Water Margin people

Chapter 1055 Yue Fei’s Special Forces

"How come the enemies have all gone to Datong Mansion, and there are no people here in Wuzhou!"

Li Yan complained. The battle situation in Datong Mansion had been reported back. Compared to the fierce fighting there, there was no movement on their side.

"Wanyan Wu Qimai personally led the troops. It seems that that side is the main direction of attack!"

Tang Bin frowned and said, they did not expect Wanyan Wu to beg for a royal chariot to go on a personal expedition. Now the pressure on Datong Mansion is extremely high.

"Should we do something? The Jin Kingdom is building a dam on the river and it will flood Datong Mansion. We can't just watch!"

Li Yan looked at Tang Bin and said.

"You can't do anything if you go to Datong Mansion now. Wanyan Wu begged for [-] troops to guard the mountains. We couldn't do anything in the past."

Tang Bin shook his head and said, he also wanted to support, but the current situation is that even if they go to support, it will be useless.

"Then why not report it to His Majesty and see if he has any plans?"

Li Yan immediately said that in his eyes Sun Lei was omnipotent.

"Well, Fei Ge Chuan Shu will meet in Liangshan City!"

Tang Bin nodded and said, it will take at least half a month for the Jin Kingdom to block the river and build the dam to be effective.

The homing pigeon took off from Wuzhou, crossed the Taihang Mountains and headed towards Liangshan.

To the north of Dulong Mountain, Yue Fei finally reached the top of the mountain. Along the way, he climbed mountains and ridges, waded across rivers, and was chased and intercepted. Now only a few people around him are left.

"Junior brother, it's not too late to admit defeat now!"

Lu Zhishen looked at the embarrassed Yue Fei and smiled. At this time, Yue Fei was covered in mud, covered with leaves and broken branches, and he looked like a clay figure.

At this time, Lu Zhishen was sitting under the flag, with a thousand elite soldiers arrayed around him, surrounding the flag in the center.

Yue Fei was a little discouraged. He had worked hard to get through the defense line of tens of thousands of people, but now he only had a few soldiers around him. Opposite him, Lu Zhishen was waiting for work and there were a thousand elites. How could he fight?
"General, fight them!"

Several soldiers around Yue Fei gritted their teeth and said that their entire team was constantly being captured along the way. They were able to get here because of Pao Ze's "trust with life". Now that the flag is right in front of them, how can they give up? ?


Yue Fei glanced at the flag but didn't show any force. They had no chance of winning if they rushed over like this.

"Want to go?"

Lu Zhishen saw Yue Fei's intention, and just when he was about to order a siege, Yue Fei took the lead and hid in the forest.

"Hide in the dark!"

Lu Zhishen laughed when he saw Yue Fei and others disappearing. Yue Fei was much calmer and knew how to hide in the dark to look for opportunities.

"Cut down all the trees around here!"

Lu Zhishen pointed to the surrounding trees and said to the soldiers, the existence of these trees is to give Yue Hei an opportunity.

The soldiers swung their axes, and the surrounding trees fell down, and soon the entire top of the mountain was bare.

"Master Lu is too difficult to deal with!"

In the woods at the foot of the mountain, Yue Fei frowned as he watched the trees on the top of the mountain being cut down. He originally wanted to hide in the tree crown after dark and approach quietly, but now that the trees have been cut down, they would be discovered as soon as they appeared.

"General, what should we do?"

The soldiers around Yue Fei were all anxious. They had not slept well for five days and five nights. The continuous high-intensity battles made them exhausted physically and mentally. They thought they would win the final victory, but what they faced turned out to be despair.


Yue Fei stared at the top of the mountain not far away. He must win the first battle of the special forces!

"General, there is nothing we can do!"

Several soldiers had a look of defeat on their faces. They were already thinking of giving up and just wanted to give it a last try.

"Cheer up! I am here because of the efforts of many brothers. How can I face those brothers if I give up now!"

Yue Fei slapped the people in front of him fiercely, and everyone plucked up their courage as they recalled the Paoze brothers who had protected them.

"Have a good rest, we'll talk about everything at night!" Yue Fei comforted several people. They had been running through the blockade for five days and nights, and now they could finally take a breath.

On the top of the mountain, Lu Zhishen sat under the flagpole, with a table of wine and food in front of him. He held the wine bowl and started drinking.

"Privy Master Lu, why don't we recruit people to search the mountain?"

A soldier looked at Lu Zhishen and said, there are only 1000 people on their side, which is not enough to search the mountain. If they leave rashly, it will give the enemy an opportunity.

"It's too slow. Yue Fei made a fuss in Xishan yesterday and all the troops were lured over. Now if he wants to recall him, he will have to wait until at least tomorrow, and he will take action tonight!"

Lu Zhishen took a sip of wine and said, Yue Fei will not wait for him to gather the army, tonight is the decisive battle.

"Arrange for inspections!"

Lu Zhishen ordered to the soldiers beside him that Yue Fei would definitely attack at night.

As night fell, a bonfire was lit on the top of the mountain, and the fire illuminated the entire top of the mountain.

Yue Fei was watching everything on the top of the mountain from a tree outside.

"Change a shift in an hour!"

Yue Fei murmured. After observing for a long time, he summarized the patrol routes and shift times of the people on the top of the mountain.

In the middle of the night, Yue Fei led people to a wood accumulation area, where most of the trees cut down on the top of the mountain were piled.

Taking advantage of the patrol team that had just changed their shift, Yue Fei and others who were lying in the branches immediately jumped out and subdued the patrolling people.

"Don't make a sound. According to the rules, you are dead!"

Yue Fei put an unopened dagger on the patrolling soldier's neck, and the patrolling soldier nodded silently.

"Change clothes."

Yue Fei immediately led his men to change into the clothes of patrol soldiers, and then continued patrolling as if nothing had happened.


After wandering around for a while, just as Yue Fei was about to approach the flagpole, a group of soldiers stopped him.

Yue Fei, whose face was full of stains, was not recognized by the soldiers. Yue Fei did not answer hastily, but looked at Lu Zhishen who was sitting and drinking under the flagpole.

"on fire!"

Waves of shouts rang out from all directions, and flames instantly surrounded the top of the mountain.

At the moment when the soldiers were distracted, Yue Fei moved, and slashed the bodies of the people in front of him with the blunt knife in his hand, declaring the "death" of these people.

Yue Fei didn't hesitate at all, and rushed towards the flagpole with his sword in hand.

"Junior brother, you chose your time well!"

Lu Zhishen slapped the table in front of him with his palm, and the table moved directly and hit Yue Fei.

Yue Fei kicked forward, blocking the moving table.

"I'm going to fix the flagpole!"

Yue Fei looked at the flagpole behind Lu Zhishen.

"Then you have to pass my test!"

Lu Zhishen held the water mill Zen staff and laughed and said.

"Don't come here, this is a battle between me and Yue Fei!"

When Lu Zhishen saw that the surrounding soldiers were gathering around him, he shouted that Yue Fei could distract the soldiers' attention and reach the flagpole, which was enough to gain his recognition.

When the soldiers heard Lu Zhishen's words, they surrounded the two men, preparing to watch the duel between the Privy Envoy and the Minister of War.

"I had guessed that you came here in disguise. Yes, you also know how to light a fire to attract attention!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Yue Fei with a smile.

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