Water Margin people

Chapter 1036 Negotiations

Chapter 1036 Negotiations

Tongguan Mansion, a courtyard behind the house.

"Tong Xiang, there is no need to send people to test me anymore!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Tong Guan who came in and said.

"I'm not testing this, just look at this!"

Tong Guan sat down and dropped a piece of information on the table in front of Wanyan Gao.

"Sun Lei has already sent troops to the north. There are six main battle battalions plus naval forces, a total of [-] troops! These are all heading for your Kingdom of Jin."

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao and said.

Wanyan Gao frowned slightly as he looked at the information in his hand. The information was very detailed. Qi's naval forces, Ruan Xiaowu and Ni Cheng, were transporting Lin Chong and others north along the Yellow River. Such detailed information could not be fake.

"It's just an army of 3 people. Our Jin Kingdom has hundreds of thousands of troops stationed. These [-] people are not worth a cent."

Wanyan Gao put down the information and spoke.

"Thirty thousand is just the vanguard, how many more will follow?"

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao and said, Sun Lei's use of troops in this way meant that he wanted to start a war with the Kingdom of Jin.

"I, the Kingdom of Jin, are not afraid of any number of enemies, but Tokyo, the Song Dynasty, is only three or four hundred miles away from Liangshan. You, Song Taizu, have a saying that no one should be allowed to snore on the side of the bed. Isn't this distance between you a bed? Who is snoring? Haha! "

Wanyan Gao looked at Tong Guan with a smile. From this distance alone, it seemed that Da Song was the one to worry about.

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao. In the past few days, he kept changing people to negotiate with Wanyan Gao, but Wanyan Gao wouldn't let go, which made him feel quite helpless.

"Tong Xiang, there is no need to test me with these anymore. If you were Sun Lei, would you attack the Huanglong Mansion of the Jin Kingdom first or the Tokyo of the Song Dynasty first? The Huanglong Mansion is three thousand miles away!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Tong Guan. No matter what Tong Guan said, he would not change his mind. The distance of three thousand miles was the absolute barrier to Huanglong Mansion.

Hearing the words "three thousand miles away", Tong Guan's heart sank. With these words, he knew that he was completely defeated.

"Tong Xiang, don't blame me for not reminding you. If we talk now, we can still carve up Qi. Once the war really starts, everyone will have to do it according to their own abilities!"

Wanyan Gao reminded Tong Guan.

“How are you going to carve it up?”

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao and asked. He had already discussed this matter with the emperor in private. The emperor's intention was to protect the Song Dynasty's territory to the greatest extent before destroying Qi.

"Yanyun belongs to me, Dajin, and the rest belongs to you, Dasong. You won't suffer any loss!"

Wanyan Gao pointed to the north and said.

"Yan Yun can't give it to you!"

Tong Guan immediately refused. Recovering Yanyun was his lifelong dream and an important step on his way to becoming king.

"Tong Xiang, Yan Yun was supposed to belong to our Kingdom of Jin, but Sun Lei took advantage of it and took it away from us! Now we want to go back to Yan Yun, what's the problem?"

Wanyan Gao looked at Tong Guandao. Almost the entire Liao Kingdom was defeated by the Jin Kingdom. The Liao Kingdom captured the five capitals and the Jin Kingdom captured the four capitals. Just as he was preparing to go south to capture Nanjing Road, Sun Lei suddenly took action to capture Yanyun.

"Yanyun has been a part of the Central Plains since ancient times! You have never crossed Yanshan, why not stay outside Yanshan!"

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao and said.

"Tong Xiang, you Song Dynasty have no sincerity at all! If we can't make it past Yanshan, then why do we send troops south?"

Wanyan Gao saw that Tong Guan was stubborn and refused to let go, so he directly showed his cards. If he didn't give him any benefits, the Jin Kingdom would not send troops south.

"Yanyun can't give them all to you! I can give you the ones outside Juyongguan!"

Tong Guan knew that the people of Jin were greedy and would not contribute without giving benefits.

"Beyond Juyongguan are all bitter and cold places, and it is connected to Jiashan and Xixia to the west. You guys are very clever!" Wanyangao looked at Tong Guan and said, although the west of Juyongguan is considered fertile, it is not as fertile as the several states to the east. Not even a little bit worse.

Moreover, it is located between the Song Dynasty, Xixia, and Jiashan. It is a very sensitive area. If you are not careful, you will be surrounded by many people.

"That's nine states!"

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao and said, there are nine states to the west of Juyongguan.

"If you calculate it this way, the four states in the east, including Yingzhou, Pingzhou, Luanzhou, and Jingzhou, must also belong to our Golden Kingdom!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Tong Guandao.


Tong Guan refused directly. Isn't it true that the four states in the east are surrounded by Jin Mansion from two sides?
"Tong Xiang, you keep talking about Yanyun's sixteen states. These four states are not among the sixteen states. Why not? What's more, our Jin Kingdom will send troops from two directions, one way to attack Wuzhou and Ruzhou, and the other will attack This side of Yingzhou!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Tong Guandao. The Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun were just a collective name. In fact, Yanyun was very big, with more than 20 prefectures.

"Tong Xiang, we have been talking for so long. Let me tell you the truth, this is the bottom line of our Jin country. If we agree, we will send troops. If we don't agree, we will wait for the opportunity!"

Wanyan Gao speaks out.

"Okay! But the annual coins have to be reduced, 50!"

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao and said, he had to find a reason to reply to the emperor, and he needed to take some initiative.

"Okay, Tong Xiang is happy, and so am I! I agree on behalf of Daikin!"

Wanyan Gao said with a smile, it was only 50 years old coins, which was nothing compared to opening the gateway to the south.

Wanyan Gao knew the land of Yanyun very well. To the west of Juyongguan was the gateway to Hedongli in the Song Dynasty. Yingzhou and other four places were also the only way for Liaodong to enter the Central Plains.

As long as these two places are in hand, the Kingdom of Jin can go south at any time, and the rich Central Plains is just meat on the chopping board.

"Okay, I'll report it to Your Majesty right now!"

Tong Guan stood up and said.

"Tong Xiang, now that we have discussed it, should we leave? I am the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Jin. I should live in the post house so that I can meet His Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty tomorrow!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Tong Guan and said, since he came to Tokyo, he has been imprisoned in this small courtyard. Although Tong Guan is entertained with delicacies every day, he wants to go out, go around Tokyo, and find out more. news.

"Xiangguo, there is a mixed bag of people in this city. It is impossible to say that Sun Lei has the eyes and ears. If you go out, won't our cooperation be exposed?"

Tong Guan immediately rejected Wanyan Gao.

"Tong Xiang, I can disguise myself and no one will recognize me! Isn't this how you treat a guest by confining me like this?"

Wanyan Gao was a little angry when he saw that Tong Guan still refused to let him out. In the Jin Kingdom, he was one person below ten thousand people. When he came to the Song Dynasty, he didn't need to look at anyone's face. They had to negotiate some time ago, so he just He had endured it, and now that the matter was settled, he would not endure it any longer.

"The Prime Minister has misunderstood, this is not a confinement, it is just for the overall situation!"

Tong Guan explained.

"Tong Xiang, I don't want to hear this. Our Kingdom of Jin has agreed to send troops, so you can let our Kingdom of Jin attract firepower!"

Wanyan Gao stood up and said.

"This... okay, come here, take Xiang Guo to the small courtyard in Nancheng!"

Tong Guan immediately said to the guards that the post house was too conspicuous and it would be better to live in his own separate courtyard.

"Thank you very much, Tong Xiang!"

Wanyan Gao didn't refuse, as long as he could move around freely. As for the exposure, it would depend on when Tong Guan was ready to take action.

(End of this chapter)

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