Water Margin people

Chapter 1114 1 A battle on the verge of collapse

Taiyuan Prefecture.

"Sun Xu has been out for a long time. I don't know if he has successfully left the city!"

Zhang Xiaochun muttered as he looked at the densely packed enemies outside the city.

"Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet? Even if Sun Xu hasn't gone out, it's time for Tokyo's reinforcements to arrive! It's been more than a month!"

Ma Kuo said with some worry. He was not worried about Sun Xu's safety. In his opinion, Sun Xu would definitely die if he ventured out of the city.

What confused Ma Kuo was Tokyo's reinforcements. Taiyuan Prefecture was an important town in Hedong. They had asked Tokyo for help when the Jin soldiers invaded Daizhou, but no reinforcements have arrived so far.

"Fortunately, the Jin army did not attack the city!"

Zhang Xiaochun smiled and said, this is one of the few pieces of good news.

"Maybe their trebuchet hasn't arrived yet."

Ma Kuo nodded and mentioned a possibility, but his words were hesitant. He didn't understand why the Jin Army's logistics and transportation were so poor.

Just as the two were sighing, war drums sounded in the distance, and the Jin army outside Taiyuan City quickly gathered.

"Are you coming?"

Zhang Xiaochun and Ma Kuo looked into the distance with excitement. An army of black crows appeared on the distant horizon. The red flag indicated that they were the Song army.

"Haha, it's finally here! It's here!"

Zhang Xiaochun and Ma Kuo's eyes were filled with tears. They finally persisted until the reinforcements arrived, and the two big men cried like children.

"Are you coming?"

Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Loushi had playful smiles on their faces.

"Let's go and let these weak Song people know what it means to be scary!"

Wanyan Loushi spoke.

The Jin army quickly formed a military formation relying on the peripheral siege fortifications.

"I am the deputy envoy of Xuanfu on Hedong Road of Da Song Dynasty. I would like to come out and speak personally."

Liu Kai did not rush to charge, but went to the front of the formation and shouted. The Song Dynasty had not declared war on the Jin Kingdom so far, which made him somewhat restrained.

"Deputy envoy Xuanfu? Why is there only a deputy envoy here, and where is the principal envoy? Doesn't Cai You dare to come?"

Wanyan Loushi looked at Liu Kai with a playful expression.

"Why should Prime Minister Cai take action against you! You, a group of golden soldiers, have invaded our Song Dynasty without authorization. Retreat quickly and you can resolve the conflict. If you don't comply, you will be killed without leaving any trace of your armor!"

Liu Kai looked at Wanyan Lou's room and scolded him.

"Zhang Jue, do you know the consequences of betraying my country of Jin?"

Wanyan Zonghan looked at Zhang Jue hiding behind Liu Kai and shouted.

Everyone looked at Zhang Jue. Zhang Jue's words were very important at this time and he had to express his stance at this time.

"Betrayal, you didn't care about our life or death and let us die together with Qixian. It was you who betrayed us first!"

Zhang Jue yelled at Wanyan Zonghan.

"Haha, you are stupid. I have long seen that you are a traitor. Did you tell them all about my troop formation?"

Wanyan Zonghan looked at Zhang Jue and shouted.

"So what? You are in the first grade and I am in the fifteenth grade! Three of the five cities have surrendered. You are unpopular!"

Zhang Jue shouted that the Jurchens of the Jin Kingdom were always a head above other tribes. Whether it was equipment or food, they were better than the people of other tribes. However, when fighting, they let the people of other tribes die first.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, how could these Song soldiers line up to die?"

Wanyan Zonghan said with a smile.


Liu Kai and others looked at Zhang Jue with surprise on their faces.

"I didn't! I don't know! What I told is the truth! Don't listen to him sowing discord!"

Zhang Jue suddenly became nervous and explained hurriedly.

"Sowing discord? You deserve it! You're just an outcast!"

Wanyan Zonghan's voice turned cold. "put!"

The shouts from Wanyan Lou's room rang out, and in the Jin army's formation, the fodder was brushed away, revealing the black cloth underneath. The black cloth was uncovered, and trebuchets appeared one after another.

The machine expansion was knocked down, and the trebuchet, which had already been filled, threw out the explosive package.

"No, get out of here!"

Liu Kai's expression changed drastically when he saw the row of flying explosives, and he immediately ordered the military formation in front to disperse. The denser and more solid the military formation was, the more afraid they were of these explosives.

Liu Kai's words had just landed, and before the soldiers had time to react, the explosive packs had already fallen into the military formation.

"Boom boom boom!"

A violent explosion sounded, and the Song Army formation in the front row instantly became chaotic, and the entire Song Army also became chaotic.

"Stay steady, push back, don't panic!"

Liu Kai yelled, he never expected that the enemy would already have siege equipment. Since the enemy had these things, why didn't they attack the city?

"Is it just to wait for us to come?"

Liu Kai suddenly had an idea. All of this was a trap, and the Jin army was waiting for them to come.


As soon as the explosion stopped, Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan led their troops to fight out. They wanted to take advantage of the chaos of the Song army to rush in and kill them.

"The enemy is coming, get in formation!"

Yao Pingzhong saw the Jin army charging and roared to command the army.

But the chaotic army paid no attention to military orders at this time, running around like frightened sheep.

When the Jin army saw the Song army in such chaos, it was full of murderous intent, like hungry wolves rushing into the flock of sheep, and they swung their butcher knives to kill them wantonly.

On Taiyuan City.

"How can it be!"

Zhang Xiaochun and Ma Kuo felt chills in their hearts. They could see clearly in the city that their reinforcements were being massacred by the Jin army. It was a massacre without resistance.

"Prefect Zhang, open the city, I will bring people to help!"

Ma Zhan became anxious and spoke to Zhang Xiaochun.

"No, there are only three thousand defenders in the city. What will happen if you take them all out?"

Zhang Xiaochun shook his head and said, they could clearly see the battle situation. The battle was one-sided. The Song Army was no match for the Jin Army. They went out of the city to help but they were just using their arms as a chariot.

"But...but we can't look at it like this!"

Ma Kuo knew that Zhang Xiaochun was right, but if they did nothing, the reinforcements would be defeated and Taiyuan Prefecture would be doomed.

"While the enemy is fighting, send someone to send the news to Tokyo quickly!"

Zhang Xiaochun said, now that the Jin army is fighting, the encirclement has become much looser, which is really suitable for conveying news.

"Block! Block!"

Liu Kai roared, but no matter how he roared, the soldiers in front couldn't stop the Jin soldiers. Their forward position had been completely occupied by the Jin soldiers.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan roared, they were very excited, this was the feeling they wanted, the pleasure of wanton slaughter, the splashing blood, and the broken corpses and broken arms on the ground could inspire the ferocity of their Jurchen warriors.

"Liu Shuai, I can't stop you anymore, retreat quickly!"

Several soldiers protected Liu Kai and then withdrew to the rear.

On the battlefield, the morale of the Song army was completely shattered. Facing those fierce Jin soldiers, they could only feel fear. This fear spread quickly, and soon evolved into a collapse, and the collapse of the entire army.


The golden sound sounded, and the Song army fled in panic.

"Kill them all!"

The Jin soldiers had no intention of giving up. Wanyan Loushi and Anyan Zonghan led the army to continue the pursuit. Their favorite thing of the Jin Kingdom was to chase and fight fiercely. This was how they defeated the Liao Kingdom in the first place. (End of chapter)

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