"This can't go on like this. We have to ask Tong Xiang for help!"

Yang Keshi looked at the crowd and said, Tong Guan still has hundreds of thousands of troops there. If Tong Guan is willing to send troops to help, they can still rely on their numerical advantage to get around.

"Well, send someone there!"

Wang Zhen nodded. He actually didn't want to send troops to ask for help so early. He only stayed there for one day.

Everyone was silent for a moment. It was not shameful to ask for help. Who would defend the city without asking for help? After all, a city alone cannot be defended. But asking for help after defending it for a day would be a bit unreasonable.

"Your Majesty, are you still attacking the city?"

Wang Jin looked at Sun Lei and asked. The artillery had retreated and they needed to rest for at least one to two hours.

"No, let them rest and continue tomorrow! I'll see how many days they can resist!"

Sun Lei shook his head. Today's attack on the city was enough. The defenders in the city were already frightened. There was no need to continue to exert pressure. Let the enemy relax before continuing. This would quickly crush the enemy psychologically and break the morale of the army.

The armies of Yang Weizhong and Han Shizhong, who had retreated all the way to the Yellow River north of Zhencheng, finally stopped.

"General Yang, the enemy is not chasing us!"

Li Ming gasped and reported.

"How are the casualties among the soldiers?"

Yang Weizhong looked at Li Ming and Zhao Ming and asked.

"This...the soldiers haven't gathered yet, but the casualties are probably four to five thousand!"

Zhao Ming lowered his head and said, it was still dark at this time, the soldiers were all scattered when they fled, and it would be impossible to count them unless they gathered together.

But Zhao Ming also knew in his heart that even if it was daybreak, it was difficult to estimate the amount of damage. Not to mention the casualties, there were many missing.

"Han Shizhong, what's going on over there?"

Yang Weizhong looked at Han Shizhong. He had not seen Wang Yuan so far, which made him a little worried.

Han Shizhong explained the situation in detail, and Yang Weizhong frowned when he heard it. According to Han Shizhong, the enemy had already been prepared for their large army. Whether it was a sneak attack on Huhe Town or a sneak attack on the rear of the front army, the enemy would not expect it. among.

"Alas, defeated!"

Yang Weizhong looked at the bright sky and sighed. He had been on the battlefield for many years and was experienced in battles. Today's battle made him feel powerless.

Recalling Lu Zhishen's words, Yang Weizhong suddenly felt that Lu Zhishen didn't seem to be lying. Lu Zhishen really didn't want to go on a killing spree, otherwise he could have set up an ambush and caught them all.

"General, what should we do? The artillery fire in Zhencheng has stopped for a while, is that possible?"

Li Ming pointed in the direction of Zhencheng. The artillery stopped when they withdrew. He was worried that Zhencheng would be broken.

"Probably not yet. We haven't seen the Zhencheng defenders so far, and General Wang is not defeated so easily!"

Han Shizhong firmly believed that Zhencheng was still in his hands.

"At dawn, gather the soldiers and set up camp here!"

Yang Weizhong looked at the crowd and ordered, this is by the Yellow River, more than thirty miles away from Zhencheng, it can be considered as support to Zhencheng.


After receiving the order, everyone dispersed. The army was scattered and it was not easy to gather them together.



"Why didn't the enemy come to attack the city today?"

Li Kui rubbed his ax impatiently against the masonry. The blade of the ax shone with cold light. During this period, hundreds of enemies had died on his axe.

Li Kui liked the enemy's attack on the city very much. He watched from the city gate. When the enemy was exhausted and wanted to leave, he rushed out with his heavy armored infantry. Killing the enemy was as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

"You've already killed four times. No matter how stupid the enemy is, they won't keep giving away their lives, right?"

Bao Xu looked at Li Kui and smiled and said, Li Kui is addicted to killing.

"Where are they? Where have they gone?"

Li Kui looked around, but Lin Chong and others did not show up today.

"They must have gone to discuss military affairs!"

Xiang Chong said, the enemy has been fighting very strangely recently, recruiting a lot of servant troops, and even saw soldiers and horses from the Liao Kingdom among them, and the way they fought was to ignore the life and death of the servant troops.

"Then why didn't you call me!"

Li Kui immediately puffed up his beard and glared. He was the Minister of the Ministry of War, so he naturally had to participate in military discussions.

"What can you do if you go? Aren't you just fast asleep? Have you forgotten about the snoring in the last meeting?"

Xiang Chong looked at Li Kui with contempt. “Why did we end up with such a general?”

Li Gong also looked sad for his misfortune and angry at him.

"Get out! I'm your superior officer!"

Li Kui was furious. It was not easy for him to live up to his official addiction, but he was despised by officials younger than him.

"Tieniu, what are you shouting about?"

Lin Chong and others walked to Juyongguan.

"Don't call me during the meeting!"

Li Kui pointed at Lin Chong and Gongsun Sheng at the front and shouted, as if he had been wronged.

"What's the use of calling you? You don't understand either!"

Lin Chong said with a smile, everyone knows who Li Kui is.

"Okay, Brother Ma Ling has found out that the enemy has gone to Daizhou, captured Yanmen Pass, and entered Hedong. As for Wan Yanchang, they are currently arrayed outside the pass."

Gongsun Sheng looked at Li Kui and said.

"What do you mean?"

Li Kui scratched his head and had no idea what Gongsun Sheng was talking about.

"It means that the enemy has changed their fighting style. They will not attack Juyong Pass, but will divert to Hedong Road!"

Gongsun Sheng sighed and said that it was very difficult to talk to Li Kui.

"Taoist Master Gongsun, what should we do?"

Bao Xu looked at Gongsun Sheng and asked, if the enemy doesn't attack Juyong Pass, then they will have no battle.

"The new reinforcements will be stationed in Zhuozhou to prevent the enemy from going east from Daizhou and taking Jinpo Pass to Yizhou to attack us!"

Gongsun Sheng said.

"That's their business, what should we do here?"

Li Kui didn't want to think so much. He only thought about what to do at Juyongguan.

"Fight out. If Wan Yanchang doesn't come, we'll get out!"

Lin Chong pointed to the west and said, since the enemy does not come to cause trouble, then they should go to the enemy to cause trouble.

"Haha, I'll take the lead then!"

Li Kui immediately fought for the position of vanguard.

"Tieniu, it's not your turn this time. The enemy is on the plain. How can you catch up with him?"

Yang Zhi looked at Li Kui with a smile. Heavy armored infantry was not suitable for fighting cavalry on the plains.

"This time Yang Zhi and Tang Bin are the main ones, and you and Fengtai are the assistants! In addition, Li Yan will cooperate with you!"

Lin Chong said.

"Why do you need their cooperation? I will kill them myself!"

Li Kui said angrily like a child fighting for a toy.

"Tieniu, are you disobeying me?"

Lin Chong's expression turned cold and he put a hand on Li Kui's shoulder.

Li Kui felt a huge force on his shoulders, and his body became shorter.

When Li Kui looked at Lin Chong again, he no longer dared to speak loudly. Lin Chong usually greeted people with a smile and was kind to everyone, but don't forget that he was once the instructor of the 800,000-strong Forbidden Army, so what if he didn't have a little dignity? He was able to train the imperial army, but now that his majesty is revealed, Li Kui, a barbaric man, is like a mouse in front of a cat.

"The strategy of going out this time is very important. Yang Zhi and Tang Bin will fight the enemy with cavalry. Your heavy armored infantry must maintain their formation and advance slowly."

"Fengtai's Mo Dao team will be with you, and Li Yan will hide in the center with his crossbowmen. Yuan Lang and I will lead the troops to respond."

Lin Chong looked at Li Kui and warned him.

"Where to fight?"

Li Kui muttered and asked.

"The enemy's cavalry comes and goes like the wind, but the baggage and grain cannot move away! Those are your targets! Destroying the enemy's baggage and grain is far more useful than killing the enemy."

Lin Chong said with a smile that the enemy divided their forces and this was a good time for them to advance.

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