Water Margin people

Chapter 1134 Everything is ready

I walked around for a long time before returning to the headquarters of the Mongolian tribes.

"Brother is back?"

I Bahai looked at Hebule in the tent and smiled and said, he is in a good mood today and has met many prairie warriors.

"What happened?"

I Bahai looked at the frowning Hebule in confusion. Hebule is now the leader of the Mongolian tribes, and is called Hebule Khan. Although the Mongolian tribes are not very united, they are still in charge of external affairs. Very united.

"The Jurchen leader mentioned that matter again!"

Hebule spoke.

"Didn't we all discuss it? We in the Mongolian grassland will not cooperate with the people in the Liaodong grassland!"

I Bahai opened his mouth and said that the Jin Kingdom had previously proposed the idea of ​​a grassland family and the Great Jin Empire, but this idea was rejected by the Mongolian grassland tribes.

Anyone can see the ambition of the Jin Kingdom. This is not cooperation. This is because the Jin people want to annex the tribes of the Mongolian grasslands. After finally getting rid of the rule of the Khitan people, how can the various tribes be willing to accept the rule of the Jurchens?

"We didn't agree, but the Tatar people agreed at the banquet, which made it impossible for us to get off the stage!"

Hebule spoke.

After the Jin Kingdom destroyed the Liao Kingdom, there was no longer a ruler in the entire grassland. All tribes were free and divided into hundreds of tribes, large and small. The six most powerful tribes today are the Mongolian tribes, the Tuma tribe, and the Tuma tribe. The Merqi Tribe, the Tataer Tribe, the Kerei Tribe, and the Naiman Tribe.

"Those cowards of the Tatar Department!"

I Bahai cursed secretly, the Tatar tribe is to the west of the Daxianbei Mountains, across the Daxianbei Mountains from Liaodong, and has a close relationship with the Jurchens.

"This Naadam Conference is weird. I'm worried that this is Jin Guo's intention. We have to leave quickly after the conference is over!"

Hebule said, no matter what others do, the Mongolian tribes will never accept the rule of others.

The archery competition on the second day was not simple either. Although it was not a matter of bending a bow and shooting a vulture, it was still necessary to hunt foxes and rabbits on horseback.

This did not trouble the nomads, and the foxes and rabbits they released were quickly beaten back.

Yue Fei's results were pretty good, with two foxes and five rabbits, ranking in the top 20 among more than 50 qualified warriors.

When Yue Fei returned to the camp, Alan Duo's face was naturally full of flattery. There were many tribes in the grassland, and the big tribes were full of warriors. The more than fifty warriors who were shortlisted for wrestling this time were all from big clans except Yue Fei.

"I'm going to rest!"

Yue Fei directly issued an eviction order. He had no time to talk nonsense with Alan Duo.

After Alan Duo left, a soldier walked in.

"General, the golden soldiers in Taiyuan Prefecture have been repulsed. Master Lu's formation has killed more than 20,000 people! Taiyuan Prefecture has now been captured."

"Over at Yanyun, Wan Yanchang's army has also been surrounded. Coach Lin has been leading his troops to attack the city for several days."

"Over in Liaodong, Wang Jiaotou and others have crossed the sea by boat and started to attack Liaoyang Mansion. The news will reach Huanglong Mansion tomorrow."

The soldier whispered.

"Okay, the time is right!"

Yue Fei was overjoyed after hearing this, everything seemed to be prepared for him.

"You are all ready too!"

Yue Fei nodded and said to several soldiers, and then walked towards Alan Duo's camp.


Alan Duo hurriedly greeted him, thinking that Yue Fei had something to ask for.

"You all get out!"

Yue Fei looked at the people in the camp and said. Although everyone was puzzled, they still went out. Yue Fei was the number one warrior in their tribe, and warriors had the same rights as elders.

"Elder, you have been here for a long time. Leave early tomorrow morning!"

Yue Fei looked at Alan Duo and said.

"Leave? Isn't there a wrestling match tomorrow?"

Alan Duo asked puzzledly.

"The Huanglong Mansion will not be peaceful tomorrow. If you want to save the entire clan, you'd better leave first! I've helped you prepare your horses and chariots in the past few days." Yue Fei said.

"Warrior... you have to..."

Alan Duo understood everything immediately. The person in front of him was from the Central Plains. It seemed that he was ready to take action, and this action was definitely not a small move.

"Okay, but you, warrior?"

Aranduo looked at Yue Fei. As soon as they left, there was no one around Yue Fei.

"The fewer people there are, the better! You don't have to worry about Jurchen revenge. There are many people who are dissatisfied with the Jurchens, even the big families. The reason why they can still live in peace is because no one sets a fire!"

Yue Fei saw Alan Duo's worry. If a small clan got into such a big incident, it would be destroyed if they were not careful.

"Warrior...I know!"

Alan Duo nodded and said, in fact, he also had some vague guesses.

"General, do you need to monitor them?"

Several soldiers looked at Yue Fei and whispered.

"No, they are not stupid and will not seek death!"

Yue Fei shook his head. Alan Duo is a shrewd old man. If he reports it now, the result will not be good. It is better to leave with the harvest. The mountains are high in Beihai and the roads are far away. The grasslands are full of grassland tribes who oppose the Kingdom of Jin. There is no need to worry about retaliation. .

Early the next morning, Aranduo led his tribe out of Huanglong Mansion. Although the tribesmen were puzzled, they could only leave after Aranduo's scolding.

Today is the most important day of the Naadam Conference. There are many people coming into the city, all wanting to see who can become Batulu. In such excitement, naturally no one pays attention to the departure of a small tribe like the Alanduo tribe that no one cares about. .

Yue Fei was waiting in the reserved tent in his wrestling uniform.

"Little man, give in early, we don't want to throw you to death in public!"

Wan Yanshou laughed when he saw Yue Fei, and his words also made the others laugh.

"Young man, I like you very much!"

I Bahai looked at Yue Fei and said, there are fifty-one warriors participating in wrestling here, half of them are Jurchens, the other half are from the grassland tribes, and only Yue Fei is from a small tribe.

"Haha, I hope we don't fight prematurely!"

Yue Fei smiled and said that he didn't care about the Jurchens' ridicule. He was not here to win the championship, but to cause trouble.

"You, the Mongolian tribe, want to win over this kid, right? He's very ambitious, but unfortunately he doesn't have good vision and doesn't know how to find someone stronger!"

Wanyan Shou looked at me with cold eyes. Yesterday at the banquet, Wanyan Wu Qimai proposed that all tribes should surrender to the Jin Kingdom and form a grassland alliance. Wanyan Wu Qimai became the Khan of Heaven. As a result, the Mongolian tribes took the lead in silent resistance.

"We are all brothers on the grassland, and we should help each other!"

I Bahai said with a smile, seemingly not hearing Wan Yanshou's aggressive words.

"I'm waiting for you on stage!"

Wan Yanshou stood up and looked at me coldly, then left with a group of Jurchen warriors.

"Let's go out and see the ceremony!"

I Bahai also greeted several warriors of his own tribe around him.

When everyone arrived at the wrestling venue, Wanyan Wu Qimai was already sitting on a high platform with a group of wealthy leaders, looking down at the school grounds.

As the emcee came on stage and finished singing, everyone started wrestling in teams, and the winner advanced. Yue Fei, the smaller one, was ignored.

Those who have made it this far are all warriors from various tribes. Now in full view of the public, who would ignore their face and find a soft persimmon?

"what is this?"

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Yue Fei was speechless.

"You will get a bye, but you will be the first to go in the next round!"

There is nothing the emcee can do. One of the odd numbers will have a bye.

"Is there such a good thing?"

Yue Fei didn't care. It would be best to have one less fight. He could save some energy and run away later. (End of chapter)

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