Water Margin people

Chapter 1100 Open up a new battlefield

"Although this method is good, it is a bit difficult to deal with now. After all, our opponents have Xixia, and they can continue to increase their troops, which is not so beneficial to us!"

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said, although they were relying on Yan Yun, they were actually on an expedition. Soldiers, food, grass, and equipment all needed to be transported from Liangshan.

"But we can't just watch the enemy go south like this!"

Lu Zhishen said, if they do nothing, the enemy will soon occupy Hedong Road. At that time, the enemy can attack eastward into Hebei, southward to the Central Plains, or westward into Guanzhong, and then there will be trouble.

"It's been a while since Yue Fei's side, but why is there no news at all?"

Sun Lei touched his chin and said.

"That guy Yue Fei only has a few hundred people. What can he accomplish? The top priority now is to destroy those people in Hedong!"

Lu Zhishen said with a frown.

"Your Majesty is right. We don't need to fight the enemy in the west. Let's attack the east road and attack the east of the river directly!"

Xiao Jiasui and others immediately said that they understood what Sun Lei meant. As long as the war in Liaodong continues, the Jin Kingdom will naturally not be able to predict the war in the west.

All the generals also suddenly realized that after leaving the Liaoxi Corridor, they would have to march into the hinterland of the Jin Kingdom. It was only a thousand miles away from Huanglong Mansion. If the Jin Kingdom was not on guard, they could reach the Huanglong Mansion City in half a month.

"Go to Xinyu Pass and ask them to prepare for a counterattack."

Sun Lei spoke to Guo Sheng beside him.



"The enemy finally retreated. This Jinwu Technique is really crazy!"

Liu Fa looked at the retreating enemy and sighed. He had been crazy enough fighting, but now he saw an even crazier junior, which made him feel old.

"How many days has it been? It has been so big. Is Jin Jun so crazy?"

Zhang Shuye also sighed.

"They are training troops. The war on the Western Front is tight and a large number of soldiers are needed. They are training troops here. Didn't you find that they are not resolute enough? Are the soldiers mostly new recruits?"

Zongze said, although the offensive was very fierce during this period, there was no intention to take human lives as before.

"I have received news that the Jin Kingdom was unable to conquer Juyong Pass and went south to Hedong Road. It is now besieging Taiyuan Prefecture, and the Xixia people have also united with the Jin people."

Zong Ze said.

"What? How could this happen?"

The expressions of Zhang Shuye and Liu Fa changed greatly. They had both fought in the northwest, and Liu Fa had been at war with the Xixia people all year round. The importance of Hedong Road is self-evident.

"Lin Chong and the others didn't care?"

Liu Fa asked immediately.

"Hedong Road is the territory of the Song Dynasty, how do Lin Chong and the others manage it?"

Zhang Shuye shook his head and calmed down.

"But we can't watch the Kingdom of Jin enter Hedong!"

Liu Fa said anxiously.

"This is not something we should worry about. Hedong Road is causing the Jin Kingdom to invade. It's up to the Tokyo gang to find a solution!"

Zong Ze said.

"Those people in Tokyo? What else can those corrupt officials do besides greedy money and abuse of power?"

Liu Fa became angry when he heard about those people in Tokyo. In his opinion, those people would not do anything.

"It's useless for you to think so much! Just concentrate on killing thieves!"

Zongze looked at the angry Liu Fa and said.

"What can we do here, guard the city gate?"

Liu Fa patted Yuguan and gritted his teeth. He wanted to lead his troops to fight out more than once, but he was stopped every time.

"Soon we won't have to guard anymore."

Zongze looked at the gloomy sky and said.

"What do you mean?"

Liu Fa and Zhang Shuye looked at Zongze.

"We should start our counterattack soon!"

Zongze pointed to the north and said.

"No way, how about us?"

Zhang Shuye said unexpectedly, they now only have more than 30,000 defenders, and these few people have already tried their best to defend the city against 100,000 enemy troops.

"Of course it's not just us. There will be more troops in the future."

Zongze said.     “How sure are you?”

Liu Fa asked eagerly.

"It's quite big. Otherwise, why would Sun Lei let us stay here all the time? The hidden sword will always be thrust out."

Zongze spoke confidently.

"That's great, I can defend enough here, and only by fighting out can I repel the enemy!"

Liu Fa was overjoyed.

"Don't be too happy. This fight will not only reach Jincheng. I guess it will reach at least Liaoyang Mansion."

Zongze shook his head.

"Liaoyang Mansion? It is heavily guarded there, and once we fight out, the enemy will definitely increase their troops."

Zongze looked at the north, this battle was not easy to fight.

"If there's anything to be afraid of, just fight. Kill all the way to Liaoyang Mansion. We can attack with weapons and we can always defeat it!"

Liu Fa opened his mouth and said that he never thought so much about fighting.

Zongze and Zhang Shuye shook their heads after hearing this.


Huanglong Mansion.

On a lawn, a group of strong men with big shoulders and round waists were gathered together.

"Throw him! Throw him! Good, good!"

The strong men roared.

On the lawn, Yue Fei was wearing shorts, bare-chested and wrestling with a strong man.

Yue Fei is only six feet tall, while the strong Mongolian man opposite him is more than seven feet tall. He is a head taller than Yue Fei and also fatter.

"Throw him down!"

Waves of shouts urged the two of them.

The strong Mongolian man opened his arms and rushed towards Yue Fei. He wanted to throw the little round-faced man in front of him to the ground.

"Come on, boy! Throw him down!"

Many people have to cheer up. Yue Fei has become famous in this area during this period, and many warriors from the tribe have been knocked down by him.

When Yue Fei saw the strong man rushing towards him, he dwarfed himself, slipped under the strong man's arms, and hugged the strong man's legs from behind.

"Get down, you!"

Yue Fei laughed and moved with all his strength. The strong man lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Good good!"

Yue Fei's beautiful hand received waves of applause. Prairie people admire warriors most, and wrestling is an essential skill for warriors.

"Ha ha!"

Yue Fei laughed. During this period, he had learned some Dashi Wei language and could now move freely as a Dashi Wei person. With his outstanding skills, he became the first warrior of Dashi Wei.

Those who applauded came forward to surround Yue Fei, and the warrior must receive corresponding support.

After a while of commotion, everyone gathered around the fire and started eating barbecue.

"Have you heard? The Emperor of Jin is coming back!"

In the casual chat, someone well-informed started chatting.

"Isn't the Emperor of Jin directing the war from the front? I heard that Da Qi is very powerful!"

Yue Fei asked casually.

"How can there be a general to command a war? What kind of war does the emperor command?"

Someone said with a smile.

"Don't you understand? I heard a news from the Khitan people yesterday. The Khitan emperor was found by the Emperor of Jin and is now being brought back!"

Someone lowered his voice and spoke.

Yue Fei glanced at the person who spoke. This person was from the Bohai tribe and was very familiar with the Khitan tribe.

"No way? The Khitan emperor was caught?"

Everyone looked at the person who spoke, the news was breaking.

"Of course, otherwise why do you think the Emperor of Jin is back? Besides, the Nadam Conference is about to begin, and it's time for him to come back!" (End of Chapter)

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