Water Margin people

Chapter 1057 The Liao army clamped in the mountains

Tokyo, Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty, the war in Datong Mansion has begun. Our Majesty, the King of Jin Kingdom, is going to conquer the Qi Kingdom in person!"

Wanyan Gao smiled and reported to Zhao Ji that the war in Datong Mansion had spread throughout the world.

"Good good!"

Zhao Ji was overjoyed. The fact that Wanyan Wu begged for money and was willing to go on a personal expedition showed the determination of the Jin State and dispelled the last worries of Zhao Ji and others.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, I am hosting a banquet in Genyue today, you must come!"

Zhao Ji looked at Wanyan Gao and said with a smile, he likes to hold banquets when he is happy, so naturally such a big happy event today will be even more grand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wanyan Gao smiled and bowed before leaving.

"Send someone to inform Tong Guan and ask him to attack Liangshan quickly!"

Zhao Ji looked at the officials again and said.

"Your Majesty, please wait a little longer. There was just a battle in Datong Mansion. There was no full-scale fighting between Jin and Qi. If Tong Xiangruo sends troops at this time, he may have to face the main force of Qi."

Zuo Sijian, whose beard and hair were all white, saluted and said.

"Wanyan and Wu Qimai have gone to the front line in person, what other questions are there?"

Zhao Ji was displeased, as his just improved mood was ruined again.

"Your Majesty, over at Datong Mansion, the Jin Kingdom is preparing a water attack. This matter is time-consuming and labor-intensive and cannot be effective within half a month. At this time, the main force of the Qi Kingdom has not yet gone north, so it is not the best time to attack!"

Chen Guan cupped his fists and said to Zhao Ji.

"Don't say any more, just hurry up!"

Zhao Ji waved his sleeves and left. He didn't want to hear this now.


Losing their youthfulness, but wearing warm clothes and blooming flowers, herdsmen still drive their cattle and sheep northward. They need to reach the northernmost grasslands for grazing in summer, and then come back in autumn.

This time the drive of cattle, sheep and horses was not very smooth, because they were all old, weak, women and children, and it took a long time before heading north.

clip mountain.

"These Jurchen slaves! They all deserve to die!"

Yelu Yanxi said with a frosty face that he had received news that the new emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Wanyan Wu Qimai, was leading troops to attack Datong Mansion.

"Your Majesty, I will invite you to fight!"

All the generals around Yelu Yanxi were clasping their fists and asking for battle. Life in Jiashan was not easy. The harsh mountains and rivers here, and the poor situation were difficult for the Khitan warriors who were used to enjoying themselves.

"Report, Your Majesty, Xuande Province has begun grazing northward!"

An official came to report the incident.

"Herding? Didn't Wanyan Wu Qingbuy transfer all the young men of Xuandezhou to the front line?"

Yelu Yanxi frowned and asked. He had also heard about the battle in Datong Mansion. Wanyan Wu Qimai was preparing for a water attack and mobilized a large number of young men in Xuandezhou to go to the front line.

"They are old, weak, women and children going to herd!"

Official reports.

"Old, weak, women and children grazing? Okay, okay, follow me to hunt!"

Yelu Yanxi laughed and said that he loved hunting the most, and now the old, weak, women and children grazing herds were his prey.

"Kill kill kill!"

The soldiers who were hungry and full roared loudly. Hunting meant that they could have a full meal and get a lot of supplies, and maybe even a whole year's worth of food.

Yelu Yanxi quickly led tens of thousands of troops out of Jiashan and killed the herdsmen heading north on the grassland.

At the same time, Wuzhou.

Tang Bin and Li Yan also had the same idea. They were also eyeing the group of herdsmen going north. They didn't dislike any number of cattle, sheep and horses.

From Wuzhou, you will reach the endless grassland of Bashang after leaving the Dama Mountains.

"Sentry Cavalry Release Thirty Miles!"

Tang Bin immediately ordered: The grassland is endless and unobstructed, and the army cannot hide at all.

The Sentinels quickly dispersed.

"According to the grassland grazing habits, they probably won't come to the Bashang grassland to graze so early. They probably cut the grass and store it for the winter!"

Li Yan looked at Tang Bin and said, "There are rules for grazing. The grass nearby is cut and stored, and the grass far away is grazed directly, so that you can survive the winter."

"They are now young and strong at the dam, and women and children are going to graze. Where are the people to cut the grass? They probably want to wait until the war in Datong Prefecture is over." Tang Bin shook his head and said, the grassland people's rules are that the young are grazing, and the women and children are cutting the grass. Now there are many people. I’m so nervous that I can no longer follow the routine.

The army marched north for a day, and the sentry cavalry successfully detected the location of the herdsmen's strength.

"99 Spring? It's a bit far!"

Tang Bin frowned and looked to the west, where 99 Spring was located, more than a hundred miles away from them.

"Yes, we have to pass through Baishui Lake! These people are smart. These places are undoubtedly not fertile places with water and grass."

Li Xuan said.

"Go first!"

Tang Bin waved his hand. Since he found the target, he had to go and take a look.

More than 1 cavalrymen quickly galloped away to the west.

One day later, the army arrived near Baishuiluo.

"What's going on? Why are you all running here?"

Tang Bin and Li Yan found that their target was quickly approaching Baishuilu.

"General, the Liao army has left Jiashan and is plundering these herdsmen."

The sentinels came to report.

"This Yelu Yanxi is very courageous. He left Jiashan so quickly and the army quickly looted!"

Tang Bin smiled without any hesitation. At this time, he should quickly win the victory!
The army lined up and directly surrounded all the herdsmen near Baishuiluo.

"It's quite a lot!"

Tang Bin was overjoyed when he saw the captured cattle, sheep and horses, which amounted to 10,000+.

"General, enemy!"

The soldiers pointed to the west, where the Liao cavalry was approaching quickly.


Tang Bin waved his hand. He could no longer avoid it. This was also a plain, so he could only block it with military formations.

"How can there be enemies!"

Yelu Yanxi frowned as he looked at the army beside Baishuiluo in the distance. His sentries said there were no enemies.

"Your Majesty, those are the Qi army!"

Soon someone recognized who the enemy in front of them was.

"Qi State? Those bandits in Liangshanbo? They all deserve to die!"

When he heard that it was the Liangshan army, Yelu Yanxi's face twisted. It was because of Liangshan's sneak attack that the Liao Kingdom lost the Nanjing Road. Liangshan and he also had national enemies.

"Kill me!"

Yelu Yanxi gave an order, and the army rushed directly towards the Liangshan army formation.

"Prepare the bow and crossbow!"

When Li Yan saw the enemy cavalry charging towards him, he roared and the infantrymen straightened their bows and fired arrows.

"Cavalry formation!"

Tang Bin also shouted orders.


Seeing that the enemy was approaching, Li Yan directly ordered the crossbows to fire.


At the same time, Tang Bin also led his troops to charge out.

Yelu Yanxi had been short of food and clothing in Jiashan for the past two years, and he had no weapons or armor. At this time, the army was wearing animal skins and had no defense.

Strong bows and crossbows have always been the nemesis of light cavalry, not to mention the defenseless Yelu Yanxi army. As soon as the arrows arrived, the cavalry fell down one after another.


Tang Bin also led his troops to fight against each other at this time. His army had neat armor and sharp weapons. The two armies collided together. The Qi army was so powerful that it directly smashed the Liao country into pieces.


At this time, Li Yan also led his troops to charge. The two armies were facing each other and their crossbows could no longer be used. (End of chapter)

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