surely subdue this group of inexperienced young people.

Sure enough, Manager Zhou started speaking.

The crowd who were still making noise just now quieted down.

There were even a few honest and honest students who blushed and lowered their heads when they were told.

When they think about it, the company is facing difficulties now, and it's really not good for people like themselves to be so noisy.

There are also some people who were temporarily shocked because they were reprimanded by Manager Zhou.

Hu Shuo is worthy of being a product manager, and he is usually responsible for most of the entertainment, so he played a smooth role at this time.

"Yes, yes, there is nothing wrong with what Manager Zhou said. On weekdays, the company's big and small decisions are not made by Manager Zhou. The company is facing difficulties now, and everyone should work together to tide over the difficulties!"

Hu Shuo bowed his waist slightly, and patted Manager Zhou's flattery with a smile.

The tactic of flattering really worked for Manager Zhou, and his stern face immediately softened.

Hu Shuo observed the words and expressions, and immediately borrowed the slope to get off the donkey, with an apologetic smile on his face:
"Manager Zhou, you see, the company has difficulties, but we also have difficulties!
Most of us live on our wages every month. If we don’t get our wages this month, after two days, everyone will have a meal without a second meal. "

"You can't bear to let our employees who have worked so hard for the company go hungry, right? Everyone is eagerly waiting for you to reward you with two bites of food!"

Hu Shuo turned his head and glanced at the students behind him, but most of the students lowered their heads and did not look at him.

Even if two people glanced at him, they didn't understand what he meant by being both right and wrong.

What he meant was that the two sides came up with a compromise and each gave a step down.

It's a pity that none of these students understand the sophistication of the world.

Maybe he still thinks that Hu Shuo is so submissive, that he has lost face as a scholar.

"Well, what Manager Hu said is also right. During this period of time, everyone has put in a lot of effort. Although the company is in difficulties now, it is impossible for me, Zhou Dan, to watch everyone go hungry."

"How about this, let's pay half of this month's salary in advance to everyone? Manager Tang, what do you think?"

Zhou Dan thought for a while, and he came up with a compromise.

The rabbit will bite people when it is in a hurry. In fact, he is also afraid that the group of young people in front of him will make things worse if he is in a hurry.

Why not just follow Hu Shuo's words and appease everyone while going down the steps.

Manager Tang was originally playing the role of a good guy with a red face. Although this compromise method also requires money, it is better to pay less than all.

So he nodded with a smile and said it was okay: "I think that's the reason, so let's do what you and Hu Shuo said?"

"Later, Xiao Hu and I will go to the office and collect everyone's salary."

Hu Shuo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the two shareholders and powerful managers nodding.

Anyway, I begged for a little hard-earned money back, so I won't lose everything.

Hearing that they could get the money, the student employees below began to discuss again.

"Why is it only half?"

"Yeah, what's the difference between 1000 yuan and Baigan?"

"Hu Shuo has actually reached an agreement with the two shareholders in private, right? In fact, our part of the money has already been taken by Hu Shuo? Are you acting now?"

"Bah, keep your voice down! What nonsense are you talking about! Hu Shuo is not that kind of person!"

"Who knows! People's hearts are so close, Manager Tang and Manager Zhou are playing red and white, really think we can't see it?"

"It's good to get half of it back, so please don't talk about it..."


Everyone talked a lot, and even half of them cast strange glances at Hu Shuo from time to time.

Hu Shuo secretly clenched his fists, and a burst of anger rose in his heart.

He really didn't expect that he would take the initiative to stand up and speak for these classmates, but these people still used such gossip to talk about him!
The inferiority of human nature is fully reflected at this time.

No one dared to talk about Manager Tang and Manager Zhou who really had the right to control their salaries.

But Hu Shuo, who was also a classmate with them, dared to be suspicious in front of their faces.

"Alas..." Hu Shuo slowly let go of his clenched fists as he saw a few people who wanted to speak for him but were squeezed out by his classmates.

When he got the money, he was determined not to have anything to do with those who talked about him and slandered him.

He leaned on the workbench with a lonely expression.

(End of this chapter)

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