"You want to go overland?"

Zhang Shun looked at Yue Fei and asked, is this place still far away from Huanglong Mansion?

"Well, look at these Koreans, I just interrogated them, and Hun Tongjiang has been blocked by the Jin people!"

Yue Fei pointed at the Korean in front of him and said.

"I'd better leave some people in Yalu Water. You can evacuate from here after you succeed!"

Zhang Shun said that after Yue Fei succeeded in the sneak attack, he would definitely need to find a safe route to evacuate.

"it is good!"

Yue Fei nodded, picked up his equipment and led his troops into the mountain.

"I'm so impatient!"

Zhang Shun shook his head helplessly, and took the remaining dozens of Korean prisoners along the Yalu River to the Bohai Sea.



"Boom boom boom!"

Waves of violent explosions sounded in the mountains of Dama, and the Qi and Jin armies began to bombard each other directly.

"Where can these Jurchens get so much gunpowder?"

Li Yan patted the dust on his body and spat, saying that the newly arrived Wan Yanchang army's firepower configuration was quite ferocious, and they fought with them for two hours as soon as they arrived.

"Fortunately, we can rely on the mountains of Malaysia. Wuzhou City cannot withstand this kind of bombing."

Tang Bin looked at the rows of trebuchets on the Bashang grassland and realized that the Kingdom of Jin had really prepared a lot for this battle.

Rounds of bombardment continued, but the Qi army staying on the mountain clearly had the advantage of the terrain.

The bombardment continued until dark before the two armies stopped and retreated.

"Commander, there don't seem to be many enemies!"

Wanyan Zongqian looked at Wanyanchang and said, after this battle, they also roughly figured out the situation of Wuzhou's defenders. The defenders did not exceed [-].

"These people guard the terrain every time. It's not easy for us to break the city!"

Wan Yanchang looked at the Dama Mountains and said, if they want to attack Jinfu, they must cross the Dama Mountains and enter the Basia Grassland, conquer Wuzhou and capture Juyong Pass, but now they can't go up to the Dama Mountains.

"Commander, let's not attack Wuzhou, go directly to Datong Mansion, and then sneak attack Wuzhou from the rear!"

Wanyan Zongwang suggested that it would be difficult for Wuzhou to attack from the front, so their best option would be to change the direction of attack.

"Let's wait until His Majesty returns!"

Wanyanchang nodded. The reason why they appeared and attacked Wuzhou was to cover Wanyanwu's begging. Now Wanyanwu was escorting Yelu Yanxi to Xuandezhou. Now is the critical moment.

Datong Prefecture.

"Oh, I really can't find any flaws!"

Yang Zhi and Yuan Lang returned to the city with their troops and horses, and said helplessly that they had been out for two days, but except for the successful raid on the first day, they had no results after that.

"Your Majesty has written a letter, asking us to withdraw. Not only us, but the defenders of Wuzhou will also withdraw. All the soldiers and civilians of Jiuzhou in the north of Shanbei will withdraw into the pass!"

Lin Chong looked at Yang Zhi and Yuan Lang with an order and said.

"Retreat now?"

Yang Zhi was a little puzzled. It was still early for the enemy's water attack to take effect. They could still hold on for at least half a month.

"There is no need to insist. Wan Yanchang is now leading an army of [-] to the north of Wuzhou. It will be detrimental to us if we continue to fight!"

Lin Chong said.

"Another [-] troops came to Wuzhou?"

Only then did Yang Zhi realize that something was wrong. Datong Prefecture and Wuzhou could not stop a hundred thousand troops.

"So it is safest for us to withdraw into Juyongguan and stop quietly."

Lin Chong said.

"We're going back now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight!"

Yuan Lang was a little worried. It would not be easy to come out after entering Juyong Pass.

"Brother Yuan Lang, how did the Jurchens enter the customs last year?"

Lin Chong said with a smile.


Yuan Lang's eyes lit up. The Jurchens could cross Yanshan Mountain in winter. Now it was almost summer. It was not easy for them to cross the mountain.

"This move should be about retreating in order to advance, right?" Yuan Lang looked at Lin Chong with a smile. It seemed that they were retreating in a row, but in fact they lost nothing. Instead, they succeeded in luring the enemy deeper. When they attack Zhongjing Road, they will give the female A real punch.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Chong smiled and nodded.

"But should you teach those people a lesson before you leave?"

Yang Zhi pointed to the enemy on Baishan Mountain in the distance.

"Any ideas?"

Lin Chong looked at Yang Zhi and asked.

"I have observed the enemy's formation on Hongtao Mountain. They placed the iron pagoda in front, with light cavalry on the left and right, and the food and grass behind Baishan Mountain! I think we can use a small group of soldiers and horses to burn their food and grass, and then retreat from Cailiang Mountain .”

Yang Zhi pointed to Cailiang Mountain in the distance, which was the best way to retreat.

"Okay, let's go tonight, I'll ask the army to help cover it!"

Lin Chong nodded.

That night, Lin Chong, Yuan Lang, and Fengtai suddenly left the city with their army and launched a fierce attack on the Jin Kingdom's forward positions.

"Quick, stop the enemy!"

Wanyan Zonghan looked at the enemy's fierce attack, and he saw that the enemy's target was the dam.

"There are too many enemies, we can't stop them from the front!"

The soldiers rushed to report.

"Iron floating map!"

Wanyan Zonghan immediately ordered Tiefu Tu to kill him.

"Why did you suddenly come out to fight tonight?"

Wanyan Zonghan looked at the enemies in the distance. Originally, the enemies in Hongtao Mountain left today, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they came to attack as soon as it got dark.

"It's normal for the enemy to attack by force. Our dam is about to be built! The enemy is desperate and is going to come out and fight."

The soldier next to him spoke.

"What do you know? If you have to fight hard, you should have fought a few days ago. Those people in Hongtao Mountain will not leave today!"

Wanyan Zonghan looked at the generals around him and said, "It's not strange for the enemy to fight hard, but it is strange to fight hard at this time."

"The enemy must have other motives! The light cavalry are in formation, ready to fight at any time!"

Wanyan Zonghan ordered to the people around him that the enemy's offensive was very fierce, but it was not advancing very fast, which made him vigilant.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded from behind.

Wanyan Zonghan looked back and saw only a fire behind him.

"Grain and grass! The enemy's target is our food, grass and baggage!"

Wanyan Zonghan roared and led his troops to the rear. He now knew why the enemy stormed the frontal position so late at night. This was to attract their attention.

Unfortunately, by the time Wanyan Zonghan led his troops to the rear of Baishan Mountain, it was already a scorched earth, and the food and grass of the Jin army had been burned to the ground.

"Kill with me!"

All the generals opened their eyes angrily and chased him with their troops and horses.

Wanyan Zonghan looked at the burned food and grass, but suppressed his anger. Now anger would not help, he must stabilize the situation.

"General, the enemy has retreated!"

A soldier pointed to the battlefield in front. The enemy had retreated.


Wanyan Zonghan looked back.

"Instruction, all armies should be stationed at various points according to their assigned rows, and no action should be taken rashly!"

Wanyan Zonghan ordered that it was still dark now and he was not going to take revenge. He would wait until daybreak to discuss everything.

"Where is Your Majesty?"

Wanyan Zonghan looked at the soldiers beside him and asked.

"We can reach Xuande in one day!"

Soldiers report.

"Well, report the news here to His Majesty!"

Wanyan Zonghan nodded, the situation here must be reported back first.

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