Water Margin people

Chapter 1139: Targeted by Hai Dongqing

Yue Fei entered the forest and quickly gathered his special forces.

"General, the enemy is coming!"

The soldier pointed down the mountain, where a large number of enemies were coming with torches.

"Don't worry about them, let's go!"

Yue Fei shook his head. It would be easy for him to lead his special forces to kill enemies in this mountain forest, but this place is too close to Huanglong Mansion. There will definitely be a large number of enemies coming later, so he cannot stay here for a long time.

Dagao led his men in hot pursuit, but the mountains and forests at night were like a maze, and at a fork in the road he still pursued the wrong path.


Dagao roared angrily, the enemy was far more cunning than he thought, and even arranged a suspicious formation when they escaped.

"Meng'an, the enemy is running this way!"

The soldier pointed to another road and said.


Dagao led his army to continue the pursuit.

Camps of Mongolian tribes.

"Why did Hebul Khan agree today? We have agreed to return to the grassland. There are still many things waiting for us in the tribe!"

The leaders looked at Hebule and said that the Mongolian tribes were fine, but the four major tribes, Tuma, Merqi, Kele and Naiman, had strong opinions, especially the Naiman tribe. The westernmost part of the grassland is four to five thousand miles away.

"Everyone, if we don't agree to the situation today, can we really leave?"

Hebule spoke.

"Then we really go to Liaoyang Mansion to help them fight?"

A kind of tribal leader is unwilling to give in. Although he agrees on the surface, he is extremely unwilling in his heart.

"We just said we were going to fight, but we didn't say we wanted to win!"

Hebule looked at the crowd with a smile and said, and everyone laughed knowingly after hearing this.

In the mountains, dew rises heavily at dawn, and mist suddenly rises in the mountains.

Dagao, who had been chasing closely all night, was so angry that he jumped to his feet. He worked hard to catch up with the enemy. He thought he could catch up with the enemy after dawn, but in the end, heavy fog rose, making it impossible to pursue him.

"General, we can't chase anymore. We're going to get lost and it will be a waste of time!"

The soldiers persuaded Dagao who wanted to pursue them forcefully. The enemy was very cautious and the traces along the way were not obvious. Now that the thick fog had risen, it was very likely that he would get lost if he pursued forcefully.


Dagao looked up to the sky and roared angrily. He hated, hated the unfairness of the sky and why it was so foggy at this time.

Yue Fei's face was filled with joy. The fog was heavy, and it was a little blurry two feet away. This kind of heavy fog was extremely troublesome on the plains, not to mention the mountains.

"Let's continue on our way, the enemy is very difficult to deal with!"

Yue Fei didn't let up. They were now going deep alone. If they didn't take advantage of the heavy fog to travel a little further, they would be trapped in a tight siege when the enemy caught up with them.

Yue Fei took out a compass, quickly found the direction, and continued on his way with his soldiers through the thick fog.

The thick fog did not dissipate until noon. Looking at the vast mountains, Dagao looked desperate. He could not find any trace of the enemy. Yue Fei once escaped from him after doing something evil.

"Dagao! Where are the enemies?"

At this moment, Wanyan Yanmu arrived with people.

"There was a heavy fog and I lost the chase! It's all my fault!"

Dagao said with a look of self-blame.

"Don't worry, they can't escape!"

Wanyan's mother smiled and said, this is their territory, Yue Fei can't fly out even if he puts on his wings.

Soon someone dragged a few seaweeds over, and they took off the seaweed's blindfolds and let them fly.

"Good good!"

Dagao laughed when he saw Hai Dongqing. They could not find the enemy, but Hai Dongqing could be found in the sky.

Yue Fei, who was leading his troops on the road, realized something was wrong. He seemed to be being targeted, but he turned around and found nothing. Just when he was confused, Yue Fei suddenly raised his head.

"Haitongqing! Not good!"

Yue Fei's face was gloomy, he didn't expect Hai Dongqing. "General, let's hide for a while?"

The soldiers also spotted Hai Dongqing hovering above their heads and knew something was wrong.

"It's useless. The bird can see the mice on the ground in the air. There are so many of us and we can't hide them!"

Yue Fei shook his head. Ever since he saw Hai Dongqing that day, he understood something about it.

"Continue to go!"

Yue Fei was helpless. Hai Dongqing flew so high that his bow and arrow could not reach him. Now they were as if they were being stared at by the enemy.

"Haha, it's on that mountain!"

Wanyan Yanmu looked at the hovering Hai Dongqing and laughed. The enemy had been found.

"They want to run south! I will lead people around from the main road to the front!"

Da Gao immediately saw Yue Fei's intention. He was surrounded by cavalry, and the movement in the mountains was very slow. Wanyan Yanmu was leading all warriors who gave birth to girls. They hunted in the forest all year round and were good at walking on mountain roads.

"Okay, we must intercept the enemy!"

Wanyan Yanmu spoke.


"Jurchen bastards, why are you running away? Come and fight with grandpa!"

Liu Fa rode his horse and led his troops to charge towards the Jin army. Zongze and Zhang Shuye led their troops to coordinate on both wings.


Jin Wushu saw the angry enemy and was about to rush away to kill him, but Wanyan Yinshu held him back.

"We can't fight with the enemy. Liaoyang Mansion was attacked. We have to go back to rescue Liaoyang Mansion!"

Wanyan Yinshu shouted at Jin Wushu. He was also very angry, but he knew in his heart that their war had failed.

"I'm not willing to give in. I'm going to break the barrier soon!"

Jin Wushu said unwillingly, they had been fighting here for more than a month, and were about to capture Yuguan, when news suddenly came that Liaoyang Mansion was attacked.

"The enemy has a fleet. We have deployed too many people in this war, and the Bohai Sea defense line cannot stop it!"

Although Wanyan Yinshu was unwilling to give in, he also knew that they had made a big mistake in this war. The battle line was too long and there were insufficient manpower. The enemy's fleet directly entered the Liaohe River and all the way to the outside of Liaoyang Mansion. If they did not go back, the enemy would probably continue Go upstream.


Jin Wushu shouted and ordered to retreat.

"Want to leave? Have you asked your grandfathers?"

How could Liu Fa let the enemy go? He had been aggrieved for too long, and now he was not happy if the enemy wanted to leave.

Jin Wushu and Wanyan Yinshu ignored Liu Fa at all and retreated with their army.

Liu Fa fought for a while, but in the end he still couldn't stop the enemy. There were far more enemies than them.

"These brats are really good at escaping!"

Liu Fa cursed and spat again. If he didn't still have Yu Pass to guard, he would never let the enemy go so easily.

"We can't run away. Let's continue chasing. We must get back the lost city!"

Zongze said, they can't really fight with the enemy. Behind them is Yuguan, and behind Yuguan is Hebei. They can't let an enemy enter Hebei. It is the responsibility of the border generals to defend the enemy from outside the country.


Liu Fa shouted, summoned the soldiers who had finished cleaning the battlefield, and pursued him north.

"I'm so impatient!"

Zhang Shuye smiled, Liu Fa's fiery character had not changed.

"I don't know what's going on with Yue Fei! This kid is in deep siege now."

Zongze looked at the north and said worriedly, the most dangerous one now is Yue Fei's side.

"Don't worry, that guy is smart! Sun Lei won't let him go if he's not sure!"

Zhang Shuye said, Sun Lei never does anything he is unsure of, and Yue Fei is also brave and resourceful, so I believe he can avert danger.

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