Water Margin people

Chapter 1046 Impatient

"This guy!"

Liu Fa's face turned pale when he saw it. The fortress and ravine tactics he finally came up with were unexpectedly solved by a young Jurchen so quickly.

"These Jurchens are not simple!"

Zongze said, Sun Lei had planned the battle last year, and the Kingdom of Jin was caught off guard, and the Kingdom of Jin was eager to enter the decisive battle of Yanyun. Only then did they achieve a great victory. If they really fought head-on, the result would still be It's hard to say.

Wanyan Yinshu finally led his troops to the vicinity of the fortress.

"Go in and kill!"

Wanyan Yinshu can immediately attack the soldiers into the fortress.

Just as the soldiers rushed into the fortress, a fierce explosion sounded, and the fortress was blown away. The terrifying air wave directly lifted Wanyan Yinshuke and others outside.

"It's a pity that guy didn't go in!"

Liu Fa looked at Wanyan Yinshu, who was getting up in embarrassment and unsteady on his feet, but felt a little regretful. The gunpowder and bed crossbows in the fortress must be destroyed and must not be left to the enemy.

"More people need to be added to the fortresses at the back. Otherwise, if this continues, the enemy will only need to pay a few casualties to pull out all the fortresses."

Zongze said, Wanyan Yinshu took advantage of the shortcomings of the fortress's small manpower and insufficient firepower, gave up a large-scale charge to reduce casualties, and attacked with a small number of death squads.

"I'll make arrangements now!"

Liu Fa nodded and left the city. These fortresses and ravines were only to block the enemy. They were not intended to actually block the enemy, but they could not be broken down so easily.


tokyo city.

"it is good!"

Zhao Ji looked at the credential in his hand and laughed. The Jin Kingdom's credential made him very happy. Zhao Ji was so happy that he immediately asked the eunuch to prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone.


When Wanyan Gao saw that Zhao Ji was going to write the certificate of credence himself, a strange look flashed in his eyes. He knew Zhao Ji well. Apart from being an emperor, this Emperor of the Song Dynasty was also good at eating, drinking, playing, playing chess, calligraphy, painting, and poetry. , and his thin gold body is even more amazing.

With a splash of ink, the pen moved like a dragon and a snake, and a letter of national identity was written.

Zhao Ji looked at the credentials in front of him and nodded with satisfaction, took the jade seal and printed it.

After the eunuch's ink dried, he picked up the letter of credence and read it once before handing it to Wanyan Gao.

"Thank you to His Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty."

Wanyan Gao received the credentials and saluted Zhao Ji with a smile.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, the letters of credence have been exchanged. I wonder when we will send out troops?"

Zhao Ji looked at Wanyan Gao and asked, Sun Lei's Liangshan is right next to Tokyo, and he can't sleep or eat well now.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the battle in Liaodong should have already begun!"

Wanyan Gao said with a smile.

"Oh, the war has started?"

Zhao Ji was overjoyed that what he had been thinking about had actually begun.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this is just an appetizer. Our Dajin soldiers and horses will soon start a full-scale war with Qi. The war in the north is about to break out!"

Wanyan Gao saluted Zhao Ji.

"Okay, okay, Tong Guan, you must also gather your troops and send out troops soon to surround and suppress the thieves!"

Zhao Ji looked at Tong Guan and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Tong Guan saluted and received his orders.

"Go to Genyue for a banquet today!"

Zhao Ji greeted the officials with a big smile.

Naturally, all the officials did not dare to have any objections, and they were all congratulatory.

"Sending troops now?"

Sun Li frowned and thought, Zhao Ji was too hasty. The north has not yet erupted, how could they send troops here?

"General Sun, please go to the army to discuss matters tomorrow!"

Tong Guan looked at Sun Li and smiled. "It all depends on Tong Xiang's arrangements!"

Sun Li cupped his fists.

Gen Yue's banquet lasted until midnight. The emperor stayed overnight in Gen Yue's palace while the officials left.

News of the mobilization of soldiers and horses spread like wildfire, and military camps throughout Tokyo began to prepare intensively. Because they already knew that they were going to go on an expedition, the soldiers did not panic too much.

"Tong Xiang, I didn't have enough fun, why don't you go to the Jin Embassy for another drink!"

Wanyan Gao saw Tong Guan coming over and invited him with a smile.

"I can't ask for it!"

Tong Guan is not polite. He is about to send troops and must know the movements of the Jin army.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, I wonder when your general attack on the Kingdom of Jin will begin?"

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao and asked. Zhao Ji was eager to attack Liangshan, but he was unsure because the main force of Liangshan had not yet completely moved north.

"Tong Xiang, I'm in Tokyo, how can I know about things in the north? But it's just this month!"

Wan Yan Gao opened his mouth and said.

"This month? Okay!"

Tong Guan squinted his eyes and nodded. He should be able to wait until the war breaks out if he delays.

"Tong Xiang, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal! We will destroy Qi State sooner or later!"

Wanyan Gao said with a smile.

"Prime Minister Wanyan is not in a hurry."

Tong Guan glanced at Wanyan Gao. Actually, he didn't want to be in such a hurry, but the emperor urged him hard.

Tokyo City, Cao Zheng's hotel.

"Brother Shi Qian, no strangers have entered the Jin Embassy during this period!"

Zhang San said.

"Brother Sun Xin and Sister-in-law Gu also said that no one else entered the house."

Li Si said.

"No outsiders entered, so how did Wanyan Gao know the news from the north? He also had flying pigeons to deliver messages?"

Cao Zheng frowned and said, Wan Yangao accurately described the movements of the Jin Kingdom in the north. This speed could only be achieved by flying pigeons delivering messages.

"The only possibility is that they negotiated these in advance!"

Ma Lin said.

They thought that Sun Xin and Sister-in-law Gu had already brought people into the Jin embassy, ​​and Luan Tingyu was also responsible for the defense of the embassy. They would be able to know every move of the Jin people, but they were disappointed. Such an arrangement did not detect anything. road.

"What a pity these layouts are!"

Shi Qian sighed. When they found out that Tong Guan sent people to build the Jin Embassy, ​​they thought of getting involved. In those days, Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu took their guys to look for work on the streets near the embassy.

"The people of Jin are far more troublesome than we thought. These people are not ordinary barbarians!"

Ma Lin opened his mouth and said that the officials in Tokyo could easily deal with it, but the Jin people were the only ones who gave them a hard time.

"They were able to plan things before because the war didn't start, but now that the war has started, they don't have the final say in everything!"

Shi Qian said.

"What shall we do?"

Cao Zheng looked at Shi Qian and Ma Lin, it was time for them to show their strength.

"During this period, I have closely observed the movements of the army in the city, as well as the mobilization of food and grass. Didn't someone check on us last time? I will go to the military camp to make some noise at night so that they can have trouble sleeping and eating."

Shi Qian said, Tong Guan sent many people to search for them in the city.

"Those people are Wang Qing's men. I have people lead them to the military camp and let them eat dogs!"

Ma Lin said, there are always people searching for them in the city, which is very inconvenient for them to collect intelligence, so it is better to solve them all this time.

"it is good!"

Shi Qian nodded. He only needed to lure the guards out of the military camp. Many of Wang Qing's men did not have official positions, and it was easy for a group of Jianghu people to be misunderstood.

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