Water Margin people

Chapter 1107 Zhao Ji Vomiting Blood

Chapter 1107 Zhao Ji Vomiting Blood


"You're all trash. I'll give you half a month. If you can't get your money back, you'll be thrown into jail!"

Zhao Ji looked at the silent officials and roared. For the first time in the world, Tokyo was besieged by floods, and the people of Tokyo were in panic all day long.

"Your Majesty, although the rain has stopped, but... the Yellow River has burst its embankments, the embankments cannot be blocked, and the river will not stop flowing. How can this flood recede?"

Li Gang immediately said that if he wanted to let the floods outside Tokyo recede, the first thing he needed to do was cut off the source of the floods.


Zhao Ji wanted to give the order, but suddenly he thought that Puzhou was now in the hands of Sun Lei and they had no way to block the river embankment.

What's more, they dug the river embankment. It's midsummer now, and the upper reaches of the Yellow River have abundant water. It's not easy to block the breached embankment at this time.

"Your Majesty, the Tong Xiang is back!"

A chamberlain whispered to Zhao Ji.

"He still has the nerve to come back!"

Zhao Ji was furious when he heard Tong Guan's name, and all his anger was directed at Tong Guan.

"Where are the others!"

Zhao Ji roared angrily, but there was no figure of Tong Guan outside the hall.

"Tong Xiang is leading his troops outside the city. The army has been blocked by the flood and is still on the northern hillside outside the city. However, Yang Keshi, Wang Zhen and Han Shizhong have entered the city by boat and are now listening to the announcement outside the palace."

The chamberlain spoke.

"Send them in!"

The anger on Zhao Ji's face has not disappeared. Since Tong Guan has not entered the city, today's anger will be vented on the few people who arrived.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

When several people entered the main hall, their clothes and armor were all wet, and the hems of their clothes were covered with mud, which showed that they were in a hurry.

"You losers have the nerve to come back to see me!"

Zhao Ji picked up the basic memorial and threw it at the kneeling people. Zhou Zhang flew away with a "crash", but he landed halfway and did not hit many people.

"Your Majesty, this was done by Na Du Chong, and we didn't know about it!"

Xin Xingzong immediately spoke in defense.

"You still dare to quibble and ask you to destroy the bandits. What are you doing? The water is flooding the bandits. The water is flooding the bandits. You even lead the water to Tokyo. I will chop you all down!"

Zhao Ji shouted with unabated anger.

"Your Majesty, let's listen to the situation in Puzhou first, right?"

Li Gang immediately left the class.

"Tell me, what exactly is going on?"

Zhao Ji suppressed his anger and roared.

The people kneeling on the ground exchanged glances, not knowing what to say.

"His Majesty……"

Seeing that no one responded, Han Shizhong stood up and talked to Zhao Ji about the situation in Puzhou.

"Haha, that's ridiculous. Do you mean that Du Chong's digging of the Yellow River did not flood the thieves at all, and only I, Tokyo, was affected by the disaster?"

Zhao Ji's face was distorted.

"Yes, the rivers on the Jeju side have been heightened and reinforced. Part of the floodwater entered Liangshanbo, then went south to the Huaihe River, and part of it came to Tokyo along the Wuzhang River!"

Han Shizhong gritted his teeth and said, this time they were able to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Zhao Ji yelled. He was not only angry, but also ashamed and angry. His face was burning, as if he had been beaten in public. He was too embarrassed to see others.

After the angry Zhao Ji finished shouting, his body suddenly went limp and fell down, and he actually fainted from anger.

However, the chamberlain next to him was very fast, and several eunuchs quickly stepped forward to support Zhao Ji.

"The Royal Physician! The Royal Physician!"

The eunuch's horrified and shrill voice sounded in the palace.

All the officials breathed a sigh of relief. The emperor was so angry that he had managed to deal with it today.

The officials dispersed, and King Kang Zhao Gou went directly to the left-behind office. Not long after, Luan Tingyu went to Tianlao.

Luan Tingyu had already opened up the relationship with the Tianlao and entered the Tianlao easily. He went straight to Wanyan Gao's cell.

"General Luan?" Wanyan Gao looked at Luan Tingyu who suddenly arrived and asked curiously. No one came to see him after he was imprisoned in the sky prison.

"Prime Minister Wanyan!"

Luan Tingyu also noticed Zhongshi Dao in the cell not far away. He didn't say much, but handed Zhao Gou's letter to Wanyan Gao.

Wanyan Gao took the letter curiously, looked at the paint on it, and then opened it and started reading. As he looked at it, Wanyan Gao's expression became very exciting.

"Haha, okay, okay! I agree!"

Wanyan Gao smiled and handed the letter to Luan Tingyu. Luan Tingyu didn't read the letter but threw it directly into the brazier aside. The letter turned into ashes.

"You go back and tell me, I agree!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Luan Tingyu with great satisfaction. This man was very sensible, and the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became.

Luan Tingyu nodded, put down the wine and braised pork he brought and turned around to leave.

"It can't be poisonous!"

Wanyan Zongjun's mouth watered when he looked at the fine wine. Because of their status, their daily meals were not bad, but there was no wine.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to let us die!"

Wanyan Gao said that if he died, Jin and Song would fight to the death. This group of timid Song officials did not dare to do this.

"Prime Minister, what was that just now?"

Wanyan Xiyin asked in a low voice.

"Seek peace!"

Wanyan Gao only answered with two words. King Kang's attitude was that of the Song Dynasty.

In the palace, Zhao Ji's face turned a little pale, and he was being supported by the eunuch to give medicine.

"Your Majesty, Du Chong, who was left behind in Kaide Mansion, fled out of fear of crime!"

"Your Majesty, urgent report from Hebei, Liangshan bandits have begun to attack Hebei Prefecture!"

The two pieces of news made Zhao Ji, who had just woken up, become angry again. His pale face instantly turned red, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

When the eunuchs saw the emperor vomiting blood, they were so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed. The imperial doctors nearby quickly stepped forward to surround Zhao Ji for diagnosis and treatment. If the emperor died in front of them, they would all have to be buried with him.

There was a lot of public dissatisfaction in Tokyo. Many people ran to the government offices and the imperial palace and shouted that big families had food reserves, but ordinary families did not have so much food reserves.

"Your Highness Prince Kang, if this continues, I'm afraid there will be a civil unrest."

Li Gang looked at the excited people and said to Zhao Gou.

"Li Shaoqing, do you have any good ideas?"

Zhao Gou looked at Li Gang. As a stay-at-home man in Tokyo, the stability of Tokyo was his responsibility. Nowadays, public dissatisfaction in Tokyo was boiling. If a popular uprising occurred, he would probably bear the main responsibility.

"Open the warehouse to stock up on food!"

Li Gang only replied with four words, and Bai Xin's anger was nothing more than that he couldn't live without food after Tokyo was besieged.

"This... I'm afraid I have to ask my father for instructions!"

Zhao Gou said, "Opening a warehouse to store grain is a major matter and he doesn't dare to make the decision."

"His Royal Highness Prince Kang, Your Majesty vomited blood and fell into a coma!"

At this moment, a eunuch came to report.


Zhao Gou was shocked by the news.

"Your Highness, go to Zichen Palace quickly, the prince and others have gone."

the eunuch urged.

"Li Shaoqing, please help me keep an eye on it first. I'll go visit my father first!"

Zhao Gou clasped his fists at Li Gang and ran to the harem.


Li Gang frowned as he looked in the direction of the harem and sighed helplessly. Tokyo was in chaos now. It would be unimaginable if the emperor was seriously ill.

Li Gang immediately issued orders to several officials of the Left Behind Department to appease the people, and promised that he would open warehouses to release grain.

"Li Shaoqing, why are you still outside the palace? His Majesty is seriously ill. Come into the palace quickly!"

Just after Li Gang finished arranging things, officials hurried over, followed by many officials.

(End of this chapter)

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