Water Margin people

Chapter 1051 The main force of the Jin Kingdom

In Tokyo City, the large army of soldiers marched for several days and finally left Tokyo City in batches.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, why has the war in the north shown no improvement so far?"

Tong Guan looked at Wanyan Gao and asked. Ever since the start of the Liaodong war, progress has been very slow. It is still outside Jincheng, and there is no news about the war behind the mountain.

"Tong Xiang, I have been in Tokyo. How do I know about things in the north?"

Wanyan Gao shook his head. Yan Yun was in the hands of Qi State, and Jin State's messenger could not deliver the message at all.

"Didn't you say that it had already been arranged?"

Tong Guan asked eagerly. The emperor had ordered the dispatch of troops. He was about to lead troops to Liangshan. If the war in the north did not break out, then the pressure on his side would be too great.

"Don't worry, Mr. Tong, it's only in these few days! Won't it take some time for the news to come back?"

Wanyan Gao smiled and said, although Tong Guan has sent troops, it is still early for the war. He has also seen it these days. Zhao Ji keeps urging, and Tong Guan always delays for various reasons, just because he wants to wait for the war in the north.

Shanbei, Wuzhou (Zhangjiakou).

"This grassland is so peaceful and weird!"

Lin Chong stood on Wuzhou City, looking at the grassland in the distance and murmuring. The war in Jincheng had been going on for several days, but there was no movement at all on their side.

"The Kingdom of Jin was very impatient last year. Why is it like this now? Jincheng fought for a few days and then retreated after two rounds of siege."

Yang Zhi also had a puzzled look on his face. He thought there would be a big battle, but what awaited him was that the grass was growing and the orioles were flying, and the sea was calm.

"The calmer it is, the more suspicious it is!"

Tang Bin said, it is the calmest before the storm.

"How about I take the troops out to take a look? And graze the horses by the way?"

Li Yan said, waiting all the time is not an option.

"No, to the north beyond the mountains is the grassland, where the Jin people rule."

Lin Chong shook his head and said, the Jin cavalry is the main combat force, and fighting on the grassland is the Jin people's home field.

After dark, Ma Ling hurriedly came to Wuzhou.

"Taoist Master Ma, we have discovered the enemy's main force!"

Lin Chong and others knew Ma Ling was back and asked quickly.

"Coach Lin, the enemy is not outside Wuzhou, they are in Xuandezhou, and they seem to want to attack Datong Prefecture!"

Ma Ling said directly.

"Datong Mansion!"

Lin Chong and others' expressions changed. Wuzhou was the front line of Yanyun Mountain's Northern Kyushu, but the scope of Northern Kyushu was too large, and Datong Prefecture to the west was still south of Wuzhou.

"This is to cut off the nine states in the north of the mountain. If they capture Datong Prefecture, Yingzhou, Huanzhou, and Shuozhou will not be protected. The enemy can then bypass Wuzhou and go directly to Juyong Pass, or they may go south directly to Yanmen Pass."

Yang Zhi immediately said, Datong Mansion is the central area of ​​Shanbei Kyushu. If the enemy takes it, Shanbei Kyushu will be divided into two.

"Master Ma, what are the enemies over there in Xuande County?"

Lin Chong looked at Ma Ling and asked.

"Wanyan Wu Qimai personally led the team, with Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Lou Shi as the vanguard."

Ma Ling replied.

"Let's do this. I will take Yang Zhi, Yuan Lang, and Feng Tai to Datong Mansion. Tang Bin and Li Yan will continue to garrison Wuzhou! This is the closest pass to Xijin Mansion in Jiuzhou, Shanbei. If the enemy wants to attack Xijin Mansion, they will never do it. I will give up attacking this place!"

Lin Chong looked at Tang Bin and Li Yan and said.

"Okay, the two of us will guard Wuzhou!"

Tang Bin and Li Yao cupped their fists.

After everything was arranged, Lin Chong and the others quickly headed towards Datong Mansion with their troops.


"Your Majesty, Datong Mansion is to the south!" Wanyan Zonghan pointed to Hongtao Mountain in the south and said with a smile.

"The Great Wall is quite dilapidated!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said with a smile, last year they once captured Datong Mansion, but in the end Sun Lei took advantage of it. However, the Great Wall on Hongtao Mountain is still so dilapidated, which shows that the people in Liangshan have no sense of defense at all. More than half a year has passed, and the Great Wall has not even been repaired.

"The people in the south are cowardly and do not deserve such good land. It is a good time for us to rule the Central Plains!"

Wanyan Loushi said with a smile.

"Report, a large number of enemies have entered Datong Mansion!"

A sentinel came on horseback to report.

"There are a large number of enemies. Who is the leader? How many soldiers and horses are there?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai asked with a frown.

"The banner includes the Minister of War, Ling Lin Chong, the Minister of War, Yang Zhi, the Minister of War, Yuan Lang, and the Minister of War, Feng Tai. There are about [-] soldiers and horses!"

The sentry rider quickly replied.

"Lin Chong! Order of the Minister of War? Why so fast?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai frowned and started thinking. After the war last year, he had people collect information about Liangshan. He naturally knew who Lin Chong was. What made him wonder was that Lin Chong was not in Wuzhou. Why did he come to Datong Mansion so quickly? .

"Your Majesty, it seems that the enemy has spies sneaking in!"

Wanyan Loushi said, their actions were very covert, and not many people even in the Jin Kingdom knew their whereabouts. How could they be predicted by the enemy?

"There must be spies. Didn't we also send spies to Yanyun?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said, the reason why they chose to attack Datong Mansion was because the defense here was weak. In fact, the defenses in the entire Shanbei Jiuzhou were not very strong. After Sun Lei occupied this place, he used strong walls to clear the field. There was no one outside the city, and there were only a few people in the city. The defenders are missing.

"The whole army is advancing quickly! Let's go meet Lin Chong for a while!"

Wanyan Wu Qibuy waved his hand and ordered.

With shouts and shouts, the Jin cavalry rushed towards Datong Mansion quickly.

At Datong Mansion.

"Fortunately, Taoist Master Ma's news was timely, otherwise Datong Mansion would be in danger."

Lin Chong looked at the dark Jin cavalry charging towards them and sighed, Ma Ling's information was too timely.

"That's the imperial flag, Wanyan Wu is begging to buy it!"

Yang Zhi pointed to the dragon knight in the middle of the cavalry and said.

"Is this considered a personal expedition by the imperial commander?"

Yuan Lang stared at Wanyan Wu who was riding a horse under the dragon banner to beg for money. Last year Yue Fei ambushed and killed Wanyan Aguda. Although after investigation, it was found that Wanyan Aguda was already terminally ill. Yue Fei only accelerated Wanyan Aguda's death, but this It does not affect the recording of Yue Fei's military exploits.

"Are you thinking about it?"

Lin Chong looked at Yuan Lang and said with a smile.

"If Wanyan Wu can be killed for begging, the Jin Kingdom will probably fall into civil strife within a few years!"

Yuan Lang said, Wanyan Aguda's death seemed to have passed, but Wanyan Wu's position as a beggar was not secure. If Wanyan Wu begged to die suddenly again, the inheritance of the Jin Kingdom would fall into civil strife.

"It's not that simple. Look at these cavalry, they number [-]!"

Lin Chong shook his head and said, this time the Jin Kingdom came with heavy troops.

"What if the enemy bypasses Datong Mansion?"

Fengtai suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at Fengtai, a strong man who rarely spoke.

"These two mountains cannot stop the enemy at all. Datong Mansion is an isolated city, and the enemies are all cavalry. It is entirely possible to bypass Datong Mansion!"

Fengtai continued to say that the Hongtao Mountain and Cailiang Mountain in front of him stood like a figure of eight in the north of Datong Mansion. They could not act as an effective barrier and could not stop the enemy's march.

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