Water Margin people

Chapter 1105 The fearful reinforcements

Sun Xu barely blocked Wanyan Zonghan's spear with one shot. Wanyan Loushi's spear had already swept towards Sun Xu's back, and he was about to shoot Sun Xu off his horse.

When Sun Xu heard the sound of breaking wind behind him, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He threw himself on the horse and dodged the shot.

Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan failed to take down Sun Xu with one move, but they were not in a hurry. They cooperated skillfully and attacked Sun Xu again with two spears.

Although Sun Xu was a famous general in Hedong, he was still no match for Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan. Now he was flanked by the two of them, and he couldn't resist them either.

After ten consecutive moves, Sun Xu finally failed to dodge Wanyan Loushi's spear and was hit hard on the back by the spear.

Sun Xu also knew that he would have a narrow escape from death this time when he went out of the city, so he wore two layers of armor, the outer layer was iron armor, and the inner layer was leather armor.

Wanyan Lou's shot directly caused the armor leaves to fly away, and Sun Xu spurted out a mouthful of blood. At this time, he only felt tightness in his chest, pain even when he breathed, and double vision appeared in his eyes. Fortunately, he was still inside. With leather armor as a buffer, he won't be beaten to the point of fainting on the spot.

The group of cavalry behind Sun Xu had been strangled to death by the Jin army, and two groups of light cavalry circled from both sides, trying to block Sun Xu's path.

"Go away!"

With his mouth full of blood, Sun Xu waved his spear vigorously, trying to repel Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan.

But these two people were so easy to fight off. One of them blocked Sun Xu's spear with his spear, and the other one directly pushed Sun Xu's spear away.

Sun Xu lost his weapon and was heartbroken. He took out the dagger from his waist and stabbed it hard on the horse's butt.

The war horse was in pain, neighed, and ran wildly, throwing away the entangled Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan.

"Damn it! We can't let him run away!"

Wanyan Zonghan shouted.

"He took a shot from me and has suffered internal injuries. He can't run far!"

Wanyan Loushi opened his mouth and said that he was extremely powerful, but Sun Xu was forced to take a shot from him. At this time, he had already suffered serious internal injuries, and coupled with the jolting of the horse, he could not hold on at all.



"Cai Xuanfu, why did the army stop again?"

Liu Kai rode to the Central Army and looked at Cai You and asked. He had been chasing Cai You since he left Tokyo. He thought he could not catch up with Cai You, but it only took him two days to catch up with Cai You. After that, Cai You was It took ten days to arrive in Jinzhou.

"The troops and horses haven't arrived yet, why are you anxious? It's getting late, so camp where you are!"

Cai You glanced at Liu Kai and said.

"Cai Xuanfu, Taiyuan Mansion is besieged by the enemy. Life or death is at stake. How can we rescue them by marching like this?"

Liu Kai looked at Cai You and said.

"How can we defeat the Jin soldiers in a hurry? Taiyuan City is high and deep, so it is not easy to break!"

Cai You said.

After Cai You finished speaking, he went to the Chinese army's tent and did not want to pay attention to Liu Kai anymore.

Liu Kai could only sigh. He saw that Cai You was unwilling to go to the front line, and now he was deliberately delaying time.

"When will the various armies arrive?"

Liu Kai looked at the soldiers around him and asked, "No matter how scared Cai You is, he can't avoid the urgent situation in Taiyuan. He is the deputy governor of Hedong Road. If Cai You doesn't want to go, then he can only lead the troops himself."

"Fan Kui, Shi Shen, and Gao Feng will be able to arrive in the next two days. Zhang Hao is in Fenzhou, and Yao Gu is in Changzhi. These two groups will be able to arrive tomorrow."

Soldiers report.

"Okay, first send scouts to investigate around Taiyuan Mansion. In addition, isn't Yao Pingzhong of the Western Army still in Pucheng? Let him lead troops over!"

Liu Kai ordered that the Jin soldiers were not easy to fight. The previous soldiers and horses were all local troops and their combat effectiveness was weak. Unless some elite troops were mobilized, they might not be able to defeat the Jin soldiers.

"Liu Kai, something happened in Tokyo...flood..."

Cai You walked out of the camp at this time, holding a military newspaper in his hand.


Liu Kai's expression changed when he heard the flood was coming.

"Our mission is to relieve the siege of Taiyuan, and free people can worry about Tokyo's affairs."

Liu Kai thought for a moment and looked at Cai You and said.

"I know, but now we have no reinforcements! No one will take care of the logistics and supplies!"

Of course, Cai You knew that what happened in Tokyo had nothing to do with him. What he was worried about was that those people in Tokyo were only paying attention to disaster relief and ignored him. Liu Kai rolled his eyes in anger at Cai You's words. If Cai You hadn't been so stubborn, he would have already fought with the Jin soldiers, and maybe the siege of Taiyuan would have been resolved.

"Cai Xuanfu, the top priority is to repel the Jin soldiers and relieve the siege of Taiyuan."

Liu Kai looked at the panicked Cai You and said.

"Without logistical supplies, how can you fight?"

Cai You looked at Liu Kai and shouted.

"Then what does Cai Xuanfu mean?"

Liu Kai asked, suppressing his anger.

"We will bring food and grass from Huazhou, Jingzhao Prefecture, and Fengxiang Prefecture. We will go north when there is enough food and grass!"

Cai You said.

"No, Taiyuan Mansion has been besieged for a long time. We must go to rescue immediately. When reinforcements arrive in the next two days, I will lead the troops to enter Taiyuan Mansion!"

Liu Kai instantly understood Cai You's intention, which was to use the lack of food and grass as an excuse to continue to stay where he was, and was unwilling to fight the Jin soldiers.

"I am the envoy of Xuanfu on Hedong Road. I don't allow you to go."

Cai You was furious. His intentions were so obvious, but Liu Kai dared to disobey him.

"I am the deputy Xuanfu envoy of Hedong Road. If Cai Xuanfu doesn't want to go, then I will go myself!"

Liu Kai dropped these words and left.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Cai You was furious on the spot.

At this moment, soldiers and horses came galloping all the way, and the smoke and dust filled the air, showing the urgency of the army's march.

"Enemy! Enemy!"

When Cai You saw the smoke, he was so frightened that he ran directly into the tent. He thought those were the golden soldiers.

Liu Kai also saw the smoke and immediately commanded the army to defend the camp.

"But it's the teams of Mr. Cai, the Xuanfu envoy, and Mr. Liu, the deputy Xuanfu envoy on Hedong Road!"

Yao Pingzhong rode forward and asked. He had already seen the flag of the Song Dynasty.

"Is it General Yao?"

Liu Kai stood on the high platform and shouted.

"Master Liu!"

As soon as Yao Pingzhong saw Liu Kai, he immediately ordered his soldiers to disband the military formation.

"General Yao!"

Liu Kai was very happy. Yao Pingzhong's sudden arrival made him feel relieved.

"Yao Pingzhong pays homage to Liu Shuai. This time I have brought 10,000 Yao troops!"

Yao Pingzhong entered the military camp and paid homage to Liu Kai. Liu Kai once took charge of the affairs of the Western Army in Yan'an Prefecture, and commanded the Western Army to beat the Xixia Dynasty.

"General Yao, please get up! Thank you General Yao for coming to support us!"

Liu Kai looked at Yao Pingzhong with a look of relief. With these ten thousand Yao troops, they would have the confidence to fight against the Jin soldiers.

"Liu Shuai, how is the situation in Taiyuan Mansion? I immediately led my troops as soon as I got the news!"

Yao Pingzhong looked at Liu Kai and asked, he is now a local general and does not have enough military reports.

"Surrounded by 40,000 gold soldiers, there has been no news for a long time! But we can be sure that Taiyuan Mansion is still in our hands!"

Liu Kai said.

"These golden dogs are so deceptive that they dare to attack our Taiyuan Mansion. This time we must make sure they never come back!"

Yao Pingzhong gritted his teeth and said.

"What's the fuss about?"

Cai You's displeased voice sounded. After knowing that the visitor was Yao Pingzhong, the general of Puzhou, he was no longer afraid. Now he came over with official steps to show his official power.

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